Research shows that a protein called TEX264, together with other enzymes, is able to recognize and "eat" toxic proteins that can stick to DNA and cause it to become damaged. Scientists hope to exploit this novel repair toolkit of proteins to protect us from aging, cancer and neurological disease

2024.11.25 23:49 GarifalliaPapa Research shows that a protein called TEX264, together with other enzymes, is able to recognize and "eat" toxic proteins that can stick to DNA and cause it to become damaged. Scientists hope to exploit this novel repair toolkit of proteins to protect us from aging, cancer and neurological disease

Research shows that a protein called TEX264, together with other enzymes, is able to recognize and Research shows that a protein called TEX264, together with other enzymes, is able to recognize and "eat" toxic proteins that can stick to DNA and cause it to become damaged. Scientists hope to exploit this novel repair toolkit of proteins to protect us from aging, cancer and neurological disease
submitted by GarifalliaPapa to immortalists [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 MyIpodStillWorks Day of Judgement #3

Day of Judgement #3 submitted by MyIpodStillWorks to ComicBookCovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Aware-Perception-876 Do i have the anatomy for a daith?

Do i have the anatomy for a daith? Sorry to post here, my posts keep getting removed from piercing. Ignore my unhealed piercing please. And I know that only professionals know for sure but i want your opinions. Thanks :)
submitted by Aware-Perception-876 to unstretched [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 peppermintvalet What happened to the Anchor?

Was it mentioned at all in the game? I feel like I’m missing something important.
submitted by peppermintvalet to Solasmancers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 PeakRealHumanFr Dual Wield for mag builds?

Is this still a thing to maximize dps? I'm reviving my mag-arcanist, and the final touch is to decide on the primary weapon.
Do I run destro staff, or dual wield? If it's the latter, I assume the choice of weapon depends on what I feel is lacking in terms of stats? Only 9k pen is making the dual mace rather attractive. Ofc, the 12% dmg bonus to DOTs from infero staves is also tempting as hell...
submitted by PeakRealHumanFr to ESObuilds [link] [comments]


submitted by westye13 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Suspicious_Art8421 55, fair, combo skin, a pesky dark spots, uneven skin tone, dark circles under eyes, a few eye wrinkles. What's the best light face makeup, powder or foundation.

submitted by Suspicious_Art8421 to 45PlusSkincare [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 CountyOk7604 Is this normal

Is this normal Not even qc pictures yet
submitted by CountyOk7604 to CNfans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 ZugZugBoop My Only Contribution To This Hive Of Horny

My Only Contribution To This Hive Of Horny submitted by ZugZugBoop to okbuddybaldur [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Redtech72 Installing subfloor

So my house was built in 1948, on top of the floor joists is 3/4" tongue and grove pine board. It's in relatively good shape with no major gaps (nothing more than 1/4") between, or holes. Would I be able to install cement board directly to this in preparation for tile? Also, the livingroom hardwood floor is 3/4" higher than the tongue and groove subfloor, so assuming I can attach cementboard right to the tongue and groove subfloor, to minimize a discrepancy in height between the wood floor to tile transition, could I do perhaps 1/4" cement board, then thinset and tile to achieve close to 3/4" buildup.
Sorry if any of this doesn't make sense, ive explained it best I can figure. I've done limited research into tile flooring and will do much more when im closer to tiling., I'm a DIYer who's too broke to hire a professional. But I am handy and find plenty of videos and research before doing something new.
Any information is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
submitted by Redtech72 to Flooring [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Frezzeng_Fog Pasaste frío, hambre, miedo, te lastimaron pero ahora eres feliz y me haces feliz (mi hermana la rescato)

Pasaste frío, hambre, miedo, te lastimaron pero ahora eres feliz y me haces feliz (mi hermana la rescato) submitted by Frezzeng_Fog to Aww_Espanol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 rebornfisk Module - Tidy [Grid Recordings]

Module - Tidy [Grid Recordings] submitted by rebornfisk to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 RIPSif What the fuck are we watching rn

What the fuck are we watching rn Seriously
submitted by RIPSif to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 PhaseOne2410 Inappropriate Logo

Inappropriate Logo Is it just me or their logo looks like they are trying to promote the holy grail? The only thing missing is that dot in the middle and there you have it 😆
submitted by PhaseOne2410 to guam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Stationary-Event DeJoy's changes will give USPS its best holiday season performance ever, officials say

DeJoy's changes will give USPS its best holiday season performance ever, officials say More reasons to vote no on the new contract.
submitted by Stationary-Event to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Squid_lil-inku_ lf candy shark krek!

trading a 1mut fear ele albino cyber for any krek
submitted by Squid_lil-inku_ to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 ThatGuyNameBran9981 I made a backrooms gmod found footage video, i know it's kinda bad lols

I made a backrooms gmod found footage video, i know it's kinda bad lols submitted by ThatGuyNameBran9981 to backrooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 JB92103 The Powerpuff Girls rob a bank (What A Cartoon! - "Crime 101", 1996)

submitted by JB92103 to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Substantial-Many-305 Conversations! Part 5:The Determined Star and The Sadistic Smiling Universe. (Enjoy! u/YourButler_in_Mc! This was a tough one to do, though I did enjoy working on it. Sorry for the wait!)

