$2000 Tesla referral. Use link https://www.tesla.com/referral/michael58495

2024.11.26 03:32 EmbarrassedCow9211 $2000 Tesla referral. Use link https://www.tesla.com/referral/michael58495

Use link to get up to $2000 off Tesla Model S | Model 3 | Model X | Model Y | Cybertruck!
submitted by EmbarrassedCow9211 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Disastrous_Ear_9077 Tips to remove bandaid stuck on wound

Hi. I was looking to get some tips on removing a bandaid stuck to a wound and caught on some hair on my arm. I had it on for 4 days and tried everything from hot water and soap to baby oil to get it off with no success. Any tips please. Thanks
submitted by Disastrous_Ear_9077 to firstaid [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Additional_Crew_5428 6-X0 Ratchet arttt

6-X0 Ratchet arttt submitted by Additional_Crew_5428 to Beyblade [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 collinsideriscomedy When your phone is too distracting

When your phone is too distracting submitted by collinsideriscomedy to NotTimAndEric [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Mal3ncar Melhores faculdades particulares de São Paulo para R.I

É isso q o título está falando só
submitted by Mal3ncar to faculdadeBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 geekyplug Kadence Lifetime 2024

Are you searching for a complete set of tools to build your WordPress website from scratch?
If yes then Kadence is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (Kadence Lifetime discount code attached), you will get $150 OFF for a LIMITED TIME.
submitted by geekyplug to wpdealsanddiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Chipsmama Mocha is getting ready for Christmas

submitted by Chipsmama to blackcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 UCFJaguar As Jeff heads into retirement, we have hired 45 year-old Dolly Parton as Survivor’s newest host

As Jeff heads into retirement, we have hired 45 year-old Dolly Parton as Survivor’s newest host submitted by UCFJaguar to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Regular-Watercress22 Jupiter doesn't let me swap USDC for SOL

https://imgur.com/a/6S2gDnC Can someone please tell me why Jupiter doesn't RECOGNIZE MY USDC AND DOESNT LET ME SWAP IT FOR SOL??
Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Regular-Watercress22 to solana [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 singleguy79 Scarecrow and Mrs. King

Scarecrow and Mrs. King submitted by singleguy79 to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 RemarkableDelay9085 UofT Engineering Personal Profile Practice Questions

I was wondering if when I started my practice questions for the personal profile on Kira Talent I had to complete the actual questions write there.
Also, do I need to book the interview or can I do it whenever I go on the website?
submitted by RemarkableDelay9085 to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 AaronnKai PALKIA NOW - 4802 9085 1176

submitted by AaronnKai to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 cathhatt Trying to finish this set.

Trying to finish this set. H: Have Tech LF: Digital Chat
submitted by cathhatt to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Difficult_Deer9021 Has anybody seen Budweiser lately! He was in Josh's chat last week dropping some big gifts but not in EEBJs in awhile 😂I think when he does come into the live Emil expects it

submitted by Difficult_Deer9021 to EEBJsnarks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Drifter_Lucas New ATV Ideas.

If you think about it, ATV's really drew the short end of the stick in variety when they made their debut in Mario Kart 8. They were heavily advertised as these cool new vehicles on the website for the original Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U, being not karts yet not bikes. Yet in the original release, there were only 3, Yes, 3, to choose from! (The Standard ATV, the Teddy Buggy, and the Wild Wiggler.) Meanwhile, there were 14 Karts, and 9 Bikes!
The Animal Crossing DLC did give us a 4th one, the Bone Rattler, which was cool since it was themed to Dry Bowser whom was also in the DLC, and it had only 3 wheels instead of 4, similar to the Tri-Speeder Kart (albeit inverted; the Tri-Speeder's one wheel was in the rear, but the Bone Rattler's one wheel was in the front!), but it also gave us a bike and two karts as well, bumping it up to 22 Karts and 11 Bikes if you include the Legend of Zelda DLC and the free Mercedes Benz GLA DLC as well!
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe gave us two new ATVs in the form of the Splatoon Themed Splat Buggy and Inkstriker to go along with the Inklings and the battle stage Urchin Underpass, but we also got the Koopa Clown Kart, bumping the kart number up to 23, and the Master Cycle Zero in an update, bumping the bike number up to 12!
It seems like Nintendo really didn't favor the ATVs, so I'm gonna try and think of ideas for new ATV's!
My ideas are the Waluigi Racer from Double Dash redesigned as an ATV, a Rambi-Style ATV to reference Donkey Kong Country, and a Star-themed ATV.
I don't have many ideas, but that's where you come in! Come up with a design for a new ATV, and then submit it to me in the comments! You don't have to do anything fancy, just come up with an idea then post it in the comments!
submitted by Drifter_Lucas to mariokart [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Slicky007 Gold Friday sale

