Is this a schizo take from Drake fans or do you think there’s validity to it

2024.11.26 10:20 Pablo_Undercover Is this a schizo take from Drake fans or do you think there’s validity to it

Is this a schizo take from Drake fans or do you think there’s validity to it submitted by Pablo_Undercover to fantanoforever [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 Ok-Trainer-7050 WB dialga 3 local 992538925896

submitted by Ok-Trainer-7050 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 lecoeur-com #Ukraine #Russie : Les russes auraient pris Rozdolne, au nord est de Vremivka, sur le front sud.

#Ukraine #Russie : Les russes auraient pris Rozdolne, au nord est de Vremivka, sur le front sud. submitted by lecoeur-com to Infos_France [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 Mp3ster ADV2 Shipping notification received!

By the sounds of my email and my order being marked as “shipped” in my order history, looks like a late January delivery for me!
submitted by Mp3ster to FloatwheelTeam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 Michka-Macha Je ne sais pas comment accéder au travail que je veux et quelles études faire. Besoin de conseils.

Bonjour à tous ! Petit résumé de mon parcours :
Après mon bac ES j’ai fais une L1 en LEA l’année dernière. Je n’ai pas poursuivi étant donné que je n’avais pas confiance en ses débouchées. De plus, je ne me voyais pas travailler dans ce domaine toute ma vie. Je suis donc actuellement en année sabbatique, m’étant réorientée trop tard, je n'avais pas beaucoup de choix sur parcoursup. Je suis actuellement en CDI dans une petite enseigne de fast food et bien que mon équipe soit géniale je ne compte pas y faire carrière.
Depuis mai dernier, je suis donc en train d’évaluer des poursuites d’études possibles.

Toute petite je me suis découverte une passion pour le montage vidéo, je peux y passer aisément des journées entières sans m’en lasser (quelque chose de rare chez moi). En fouillant parcoursup les formations les plus cohérentes avec cette passion serait: Un BTS audiovisuelle (mais malheureusement mal noté et difficile d’accès ce qui me fait un peu peur). Une licence de cinéma (encore une fois difficile d’accès et pas forcément professionnalisante). Les écoles payantes sont hors de la question pour moi.
Actuellement si j’ai accès à l’une des formations citées plus haut je la rejoins sans hésiter. Mais dans le cas où on me refuse je n’ai pas vraiment envie de faire une formation courte style BTS dans un domaine que je n’aime pas vraiment “juste” pour avoir un diplôme.
Mon copain est d’avis que je n’ai qu’une vie et que je dois essayer de poursuivre ce qui me permettrait d’être comblée même sans passer par la voie classique. Et quitte à prendre des risques (pas au point de me retrouver à la rue on s’entend), je devrais monter en compétence par moi même (le montage étant une discipline fortement présente sur internet cela paraît réalisable c’est actuellement ce que je fais).
J’ai relancé une chaîne sur YouTube par passion récemment. D’abord pour me donner des projets à bosser puis pour me permettre de progresser. De plus pour que cela me serve de portfolio pour montrer mes compétences une fois que je serais assez qualifié. Je ne sais pas ce que l’avenir me réserve mais ce serait mon outil pour essayer de rivaliser avec les diplômés des autres CV. J’ai déjà entendu parler du fait que certains se lancent en freelance mais du peu que j’en sais cela reste au mieux une voix compliquée au début mais je ne suis pas encore très renseignée puisque cela me semble encore un peu lointain.
Je suis donc un peu perdu dans ma vie et c’est pour cela que je viens demander conseils.
Merci d’avoir pris le temps de me lire et encore merci si vous avez la possibilité de m’aider en commentaire !
(Ma chaîne si jamais vous voulez y faire un tour:
submitted by Michka-Macha to etudiants [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 Neat-Ad2706 I know your wallet hates to see me coming 🤑🤑 draining to me is your greatest accomplishment.

submitted by Neat-Ad2706 to FindomMeets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 verxzylol Advice on continuing playing sport