Conversations! Part 5:The Determined Star and The Sadistic Smiling Universe. (Enjoy! u/YourButler_in_Mc! This was a tough one to do, though I did enjoy working on it. Sorry for the wait!) submitted by Substantial-Many-305 to GachaClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Gots2bkidding School not getting it

I am dealing with being the custodial parent of a child that within the past three years has been court ordered to see her abusive father. He sought this visitation when my daughter was 11 to get back at me for speaking up and out about his abuse.. and for the past three years has been coercing her and threatening her and doing everything possible to cause her to fail with me resulting and now my poor little girl is not able to talk to me anymore or be in our home or come to me when I call her name eat for me wear the clothes that I buy her go to school for me she doesn’t talk to me at all other than to say ‘I can’t help this. This is not my fault. This is what I have to do in order to be able to cope with him’.. She spent the greater part of last year texting me from upstairs in our house, telling me how much she misses me, but she just can’t be with me.. she wants me to stop the visitation. I’m trying to do this but it’s hard.. because he’s threatening to harm us and he’s doing this to her so I’m working on trying to figure out how to address this with the court. In the meantime I’ve been dealing with her school counselor regularly and the mornings look like this ..if you’ve ever seen the movie, ‘What about Bob?’ ,.. its like the scene when Richard Dreyfuss is trying to wake up Bill Murray… and if I can wake her up, she just stonewalls me. She just shuts down entirely if I try to physically move her she becomes violent. I’ve had the best youth service crisis teams come here on the days that she doesn’t go to school and she explain to them that she’s tired or will give them some plausible excuse, but it’s chronic and I am just within the past few months, putting this all together and realizing that it has nothing to do with me or our night routine, she is just mentally programmed to go against me. I am just trying to find the words to explain this to her counselor and I thought she was getting it. There is a new assistant principal this year that I have not met and up until now have arranged with her counselor to act as a liaison for us updating her on the situation, but I wanted to send her an email to introduce myself to her and initiate contact with her and let her know what I was doing to try to resolve the situation my daughter has told me if she doesn’t have to see her father anymore she will be able to return to her life with me but the email that I have received from her I’d like to share because to me, it doesn’t seem like she’s getting it and I’m feeling a little pissed off… And am curious to know what others think of the response I got.. personally I feel like I’m being gaslit. I don’t find what she says. Makes sense at all.
submitted by Gots2bkidding to ParentalAlienation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Jmaxam18 Mail day!

Mail day! submitted by Jmaxam18 to Beyblade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Reasonable-Till-8297 😭

I deleted the app a while ago because of some weird people that kept texted me about inappropriate stuff even though they knew my age so i had to stop talking to people I’ve met here and i don’t really have friends in real life so that doesn’t help 💀 and the only person i was really « close » we stopped talking because of a dumb argument the only thing that is going well is that i have really good grades so:)
submitted by Reasonable-Till-8297 to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 jpillenye Let’s give the small 1 ⭐️ schools some love

Let’s give the small 1 ⭐️ schools some love University at Buffalo Bulls
submitted by jpillenye to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 Creative_soja Climate change will cut hydropower output by up to 23% in the Western Interconnection Grid. The grid will require an additional 139 GW of new capacity—three times California's peak demand—to offset such decrease at the cost of $150 billion.

Climate change will cut hydropower output by up to 23% in the Western Interconnection Grid. The grid will require an additional 139 GW of new capacity—three times California's peak demand—to offset such decrease at the cost of $150 billion. submitted by Creative_soja to science [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:49 FootloosePie Resizing pictures issue

I just got an HP Sprocket 2x3" and I have a couple of questions. The photo I want to print is slightly larger and I need to shrink it. Is there a better way than just a two finger adjustment? I can't seem to NOT tilt the picture and it is difficult to make it straight again. Also, the actual picture printed seems to be slightly more cropped than what is seen in app. Is there a way to get a better idea of what it'll actually look like? Is this just user error? Thanks in advance
submitted by FootloosePie to HPSprocket [link] [comments]