Gold Friday sale submitted by Slicky007 to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Ok-Mathematician2578 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Ok-Mathematician2578 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 crist32 What is the purpose of this weapon? No spec in the game would use this that I'm aware of. I got it as an elemental shaman. My loot specialization was correct. Is this just because vanilla made it and they decided to keep it in the loot table?

What is the purpose of this weapon? No spec in the game would use this that I'm aware of. I got it as an elemental shaman. My loot specialization was correct. Is this just because vanilla made it and they decided to keep it in the loot table? https://preview.redd.it/da70p446163e1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=79a6fbdf8ef28ea3d846a667a7daadd8eff865cf
submitted by crist32 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 RareDubGamer Shovel in LF before I spend time doing it

Has anyone gotten the shovel and then just spammed trying to dig around other places of the map yet? There’s still at least one Easter egg we are missing. Spent a few hours the other night looking around with no luck, messed with phones, security cameras, etc. but wondering if anyone has done anything extra with the shovel
submitted by RareDubGamer to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 xroxasrebelx Do you think they should have had open auditions for the band Hanson? What if no one named Hanson showed up? That wouldn't even make sense. Or what if they just hired the littlest kid, and a 50 year old guy...who was a murderer?

submitted by xroxasrebelx to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 DiverseAllrounder Hotel/itinerary questions

My bi gf and I are traveling to Thailand for the first time from mid to end of March. We are very much interested in spending time with temporary gfs. We heard that Thonglor is a good area for upper scale clubbing etc. Is the Grande Centre Point Sukhumvit 55 a good hotel to stay at for that purpose? What are some of those "upper scale clubs" that we should check out?
Then, we were planning to spend a few days in Koh Samui. Being secluded, yet still with beach access with a few gfs seems ideal and we're looking for suggestions.
Finally, we were going to return to Bangkok and the idea was to stay near Soi Cowboy for the last weekend of our stay. Does this seem like a decent plan? Any hotel recommendations near Soi Cowboy? The Continent Hotel Sukhumvit seemed interesting.
submitted by DiverseAllrounder to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Novel_Negotiation224 A new study shows that the U.S.-Mexico border wall drastically reduced wildlife connectivity.

A new study shows that the U.S.-Mexico border wall drastically reduced wildlife connectivity. submitted by Novel_Negotiation224 to Wildlife [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 That_One_Monke Stories where the MC actually becomes the king/sect leader ?

Basically the title, need stories where the MC starts from the lowest of the low and eventually actually reaches the peak of the genres political status
Read too many stories where the MC starts low but never actually reaches the top
The genre doesn't matter to me- xanxia, nobles, reincarnation, system, wuxia, harem, etc I like them all, I just want the MC to start from the lowest and reach the top of whatever the respective genres political structure is
Some examples which I've read -
-Legend of arch magus,
-Jackal Among Snakes(although it's not explicitly the point of the story),
-Cradle(kind of a stretch but I like to plug cradle wherever I can lol)
submitted by That_One_Monke to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 Numerous_Layer_6834 Does anyone know what brand/year this is?

Does anyone know what brand/year this is? I received this lamp from my sister and she said it was a remake? All I know is the pump is broken! I’m new to these and I’m curious if anyone has any information on this specific one, I couldn’t find this one online since most are so ornate.
Not sure if it helps at all but it’s plastic and has no writing (now I just need to remove all the fake moss).
submitted by Numerous_Layer_6834 to LampRestoration [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 03:32 josephadam1 How is this design?

submitted by josephadam1 to web_design [link] [comments]
