Ma che problemi hanno le ragazze che nelle app di dating e non vogliono solo parlare e conoscere ragazze?

2024.11.26 12:19 Negative_Walrus958 Ma che problemi hanno le ragazze che nelle app di dating e non vogliono solo parlare e conoscere ragazze?

submitted by Negative_Walrus958 to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 CommanderFallenAngel DOGECOIN Donations appreachiated!

Hello dear Reddit community,
I am currently studying to become a teacher and am facing a very difficult situation. The cost of studying and living expenses have risen extremely recently and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. I really want to continue my studies, but the financial burden is now so high that without help I may be forced to drop out.
That's why I'm asking for your support. If you can, I would be very grateful if you could send DOGECOIN to my wallet address. Any contribution, no matter how small, would help me tremendously so that I can complete my studies and realize my dream of becoming a teacher.
My wallet address is: DD5QEjbtU1YcDrLmQF612qzfk8xh5xrWwi
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and support. It really means a lot to me!
Translated with (free version)
submitted by CommanderFallenAngel to dogecoinbeg [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Able-Comfort091 Let Me Be The One To Apologize For Them

I know you may never hear the apology you long for, so let me say what they never could: I’m sorry they didn’t cherish the heart you so freely gave. I’m sorry they couldn’t meet your love with the same honesty and depth. I’m sorry they made you doubt yourself when all you ever did was try.
I’m sorry they dismissed your voice, leaving you to wonder if it mattered. I’m sorry they made you feel small, ashamed, or unworthy of the love you craved. I’m sorry for the moments you had to shrink yourself just to keep the peace.
I’m sorry they couldn’t see the strength in your vulnerability. I’m sorry they made you question the beauty of love, twisting something sacred into something that now feels fragile.
But most of all, I’m sorry they didn’t see you .. not as you were, not as you are. You deserved better, and one day, I hope you’ll believe that with every part of you. You are not defined by their failures. You are still whole, still deserving, and still capable of the love you dream of.
submitted by Able-Comfort091 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 rzsuzsanna Részvétel kutatásban: interjúalanyok kerestetnek

Rózsás Zsuzsanna vagyok, az ELTE ÁJK Doktori Iskola doktorandusz hallgatója. Ez a bejegyzés azért született meg, mert van egy szívügyem, és szükségem van a segítségetekre. Disszertációm elkészítéséhez olyan interjúalanyokat keresek - szexuális orientációtól és nemi identitástól függetlenül -, akik korábbi párkapcsolatukban erőszakos, kontrolláló viselkedést, bántalmazó magatartást tapasztaltak.
A részvétel önkéntes és teljes mértékben anonim. A kutatás során a résztvevővel egy interjú készül - online vagy személyes formában, az interjúalany komfortérzetének maximális figyelembevétele mellett -, amely során az ő tapasztalatait szeretném megismerni. Amennyiben szeretnél részt venni és hozzájárulni az áldozatok hangjának megjelenéséhez a kutatásomban, kérlek írj egy rövid bemutatkozó e-mailt az alábbi e-mail címre: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) !
Válaszomban minden felmerülő kérdésre reagálok és tájékoztatlak a részletekről. A levélváltás semmilyen kötelezettséget nem jelent részedről, a részvétel bármikor lemondható.
Köszönöm szépen, hogy időt szántál erre a bejegyzésre.
Üdvözlettel, Rózsás Zsuzsanna
submitted by rzsuzsanna to kerdoiv [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 HoshinoWill O que eu devo fazer?

Eu sempre amei e tive interesse em desenvolver jogos desde criança, e logo depois que sai da escola fui procurar uma faculdade pra vorar programador mas acabei me arrependendo, mas como não quero simplesmente desistir de trabalhar com isso eu fui procurar outras faculdades e cursos pra fazer pra entrar logo no mercado, eu achei uma faculdade de game design na Estácio e na Descomplica mas não sei se essa faculdade vai me ajudar realmente a entrar no mercado de game dev por aqui ou no exterior, alguém recomenda eu começar por alguma dessas faculdades ou pego algum outro curso nessa área ?
submitted by HoshinoWill to gamedevbr [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Optimal-Quarter2839 URI Football question

Native Rhode Islanders I have a question for you. you are a football fell totally off after 1985 and just made the playoffs for the first time in 39 years why did it take this long? why is it funding? lack of interest from the administration? Or pure bad luck?
submitted by Optimal-Quarter2839 to RhodeIsland [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 A_Simple_Peach Painted the Island of Blood Rat Ogres - plus a kitbashed third dude to complete the squad!

Painted the Island of Blood Rat Ogres - plus a kitbashed third dude to complete the squad! submitted by A_Simple_Peach to skaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Esteellio Lil fella did not like what he saw :3c

Lil fella did not like what he saw :3c submitted by Esteellio to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Patrick030 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Patrick030 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Unique-Half-8423 WB Dialga! 0952 2366 5152 - got a shiny 96 from this gym! Shundo Now!

WB Dialga! 0952 2366 5152 - got a shiny 96 from this gym! Shundo Now! submitted by Unique-Half-8423 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 No-Bell-6748 Is it possible to swap a L15b1 engine into a 2010 ge fit

What changes need to be made to the engine bay/ electronics in order to make the engine work?
submitted by No-Bell-6748 to hondafit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 biggieocta Nuevos estudios de FB o U/L split? FRECUENCIA ALTA?

