Monday selfie dump

2024.11.25 22:41 79slothie Monday selfie dump

Monday selfie dump submitted by 79slothie to SelfieDump [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 buffalozetaa Falsified resume, background check worries using Checkr

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been applying for jobs and interviewing for over a year while unemployed. Out of frustration, I decided to embellish my resume by tweaking timelines and job titles from the past seven years. Most of the positions listed are accurate but shortened but I fabricated one role entirely.
Here’s the situation: I’m an expat who’s been working for euro companies for the last six years. I’ve now secured a job offer in California, but the employer requires a background check through Checkr. Am I fucked?
For context, I’ve frozen my TWN account and am not overly worried about European employers due to GDPR protections—or should I be? Is there a similar system like TWN I should freeze? Will a speeding ticket from 2016 in CA I forgot about and never went to court for come up as a warrant or something?
Please be kind and I saw other posts about Checkr on this sub so I hope this is the right place. This role is a step back in my career with lower pay but I was desperate and took a gamble. I am overqualified for the position but it seems the embellishments made my application stand out.
Thank you in advance for any advice!
submitted by buffalozetaa to overemployed [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Wonderful_Ebb4049 Taylor Rooks x Joy Taylor

Taylor Rooks x Joy Taylor submitted by Wonderful_Ebb4049 to Blackcelebrity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Known-Dream8363 Anyone in Charlotte NC have an old resin printer they don’t need anymore?

I got into 3D printing about a year ago but with little to no income I can’t afford a resin printer. If anyone In my area has an old one or one they no longer use that I could have that would be great. (I am willing to pay for shipping costs)
submitted by Known-Dream8363 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Bruegemeister APD: Train-pedestrian crash closes south Austin road

submitted by Bruegemeister to trainwrecks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 kelseyniamh_ okay HOW

okay HOW HOW is that possible or are they cheating somehow or is it a bug???? WHAT
submitted by kelseyniamh_ to mobcontrolgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Sparklykun Is it possible to use iOS for “Android” phone, or is there a phone OS that is a clone of iOS?

Is it possible to use iOS with a Sony phone? Or is there a clone of the iOS? Thank you for your interest.
submitted by Sparklykun to ios [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 dinnertimebob Canada battle royale day 44: The Haida Gwaii region begins to rebel

Canada battle royale day 44: The Haida Gwaii region begins to rebel Wars:
Letterkenny > Quebec |
Berta 🤝 Letterkenny
Berta 🤝 Nakawe
The Baffin Island rebellions (Nunavut)
Haida Gwaii rebellions (BC)
submitted by dinnertimebob to RemoveOneThingEachDay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 lss_web_1444 Text post title 582

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 1yawaworhtaton Advice: What do I do about my girlfriend not on my lease?

Hey! so I'm moving into golden pond here soon and they apparently have had an issue with subletting/subleasing recently as they tell me. I plan on moving in as the only one on the lease but my girlfriend who lives with her family will probably be over all the time, 5-6/7 days of the week. She will not be paying rent, just me, but I don't want to run into any issues. she has very bad rental history so wouldn't be able to get on the lease for a couple months even if she tried. What do I do? Anyone live here have advice?
submitted by 1yawaworhtaton to springfieldMO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 TroyPolamaluEnjoyer Doug did this to me

Doug did this to me submitted by TroyPolamaluEnjoyer to DougDoug [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Tsukkatsu How would Axel Guild fare in a competition against Emilia Camp?

How would Axel Guild fare in a competition against Emilia Camp? submitted by Tsukkatsu to Konosuba [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 furryfelinefan_ How accurate are reddit polls in general?

submitted by furryfelinefan_ to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Slow_Pen8953 Video editing software

Anyone know any good video editing software?
submitted by Slow_Pen8953 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Top-Helicopter-827 Wem kann ich etwas beichten?

submitted by Top-Helicopter-827 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 cuzer98 Need help asap

So I just received a job offer for a job I really want. They do a urine test and I was told the doctor will watch so fake urine is out the window. I shouldn’t have to do the test for at least two weeks (possibly longer but not counting on it). I last smoked yesterday night. Besides drinking a ton of water what can I do to get the thc out of my system asap? Any help is super appreciated
submitted by cuzer98 to drugtesthelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Damphir_ LFG - dnd 5e evenings after 7pm

Hi friends! 33f looking for an online group of peeps to play DnD. I’m not a beginner… probably more novice. I have played in a couple campaigns and run one myself but am looking for a regular game to partake in.
I am in Melbourne and are available Tues/fri/sat/sun evenings from 7pm.
I also run a VTM game so am comfortable with darker settings. Would love to stop being the dm and be the player :)
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Damphir_ to AusDnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Ok-Performance9178 civil engineering elective

hi, does anyone with experience in civil what the easiest civil electives are
submitted by Ok-Performance9178 to usyd [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Desperate_Morning643 Qui du 26 et dans les 18 ans ? Venez TLG Strukalot

submitted by Desperate_Morning643 to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 yazdanplayz_reddit Who's the better bassist?

A friend asked me this not too long ago, want to know your guy's thoughts on them two, personally I'd go with Ryan, but Alex is still a fucking machine on a bass
View Poll
submitted by yazdanplayz_reddit to Bass [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Flaky_McFlake Women in red states with full abortion bans, how are you doing?

I'm curious how my sisters in red states with full abortion bans are doing emotionally. What are you doing to protect yourself? Today I read a post that broke my heart written by a sexual assault survivor who is fully abstinent but on birth control just in case she gets raped again and won't be able to get an abortion. Women are understandably taking drastic measures. People are stocking up on birth control, and the number of women getting hysterectomies since the election doubled. These are very scary times for women, but those in red states especially. I can't believe we're actually going backwards as a society.
submitted by Flaky_McFlake to FencesitterUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Cute-Adhesiveness645 Creen que a los músculos de Ojeda les faltó más definición para atraer más votos?

Creen que a los músculos de Ojeda les faltó más definición para atraer más votos? Tal vez en la próxima elección debería esto tomarse en cuenta, si por ejemplo de esos 90.000 votos que el FA tuvo de ventaja Ojeda atrajera 40.000 sería un beneficio para la coalición y después de otras maneras podrían atraer los otros 50.000 restantes.
Me parece que agregando más días de ejercicio podría lograr eso y complementando con proteína, whey protein, etc.
También recomendaría más spots con remeras ajustadas, musculosas, o sin remera directamente.
submitted by Cute-Adhesiveness645 to monte_video [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 FlopShanoobie MK7 water pump... again?

2017 GTI SE
I had my water pump replaced under warranty earlier this year. It was clearly leaking and squeaking so there was no issue with the dealer handling it 100% under VW's warranty extension.
It's only been about 6 months and lo and behold my low coolant light comes on. I go to check and once again there is coolant residue all over the front of the engine. The new pump is obviously leaking. Cool cool cool. I'm still covered by the warranty extension for another 14k miles but geez... is this just going to keep happening over and over again, or am I just unlucky? Are there any aftermarket parts that are better than the clearly still-flawed OEM part?
submitted by FlopShanoobie to GolfGTI [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 Jimi7_2 Wow!

Wow! submitted by Jimi7_2 to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:41 redditcanyoubenice Just grabbed TotK for $30 from wallyworld.

That is all.
submitted by redditcanyoubenice to Switch [link] [comments]