Incertidumbre con la educación superior en 2025

2024.11.26 02:26 AlvzBloz Incertidumbre con la educación superior en 2025

Buenas noches panas, de antemano gracias por leer!
Hay algo que no solo a mi, sino a miles de estudiantes o aspirantes a la universidad nos tiene preocupados, y es lo que va a suceder con el Icetex.
Yo iba a financiar mis estudios superiores con el Icetex (si es buena o mala iversión es otro tema), pero justo cuando por fin quiero estudiar, sale eso de que el icetex no tiene los recursos para abrir las convocatorias de nuevos aspirantes en 2025-1.
Es algo que me tiene azarado, pues de aquí a que se logre la aprobación del proyecto de ley para convertir a Icetex en un banco de primer piso, será hasta que se presente en el primer semestre del proximo año.
Esto quiere decir que miles de personas vamos a estar sin estudiar hasta entonces, y personalmente creo que la educación no puede dar espera, pues ya tengo 20 años y voy para los 21, y siento que si no inicio pronto con la universidad estaré desperdiciando tiempo valioso (más aún teniendo en cuenta como de loco y en crisis está el mundo), además de que siempre había querido ir a la universidad.
En fin, ustedes cuentenme si también son estudiantes con creditos del Icetex o aspirantes como yo, como les afecta esta situación o si tienen alternativas de estudio sin financiamiento y si creen que el problema se resolverá o no.
Pdta: Si ven este post en otras comunidades de Reddit es porque es algo que nos afecta como colombianos, pues no falta el que salió de la basura diciendo que uno si es cansón con tantos post.
La buena parce@s!
submitted by AlvzBloz to Bogota [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 bwasilewski My new adoption

My new adoption A week ago I posted about me adopting a pitbull for the first time. I received a lot of attention and love. Thank you to everyone for all the help and advice!
Today is our full first week together. I can’t express this enough, I really am lucky to have her. This girl has been absolutely amazing. I was really nervous because I never owned a dog on my own before.
When I brought her home I had the house all set up for her. I had her own bed, her own crate and a few toys. She doesn’t care for the toys so much but she really loves to snuggle. I decide that when I go to work not to leave her in the crate just to see what happens. When I came home she was laying in her bed. She hadn’t made an accident in the house nor did she chew or tear anything up. She just wanted to give me kisses and snuggle her. When we walk she doesn’t pull and she stops when we cross the street. She knows all the basic commands.
I know it’s only been a week but I’ve been able to see some of her silly personality. She loves belly rubs and loves to give kisses. I’m really grateful to have her and love her so much!
submitted by bwasilewski to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Kcava1099 Surging Sparks Durant

Surging Sparks Durant Freshly packed. Misprint/error on Kevin Durant SIR?
Poor print quality or misprint? Add value or detract?
submitted by Kcava1099 to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Rokhard82 Sit ubu sit. Ubu productions

Sit ubu sit. Ubu productions submitted by Rokhard82 to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 kdbleeep I have one of the derpest dogs ever

submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 dump_in_a_mug Week 46: Bones - Thanksgiving Sandwich

Week 46: Bones - Thanksgiving Sandwich submitted by dump_in_a_mug to 52weeksofcooking [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 stariclouds Wise dragon whiskers

submitted by stariclouds to PeanutWhiskers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 WeAreBulletproof21 Am I cooked?

Am I cooked? Got an updated noti saying there's visible damage I'm hoping it's the box not the cup
submitted by WeAreBulletproof21 to gamersupps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 XLRarms7 Is my company unfairly paying me?

A little context, I have worked at this factory for about 4 years doing casual work as I am a uni student as well. Most of this year they did not need me so I went about 6-8 months of no work/no money. But as of last week they have asked me to come back as they had to fire someone and they can trust me to do the job. It is a full week of work, unlike my usual 2 or 3 day weeks when I had uni (finished for the year), so I accepted and have done 1 week already but I am technically unsure if it is full time or still casual as I already had a holiday planned for next week so I will be taking a week off and don't really expect to be able to be paid for that if it was full time. The person who previously had this job was very lazy and everyone knew it yet he still managed pay rises over the 2 years he was here. I know that his full time rate before he left was 32$/hr and the position is being offered for 30-32$/hr. I can safely say (as told by my boss and other coworkers) that I am doing a much much better job than the previous guy. Always on top of everything, organised, making sure my area is clean etc. Yet my first pay slip was 31$/hr.
If I am considered full time, is this fair and then should I be able to be asking for paid leave on my holiday? Or if I am casual still, isn't this rate too low? I don't want to come off as greedy but potentially I will have to give up the role when I go back to uni next year so I want to make the most money I can over the next few months. Should I be asking for casual pay and asking for more?
submitted by XLRarms7 to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Goujibalanzi 官方自嘲?

