Has anyone noticed that Ahistorical ai for Germany tends to be favoring the Historical path? (Base game, MTG, NSB only)

2024.11.25 22:20 shaden_knight Has anyone noticed that Ahistorical ai for Germany tends to be favoring the Historical path? (Base game, MTG, NSB only)

I've done nearly 20 historical retries to get the Kaiser back in power since the Austria-Hungary focus tree is broken in the base game. But out of those 20, only 3 times has the civil war procked for Germany.
submitted by shaden_knight to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Classic-Plenty9821 My cats

My cats submitted by Classic-Plenty9821 to sillycats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Darkvoyager26 A new bike dilemma

Hey all,
I’m looking for a new rig! (Exciting times). I’ve got a little bit of a problem on my hands though… I’m tossing it up between a high specced s-works enduro (has sram axs, ohlin rear coil, Shimano saint brakes and fr560 rims) - or a stock NORCO range c2. I’m not too much of a fan of the charger 3.1 dampener, but I’m Wondering if a high pivot is worth the sacrifice (Both same price on the used front)
submitted by Darkvoyager26 to MTB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 DreamsofSaturday Explosive bolt spell from my light magick system.

Explosive bolt spell from my light magick system. submitted by DreamsofSaturday to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 PhysicsIndividual434 Anyone got girls snap password

submitted by PhysicsIndividual434 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 CrypticMetaphor69 Customer States - whenever I brake it sounds like thunder.

Customer States - whenever I brake it sounds like thunder. submitted by CrypticMetaphor69 to Justrolledintotheshop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 ratchyno1 Harry Truman if Twitter existed in 1948

Harry Truman if Twitter existed in 1948 Truman is a jackass....just like Jackson!
submitted by ratchyno1 to YAPms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 LordeBeeesh New Addition to the Family

New Addition to the Family Finally pulled the trigger, went with a 2025 Limited, TRD Off-Road package in Lunar Rock. Had to settle for no steps or bed cover, but still got the color / package I wanted. First time ever buying a vehicle and just super grateful for it after sharing one car with my wife for 5 years lol. Lot of really good deals out there right now if you’re in the market. Now I just gotta name her!
submitted by LordeBeeesh to ToyotaTundra [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 CaregiverEnough8467 Estou perdida na vida

Eu tenho 20 anos, trabalho, estudo e atualmente estou cursando a faculdade de Administração. No entanto, sinto que esse curso não é para mim. Não gostei, mas estou fazendo por pressão dos meus familiares e porque vejo que todos os meus colegas de escola estão cursando uma faculdade.**
Faço o curso na modalidade EaD, porque moro em uma cidade muito pequena que não tem faculdade. A cidade mais próxima, onde há instituições de ensino, fica a 100 km de distância. Apesar de estar cursando a faculdade, sinto que estou perdendo oportunidades morando aqui.
Meu maior problema é financeiro. Preciso ajudar minha família e, por isso, não consigo economizar ou investir em mim mesma. Ganho muito pouco, e até agora, não consegui passar em nenhum concurso.
Não tenho problemas com minha mãe, mas sinto falta de ter minhas próprias coisas e minha independência. Estou perdida e sem saber o que fazer em relação à minha carreira.
A faculdade que faço não me motiva e também não tenho condições de pagar por cursos caros, especialmente porque minha nota no ENEM não foi muito boa.
Tenho um nível intermediário de inglês, e isso é algo que realmente gosto. Eu gostaria muito de usar o inglês em minha carreira, talvez em um trabalho que envolva comunicação, viagens ou até conhecer outras culturas. Tenho muita vontade de explorar o mundo, mas não sei que tipo de carreira poderia seguir para isso.
**O que eu posso fazer para mudar minha situação? Como posso usar o inglês e encontrar algo que combine comigo? Preciso de conselhos.
submitted by CaregiverEnough8467 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 mistythe2nd How does the actress who played Heather get paid

I just realised how long she has been on the show but not a single line, she is also a full time actress so i am wondering financially how are actors usually paid as non speakers
submitted by mistythe2nd to superstore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Ok-Interaction620 Horny teen M looking to sext 0543a2eb12586b3091cc81e3eb159d78fbf02155a080e7ee36d95fea32f5642e3c

submitted by Ok-Interaction620 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 HistAnsweredBot Why didn't Nazi Germany draft the defeated French Army?

submitted by HistAnsweredBot to HistoriansAnswered [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Repulsive_Task_2626 Click 4 click. Help me! I am so close.

Click 4 click. Help me! I am so close. submitted by Repulsive_Task_2626 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Visible-Substance-94 SELLING AUSTIN TX TICKET!!

Hello!! I bought a tate ticket even though i can’t afford it … so now im looking to sell it. it is lower bowl (section 109) row c!! super great spot close to the floor almost. i’m trying to get rid of it for face value. feel free to message me here, instagram (loganhdntt), x/twt ( envycrimes)!!
submitted by Visible-Substance-94 to tatemcrae [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Well_thats_it_for_me Please help me. This is my last resort. My dog dislocated his hip and I can't pay for the vet to fix him.

