any word on when the partner hours app will work?

2024.11.26 05:30 stellacoachella any word on when the partner hours app will work?

i’m just curious, anyone have any idea when the app is gonna work? i heard sunday night it should’ve been back up but it’s still down, just kinda trynna get an estimate on my check and what future checks may look like with the back pay… thnx!
submitted by stellacoachella to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 YandersonSilva Any idea what mod might be stopping TV skill growth?

I know, I know, turn off half of them, then try the other half, etc, just hoping someone might have some insight before I have to do the slog part.
I have turned off and on Bouncer's Radio (that adds Every Day Needs TV)... any other suggestions?
Mod list:
If the above isn't visible, here's the list from the save file...the first bunch (with numbers in front) are cars:

mod = 08sable, mod = vino125, mod = 28ss100, mod = 69mini\_ItalianJob, mod = 69mini\_MrBean, mod = 78amgeneralM35A2, mod = 78amgeneralM49A2C, mod = 78amgeneralM50A3, mod = 78amgeneralM62, mod = 80kz1000, mod = 82oshkoshM911, mod = 83amgeneralM923, mod = 85merc, mod = 87cruiser, mod = 88golfMk2, mod = 89def110, mod = 89def90, mod = 90niva, mod = 90zanella50cc, mod = 92amgeneralM998, mod = 4ColorBicPen, mod = UBPropFix, mod = LitSortOGSN, mod = LitSortOGSN\_readOnePage, mod = Ashenwood, mod = AuthenticZBackpacks+, mod = AuthenticAnimations, mod = AutoMechanics, mod = amclub, mod = autotsartrailers, mod = VISIBLE\_BACKPACK\_BACKGROUND, mod = Basements, mod = BecomeDesensitized, mod = BedfordFalls, mod = BetterBatteries, mod = Better Belts, mod = BetterFlashlights, mod = betterLockpicking, mod = BetterSortCC, mod = TowingCar, mod = Betterhandwash, mod = Blackwood, mod = BookCollection, mod = BoredomTweaks, mod = BB\_Bicycles, mod = BB\_Utils, mod = BuildingMenu, mod = BCGRareWeapons, mod = BCGTools, mod = CanteensAndBottles, mod = cheatmenu, mod = CleanDirt, mod = MoreCLR\_desc4mood, mod = CombatText, mod = BB\_CommonSense, mod = Computer, mod = ComputerCorporalsGamePack, mod = ComputerClassicsGamePack, mod = ConditionOnDash, mod = isoContainers, mod = CraftHelper41, mod = Diederiks Tile Palooza, mod = DRAW\_ON\_MAP, mod = DylansTiles, mod = DynamicTraits, mod = EasyConfigChucked, mod = EdsAutoSalvage, mod = EQUIPMENT\_UI, mod = EssentialCrafting, mod = ExpandedHelicopterEvents, mod = ExtraMapSymbols, mod = ExtraMapSymbolsUI, mod = FasterHoodOpening, mod = FRUsedCarsNLF, mod = FRUsedCars, mod = FRUsedCarsFT, mod = firearmmod, mod = firearmmodvanilla, mod = firearmmodbeta, mod = firearmmodbspatch, mod = BB\_FirstAidExpanded, mod = fuelsideindicator, mod = GenRange, mod = GeneratorTimeRemaining, mod = Grapeseed, mod = Greenleaf, mod = P4HasBeenRead, mod = BB\_HighlightFavorites, mod = NoLighterNeeded, mod = Improved\_Blood\_Ffects, mod = improvedbuildmenu41-1, mod = improvedbuildmenu41, mod = improvedhairmenu, mod = ItemTweakerAPI, mod = ItemTweakerAPIExtraClothingAddon, mod = jumpThroughWindows, mod = KillCount, mod = manageContainers, mod = MapLegendUI, mod = MapSymbolSizeSlider, mod = melos\_tiles\_for\_miles\_pack, mod = ModManager, mod = ModManagerServer, mod = ModTemplate, mod = MoodleFramework, mod = MoreBuilds, mod = MoreDescriptionForTraits4166, mod = MoreSimpleTraits, mod = ToadTraits, mod = ToadTraitsDisablePrepared, mod = ToadTraitsDisableSpec, mod = ToadTraitsDynamic, mod = NewEkron, mod = nattachments, mod = BB\_Foraging, mod = OujinjinTiles, mod = OutTheWindow, mod = myclothinguimod, mod = PantryPacking, mod = Pitstop, mod = BION\_PlainMoodles, mod = PlayableArcadeMachines41, mod = PlayersOnMap, mod = MilPoncho, mod = ProfessionFramework, mod = ProfessionFrameworkB41Patch, mod = ugPHP, mod = QNW\_QNWLibrary, mod = RV\_Interior\_MP, mod = RV\_Interior\_Vanilla, mod = RainCleansBlood, mod = RainWash, mod = SimpleReadWhileWalking41, mod = ReduceLagofCraftingMenu, mod = ReducedWoodWeight2x41, mod = ReLght, mod = ReloadAllMagazines, mod = RenameContainers, mod = REORDER\_CONTAINERS, mod = REORDER\_THE\_HOTBAR, mod = RepairAnyClothes, mod = RepairAnyMod, mod = rideabletrucks, mod = pz\_rosewoodexp\_map, mod = RosewoodVHSGunStores, mod = ScrapWeapons(new version), mod = BLTAnnotations, mod = simonMDsTiles, mod = SimpleOverhaulMeleeWeapons, mod = SimpleOverhaulMeleeWeapons\_EasySpearAttachments, mod = SimplePlayablePianos4150, mod = Skizots Visible Boxes and Garbage2, mod = sleeponit, mod = SleepWithFriends, mod = SlowConsumption, mod = SmarterStorage, mod = Smoker, mod = snowiswaterbeta, mod = SpnCloth, mod = SpnOpenCloth, mod = StaIte, mod = SwapIt, mod = Tactical Weapons, mod = tailoringfix41, mod = TakeAnyAmount, mod = TheWorkshop(new version), mod = P4TidyUpMeister, mod = TrueCrouching, mod = TMC\_TrueActions, mod = TrueActionsDancing, mod = TrueActionsDancingVHS, mod = TrueActionsDancingVHS\_MAG, mod = tsarslib, mod = VFExpansion1, mod = VanillaVehiclesAnimated, mod = VanillaVehiclesAnimated\_SVU, mod = VehicleRecycling, mod = VehicleRepairOverhaul, mod = fhqExpVehSpawn, mod = Video\_Game\_Consoles, mod = mrnvsbhltr, mod = WaterDispenser, mod = wellsConstruction, mod = WestPointExpansion, mod = wringclothes, mod = fhqMotoriusZone, mod = tkTiles\_01, mod = QNW\_Ladder, mod = ConditionalMiniMap, mod = CraftableSledgehammer, mod = DisplayAllForagingEffects, mod = FindAxesAndSledgehammers, mod = ItemStories\_Framework, mod = ItemStories\_PillowsOnBeds, mod = ItemStories\_PoolBallsCues, mod = ItemStories\_PropaneTanksInGarages, mod = ItemStories\_RoomLoot, mod = MoreDurableAxes, mod = ManySpawns, mod = ManySpawnsAll, mod = ManySpawnsAnywhereBut, mod = ManySpawnsLocation, mod = ManySpawnsLouisville, mod = ManySpawnsProfession, mod = ManySpawnsLouisvilleByNeighborhood, mod = ManySpawnsMP, mod = ManySpawnsVariations, mod = RandomizedGenerators, mod = 49powerWagon, mod = damnlib, mod = 49ford8N, mod = 59meteor, mod = 63beetle, mod = 63Type2Van, mod = 67commando, mod = 67gt500, mod = 68firebird, mod = 69camaro, mod = 69mini, mod = 70dodge, mod = 70barracuda, mod = 75grandPrix, mod = 76chevyKseries, mod = 77firebird, mod = 80manKat1, mod = 81deloreanDMC12, mod = 82jeepJ10, mod = 82jeepJ10t, mod = 82firebird, mod = 84gageV300, mod = 84merc, mod = 85clubMan, mod = 86fordE150, mod = 86oshkoshP19A, mod = 87buickRegal, mod = 87chevySuburban, mod = 87fordB700, mod = 87toyotaMR2, mod = 88chevyS10, mod = 89dodgeCaravan, mod = 89fordBronco, mod = 89volvo200, mod = 90bmwE30, mod = 90fordF350ambulance, mod = 90pierceArrow, mod = 91fordLTD, mod = 91geoMetro, mod = 91range, mod = 92fordCVPI, mod = 92jeepYJ, mod = 92nissanGTR, mod = 93chevySuburban, mod = 93fordElgin, mod = 93fordF350, mod = 93mustangSSP, mod = 93fordTaurus, mod = 93townCar, mod = ForkLift, mod = ItemStories\_ZoddsPalletCrates, mod = ItemStories\_Zupercarts, mod = TMC\_Trolley, mod = ItemStories\_TireRacksInMechanics, mod = VNGarage, mod = ItemStories\_ZupercartsTrolleys, mod = modoptions, mod = ShowAttackDistance, mod = TchernoLib, mod = KI5trailers, mod = TrueCrawl, mod = TrueActions4Talking, mod = WDYPIH, mod = \[ADDON\]TMC\_TrueActions, mod = TheStar, mod = TSW\_ScreamsOfPain, mod = Better Belts ADDON, mod = Easily Find The Key, mod = More Bags, mod = Soap, mod = P4OnTheDoor, mod = TapedTVShowsSurvivorRadioExpansion, mod = ChangeSandBox, mod = Bouncer's Radio Expansion, 
submitted by YandersonSilva to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 bruhplssaysike SM North Edsa to LTO Araneta Ave Licensing Center and vice versa

