Which one is mine? Thoughts?"

Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. An Ngram chart of "compared to" (blue line) versus "compared with" (red line) versus "in comparison to" (green line) versus "in comparison with" (yellow line) shows considerable change in the phrases' relative frequency of use in published writing since 1920: Purdue's Online Writing Lab provides this chart when talking about relative pronouns:. Note that people are referred to only by the relative pronouns who and that (the latter in informal English only), while things and concepts are referred to by which. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I looked at a bunch of style guides to see what they have to say on this subject. The vast majority of them dedicate at least a paragraph to the distinction (or nondistinction) between "in behalf of" and "on behalf of"—but not one addresses the question of how to handle "on behalf of" when used by a speaker to refer to another person and to him- or herself. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In formal usage, it should definitely be is:. Neither of these options is available. This is the traditional rule (iirc, Fowler’s discusses this at length). The trick to knowing how to use; of which, at which, in which, to which, from which is to analyse the prepositional phrases, phrasal verbs, verbs and prepositions: Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

2024.11.26 01:53 kevin_garciat5dfi Which one is mine? Thoughts?"

submitted by kevin_garciat5dfi to doppelganger [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 gard3nclown My best leaf yet!

First inner fenestration on this baby that I’ve had for 3 months now, and she has 2 more leafs coming I couldn’t be happier
I’m a little broke rn 😅 but working on getting a moss pole set up for it
submitted by gard3nclown to Monstera [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 tannie61313 lnparkx

lnparkx OOF..i’m actually curious who’s copying her content (mainly her tesla intro shots). anybody have an idea who this other creator is? lol.
submitted by tannie61313 to asianamericanytsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 The_Fullmetal_Titan XANDER YOU RUINED EVERYTHING THIS EPISODE!!!! | S3 E7 “Revelations”

You just HAD to follow Buffy and just HAD to see her and Angel together. And because you’re so anti-Angel for some reason you HAD to tell everyone else and immediately go for the pitchforks. Buddy I’ve defended you more than most but even I can’t save you this episode. “Of course you would stop him like you did last time with Miss Calendar.” Oooooh you did not just say that.
No but seriously this episode was AMAZING. So many twists and turns and great moments. We had Xander and Willow progressing their feelings for one another. I have to say that I think they’re a really fun pair, but man do I feel bad for Oz because he’s been nothing but good to Willow. Also their personalities are just perfect for each other.
Giles actually getting angry at Buffy and disappointed that she didn’t respect him enough to tell him the truth was so painful but COMPLETELY warranted. No one would’ve overreacted as much if Buffy just told them immediately. But she was scared so I also understand her side of things. Man this show has waaaay better character dynamics than it has the right to. So many episodes I am just completely torn between everyone’s viewpoint and it’s just like “aaahh!” But that’s just a sign of excellent writing.
I’m still very wary of Faith I don’t know she was way too quick to turn on Buffy and seems very unstable to me. Like a time bomb waiting to go off and I feel like it almost did this episode.
I don’t know how best Buffy should handle the Angel situation at this point. Obviously to abandon him would just be wrong but I don’t think assimilating back into the gang’s lives is an option at all. Giles is not going to be able to look at the person who killed Jenny and tortured him for hours and be just dandy with that.
As for Willow and Xander, look whatever you do Willow just let Oz down easily. Or just shut things down with Xander one or the other. Cordelia… eeeh I’m fine with whatever happens there (Cordelia is HILARIOUS don’t get me wrong but she’s still completely grating as a person lol she can take a break up).
As you can see I’ve clearly developed a healthy level of personal attachment to these characters haha. Welp gotta watch the next episode now if you have any questions let me know!
submitted by The_Fullmetal_Titan to buffy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Abject-Hawk-2292 Best underground brands of 2024

What internet brands are killing it this year? Cut n sew, accessories, story telling.
submitted by Abject-Hawk-2292 to streetwearstartup [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Dj_JustB In this gripping horror game, John visits his grandmother Emma after the passing of his grandfather, Clark, only to discover an eerie silence in her home. With Emma locked away in her room, John senses something is off. What happens when he finally breaks the silence and opens the door?

submitted by Dj_JustB to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Aggressive_Swing8635 Citizen Developer

What is the best way to become a citizen developer? I have a form that is updated often and has to be don’t by the servicenow contract team. Wondering if it’s possible to do this work myself. It’s managing locations or different changes that come up for our organization. Knowing the IT team will handle the larger items.
submitted by Aggressive_Swing8635 to servicenow [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Dennis_ODell Slight Surgery for Jabba Leia

Slight Surgery for Jabba Leia Gently replaced OG ... wish I could do something about those lovely knees
submitted by Dennis_ODell to starwarsblackseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 dude-the-fox You go find a shortcut back to the pillars, and you look behind you to see this… wyd

You go find a shortcut back to the pillars, and you look behind you to see this… wyd submitted by dude-the-fox to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Fossilized_sap2022 Weird Nespresso glitch? Has this happened to anyone else before?