I'm a sophomore in high school who was part of my soccer team but was injured all of my freshman year and didn't play a single game. When I return, the season would already be over. Personal things happen and my family is in a financial crisis and can't help fund my soccer journey in highschool. Things are so bad that I don't dare to join another year of highschool sport because it will cause an even bigger financial strain that my parents can't afford. This causes me to not play soccer this year (Sophomore). My parents and I agree for me to work when I turn 16 to help them financially. I really love the sport and I would consider this sport my dream. I am losing confidence in myself and don't know if I can really play this sport professionally. What are advice you can give me? I have passion for this sport, all I think and breathe is soccer. I have been playing since a young age. I don't want to give up on my dreams but each day makes me realize how far back/behind I am. I overthink this every day (currently writing this at 2:13 am) and I don't want to let this dream of mine slip away from me. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks so much for reading this
submitted by verxzylol to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 far_economy65787 I killed and ate a cat

Now I have been in the foster care system suffering from untreated mental illness for years and often abused emotionally because of it. Recently 6 months ago I turned 18 and was basically was thrown to the street with no money to my name. for 3 months I was living in an abandoned house and my insane delusions got worse and worse until I did something horrible I haven't told anyone about. I saw a cat and instead of a cat I viewed it as offering from higher power that by sending such a creature I would be able to see the world for what it is. Along with it I didn't think it was sentient creature and only a vessel for diven, this does not excuse what I did next.
The worst part about this is ran up too me, meaning it probably had an home. Instead of petting I used a knife that I used to kill and eat rats to stab the cat too death, after ofc I ate the poor thing. Soon I was done a couple weeks later a uncle of mine found me and decided to take me too a mental hosbital. I recovered and now am taking meds for my delusions living with my uncle. After the recovery I remember what happened with the cat from a sane perspective and felt conpletely horrible but at the at the same time feared telling anyone due too the consequences. So just kept it with and let it eat away at me with what I did. Now I finally can get it off my chest I am such a horrible pos and have become strictly vegan since then because of that.
submitted by far_economy65787 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 Equivalent_Opposite6 🥲

🥲 submitted by Equivalent_Opposite6 to meme [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001 submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 Zahryaart Reptile room - power question

Hi fellow reptile lovers! I live in an old rental place and looking to finish up my reptile room. I currently have 6 enclosures, equating to 7 CHE lamps and 1 UVB lamp. I have one more enclosure to add, which would come to 9 CHE and 1 UVB. Everything is spread across 2 outlets on thermostats plugged into surge protected power strips... when does it become too much for the breakeoutlets to handle? As a renter I'm getting paranoid about electrical fire. TIA for either helping my paranoia or showing me I need to change something!
submitted by Zahryaart to reptiles [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」outpeepの意味について

詩的なoutpeepは、「 to peep out 」が定義されています。読み方はˌaʊtˈpiːp です。豊富な例文及び運用法を通して「outpeep」の意味を学びましょう!
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 ButcherBirdd HANL confirmed for outbreak 2025

submitted by ButcherBirdd to HaveANiceLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional |Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001

🏆 Game Professional |Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001 submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 philfodenjr WB DIALGA 256574742200

submitted by philfodenjr to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 kungfu_panda98 Last 2 Weeks Haul

Last 2 Weeks Haul submitted by kungfu_panda98 to Hotwheelsindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 SLikent У тж есть своя приписка в бравл старс?

У тж есть своя приписка в бравл старс? submitted by SLikent to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 livinglikelarry123 Would I be a fool to leave New Zealand to live in the US?

