2024.11.26 11:20 Standard_Ad_9126 Love in Vietnam: Navigating the Dating Scene as an Expat
submitted by Standard_Ad_9126 to Smallyoutubechannels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 PeniszLovag Favorite character whose superpower is plot armor, but they are chill so people are OK with it?
submitted by PeniszLovag to FavoriteCharacter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 1nduced1 [WTB] 2006 ASE's
Venmo Cashapp PP F&F
submitted by 1nduced1 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 ZanyRaptorClay I dreamt up a new phrase: "times eating an apple"
A few nights ago, I had a short, yet memorable dream. All I remember from said dream was the fact that I used a certain phrase: "times eating an apple."
"Times eating an apple" is the same as saying "by a huge margin" or "times 100."
"The crime rate in my city have increased times eating an apple."
"My blood sugar has gone up times eating an apple."
"Things are about to get better times eating an apple."
"My trip to the zoo was great times eating an apple."
submitted by ZanyRaptorClay to Dreams [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 dunkurs1987 [CHANGES] Cheapest 10gbe switches...
[CHANGES] Cheapest 10gbe switches
from NAScompares.com - Data Storage Blog
submitted by dunkurs1987 to NAScompares [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 Emergency-Bread9801 A very natural growth
This might be the last update of this city as my savegame seems to have corrupted beyond repair. Still wanted to share the growth of my first city in CS2. Started out as a city where I had no idea what I was doing. It grew into a successful city with 150k inhabitants submitted by Emergency-Bread9801 to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 EnigmaticMoth Lana & winter
Lana and I are cancers. We love the heat, the sun, summer. Her albums seem to all have this aura of heat and if summer is almost done it seems to be a topic of mourning. Idk if it’s because she resides mostly in California but even if she drops a album in say march like did you know there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd, which does seem to have a cooler essence it still is very much warm. I say all this because sometimes I wonder if Lana will ever make an album that is strictly winter vibes & that feels like peak listening time would occur during those months. Maybe she needs to spend a winter in the Appalachian mountains with her man which could inspire a snow covered disposition. Imagine a Christmas album that has some covers but also some originals.
Also if yall had to pick one of her albums that feels the most winterish what would you choose?
submitted by EnigmaticMoth to lanadelrey [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 greedyturtle24 31M looking for new friends to chat with
Hey new friends, im 31 from aus and looking for people to chat with long term! Im kind of a sports berd however do enjoy the little things like going for a walk or having a quiet night in. Im a big fan of horror movies, but just as much a fan of comedies too! Come say hey and tell me something random about you :)
submitted by greedyturtle24 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 jackson-ji I'm building a desktop app to kill context-switching for busy hackers - thoughts?
Hey folks, I'm building an AI productivity tool for busy people who context-switch a lot. It's a Note-app workspace with LLM (like Notion AI), but it works anywhere on your desktop.
Also, check out description page for more infos https://reddit.com/link/1h09ke6/video/s4u95wpuc83e1/player submitted by jackson-ji to indiehackers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 marcomacedo Mudança bomba embraiagem
Tenho um Mazda 2 1.3 de 2010 e andava com uma fuga nos óleos dos travões. Fui ao mecânico 2x meter óleo antes de verificar onde era a fuga, porque este não tinha grande tempo para ver naquele momento. À terceira vez, lá deixei o carro para verem onde era a fuga. Conseguiram perceber que a fuga era da bomba da embraiagem e substituiram-na. Quando fui buscar o carro o senhor disse-me que a luz da EGR estava acessa e que a desligou no diagnóstico... Ao que lhe disse que essa luz nunca me tinha acendido da vida, onde ele me responde "foi alguma pico de ter mudado a bomba e o óleo então mas não se preocupe que já a desliguei". Eu, como não percebo grande coisa vim a minha vida. Passaram 4 dias hoje e a luz do motor acendeu.
Alguém me sabe dizer se a luz acender pode estar relacionado com a mudança da bomba de embraiagem ou do óleo? Vou passar no mecânico hoje e queria ter algumas noções do problema.