So I placed an order on the app and when I went to adjust the quantities of some of the coffees they showed up as “free”. Naturally I wanted to see how many boxes I could get free and I was able to get 5 different skus free. It showed up as “other” in my cart. BUT after processing my order all the free boxes are gone 😩 they’re not showing up on my invoice, which sucks because I wanted those boxes whether they were free or not. I’m hoping that perhaps those boxes will still show up on Nespresso’s end while packing and I’ll still get them but that’s unlikely lol.
submitted by Fossilized_sap2022 to nespresso [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Resident_Opposite_43 GF started OF last week 05aa2d17f4d44e45e1e61b4dd1b90abcdf2067265c0f8e5145d19ad5b72ff9e809

submitted by Resident_Opposite_43 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Jaded_Foot_1922 Me ofereceram STOCKS na startup onde trabalho! Oportunidade ou cilada?

E aí, pessoal! Trabalho em uma startup de saúde e acabei de receber uma proposta de participação com stocks options. Parece algo super promissor, mas também bate aquele medo de acabar caindo em um "conto de fadas" que só beneficia a empresa.
Quero evitar ser só mais um que aceita tudo e depois descobre que entrou numa furada. O que vocês recomendam que eu analise antes de topar?

Me ajudem a fazer as perguntas certas e me proteger! 😅
submitted by Jaded_Foot_1922 to brdev [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 robinlyon222 Around 5’ish pm 11/24, north Everett. So. Many. Cops.

submitted by robinlyon222 to EverettWa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 ismelllikebobdole Bird flu detected in raw milk sold in California, health officials say - RFK Jr in shambles

Bird flu detected in raw milk sold in California, health officials say - RFK Jr in shambles submitted by ismelllikebobdole to JoeRogan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Breakfast_Bagelz What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Breakfast_Bagelz to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Many-Inflation5544 Dr. Adams is ridiculously beautiful

Dr. Adams is ridiculously beautiful I don't know if most people agree with this but she makes both Cameron and 13 look average and that's saying something. I'll just leave a photo here but it still doesn't do justice to how she looked in motion.
submitted by Many-Inflation5544 to HouseMD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 mrx249 Viernes social

Viernes social submitted by mrx249 to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 3_14ranha Nenea Georgescu bate cîmpii

Nenea Georgescu bate cîmpii https://preview.redd.it/3pvxl8jgj53e1.png?width=856&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2b698c1b1d794843253b2aba8a818799f0cc6c0
În acest interviu afirmă că rep. Moldova are peste 50% etnici ruși ceea ce este departe de adevăr. Nu avem datele recensămîntului din anul acesta dar le avem pe cele din 2014, unde avem următoarele date, unde vedem că populația etnică românească este de cca 80% (moldoveni 73,70% + 6,9% români, după cum s-au declarat la recens.
submitted by 3_14ranha to Rep_Moldova [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Busy_Confusion_689 Who is this?

Who is this? Never seen a hawk like this before. Location: William L. Finley NWR
submitted by Busy_Confusion_689 to whatsthisbird [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Bright_Industry_4628 Name for daughter

Husband loves it, I like it, but worry it may be a little outdated and clunky sounding?
We live in the US and our last name has 2 syllables like Murphy.
submitted by Bright_Industry_4628 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 CheetahSperm18 Race Queen ZR [Artist's Original]

Race Queen ZR [Artist's Original] submitted by CheetahSperm18 to ZettairyouikII [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 SnuffKing96 Buying Aerobud 10% Fee/Slippage

I’ve never seen a swap on base with that huge of a difference. If I go to swap and want to swap $11,500 usdc to aerobud, it says I would get $10,400 worth. That’s wack af. Thoughts?
submitted by SnuffKing96 to Aerobud [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 RobRobbieRobertson What could have caused this to burn out? 20 amp breaker, GFCI protected.

What could have caused this to burn out? 20 amp breaker, GFCI protected. submitted by RobRobbieRobertson to electricians [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 Opposite-Peach289 Another live another question that pisses off Rock 😂

Another live another question that pisses off Rock 😂 I’m sorry guys I’m having too much fun watching these old lives. Skip to the 5:17 mark 😂😂😂
submitted by Opposite-Peach289 to exposingchrisean [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 01:53 No-Ground-9026 Theme points

I can't really remember how to get them and where the tutorials for them are so can someone help me?
submitted by No-Ground-9026 to heavensburnred [link] [comments]