官方自嘲? submitted by Goujibalanzi to abstractmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 MiserableCalendar372 I'm at my wits end

I hate mammoth so much sad I dont know what to do. No matter what I always lose in ranked. No matter how good I do. How could I even improve when im doing my best anyways. Whosever the first kite is always gets downed in two seconds. We're always behind on ciphers. My teammates abandon them. They never heal eachother. They refuse to heal me even when I'm playing a rescue and ping for the life of me. I think I will be stuck in mammoth forever. It wasnt like this in elk at all. I was doing mediocre but I wasn't complete shit like now. I've been maining journalist and I recently switched to cheerleader and still no luck.
submitted by MiserableCalendar372 to IdentityV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 ExternalAd7749 33M Having trouble meeting people after moving to a new city, hoping to find someone to talk to here.

Title says it all, hard to meet people when the only places I go out to are cafes. About me: I'm into yoga, playing pool, fragrances, drawing/painting, reading, journaling, cooking, meditation, and that pretty much covers everything. I like literary fiction, non-fiction, and philosophy/theology for reading. I guess message me if you think we'd have a good conversation.
submitted by ExternalAd7749 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Vaxxxxxxxxxxxxx123 What temperature to cook 21 pound brisket in Traeger Fremont?

First time cooking a brisket, I’ve made beef ribs and chicken no problem. The brisket is 21 pounds and I’ve seen some mixed advice on to either do 200 overnight then wrap whenever the bark is nice until it’s probe tender.
I’ve also seen a lot of people cooking at 250 or 275 saying their brisket is a lot more moist… Anyone have any recommendations for which method to go with?
Thank you!
submitted by Vaxxxxxxxxxxxxx123 to BBQ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Ok-Switch-8980 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Ok-Switch-8980 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Jawa999 Kai Cenat Gets Upset With His Friends After They Put Shoes On The Counter At The Store Expecting Him To Pay!

Kai Cenat Gets Upset With His Friends After They Put Shoes On The Counter At The Store Expecting Him To Pay! submitted by Jawa999 to worldstartalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 icgsshorts Amazon $14.99 each!

submitted by icgsshorts to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 thatonedave9 G14 2022 Monitors and setup

I have a 2022 g14 and I’m finally not traveling as much and looking for a monitor and peripherals for a setup. What are the recommendations? Monitor wise I’ve been looking at some 165hz 1440p monitors.
submitted by thatonedave9 to ZephyrusG14 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 KIL0-0SKA Graphic Settings

I've seen a lot of videos posted here on the this reddit, videos primarily. Can anyone teach me to customize my PC settings to a crispy, clear and bright gameplay like the PS5 version please?
Just a little background on my rig: - 1660 Super - Ryzen 3600 - 12g RAM
It runs good on Ultra settings.
Thank you for reading! Hope to hear some suggestions soon.
submitted by KIL0-0SKA to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Conscious_Cat_6501 LF science pals

LF science pals submitted by Conscious_Cat_6501 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Evening_Ad9780 I heard of this super interesting guitar

Schecter makes a seven string acoustic guitar which is a modern take on a russian seven string guitar.
submitted by Evening_Ad9780 to AcousticGuitar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 comradekiev 1934 Diamond T Doodlebug Texaco Tanker. One prototype built and only 6 made.

1934 Diamond T Doodlebug Texaco Tanker. One prototype built and only 6 made. submitted by comradekiev to WeirdWheels [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 muahchuy12 How are we feelin, boys?

submitted by muahchuy12 to cursedmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 Dissectionalone Fighting the Weapon wheel while fighting machines

Is it just me or do the Horizon games have a lot and I mean lot more right stick drift than any other Playstation title (of its genre) be it on consoles or on PC?
Every now and then, on HZD or HFW I find myself having to fight my ds4 because the camera starts moving to the left on its own.
I've had a fair amount of shots go totally off because the camera decides to move when an arrow is fired;
And even when the right stick doesn't make the camera move on its own, I find myself a fair bit of time having to fight the stick to select the weapon/ammo type I want.
I've also find out the hard way, the weapon wheel moved last minute to the wrong ammo type because instead of frost arrows it decided it liked advanced hunter arrows better (as an example)
The only games where I've ever had situations like these happen are HZD (the original and the Remaster) and HFW.
Rise of the Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales, Uncharted 4, God of War, Control, etc never have this sort of thing happen.
Cleaning up the controller with isopropyl alcohol or at times reseting it solves it for some time.
As I've mentioned, the controller works fine on just every other game I've used it on and it wasn't an extra DS4 I had around. It was brand new and bought specifically for use with the PC games with native support (most are PS ports)
The only game where the controller can get use but the right stick doesn't would be Assetto Corsa.
I know some people will say "buy a new controller" but as I've said the controller works fine everywhere else and the idea of this post was really just finding out how's everyone's general experience with controllers on these titles been.
submitted by Dissectionalone to horizon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 CheeseBurger5005 It seems like we aren't allowed to look too deep into Nicole's character on this subreddit

It seems like we aren't allowed to look too deep into Nicole's character on this subreddit submitted by CheeseBurger5005 to Classof09Game [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 02:26 shutyourface123 Weird splotch on vinyl?

Weird splotch on vinyl? Skips during the first song whenever the stylus touches the weird splotch. It feels smooth to the touch but could be in the grooves. What is it and how do I get rid?
submitted by shutyourface123 to vinyl [link] [comments]