I’m a NZ citizen in my early 20’s who has just been scheduled for a green card interview from the Diversity Visa lottery. I realise getting a green card as a foreigner is such a huge deal and high strike of luck, so my immediate thought is “well I should make the most of it, so many people could only dream to have this opportunity that I have sitting in front of me”. If I’m accepted, I’ll be able to become a US resident sometime over the next 7 months, provided I catch a flight and make the move. I spent last year’s summer in many states, so it won’t come as big of a culture shock compared to a first-time arrival.
Location wise, I think I’d like to live on the east coast. But I’m very open to ideas and alternatives! NYC would be cool, but just so crazy expensive and likely impractical for me. I remember saying to myself that I couldn’t imagine myself living there after visiting for a week in August hahaha. Realistically NJ/NY/MA, or Nashville (I have Kiwi connections there) or maybe something more scenic and chill like CO. I haven’t nailed what I would do for work. But with my business & creative experience in photo & video, I’m sure I’ll be able to find something, even if I start out self employed again!
The question that keeps circling my mind is - am I making a terrible decision? If I make the move, I’ll be leaving a lot of security and potential behind, but could also be entering a fantastic new experience in my life. The catch is I won’t know until I make that step. Finances will take a hit undoubtedly for the first month or two, but I have 80k saved (initially intended for a house deposit, but might be utilised for this move instead).
Sure, New Zealand has plenty of pros. Right now, it’s very comfortable and sustainable. I’m still living with family, I have some friends (out of town), I own a successful business (but I’m hitting a ceiling with my current location), constant beautiful scenery and coastline. But plenty of cons - isolated, small, hard to make new friends, crazy high UV in summer, small dating pool, more post-graduates heading overseas - aka the NZ ‘brain drain’ - resulting in an overall aging population, smaller mindsets in general, and big drinking culture.
But the US seems to have a lot more cons than pros lately too. I’m especially concerned what the next few years could look like politically and economically, even as a straight white male. I’m not keen to be drafted for war, or be a victim of it for that matter! The whole gun thing is freaky and I don’t think I’d want to live in the US when kids enter the equation. But some of the big pros that NZ will never offer are the massive exploration opportunities, fantastic access to other parts of the world, stronger currency (I could work in the US for a couple years and come home with a nice cushion!), wider variety of social activities, better career prospects and opportunities. In addition, I would imagine I’d have the leverage in the US both socially and career wise to market myself well as a Kiwi. I experienced this a lot when I was visiting!
Anyway, enough rambling! I’d love to hear your thoughts. Basically: am I crazy for being open and seriously considering the ideal of moving to America, in this day and age?
submitted by livinglikelarry123 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001

⬆️ Up Game Shop | Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001 submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 chubby_bunnie555 Am I the AH for cutting off my entire family 3 days before Thanksgiving, after I told them what happen to me when I was little

