When the Alien ain’t staging

2024.11.25 23:51 Karma-Aliv3 When the Alien ain’t staging

When the Alien ain’t staging https://preview.redd.it/o7mco33wx43e1.jpg?width=1293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8acd7c5e608a960e2c07538962cc0d275e62602e
submitted by Karma-Aliv3 to AlienStage [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 TheGreatAlexandre Applying for window sales; what goes on my resume?

I have almost a year of retail sales experience, and almost 20 years of barestaurant experience.
I'm applying to one of the big window companies.
Should I list my current job, and then a few of the restaurants/bars I've worked to demonstrate years of customers handling experience?
submitted by TheGreatAlexandre to sales [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 ItzSamuel1 halal shack

if you order online and select the extra rice option, will they actually give you extra rice? I need to know if I've been scamming myself or not
submitted by ItzSamuel1 to ualbany [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 El_Cepe Please help me identify this Kenwood equalizer(?)

Please help me identify this Kenwood equalizer(?) I've been getting the posts from this account on my fyp lately and I've already got my eyes on some of the other hardware he has around like that Sansui RA-500 up top, but I've had no luck with this piece of equipment in the bottom, which I've only been able to identify as Kenwood from another reel. Does anyone know anything about it?
submitted by El_Cepe to vintageaudio [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 dellaazeem22 One word for that

One word for that submitted by dellaazeem22 to MurderedByWords [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Peazant_Uzi1 If the crew mates that weren’t newbies could withstand shanks haki what seriously makes people think it would work again on an on guard greenbull and without a movie to promote?

If the crew mates that weren’t newbies could withstand shanks haki what seriously makes people think it would work again on an on guard greenbull and without a movie to promote? submitted by Peazant_Uzi1 to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 enemy-stand-user-517 Worried that my vertical labret jewelry is too tight

Worried that my vertical labret jewelry is too tight I just got my 5 month old vertical labret piercing downsized for the second time. The jewelry is 6mm. It doesn't feel irritated or anything but I'm a little worried that the jewelry is too small/too tight.
submitted by enemy-stand-user-517 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 MarciKats made this in 45 seconds

made this in 45 seconds submitted by MarciKats to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 IFUSAYMYNAMEUHAVETO What's your version of this in TF2?

What's your version of this in TF2? submitted by IFUSAYMYNAMEUHAVETO to tf2shitposterclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 faithfultheowull 10mm fantasy rule options

10mm fantasy rule options I’ve been working on some 10mm models (pictured) and a big wargaming board at 10mm scale. My initial plan was to straight up play Warmaster but don’t know many hobbyists where I live right now so introducing people to a 300 page rule book is gonna get me nowhere. I’ve heard there are some rules in development for 10mm but still in the works, but in the meantime I heard people saying to try Regiments. My question is what would I need to do to adapt regiments? Do people switch out inches for centimeters, that kind of thing?
submitted by faithfultheowull to onepagerules [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 hisnameisducky just a sweet lil room 😌🫶🏻

just a sweet lil room 😌🫶🏻 submitted by hisnameisducky to finch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 bunkersix Utterly perplexed by what I need to tighten this cap. Please help thanks!

Utterly perplexed by what I need to tighten this cap. Please help thanks! Octagonal 16mm hole, sadly cannot find any type of tool online.
submitted by bunkersix to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 lawrence-of-aphasia Gloverall in B&M, UK?

I’m not sure whether I (6ft, lb175-lb190, depending on activity levels) would be L or M in a Gloverall coat.
I’m guessing L with winter layers beneath, M otherwise?
But is there a bricks and mortar place in the UK I can go try on?
submitted by lawrence-of-aphasia to malefashionadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Radiant-Extreme-8400 Paralegal told no prospect of TC.

I work in-house as a Commercial paralegal at a very “prestigious” company (high brand recognition, you probably have a handful of their products at home). I am doing very well - I run my own contracts, negotiate high level issues (i.e data, indemnities) and so on.
I’ve recently been recommended by my supervisor to be onboarded as a trainee. Unfortunately, due to recent restructuring I’ve been told that the prospect of a TC is zero at this moment in time.
I am currently considering what to do with my career. I can stay longer, build up my experience and then find a TC. However, a part of me wants to look for TCs in private practice now and then move in-house maybe 2PQE+. I feel like with my experience that I may fair well but I do want to stay almost solely in-house (PP doesn’t really interest me). Granted, I could look for TCs in-house but other than the BBC and EDF, I couldn’t name any other company that offer external TCs.
Any advice? Should I stick it out?
submitted by Radiant-Extreme-8400 to uklaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Working_Honeydew_831 7th vs 8th college for stem major

7th vs 8th college for stem major https://preview.redd.it/b2w00ucsx43e1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=80ea3557556078e7ba9b4fb088787657ad913812
My current ranking. Should I switch 7th with 8th? I don't care abt the longer walk, just abt easier gen ed requirements.
submitted by Working_Honeydew_831 to UCSD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 OpportunityNo1834 Razer, give us a Dav3 mini already dammit.

Dav3 mini, in the 50 gram territory for weight, would be shut up and take my money territory. A man can dream though, that or a g703 update. Side note, I got a Asus falchion HE keyboard yesterday and absolutely blown away with how good this keyboard is, it blows my wooting board out the water. Gasket mounted with 5 layers of foam, 8k polling, rapid trigger, socd, extremely smooth and lubed hall effect switches, and chalky kepcaps. I actually did not expect this keyboard to be so freaking good
submitted by OpportunityNo1834 to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 Thisisaweirduniverse Sustainable farming

Is a sustainable farm possible in cult of the lamb, I’m noticing that my cauliflower farm always seems to produce less seeds than it uses. Are there any other crops I should use instead or strategies to farm sustainably without buying seeds or crusading for them?
submitted by Thisisaweirduniverse to CultOfTheLamb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:51 MammothBattle33 Just In Crypto

🚨 You won’t believe Rumble is diving into crypto by snagging up to $20M in $BTC, embracing a bold Bitcoin Treasury Strategy. Is this the next wave for platforms? #Bitcoin #CryptoNews #Blockchain
submitted by MammothBattle33 to Blockmandev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:50 Professional-Trust75 Before I take the plunge

Long time player on horizons. Hoping to grab odyssey here for black Friday or something.
Is there anything to know before I load it up the first time? Looking forward to walking around my fleet carrier and getting out of the srv but mainly I need to get my hands on the type 8.
submitted by Professional-Trust75 to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:50 GodModeBasketball (NOT-OC) John Cassavetes and Peter Falk During the Filming of A Woman Under the Influence (1974)

(NOT-OC) John Cassavetes and Peter Falk During the Filming of A Woman Under the Influence (1974) submitted by GodModeBasketball to Columbo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:50 PralineExisting2953 Por acá les mandamos saludos

submitted by PralineExisting2953 to mascotas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:50 Josh_Shade_3829 Memories of Spring

Memories of Spring Pictures from this past Spring. I will attempt to name all species pictured, as I am not an expert. Feel free to ask any questions.
submitted by Josh_Shade_3829 to RioGrandeValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:50 Mediocre-Situation21 Do yall put extras and backups in the walk in or in the meatcase ?

submitted by Mediocre-Situation21 to jerseymikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:50 Fickle_Gain40 Goodwill find

Goodwill find submitted by Fickle_Gain40 to rhps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:50 Intelligent_Kale4499 Dog staring at me

Dog staring at me Wanted to try out this game but I booted it up and this dog is just staring at me and I can’t seem to make anything happen. What gives?
submitted by Intelligent_Kale4499 to athenianrhapsody [link] [comments]
