I don't think a women will truly love me when I find luck and make it out

2024.11.25 22:50 DajuanKev I don't think a women will truly love me when I find luck and make it out

Its a gut feeling I can see all around me. Being in my 30s, most people in their 30s have gone through breakups, trauma, drugs and everything that comes with the relationships or one time hookup they've previous had. For me, I'll basically be like a temporary maintenance, but our communication will be noticeably off when we're both in a quiet space.
We'll maybe benefit each other as far as mutual sensation but they'll be nothing to otherwise prove between us.
submitted by DajuanKev to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 freshpearz My Nintendo switch OLED came with Mario kart 8. Am I able to sell it to GameStop?

I just bought the Nintendo switch OLED bundle, but I already have Mario kart 8 that my brother previously gave me.
Therefore, I have no need for another copy . Am I able to trade it in to GameStop for cash or anything?
(note: I didn’t buy the Nintendo from GameStop)
submitted by freshpearz to GameStop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 KrypticAngel14 Non-verbal son’s meds not working at all.

My 10yo non-verbal autistic son started Depakote about 2 months ago. He is also on Resperdal, which wasn’t working as well anymore and that’s why the doctor added the Depakote. She said it should work really fast for his random outbursts of aggression. Well, it doesn’t at all. Like at all, at all. It literally doesn’t stop the outbursts not quickly and not even later. And when I told her it wasn’t working, she added another med, Buspirone. That was a month ago. But it STILL did NOTHING for his outbursts. His anxiety is through the roof and he constantly sounds like he’s hyperventilating. We have an oxygen meter and he’s got plenty of oxygen. So the combination of these 3 meds is literally doing NOTHING! The doctor was out do office because her mother passed away last week and now she’s out this week for Thanksgiving break. I have changed his diet to avoid dairy, gluten, even gone low carb for him. Nothing works. He’s also on probiotics. I want to help him but I’m at a loss at this point. He’s so anxious and upset all the time and NOTHING I do helps. I’ve even tried minimizing sound, turning off ALL devices in the house (to minimize emf waves), and tons of other things and nothing helps. He’s even had bloodwork done, an EEG and other tests to see if there are physical causes for it, but there’s nothing wrong physically. Right now even his testosterone levels are on the low side, so he hasn’t hit puberty yet according to his doc. I’m at a loss.
submitted by KrypticAngel14 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Specialist-Past13 How to talk to a smart, introverted, quiet girl?

Okay so I've been talking to this girl for a while now, and we talk mostly about our pets which is fine. we talked about work and other things as well.
But not sure how to start talking about other stuff like hobbies, interest, things she likes, what she does stuff like that, can't seem to find a way to talk about that other than pets and works..
she keeps mostly to herself most of the time but will talk to others if we start initiating the conversation first..
Any tips?
submitted by Specialist-Past13 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 1130339D Christmas lights in or near Chicago area?

Hello! Looking for a place to look at Christmas lights that aren’t so expensive like botanic gardens and arboretum. I have already checked out Lincoln park zoo lights, highly recommended?
submitted by 1130339D to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Front_Entertainer395 Es geht looos! 🚀

Es geht looos! 🚀 Während Bitcoin, Ethereum und Co. gerade aufs Maul bekommen, zeigt HOPR relative Stärke und legt los.
Übergeordnet (Jahreschart) ist ein Cup-Handle-Pattern möglich mit einem ersten Kursziel bei 0,30 USD und der Chance auf eine anschließende Ausbruchsrallye.
submitted by Front_Entertainer395 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 AccomplishedLet3703 Stake.com KYC Level 2 Verified Accounts ⭐ON SALE - JUST $10!

Hi! I'm selling new Level 2 Verified Stake.com accounts. You can play on these accounts and cash out with no issues if in the US or any restricted country by using a VPN.
If you have an existing Stake.com account you need verified, I can also help you with that.
70+ Vouches - t.me/jgilly91vouches
Sale Price: $10 (Limited time - 50% Off!)

Contact Me: Telegram: JGilly91 Discord: gilly23
submitted by AccomplishedLet3703 to CryptoCasinos2024 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 systematicgoo Break me down based on my handwriting.

submitted by systematicgoo to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 mangustaeliberatoare Unde greșesc...? We are doomed...

Politica PSD-PNL ne-a adus în pragul crizei economice. Se știe că măririle din pix ale salariilor și pensiilor s-au făcut pe datorie. Se știe și că decontul urma să vină după alegeri (măriri de taxe etc, într-un cuvânt măsuri nepopulare a la Băsescu).
Varianta 1 - câștigă Lasconi. Face o adunătură de guvern cumva, dar măsurile de luat sunt aceleași. Nu ai altă variantă, no matter what. Aceste măsuri vor duce la o nemulțumire populară și mai mare și la o prăbușire a imaginii Lasconi-guvern. Ceea ce va duce la o creștere și mai masivă a opoziției formate din Georgescu- AUR. Care vor spulbera totul în cadrul oricăror alegeri. Urmează dictatura....
Varianta 2 - câștigă Georgescu. Nu va putea face guvern. Va fi haos. Și dacă face cumva guvern, tot măsuri nepopulare va lua. Peste 3 ani imaginea lui și a AUR vor fi erodate ("uite bah că nici ăsta nu a fost în stare). Problema e că deja, până atunci, vor avea toate serviciile la mână și s-ar putea să nu îi poată da nimeni jos. Posibil război civil sau epurare pe modelul Putin.
Unde greșesc....? Pare-se că indiferent cum o dai, de ăștia nu putem scăpa, no matter what....
submitted by mangustaeliberatoare to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 nickzammeti I Made A Time Machine

I Made A Time Machine submitted by nickzammeti to upcycling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 VagenKing An Italo pop song OP believes to have been made in 1980

Can You Name This Pop Song? An Italopop song from probably 1980. Could anybody | WatZatSong
submitted by VagenKing to Lostwave [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 PlebianIsHere Real

Real submitted by PlebianIsHere to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 BourbonMule WIBTAH if I wrote obvious bait?

submitted by BourbonMule to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Pooh_-bear Bat dragon i drew

Bat dragon i drew Ngl I’m proud of this
submitted by Pooh_-bear to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Beneficial-Stick3646 Trades?