I’d like to start off by saying this story is very heavy. It’s not an easy one to tell, but I need advice, so please be kind to me as I’m going through a lot.
When I was younger, I had a really rough childhood. My mother was very abusive in every way except sexual. I was bullied for being fat, and mostly unattractive, then I would go home and be abused by my mom for whatever reason she had that day. Safe to say, she was not my safe haven. My aunt would constantly put me down as well. Saying things about how fat I was. How I would be a failure and how her daughter was always better than me. How her daughter (my cousin, same age as me) would amount to more than me bc they had money, and I come from poverty. We were on welfare and in and out of homeless shelters my whole life. One time, she took me and my cousin to a college fair. She didn’t want to take me but I was there so decided she would. When we got there, I told my cousin we should look at community colleges as well, just in case we needed some safe/ back up options. My aunt looked at me and told me, “You should go look over there because that’s probably where you’re going, but not my daughter.” I went home crying, and held that in since.
My cousin and I never had a good relationship. I always had her back. But she seemed to be happy when I was going through things. She laughed and told everyone when I went into the shelter on my 16th birthday. She constantly dated my exes. If I even liked someone she would go after them. She use to laugh at me with her friends, and then some, but the worst part is, she molested me multiple times, and I hadn’t spoken a word about it until recently. She also was molested by another cousin, and I told my mom. My mom confronted her, and she was able to tell her story. I helped her. Even though she hurt me. Everyone supported her. Took her to the cops. Cut that cousin off. I mean even threatened his life, and hated his mom(my other aunt) for helping him move to another state before they could even get to him. No one questioned if she was telling the truth. They just believed her. Which I was happy about.
Fast forward, I cut her off around age 16. I couldn’t bare to be around her. Hated defending her. Hated being compared to her. Just didn’t want anything to do with her at all. My mom became addicted to K2 and left us when I was 17 after her mom (my grandma) died. I took care of my siblings during that time while making sure they were fed, bathed, and when to school. Her abusive ex was living there too but never helped me take care of the kids. My youngest brother was 1 years old. One day she came and pulled a knife on me asking if I had something to say to her. We argued and I left that day. I stayed with my cousin and aunt sometimes. Sometimes with my ex bestfriend. Sometimes when my older sister. Sometimes on park benches. I got into multiple colleges during this time. Including my dream school (SU) but couldn’t afford it so I went to a college close to it. My cousin got into 1 school only. She attended one semester, then dropped out. I cut my mom off, left to college, and eventually I graduated with my bachelors. (fuck my aunt and her words).
I lived in Syracuse for 8 years after I originally left for college. I eventually tried to make amends with my family. Tried to forgive everyone. I started talking to my mom and aunt and everyone again. I even talked to my cousin that I hated. Tried to give it another go, as I was on a healing journey. Well, we had each other on Instagram. I was with a guy who cheated on me, stole money from me, and caught an STD from cheating on me. He accused me of giving it to him. We went to get tested, and I was negative. So I left him after that. A few weeks later, guess who’s dating my ex? THE SAME FUCKING COUSIN! I wrote her and explained that he’s my ex and this is what he did to me. She told me that she knew, but she was staying with him so oh well. I know she knew he was my ex bc I know she saw me posting him. I cut her off again. For good this time. He ended up abusing her, so that relationship, like all of her other ones, didn’t work out.
This happen maybe 6 years ago. When it happen, I finally told my mom that she also had molested me when I was younger. My mom never accused me of lying I will say. HOWEVER, She would still invite her to all of the holidays. My mom knew that I wouldn’t attend anything she was present at because tbh the urge to beat her ass was too strong for me to control. This meant I went 10 years basically without having Thanksgiving, Christmas, or anything with my family. I was told one year that she wouldn’t be attending Thanksgiving. I helped my mom cook, and my aunt showed up with her without telling me even though she knew I didn’t like her. At the time she didn’t know she molested me. Only that she dated my ex which was weird. I got upset, and left.
That was about 3 years ago. I still haven’t spent those holidays with them because my mom always invited her. They would say things to me like, “You shouldn’t let someone have this much control over you that you would leave” or bring her up when I was discussing plans. Talk about her around me. My mom would send her plates of food if she couldn’t be there at the event which was usually just my birthday. All this time, I felt disrespected that my mom expected me to have Thanksgiving with someone who molested me. The fact that she could be so cool with someone who hurt me so deeply. But I never made her choose. I just let her be and continue to do what she wanted. I’m pro choice. My aunt would always bring her up around me. My cousins older brother would say things about how I should just forgive her for the family. I shouldn’t be this mad over a boy, etc. Every time I would just say I don’t fw her, and want them to stop bringing her up. I was trying to take the high road. Even though they disrespected my space and decision every time. I mean, I think dating my ex was enough of a reason to cut her off. I didn’t think telling them she had molested me was necessary to justify my decision.
