2024.11.26 06:50 huju_12345 FM in 1 week need tips
Hi all I am giving FM this attempt and need some advices how to prepare in these last days . My preparation is not quite that good since I had health issues. I failed aa in last attempt 49 😭💀don’t wanna do this in this one lol
submitted by huju_12345 to ACCA [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 35Smet Why is my helix fistula getting bigger
Bottom helix is 11mo old, upper one is 9mo; both are titanium flat backs. Clean em by spraying saline in the morning and rinsing them in the shower at night, in both cases drying with a hair dryer on low setting. I avoid sleeping on that side but I have a piercing pillow if I can’t help it. And yet my lower piercing has made itself a big ol hole submitted by 35Smet to piercing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 GoAkatsuki 1x RAMPA &ME Miami
Selling cheap dm me
submitted by GoAkatsuki to avesNYC_tix [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 Boring_Bear_2633 Is he good?
I currently have a 103 OVR Trick or Treat Luis Diaz. Don’t know if I should rank up Barnes 🏴 submitted by Boring_Bear_2633 to FUTMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 jays_vvrld Bro.. i hate battles..
Don’t get me wrong, i love Tyler, but NEITHER song should remind you of love ESPECIALLY Darling, I submitted by jays_vvrld to Soundmap [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 Riobox WHY? JUST WHY?
submitted by Riobox to CharacterAI [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 SignorFede .
submitted by SignorFede to repost [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 howcan_inot Probleme beim Quadrizeps Training
Hallo zusammen. Ich trainiere regelmäßig und seit Jahren im Gym. Habe im November eine einwöchige Pause gemacht, weil ich ausgelaugt war und vom Kopf nicht mehr so ganz dabei war. Davor die Zeit habe ich regelmäßig gute Kraftzuwächse gehabt. Nach meiner Pause lief auch alles soweit wieder reibungslos abgesehen das Quadrizeps Training. Habe bei Hacksquats einen richtigen Leistungsabfall gehabt. Hatte die Woche vor der Pause 2 Sätze à 90kg mit jeweils 6 Reps gemacht. Bei der Session war nach 3x komplett Feierabend. Danach beim Beinstrecker musste ich die Gewichte auch um 20kg reduzieren. Hab mir erstmal nichts wildes dabei gedacht und dachte vielleicht die Tagesform obwohl das schon ein großer Leistungsabfall war. Bei allen anderen Muskelgruppen lief es ganz normal auch bei den Hams. Jetzt gestern habe ich wieder Quads trainiert. Ohne Gewichte aufgewärmt und dann auf 45kg hoch und nach 3 Reps war Feierabend. Hatte ein ganz komisches Gefühl im Quad und es tat auch etwas weh. Meine Quads waren brutal angespannt und dabei habe ich ja nicht viel gemacht. Hab das Quad Training dementsprechend natürlich abgebrochen. Habe im Ruhezustand keinerlei Schmerzen aber frage mich was das sein kann. Weiß nicht ob die Info relevant ist aber mache seit gut 2 Monaten auch richtig regelmäßig Cardio 3x pro Woche für 30 Minuten auf einem Ergometer.
Vielen Dank schonmal für eure Expertise.
submitted by howcan_inot to FitnessDE [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 Stunning_One1005 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Stunning_One1005 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 This-Bake-9654 Rights as Unsecured Creditor?
A NZ company that I purchased goods from went into liquidation and I didn’t receive the $500 of goods that I have paid for. The Liquidators have reached out to advise there are no funds remaining to pay so I will not be refunded.
