2024.11.25 22:30 DoGG410CZ Can someone non biased to any side explain to me the mrbeast drama?
3 months ago it was all Mrbeast evil then i didnt look at this drama and now i see that Dogpack is evil Mrbeast responded but i just dont have the time and energy to watch 20 videos of both sides to see whos in the right. So please tell me are Mrbeast allegations true or was it all made up and who is actually in the wrong here im so confused
submitted by DoGG410CZ to youtubedrama [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Distinct_Hat_6716 I can’t balance self improvement and relationship
I constantly have this problem. Me(30M) and gf(31F) are together for 3 months. We had several short trips and things are going well. Except that I realize I have less and less time for self improvement. I usually spend the weekend working on my side hustles and study topics I’m interested in when I was single. Now it seems that gf is a constant distraction. My deepest fear is not to improve and grow to be the person I envisioned all along. Being in a relationship is just time consuming and makes me wonder what I should do.
I know probably I’m the one to blame as most successful men we’ve heard about have a wife and likely a happy family. How do they manage their work, their mission and keep the balance between it and family duties? Is this just a poor man’s problem?
submitted by Distinct_Hat_6716 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 TortoiseToes1254 $20 for this thing, I’m in love.
I love all things birds and I found her in a smoke shop for $20.
submitted by TortoiseToes1254 to weed [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 LeftoverBun This post is no "Theme from Dr. Pyser," but it'll do.
submitted by LeftoverBun to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:30 Heavy-Routine643 they really sent this to the whole school 😭
i appreciate the enthusiasm but bro please my public image on campus submitted by Heavy-Routine643 to PerlerBeads [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:30 AshB_sh Finally!
I got a proper storage case as an anniversary present! Need to find the right bookends (sad dragons are temporary) I'll probably find a shadow box for the Ed & Lorraine Warren book soonish, but for now they're included as well.
submitted by AshB_sh to AnneRice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Lucy_Thwaite424 nl gc ses in description
submitted by Lucy_Thwaite424 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Macaroon_Low First turkey, no oven. Help!
The oven broke recently, so I've had to make due with the toaster oven/air fryer combo for anything cooking related. It's worked out well enough for everything that isn't a cake (the doors won't shut all the way, so it vents the heat in ways that make baking something heat sensitive difficult if not impossible). This year, my work gave me a whole turkey for Thanksgiving, and I have no idea how to cook it. I work Thanksgiving as well, so I was thinking of using the crock pot I have and just setting it to cook before I leave in the morning. Any advice would be helpful here. Thank you!
submitted by Macaroon_Low to cookingforbeginners [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 narflethegarthock High speed electric ferry boat will take passengers across the lake (north/south) in 30 minutes.
submitted by narflethegarthock to tahoe [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Unusual-Historian-17 Neglected animals
Look, I know the world and even this town has bigger fish to fry, and you all can come at me and say this isn't an ETX thing, I should mind my own business, whatever. But having grown up here, lived in several other states, and recently moved back, I can say pretty confidently: this town has an issue.
I live in the Azalea district, and have called animal control more times in the last 2 months than ever in my life combined. 8 years in Los Angeles included. I've seen the sweetest, friendliest dogs wandering around, all filthy and most injured / sick. Two separate occasions, dogs have simply left their 'homes' and followed my husband home on his walk after he showed them some love. We tried to care for them, but we have dogs of our own and they ended up getting out of our yard and running away.
This morning I found a very small, very old, mostly deaf dog just running around on a busy street. Clearly owned by someone but no collar, and no one out looking for him. Because I had my dogs with me, he wouldn't let me get close. He seemed to run to his 'home' but then kept running when I passed by again on my route.
I understand that dogs like to roam, and I would much rather see that than them chained up or confined, but the fact is these animals aren't well. And it's getting colder at night. Sure, let your dog have the time of their lives getting into whatever they want, I know my dogs would be jazzed if they could just go on adventures all day. But please at least take care of them when they are home. Please give them the medication they need to stay well and not suffer and / or die from totally preventable causes. Or give them to someone who will.
This is more of a rant than anything I suppose, but please use this post to share any resources for pet care on a budget, shelters, or other services that are working to help these little guys. If you DO have a pet you can't afford to care for, please know there are programs and services out there to help you.
submitted by Unusual-Historian-17 to tylertx [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 880426 Josh on la platica
Did anyone notice on today's episode Josh mentioned all the things he his thankful for and patito from wasnt included in that. Lol He needs to break up wit her already.
submitted by 880426 to moreliadelahoyasnark [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 DANYCHARLIE please draw this in your artstyle
submitted by DANYCHARLIE to DrawForMe [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:30 Top-Sprinkles7965 Bin so geil auf füße und influencer🤤🥵 05ffc5993e8eb496736a15803dfc8a606d76542a14a8815001615ef49488082055
submitted by Top-Sprinkles7965 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Normalmilkguy1 Just a test, but prob gonna make a full character in this style :D
submitted by Normalmilkguy1 to 3Dmodeling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:30 Clean_Metal3588 [Seiko SRPD91] Appropriate location for long sleeves?