Sorry if this breaks any rules.
I have a 15 year old Pomeranian Poodle mix named Gimli. He was my mothers dog who I took with me when I went off to college. I graduated and am back home working on law degree. My parents got a new dog so I have been taking care of him and assuming all the financial responsibilities of keeping the little guy.
Two weeks ago he jumped through a window and dislocated his hip. I took him to the vet and they relocated his hip. I couldn't pay for the x-rays so the kind vet covered the cost. Last night, he jumped off the couch (after being fine for the whole two weeks) and dislocated his hip again. I cannot pay for anything right now. I am supporting my girlfriend and her child as well as my aging parents. I have been bled dry by their needs over the last 2 years and I have nothing. I reached out to an animal rescue, and it looked like they were going to help but they changed their minds apparently.
I have 400 dollars that I could spend right now, but I need to pay 2000 dollars for tuition in January. I don't know what to do. My little buddy is in so much pain and I feel so sorry for him. I don't want to put him down because if I had the money he would be fine. Does anyone know any resources I can reach out to? Anywhere I can get help?
submitted by Well_thats_it_for_me to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 One-Helicopter-3111 What kind of vender adds the their stock at the end of the day & not the morning? BS. Anyone got lucky?

What kind of vender adds the their stock at the end of the day & not the morning? BS. Anyone got lucky? submitted by One-Helicopter-3111 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Fantastic_Emu6157 An international in Berlin !

Hello everyone !
thank you for reading.
I'm a 25-year-old Frenchman and I'm arriving in Berlin this Wednesday for a month and half before starting a job in events strategy in mid-January. 🥖
I'd like to get involved in voluntary work, either cultural or social (in an art gallery or community bar, for example). Do you have any advice or ideas? 🖼️
I'd also like to discover Berlin's culture and its people. Do you know where I can meet nice, constructive people? 🖼️
Thank you for your feedback! Don't hesitate to send me a private message to discuss ! 👍🙂
submitted by Fantastic_Emu6157 to berlinsocialclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 luism6n [Poder Executivo] MPV 1245/2024 (6): Aumenta o limite da subvenção econômica de que trata o art. 2º, caput, da Medida Provisória nº 1.216, de 9 de maio de 2024.

submitted by luism6n to BoletimDaCamara [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Rebo1967 1.1

1.1 submitted by Rebo1967 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Firm_Ad_8755 Looking for ravanger reclaim

Looking for ravanger reclaim submitted by Firm_Ad_8755 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 DovahCraft SOS - Help saving newly planted, pissed off, Meyer Lemon tree

I have this Meyer Lemon tree that I bought and planted 2 weeks ago. It had 16 lemons on it that I harvested right after I planted (took the last picture and then removed them), and now it looks very sickly with a lot of curling and (I think) apparent citrus leaf miner damage. How should I help this plant establish itself on my patio? I get southeast sun for about 8 hours a day. I am in Phoenix, AZ. The new growth looked okay before I planted it but now it's pretty droopy. I watered what I think was deeply (I have ~30 holes drilled into this garbage can, as well as 6 larger slots cut into the sides of the bottom) and saw water dripping out. I have a few pounds of pumice in this soil to promote this. After planting, I dosed chelated liquid iron since I first noticed leaves yellowing and thought this was necessary since I didn't notice any root rot when planting the rootball. I also have an organic citrus mix (6-3-3) and some food scraps mixed in for nutrients.
I sprayed with Bonide Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew but haven't noticed any improvement yet. I am wondering what the best course of action would be to help this tree get established/what I am doing wrong here.
The first pics are the lemon tree now, the last pic is what the tree looked like when I first planted it right before removing the lemons.
submitted by DovahCraft to Citrus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 luism6n [Poder Executivo] MPV 1226/2024 (7): Altera a Lei nº 12.351, de 22 de dezembro de 2010, para autorizar a utilização do superávit financeiro do Fundo Social como fonte de recursos para a disponibilização de linhas de financiamento a pessoas jurídicas e físicas localizadas em ente federativo em est...

submitted by luism6n to BoletimDaCamara [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Erick-Sheldon-1340 Is it just me or are the servers constantly failing to connect?

My friends and I will try to play with eachother online, we’ll get into a lobby, and then as we launch the game, it always has an error.
submitted by Erick-Sheldon-1340 to TetrisEffect [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 SantiZapOutOfContext WE ARE!!!

WE ARE!!! Was that a DIY reference?
submitted by SantiZapOutOfContext to SantiZapVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 22:20 Rude-Influence3938 Mephisto gives you a choice. Which one?

Mephisto gives you a choice. Which one? submitted by Rude-Influence3938 to marvelstudios [link] [comments]