Hola, vengo entrenando 5 dias a la semana hace un tiempo ya, y antes hacia mucho volumen con intensidad mediocre.
Este ultimo año baje muchisimo el volumen y anote todos mis pesos intentando superarlos con un RIR 0 o fallo en todas las series, vi mucho progreso, pero siempre quiero mejorar.
Hago frecuencia 2 en los musculos pero ahora vi que es "mejor" o que esta respaldado cientificamente que al darle mas oportunidades de crecer al musculo en la semana responde mejor al crecimiento, con esos Full body o Upper Lower splits se consigue mas oportunidades de crecimiento.
Alguno esta experimentando esto? Experiencias? No se si es de termo o no pero no me gusta cambiar mi rutina en un momento de definicion que es lo que estoy pasando asi que por eso no me tiro a probarla y pregunto por alguien que este en volumen/mantenimiento y vea mas progreso
submitted by biggieocta to FitnessArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Sweet-Language9690 Handsome/beautiful and slaying

I went to a party a few days ago with my parents, and there were so many people there, including teenagers and young adults in their 20s. It was a party thrown by a wealthy family and I was shocked to see that 90% of the teenagers and 20s people were so attractive. I couldn’t help but feel ugly in comparison. Most of the boys were dressed in formal attire with slightly longer hair, and they looked so charming. I found myself staring at them for most of the time Everyone was so attractive, and I don’t know why, but whenever I attend such parties or gatherings, I feel incredibly unattractive. Even though I tried my best to look good by putting on makeup and wearing a nice dress, I still felt ugly compared to them.And kids these days are so beautiful every child seems so lovely and gorgeous . From dressing sense to everything was so great about those boys.I feel so jealous of their girlfriend now. God truly have their favoritess..
submitted by Sweet-Language9690 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Icycakes980 Found this pin and made a Lucifer version!

Found this pin and made a Lucifer version! submitted by Icycakes980 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Brownsuggaax Any trades ! Please

Any trades ! Please submitted by Brownsuggaax to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 craftjensin Started watching for Liev, stayed for how engrossing the story is.

Started watching for Liev, stayed for how engrossing the story is. I love Liev's performance as Victor Creed in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and kinda danced around starting Ray Donovan in fear I wouldn't like it, a friend insisted I gave it a shot and now I'm hooked :D only on s2e4 rn
submitted by craftjensin to RayDonovan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Downtown-Cat2745 Question about team

Hi, I have been years out of the Game and I want to return, my team is Panda tank, Cra Fo/Cha, Enu agi, Eni int
is this team still decent at least?
I think at least panda has been heavily nerfed and eni changed
submitted by Downtown-Cat2745 to Dofus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 SpaceAdmiralJones So who's the guy in yellow?

Leading theories:

submitted by SpaceAdmiralJones to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Archiflomaster June Sonnet 3.5

Is it less creative and more repetitive in RP compared to current Sonnet 3.5? Are there big differences between them?
submitted by Archiflomaster to PoeAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 RogueArcherThrowaway M4F fandom roleplay

I am someone who has been role-playing for 5-6 years. I am looking for a literate roleplay partner. The fandoms i enjoy roleplaying are
Saying this up front, please be 18+ just in case NSFW does happen, its not weird or awkward
I only roleplay on discord.
I am very much okay with doing OCxOC I just ask you to have a bio ready for me to read. Id also like to say
PLEASE PLEASE be ready to play multiple characters for the plot,the roleplay wont be as interesting if its just us and not the biggeexpanded universe.
DM me if you're interested and we can discuss
Also please know the universes for the roleplay.
I do have a one week limit,if you don't get back to me in a week without some type of heads up.
submitted by RogueArcherThrowaway to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Confident-Tooth4932 Should i rat out?

Some of my classmates are earning money illegally. I don’t know much but they earn by scamming people online. And they are earning big figures. In few months they have bought motorcycles. Helmets costing well over $2000.
They had asked me if i wanna join and i declined and so i don’t know the details on how they operate.
Some part or me wants to inform this to police as they are earning money illegally. Sometimes i become jealous of how luxurious life they are suddenly living. Expensive restaurants. Night outs. Bike rides. Expensive equipments. Other times I feel its just wrong they are stealing someone’s hard earned money.
But i dont have the courage to tell it to police. I believe there is a much larger string to this and many people with strong connections are involved in this. As i am from nepal, i dont think the police will take any action until they are notified. I thought of tipping them anonymously bit i am scared. I also dont want to rat them, as they are my ‘friends’. What do i do.
submitted by Confident-Tooth4932 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 Bright-Cookie-4126 Vie privée des enfants

J’ai vu passé sur ma fyp Tiktok une vidéo de Souldia et sa fille Sophia durant son spectacle. J’ai trouvé ça tellement beau de voir qu’il a composé une chanson avec elle, mais encore plus beau de voir qu’elle porte une cagoule pour préserver sa vie privée. On se plaint souvent de la surexposition des enfants, mais je tiens à souligner ce bon coup de la part des parents de cette petite!
submitted by Bright-Cookie-4126 to InfluenceQuebec [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 tribalchiefff 30 [M4F] midweek inom

Let's drink tomorrow night sa BGC & hook up after
About me: - M - 5'10 - dad bod - working - hindi kaya biglaan mas ok scheduled - friendly - wearing specs
submitted by tribalchiefff to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 CodeRoyal Mario Andretti reveals his plans for America's new Formula 1 team

Mario Andretti reveals his plans for America's new Formula 1 team submitted by CodeRoyal to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:19 PrettyWifeyy look at this cute little angel

look at this cute little angel submitted by PrettyWifeyy to cuteanimals [link] [comments]