Obrigado desde já a quem me possa esclarecer.
submitted by marcomacedo to AutoTuga [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 trippier1234 M26 and I want to give this a shot. Feel free to help :)
submitted by trippier1234 to nudebingo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 BigRedMonster07 Which of the large "umbrella turm" civs do you want to see get the Dynasties of India treatment?
View Poll
submitted by BigRedMonster07 to aoe2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 PickingMidnightRoses trading for party doubles, bowties, forests. interested in wb as well!
submitted by PickingMidnightRoses to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 Proof_Sale_2690 Fun freaky hentai gc send samples
submitted by Proof_Sale_2690 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 No-Stage-6175 Wolfhall, French hood vs English gable
Just wondering if it’s annoying anyone else that about half of Jane’s ladies are wearing French hoods when we know that Jane insisted on the English gable? submitted by No-Stage-6175 to Tudorhistory [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 CritStarrHD Tf is happening in Germany bajs?
submitted by CritStarrHD to forsen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 sippin-lean nod theory
submitted by sippin-lean to Shed [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 NormalRedditorYeet It's pretty comforting, knowing my whole family is up in heaven.
If I shot myself like I shot them, maybe I could go there too.
submitted by NormalRedditorYeet to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 mpathg00 Art a sleep deprived me commisioned of Thomas singing lmao 🤣
submitted by mpathg00 to GhostsBBC [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 Mr_Bleidd Easy alternative for a Demo
Hi there,
I would need to create a demo webpage, which is hosted on a local server, to send 2-3 easy api calls.
Would you have maybe something in mind ?
It just should show possibilities not more
submitted by Mr_Bleidd to Supabase [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 Everybody9220 Bitwarden Backups
I'm going to start off by saying that no one should do what I do. I use Bitwarden for passwords,2FA, and recovery keys, otherwise I simply won't use the later two. I know, it's a security nightmare.
That said, I read somewhere that Bitwarden backups don't backup things like 2FA and attachments. Just the passwords. Is this true?
submitted by Everybody9220 to Bitwarden [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 Full-Temporary-9356 Wie schaffe ich es mein Ziel/meinen Wunsch zu erreichen?
Moin zusammen Danke vorab an alle die sich die Zeit für diesen Post nehmen
Ich war und bin in meinem Leben schon immer erpicht darauf den Menschen um mich herum zur Seite zu stehen und diesen durch meine Art/meine Ideen vielleicht neue Blickwinkel auf ihr Problem“ zu ermöglichen. Ich bin der Meinung, dass meine soziale Ader sehr ausgeprägt ist - diese hat mich letztendlich auch in mein Studium der Sozialen Arbeit gebracht.
Schon während meiner ersten Ausbildung habe ich Freude gehabt in Köln-Ehrenfeld viele Backwaren zu kaufen und sie an obdachlose Menschen in der Gegend zu verteilen.
Logisch ist wohl - so schade es ist - mit Geld kann man vielen Menschen oder Einrichtungen (Tierheime, Jugendhilfe, etc.) deutlich effektiver helfen als mit Worten.
Mein Ziel ist es schon seit einiger Zeit durch content-creating (Twitch, YouTube, oÄ) Geld zu generieren, welches vor allem Tierheimen und Jugendhilfeeinrichtungen zugute kommen soll.
Habt ihr Tipps, Tricks, Ideen und Ratschläge für mich ob mein Wunsch realistisch ist und wie ich diesen erreichen kann?
.. tut mir leid, falls ich den falschen subreddit für mein Anliegen gewählt habe
submitted by Full-Temporary-9356 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 Suru_LovesHentai Fate Civil War (Commission)
submitted by Suru_LovesHentai to fatestaynight [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:20 Pititino [Request] Um9ja3kgQmFuZCBQYXJ0cw==
submitted by Pititino to scoresformusicals [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:20 FriendlyFlag How about a vadapav in middle of the day?
submitted by FriendlyFlag to SnacksIndia [link] [comments] |