Aware it’s not a huge amount of money in the scheme of things, but still money that’s I’ve essentially given away for free lol. Is there anything further I can do?
submitted by This-Bake-9654 to LegalAdviceNZ [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 PrinceJxrdi Almost becoming a double Diamond Player, let’s keep steppin 💪🏼
Akuma was tough, now we’re truly getting the hang of him lol👍🏼 submitted by PrinceJxrdi to StreetFighter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 Sea_Froyo7612 день 380
Скоро сезон праздников и новый год - самое занятое время года для меня. Каждый год в декабре мне плохо, потому что регулярной жизни больше нет, и мне нужно делать очень много вещей, которые я планирую в последнюю минуту. Какой стрессовый сезон! Стихотворение "Каждый год я болен в декабре" Федора Сологуба - это про меня.
submitted by Sea_Froyo7612 to WriteStreakRU [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 CommunicationWild198 WB Mega Beedrill!! Come join 677588642290
submitted by CommunicationWild198 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 thatawkwardtinysoul Can y’all help me complete my pillow collection please?
I only need ‘I’ll miss you’ to have them all and if anyone has it and wants to part with it, I would really really appreciate it😊 My ign is Shadow and my ID is 9615 2040 178
submitted by thatawkwardtinysoul to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 MugShots Johndarius Ward was shot and killed in his vehicle after leaving a convenience store on Oct. 5.
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 Hot_Tailor1604 Hey! Can you give me some advice on how to modify it?
I want to renovate my fish pond and raise some fish. Do you have any good suggestions? https://preview.redd.it/a1imkchs073e1.jpg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35ac3a7dca324bdab8cf849aac77cd4e4b6fbf9 submitted by Hot_Tailor1604 to POPOSOAP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 simbiyotF shedding stopped!
is it mean it's going to regrow it stop after taking d and multivitamins for 1.5 month
submitted by simbiyotF to TelogenEffluvium [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 iamoninternet27 Thinking about you Gravity..
submitted by iamoninternet27 to LCID [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 boomboomciao any other companions for LOL?
is there any other companions except for iTero that accepts queue automatically for you? I have used some like blitz and poro but couldn't find that option back in the day
submitted by boomboomciao to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 EndoWarrior03 Maximus 💗
submitted by EndoWarrior03 to DoodleMyDog [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 copperwombat Childcare Packing List
My 20 month old is starting childcare for the first time. The Packing List from our childcare centre includes:
Raincoat/waterproof coat
Gum boots
Waterproof pants
Water bottle
I was hoping for recommendations for any of the above - but particularly for raincoats/waterproof coats and gum boots, hoping to get something good in the Black Friday sales.
I was planning on the big bbox water bottle (as she is familiar with their straw cups) but saw that most of the children in the room had these - can this cause issues with illness if children accidentally take each others water bottle - is it better to have something more unique looking?
submitted by copperwombat to BabyBumpsandBeyondAu [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 LandedKnight137 metal doppelganger trope my beloved
submitted by LandedKnight137 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 06:50 bbbourb Glitches Galore in the Pale Heart
Unfortunate, but this is my experience in the Pale Heart.
TONS of lag. Enemies teleporting across the map. (I'm at 93Mbps down, 92Mbps up, 45ms ping, not great but not BAD by any means).
Three separate Pathfinder nodes did not complete. All three were "Go here, kill this enemy."
Got booted to orbit randomly twice, BOTH times it reset Overthrow. Seriously, how is it not set up so Overthrow only resets if you log out of that character? Come on.
I kept hearing weird sound effects on random kills. No, I didn't have any of the "special" mods on. Hell I didn't even have a beer.
And this is from today, and doesn't count any of the less-than-enjoyable Gambit matches or repeat Vanguard Ops.
BUT, lest it ALL be negative, I DID get a couple Relativism drops in random chests. One from a HVT, one from a Stitching chest. So there's that, I guess.
submitted by bbbourb to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 Trippy_Rex After redeeming the code, what else can I do with the card?
submitted by Trippy_Rex to PokeCodes [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 06:50 this_Name_4ever Can anyone offer me some advice on how to determine what variety this stamp is? From what I see on Hipstamps, they can go for a lot depending on the variety-
l submitted by this_Name_4ever to stamps [link] [comments] |