2024.11.26 05:30 reddit_lss_1 New Image Post 26/11/2024 05:28:44
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 05:30 optifree1 What are you buying?
submitted by optifree1 to MemeCoinJunkies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 05:30 Particular_Wave3437 just created a McDonald's shadow market
see it here: https://websim.ai/p/ab7jc9ca6e9n4p4yq04l
submitted by Particular_Wave3437 to WebSim [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 Jealous_Decision230 Still gut wrenched to this day at least 14kUSD around a year and a half ago fell for crypto scam.
I had access to a MetaMask account with a significant amount of cryptocurrency. Suddenly, my account was drained. I haven’t told anyone yet, and when people I know ask, I say things are going well. In reality, it’s incredibly embarrassing that this happened.
What makes it even worse is that I love crypto as an idea, but now I’m too scared to invest again, even though I’ve been considering starting a business in the space. Regarding scams and recovery efforts, is it even worth fighting when, most of the time, nothing comes of it? Should I reinvest in crypto but stick to government-approved companies like Coinbase?
submitted by Jealous_Decision230 to Scams [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 TheHammer34 The Spotlight Corner
Hello pokemongo Community,
Welcome to the Spotlight Corner.
This is a thread related to the Spotlight Hour Pokemon.
Please post any questions, inquiries, discussion as well as images related to this event here.
Any submissions related to Spotlight Hour outside of this thread may be removed at a moderator's discretion to avoid flooding the subreddit.
Details of this week's Spotlight Hour Event:
2024.11.26 05:30 Arshit-Malik Ask Anything Thread
Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by Arshit-Malik to AnyPostOrComment [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 Feisty_Confusion8277 My new character, his whole deal is he's a chill guy that low-key doesn't give a fuck
submitted by Feisty_Confusion8277 to paydaytheheist [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 05:30 Business_Challenge55 Snk oc-2 server
On my face book pics...
submitted by Business_Challenge55 to Angelrobledojara [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 Resident_Response_63 Trade anyone?
Gold 4 Gold ❤️ submitted by Resident_Response_63 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 05:30 bereniceIcy-Chest85 No tengo amigas alguien?
Chavas que quieren tener una amistad conmigo, no vatos.
submitted by bereniceIcy-Chest85 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 MurtazaBharmal New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by MurtazaBharmal to POS_System [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 Time-Substance-6434 in profile doing pbrint/flesh tribs
submitted by Time-Substance-6434 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 Lynnickah Trying to help someone find a book about a hired woman to help him sleep.
I'm looking for a book for someone, they said they started to read it awhile ago and now can't remember the name because they want to finish it. It's about a wife that hires a woman to come help her husband sleep by letting him suckle between her legs until he falls asleep. I guess the wife was getting exhausted from doing it? The man can't fall asleep unless he's doing this I guess. And yes, between her legs. As in her clitorus. He has to suckle a clit to fall asleep. I hope someone can help us find the title so she can finish the book and I can.. umm.. check it out as well.
submitted by Lynnickah to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 Supersmashbrosfan Insider Trading Simulator
submitted by Supersmashbrosfan to AIGeneratedVideoGames [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 05:30 Coolit12z I wish I could go further.
submitted by Coolit12z to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 05:30 akanezzx What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by akanezzx to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 SuggestionHot5116 Rate my reheated adobo meal
submitted by SuggestionHot5116 to PangetPeroMasarap [link] [comments] |
According to http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2024/11/25/the-curious-case-of-natalia-grace-returns-this-january-for-the-final-chapter-860014/20241125id01/ The final installment of “The Curious Case Of Natalia Grace” is expected to be released sometime in January 2025!
submitted by SpecialistShort6421 to DiscoveryID [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 xHypex1 Girl who friend zoned me goes cold when mentioning I have a gf
This girl friend zoned me about a month ago and we remained friends. I recently lost feelings for her and got into a relationship. We always tease and joke around with each other, and today while we were joking around I mentioned that I have a girl as part of the joke. After that we cut the convo, and shortly after sent her another video. She usually replies quick but this time I was left on delivered for an hour and a half. Then she leaves it on seen, which she NEVER DOES. She then after an hour sends back the same reel & leaves me on seen AGAIN. Does this indicate any switch on how she views me? Is she disappointed? What does this show? Because she never does this.
submitted by xHypex1 to Crushes [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 AutoModerator What are you feeling right now? Daily check in
What are you feeling right now?