Trades? What I got and what I'm looking for
submitted by Beneficial-Stick3646 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Magna-Magus Croissants

Croissants Well guys... I did it - the first of this week’s Bake Off Pâtisserie bakes done AND my first ever croissants! I’m super chuffed that the lamination worked amazingly - despite the final proof going a bit wonky. The egg wash has caught a bit on top but it baked perfectly throughout - flaky, but tender.
The whole process was actually quite fun! I’m pretty sure it would be a lot more stress in the tent, mind.
Trying these, it’s made me realise that I dont think I’ve ever had a ‘real’ croissant before?? I don’t usually order one at a bakery (I’m a donut guy), and most of the ones I’ve had before are quite flat and doughy. These you can feel all the layers as you bite into them
10/10 - WILL be making again!
Recipe will be posted on my Substack tomorrow: taistybytes.substack.com
submitted by Magna-Magus to bakeoff [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 EggsaladUwU Why is the subreddit so old?

Why is the subreddit so old? submitted by EggsaladUwU to bluey [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Impossible_Sector_28 he’s just called Monkey

he’s just called Monkey submitted by Impossible_Sector_28 to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 klinghofferbeach Applying to grad school while depressed 😵‍💫

Basically, the title. I've been really depressed for most of this year, and a month or two had a moment where I figured out that I should really go to grad school to have something driving me, pursuing an area of my passions (I'm applying to MSW programs with the goal of being a therapist), and increase my employability. I'm having the hardest time ever though, especially with personal statements. I'm not in a good place to be talking about my achievements, and I'm overloading the section that asks me to reflect on my challenges. Just drafting it out is making me spiral more, like it's making me voice these issues that I'm really trying to not feed into.
I'm scared that if I don't get in now for next Fall, it's just going to give me so much more time for my life to get off track instead of giving me time to bolster my experiences and application. Part of it is that I'm severely underemployed right now, so I don't have things keeping me busy, and I barely have money to take care of myself. Finding a job is so hard right now, with everywhere I've applied rejecting me, if they even respond. How do y'all do it? How can I find the motivation within the next month to get in my apps? I'm really struggling right now, any advice would be so greatly appreciated <3
submitted by klinghofferbeach to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 IllustratorOk8230 How do you feel about this Cody booking decision?

The Road to a Ruthless WrestleMania
The story kicks off with Kevin Owens turning on Cody Rhodes in a brutal betrayal that shakes the WWE Universe. Owens doesn’t hold back, unleashing a devastating beatdown that leaves Cody questioning everything. Despite the punishment, Cody barely scrapes out a victory in their eventual showdown, but it comes at a cost. Beating his friend takes everything out of him—physically and emotionally. Cody walks away victorious, but there’s a crack in his armor.
Fast forward to WrestleMania season: Cody’s world takes another hit when Randy Orton, his longtime mentor and former ally, delivers the ultimate betrayal. Orton’s calculated strike leaves Cody reeling, and for the first time, we see the cracks in the “American Nightmare” deepen. Cody isn’t just a man chasing redemption anymore—he’s a man who’s been broken by those closest to him. Cody defeats Orton, retaining his title, but not without further losing a piece of himself.
Over the course of the year, Cody begins to evolve. He doesn’t turn full heel, but he’s no longer the smiling hero. Every rivalry chips away at his humanity, leaving him more ruthless and determined. The Cody Rhodes of today isn’t afraid to destroy his opponents to prove a point. He begins dismantling rivals one by one, adopting a more vicious, relentless edge that sets him apart from the Cody we once knew.
By the time the next WrestleMania rolls around, Cody is a storm waiting to be unleashed. Enter a rising babyface—Austin Theory, riding the wave of fan support—or Ricky Starks, making his debut in WWE and immediately drawing attention. Both represent what Cody used to be: hopeful, bright, and unbroken.
The question becomes: Can Cody finish his story while holding onto what’s left of his soul? Or will his newfound edge cost him everything he’s fought for? The stage is set for an emotional, brutal clash that could redefine Cody’s legacy—and the future of WWE.
submitted by IllustratorOk8230 to GreatnessOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 No_Advisor_17 how many people stay on campus/cbus during summer?

I’m interning at a really small firm this summer where I’m the only intern. I don’t wanna spend the summer alone and was wondering if any OSU students stay on campus or in Columbus over the summer? I don’t go to OSU btw, I’m a junior at UF just spending my summer there!
submitted by No_Advisor_17 to OSU [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Only_Departure_2379 FC PRO Live upgrades coming when?

That's it, does anyone know when they'll update the players from group A that already secured upgrades? I didn't play FC last year so I have no idea what they did then, and I don't want to sell promo cards without knowing what I'm doing. What do you guys think?
submitted by Only_Departure_2379 to fut [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Hairy-Confection-698 why do i attract so many air moons

why do i attract so many air moons almost every guy i talk to (and date except 2) happen to be air moons. why is that. im a female btw
submitted by Hairy-Confection-698 to scorpiomoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 Petrus-133 He can't keep getting away with it

He can't keep getting away with it submitted by Petrus-133 to saltierthancrait [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:50 kthenbyexx What I have and what I need! Windfall for Galacus?

What I have and what I need! Windfall for Galacus? Anyone have Windfall for Galacuts???
submitted by kthenbyexx to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]