pwede rin from fisher mall na to LTO and vice versa. thanks!! :))
submitted by bruhplssaysike to HowToGetTherePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 potterheadmama13 OTR Process Assistant drug test

Hey guys I just got promoted and I'm transferring to an XLDS that requires me to get DOT certified, NON CDL. my paper work says I have to take a drug test and physical and I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me if I will be tested for THC. I'm in Georgia if it makes a difference.
submitted by potterheadmama13 to amazonemployees [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 macyhallx [Advice] 20F nervous about FIFO- what's the vibe like with men on site? Friendly or intimidating

20F here and I'm thinking about getting into FIFO because I need the money and feel a bit lost with my career direction. I've been told FIFO could be a good option, either in Perth or QLD. I'm considering starting as a utility worker and figuring out my next steps from there -whatever role inspires me. I'm physically fit (I hit the gym regularly), so the hard work doesn't worry me, but the idea of flying into a male-dominated environment does.
Will the guys on site look after me, or should I be concerned about fitting in?
Would love some reassurance or advice
Also, if you have some job recommendations and don't want to put it public, feel free to DM me here or insta, whatever works for you
submitted by macyhallx to northernterritory [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 Fair-Fill9947 f22 my friends say i look like a whore and cheater. i need opinions. telegram jesslans

submitted by Fair-Fill9947 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 Electrical_Grade3213 Is this dress vintage or vintage inspired?

Is this dress vintage or vintage inspired? It has no tags besides the “100% cotton” one, but I don’t think its handmade. I also reverse google searched it and nothing exactly like what I have came up.
submitted by Electrical_Grade3213 to VintageFashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 OkBodybuilder3247 his is a massive improvement if you comapre it with 2022 meag auction I think we got that base foundation right this time.

his is a massive improvement if you comapre it with 2022 meag auction I think we got that base foundation right this time. submitted by OkBodybuilder3247 to MumbaiIndians [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 asdefs Filter on Numark party mix

So I got an old numark party mix, I've studied and played on a pioneer ddj from a friend for a while and he gave me this numark as a gift to continue to study at home but I really miss the filter knob (it kinda sucks that it don't have high and mid knobs too, just the treble but I can live with this), anyone knows if I can change the gain knob to control the filter?
submitted by asdefs to Beatmatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 mymelodee111 AITAH for semi cheating back on my ex boyfriend?

sorry if the title is confusing but i didn’t know how else to word it. for some background, i was with my ex boyfriend for a year and a half. We were extremely close and in the beginning of the relationship he did not treat me good. he crossed a lot of boundaries of mine and did things some people might consider micro cheating or emotional cheating (talked to other girls that he previously flirted with, lusted after girls, and was just a bad boyfriend to me. there’s more but it’s very very specific and requires a lot of context) It was a horrible toxic and stressful relationship at this point and i was super depressed. i lost 10 pounds from stress and just being upset and a shell of myself all the time. but after about six months of being together, he started to change and did a complete turn around and no longer did the things i didn’t like. the relationship still had its ups and downs but we both grew a lot closer.
Two months ago i decided to go through his phone , because he never let me in the past and he was asleep so i saw an opportunity. I found a lot of micro cheating/disrespectful things from the past (a year ago) but nothing recently. however i found out that one night when he went out with his friends, he met a girl and asked for her number. he then hung out with her that night and texted her after to continue talking to her, only she didn’t respond. This was a year ago so we were together for 6 months at that point. I know some people think this isn’t bad bc it wasn’t physical but i was heartbroken and i broke up with him. He begged for me back and explained he changed and he’s not the same person and he only wants me yadayadayada. and after a lot of his charm and persuasion i started talking to him again but i did NOT forgive him. We’ve been hanging out a lot and still do everything we did as boyfriend and girlfriend only without the title and we are not together.
As of today, I started texting with a guy I met at my community college that asked for my number. I gave it to him thinking “well why not I’m technically single and I’ve never done this before.” maybe in the back of my mind I also wanted revenge on my ex. But I’ve been talking to this guy and i feel insanely guilty because i know my ex boyfriend would be hurt if he found out. I know if it was the other way around i’d be upset with him. I feel horrible for being attracted to another guy when i’m still in this whatever relationship situation with my ex. Does anyone have any thoughts and thanks if you read to the end of this ranty post.
submitted by mymelodee111 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 Smoke-Knight-007 Obsidian Noob Here