On my birthday this year, someone I love was on life support. They pulled her plug that day. I couldn’t be there bc my mom was throwing me a birthday party. I chose to be with my family. I smiled and acted as if everything was fine even though I was dying inside. A family friend of mine that we grew up with showed up. I hadn’t seen him in years so I was so excited to see him. He knows my boyfriend as well all went to elementary school together, and our families have known each other since we were little kids. He was saying how crazy it was that my boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years at that point, and that I got my wish bc I had the biggest crush on my boyfriend in elementary school. I told him I wanted to throw a bbq with his and my family to intertwine them together again since they hadn’t talked in years. My aunt chimes in Saying, “well is my daughter going to be invited?” GIRL why tf would your daughter, who likes to date my exes, be invited to a bbq I’m throwing for my boyfriend and i’s family? I just looked at her and said, “Absolurely not.” She says, “Well then im not going.” Which is insane because I never invited her anyway. I replied, “well that’s fine.” I felt it was inappropriate for her to bring her daughter up on my birthday. Especially when she’s caused me so much pain.
Seeing as I was upset, I went to my mom and told her how I felt. I told her that I felt I needed to tell my aunt what happen bc it was clear that her daughter dating my ex wasn’t enough of a reason for her to respect my wishes to have nothing to do with her. So now, I’m going to tell her everything. My mom basically begged me not to say anything bc I would be starting things within the family. Which is crazy bc the family has no problem starting things with me. I told her I wouldnt keep taking the high road for their comfort anymore. I won’t be silenced anymore. I won’t be disrespected anymore. Since they couldn’t take my silence and respect it, I’ll start talking.
I called my aunt and I told her, “Since your daughter dating my ex isn’t enough of a reason for you to stop bringing her up to me, I’ll tell you the real reason I don’t like her. She molested me growing up.” My aunt jumped to her defense saying, “Hold up no because my daughter was molested so she didn’t know what she was doing.” I told her while I understand my cousin was hurt, she still created victims, and I won’t justify what happen to me because it happen to her, and I wouldn’t let anyone else try to justify it to me either. That she dared my ex after I gave her another chance. I kept the details to myself bc she’s done much more to me, but my only goal was to get her to understand me so she’d leave it alone. She kept interrupting me while I was speaking saying she won’t bring her up anymore. She didn’t want to hear anything else I had to say. I told her it was disrespectful to say you wouldn’t attend my bbq to celebrate my relationship bc her daughter wasn’t invited, when I never asked my mom to choose my side and stop inviting her to events/holidays. I have never asked anyone to choose. So choosing a side now is pointless. I also told her that if she loves her daughter, she would get her help. She told me she did get her a therapist for a year when she was 14. I told her that wasn’t enough seeing as I’ve been in therapy since I was in elementary school until now bc of what her daughter and they, have done to me, and I’m still doing the work. She told me that also. Her, my ex, and her daughter talked about me and they told her that I was never his ex. That my cousin reached out to me when they started dating (which was a lie bc I wrote her about it) and that he never liked me fr so that I needed to get over it bc it wasn’t that serious of a relationship. I told her she can try to justify it all if she wants, but she’s not lying to me. She’s lying to herself so she can feel less shitty about the child she created. We hung up. I left it at that.
I’ve seen my aunt since then and she’s always nice to me. Smiles. Says hi. We talk and hung out at my moms etc. I spoke to my mom about my wanting to host Thanksgiving at my house this year since I haven’t gotten to spend it with time since I was 16. My mom hesitated and said we will see. I didn’t like that response. So when she asked about it later, I told her forget it. She begged me to change my mind, and explained that she really wanted me to do it. So I agreed. I told her my aunt and them were invited. Everyone except my cousin. They can come or not idc. We had this conversation about 4 months ago.
A few weeks ago, I talked to my mom more in depth about the situation with my cousin. My mom admitted to me that bc my cousin is a female she didn’t think me getting molested was as bad as my cousin getting molested bc she got molested by a boy. My mom also admitted that she caught my cousin touching on my little brother. She said she didn’t tell anyone. She just scolded my cousin and told her that wasn’t okay. She also admitted that she resignated with my cousin bc my mom was touched by my grandmothers husband, and then my mom as a kid. Did the same to other little kids. She felt that my cousin only did it to me because it was done to her, and bc she saw herself in her, she felt basically more bad for her. I told her to imagine how creative you have to get as a female to penetrate or molest someone. Just because she’s a girl and both of you guys created victims, doesn’t mean my story is any less valid. My mom I guess started thinking of it differently bc she apologized for not having my back. Said she would tell my aunt she would be spending Thanksgiving with me, and that would be that.