What physical sensations do you notice in your body? For example, do you feel tightness, looseness, heaviness, lightness, pressure, pain, heat? Where do you feel these things -- for example, in your face, chest, gut, legs?
What thoughts are you having? Are there words or pictures crossing your mind?
What urges do you have? Do you want to do particular things, or do you notice an urge to avoid particular things?
submitted by AutoModerator to WhatsThisFeeling [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 shaggyTax8930 Absolutly Loving 3rd Edition Overall
The only reason I’m even making this post is because I haven’t seen anyone say anything but what they dislike about the changes from second edition. I feel like there should be at least one voice mentioning what they’ve enjoyed.
Absolutly love the changes to shooting. Since shots are not only more likely to hit, they can also be more lethal. (Except for the invincible Vets going down in hard cover) it means that there’s so much more to the actual back and forth of a firefight. Smaller squads throw pins around the best, but if that little mosquito is buzzing around a little too annoyingly, it only takes some good point blank shots from a healthy sized squad to see it erased from the board.
Soft skins took that much needed change to their damage resolution. It makes transports not such a no brained to toss a MMG onto it, you may only get one turn of shooting before that extra 15pt investment gets blown to smithereens by Rifleman Harris with a lucky shot.
On the same note as vehicles, tanks and armored vehicles feel so much better with a buddy. They feel like actual platoons now organized an assisting each other. No more single Sherman Armored platoon, he’ll be able to bring his four other buddy’s when some goober says the age old statistic (no matter how accurate it really is) when they place their Tiger down across from them. Also, those big pricey ones definitely needed their prices dropped, even if people may not feel that they’re worth it, the people that were previously fielding them are probably much happier now.
There’s even more I wasn’t able to mention, like platoon commanders, the changes to spotters/mortars, and the decision to platoon selectors as a whole.
While there have been some problems, I feel like the positive absolutly outweighs the negative, and this is coming from a Japan player, one who is very sad to see their nation overwhelmingly nerfed repeatedly in 3rd edition.
submitted by shaggyTax8930 to boltaction [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 RenownLight ilvl displaying incorrectly?
submitted by RenownLight to wow [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 05:30 Educational-Let-1027 How do you know if your crush is pretending not to notice your appearance?
I sit in front of my crush, and one seat to the left in class. I was wearing a dress and looking all cute. When we get out of class, it’s super cold outside. I’m walking with my crush and my friend “Stella”. Stella asks me, “how are you not cold?”
My crush says “it’s not that bad”.
Stella: in a dress though?
My crush looks back at me, “oh, yeah”.
submitted by Educational-Let-1027 to Flirting [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 TexBoo Can I play with a friend without any ranks, just for the AC?
I have a friend who is quite bad at the game, While I am FaceIT level 8
We currently play comp matches together but cheaters in normal MM is such a turn off
Would it be possible to play FaceIT together without any ranks together?
My friend is Faceit level 2 at max
Like just a normal CS2 comp match, but with the Faceit AC
submitted by TexBoo to FACEITcom [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 05:30 ShallWeRiot Relapsing
So does any intake of nicotine count as a relapse and restart the clock again? On Saturday I had a few drags of a friend's cigarette. But my withdrawls aren't much worse if any. I don't know of any clocks that measure time in the past instead of starting from "right now" so if anyone has one please let me know. (Ie one I could start from Saturday and use as a counter)
submitted by ShallWeRiot to QuitVaping [link] [comments]