Watch noob here. First cold weather season in the hobby. All summer and fall I had no issues wearing this. Now that the colder weather is here, what’s the appropriate way to wear a thick ass watch under a long sleeve? I usually wear it like the first picture, but I was told that looks(and I quote) “douchy like you want to flaunt the watch”. It’s never been my intention to try to show off a department store watch so I’ve been pulling my sleeve over it since. That causes the strap to move up my arm and become uncomfortable. Should I care about that comment? Probably not. But I do and I’m here for recommendations. submitted by Clean_Metal3588 to Watches [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:30 Mammoth_Long_8513 Need Help with BincoHAX (GTA Online)
Need Help with BincoHAX (GTA Online)
Hi! I’ve searched the entire internet for BincoHAX version 1.7, but unfortunately, I haven’t found anything. If anyone can help or point me in the right direction, I’d greatly appreciate it.
BincoHAX is a clothing mod for GTA Online that allows players to create any outfit combinations they want. After the recent GTA Online update with the BattleEye anti-cheat, the older BincoHAX version (1.69) no longer works. I need a newer version that can bypass the anti-cheat system.
For those unfamiliar: BincoHAX doesn’t give any advantage in gameplay over other players. It’s just a tool for customizing outfits. Even if I use this mod openly in front of Rockstar’s developers, the worst they’d do is ban my account for a month, and honestly, I don’t care about that.
Additionally, I’m willing to pаy for BincoHAX v1.7 if that’s what it takes to get it.
I really hope someone can help me out!
submitted by Mammoth_Long_8513 to BincoHaX [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Full_Let1755 The weather today will be ____
submitted by Full_Let1755 to AskOuija [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 lobotomysuccess [WTS] RMA #1155 L4 plate set. $200 OBO
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/BFLE07M
Only used these plates for training maybe 10 times and they are taking up space. In great shape.
submitted by lobotomysuccess to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 XDgirlChelsea What happened to Mason?
About a month ago, we saw Ravi get into Mason's car with him and then Ravi told him to drive. A couple scenes later, Ravi appears to Priya and Avani with cut/bruised knuckles. Did he beat Mason up or even kill him?
submitted by XDgirlChelsea to eastenders [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Faux_Podo 47 [M4F] - MN - Under the Weather
Good evening ladies of Reddit.
Just awoke a short afternoon nap. I am not feeling the best today and trying my best to rest up before the holiday weekend.
I am a retired veteran, who is slowly working towards making a small woodworking business successful...which is easier said than done.
On here looking for some companionship, someone to chat with, kill time, and if close enough, perhaps see how things go from there.
I hope your Monday went well, and if you wish to reply, tell me your plans for Thanksgiving.
submitted by Faux_Podo to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Acceptable_Lead3649 Failing medication calculations severely
I just started my accelerated nursing program last week. I chose accelerated because I have a family & cannot afford to do the longer route. Medication calculations is ruining me & I don't know what to do. I'm 31 so I'm not fresh on fractions, decimals, dividing decimals etc. everything that goes into that chapter. I was at 70%, then was offered an extra credit retake test where you could earn 5%. I was unaware if you did worse (completely different types of questions) you lost 5%. So I was at 65%. Today we went over converting measurements like G, L, mL etc. I don't know basic what each equals out to so things like this are just extra difficult for me & I have a really hard time retaining information. I took our class post quiz we have 20 minutes to take & use notes & received 3 out of 20. This then dropped my grade to 57%. I am only in week 2. I had been staying up til 5AM trying to get the hang of math & am getting no where. Basically was just wondering if anyone else struggled this bad. You have to have a C- to pass the course & idk how that's even possible if it's this low already. I'm just exhausted. Mentally drained. I feel defeated. You're allowed to retake a course but if you don't pass the second time you're kicked out. Discouraged & feel so stupid. Because I'm giving my all I've studied NONSTOP for the past week & feel like I've gotten no where.
submitted by Acceptable_Lead3649 to nursing [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Frosty_Composer_9687 Game time! Your Abby, who did you get to carry your money into the USA? (Purely for fun)
So we have 120k that had to be put in 10k lots to avoid paying taxes on, you obviously carry 10k, so you need 11 bags, who’s 11 bags is that money hiding in?
submitted by Frosty_Composer_9687 to dancemoms [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 sabre_papre Best Pumpkin Pie in the area??
Hoping for input on best local Pumpkin pie. Thanks in advance
submitted by sabre_papre to AnnArbor [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 22:30 Forward-Air6762 selling fully see through winged fae sorry for bad quality
submitted by Forward-Air6762 to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 22:30 Cantabrigian2021 [POSITIVE] for /u/brendan1018 [seller]
submitted by Cantabrigian2021 to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]