They had the conversation and my aunt said she was hoping my cousin was busy or had plans bc she wanted to come to my Thanksgiving party. Again idc. My mom calls me today. Tells me that they spoke about it again. My mom tells my aunt she’s excited to spend Thanksgiving with me bc it’s been so many years. My aunt replies with, “yeah well it’s not like she wasn’t invited all these years. So if she doesn’t want to show up that’s on her.” My mom tells her that we already have spoken about this, and that my aunt is very well aware of why I wouldn’t go. My aunt blatantly tells my mom that she doesn’t believe me. I’m a liar, and that her daughter said she never did that to me.
Now, had my aunt stayed neutral, or never accused me of lying. I’d have handled things differently. My mom did defend me. She told my aunt that she was dead wrong. She told my aunt that even if she didn’t molest me, she did enough to me to warrant being cut off. Apparently they agreed that if any of us accused someone else in the family of this, they would come together to find out the truth. Instead, you wouldn’t let me speak to you to tell you my truth since you kept interrupting me, and you spoke to your daughter and believed whatever she told you so you could feel better about yourself. My mom told her about how my cousin who is almost 10 years older than my little sister, would make my sister drink alcohol when she went over their house when she was little. How my cousin touched my brother. Which my mom never told her before. They had a big argument about it all.
My mom tells me, that I’m not alllowed to press my aunt or cousin for calling me a liar bc she wants me to go on national tv to take a lie detector test to prove I’m telling the truth. When my cousin came out that she was molested, y’all believed her. Y’all helped her. When my little brother said that same cousin that touched her, touched him, yall believed him. I tell my story, and I have to take a lie detector test to prove I’m not lying? You want me to stay silent and not confront them about talking about me? You want me to keep the peace so you can be happy? So you don’t have to deal with it? They called me a liar about something that happen to me that still affects me to this day, and you want me to be quiet about it, and to prove it to them that I’m telling the truth on a tv show instead of confronting them right now? Nah fuck that.
I call my aunt. When I have a problem with someone, I take it up with them. I don’t do the he said she said shit. I go right to the source. So I called her. I asked her calmly if her and my cousin were home because I wanted to come over and talk. She starts yelling at me Saying no she’s not talking about it and ahe doesn’t want to hear it. But I’m like you brought it up when you made that shady comment to my mom. I came to you as a woman and told you that this was done to me. You didn’t have this energy with me then. You didn’t call me a liar to my face. You went and talked shit about me to my mom instead of coming to me the Same way I came to you. She hung up on me and blocked me. Crazy how you won’t hear me out when I try to tell my side, but want to take her side. Whatever.
My mom calls me right after asking me if I called my aunt. I told her yes I did. She started going off on me about how this is why no one tells me anything, and how she didn’t want to tell me. I yelled back asking how long was she going to expect me to accept disrespect for the sake of her comfort? I held shit in all these years so y’all can be comfortable. I tolerated disrespect for years so yall can be comfortable. I missed out on shit for years for y’all to be comfortable. Even now you want to control how I heal. How I tell my story. When I tell my story. Who I tell my story to. It’s not up to them to make those decisions for me anymore. She hung up on me. I called her back. She didn’t answer. I texted her that Thanksgiving was cancelled, and to do me a favor and don’t talk to me ever again. I blocked her.
My cousin texted me. Trying to insult me. Telling me to leave her mom alone. Calling me a liar. The entire time I kept telling her that she did touch me she kept changing the subject. She kept saying, “Nobody wants to touch you.” She never once said that she never did touch me though. I asked her to take a lie detector test. She wouldn’t acknowledge that and when she did, she just said she wasn’t going to take the time of day for me. Both of those things is enough for me to know that she knows she did it. She’s just going to lie her way out of it like she always does. I told her if I ever get my hands on her, I’m going to beat her ass bc her ass whooping from me is long over due. I cut everyone off, and will be focusing on me from now on. So, am I the AH for cutting my family off 3 days before Thanksgiving?
submitted by chubby_bunnie555 to okstorytime [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001

🛍️ eBay Video Games | Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001 submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 Just_Chill_Yaar Bro Was Not Aware He Is Gonna Be Therapist Of 1.5B Indians : Jasprit Bumrah...!!

Bro Was Not Aware He Is Gonna Be Therapist Of 1.5B Indians : Jasprit Bumrah...!! submitted by Just_Chill_Yaar to CricketBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001 | Seller: simplelifedesignlab (100.0% positive feedback)Location: JPCondition: UsedPrice: 125.00 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now

⬆️ Up Game Shop | Nintendo GameCube Console Controller silver NTSC-U/C (US/Canada) DOL-001 | Seller: simplelifedesignlab (100.0% positive feedback)Location: JPCondition: UsedPrice: 125.00 USDShipping cost: FreeBuy It Now submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 starbvuks thoughts on this? | Acer Predator Helios Neo14 for Sale on B&H

thoughts on this? | Acer Predator Helios Neo14 for Sale on B&H for some reason im super sceptical of acer laptops, can't get the feeling of them being cheap out of my head. But everything about this one seems solid, thoughts?
submitted by starbvuks to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:20 sentientbeingsart today's drawings

today's drawings submitted by sentientbeingsart to digital_art [link] [comments]