Hi everyone, I am new to obsidian and I was wondering how and what kind of notes can I make with it. So can anyone share their notes link or share some advice here! Thanks in advance
submitted by Smoke-Knight-007 to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 PuzzleheadedRise7332 Guys ano ibig sabihin nito? Bakit sya bumalik when supposedly idedeliver na?

Guys ano ibig sabihin nito? Bakit sya bumalik when supposedly idedeliver na? submitted by PuzzleheadedRise7332 to ShopeePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 AeonicButterfly [Windows][2012~2013] Windows Port of Open Source Klotski game

Platform(s): Windows
Genre: Puzzle
Estimated year of release: 2000's
Graphics/art style: Simple top down, 2D Graphics
Notable characters:
Notable gameplay mechanics: Just Klotski, with a large amount of the Windows Entertainment Pack levels.
Other details: This is driving me batty. On Windows 7, I had an install of an OSS Klotski game. If I remember right, it contained versions of most or all of the Windows Entertainment Pack levels, and was one of the reasons I liked it so much.
I thought it was included as part of KDE For Windows, but I'm guessing that's not the case. I know GNOME Klotski exists, but I can't find any Windows binaries and I'm not 100% sure that was my game.
submitted by AeonicButterfly to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 Just_Serve Gold locked

Gold locked submitted by Just_Serve to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 samotsar Core42 is hiring a Senior Specialist - Incident Response

🏢 Company: Core42 📍 Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 💸 Salary Guide: $80,000 USD - $120,000 USD Tax-Free! 👉 Apply & More Details:
📈 Trending Job Searches: Software Engineer Jobs in Dubai Expatriate Jobs in Saudi Arabia IT Jobs in Dubai Jobs in Abu Dhabi
submitted by samotsar to AbuDhabiJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 jsontrinh Pre drinks before game?

I don’t follow A League much, but my family from England are coming to Melbourne for Christmas and we’re going to the Melbourne Derby.
Where abouts do all the Melbourne City fans go before the game to drink Guinness?
submitted by jsontrinh to Aleague [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 haunted_ramens What should I choose?

I want Minthara to stay with me. Ive done so much to get to this point including doing the raid 3 times (forgot to save and picked her dialogue wrong a LOT) and I really don’t wanna have to redo anything anymore.
submitted by haunted_ramens to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 Fun_Secretary679 [Unknown]This snake deco is coming with the King Equipment.

[Unknown]This snake deco is coming with the King Equipment. submitted by Fun_Secretary679 to ClashOfClansLeaks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 RemoveNational ACTUALLY getting started

so i’m 15 and i got interested in playing after the world cup in 2022, but i have a hard time getting myself to get out there and train even though i really enjoy the game and have gotten heavily invested into it. im not fat but i wouldn’t say im fit either. any advice is appreciated😭
submitted by RemoveNational to bootroom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 ifieatedtheborger gingerbread cottage ❄️

gingerbread cottage ❄️ i’m aware that it’s not good
submitted by ifieatedtheborger to simsfreeplay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 erer1243 Currently, it's November 26, 2024 at 12:30AM

Currently, it's November 26, 2024 at 12:30AM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 NL-funplaycouple My soft soles in winter pantyhose

My soft soles in winter pantyhose submitted by NL-funplaycouple to funplayfeet [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 wrldsbestex [18+]hey there!!! are you looking for an active server with laid back vibes? join YOUR MAMAS HOUSE and feel free to have some fun and joke around with us! we are a community server with consistent vcs & funny members, relaxed mods, fun roles, gaming, and level bot! come say hi and meet new buds<3

join us now!!!
submitted by wrldsbestex to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 LibrarianWeary8257 I do not need your money but your money is a sign of your devotion and submission. That is what is important 🤍

submitted by LibrarianWeary8257 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 05:30 Own-Juggernaut-6159 Mattress Firm Outlet

Has anyone had an experience with the Mattress Firm Outlet items? The mattress we wanted was around 2,000 but we could get one that had been returned for 1,100. Good idea or no?
submitted by Own-Juggernaut-6159 to Mattress [link] [comments]