Apartment Project - Feedback appreciated please

2024.11.26 11:50 HelenaDinis Apartment Project - Feedback appreciated please

submitted by HelenaDinis to AmateurInteriorDesign [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 writeessaytoday The Art of Xenia: Crafting a Standout College Essay Through Ancient Greek Hospitality and Grammar

Writing a standout college essay feels like solving a puzzle—especially when juggling storytelling, structure, and grammar! Inspired by the concept of xenia (ancient Greek hospitality), I believe essays should invite readers in with warmth and purpose. But here's the thing: even the most compelling essays can stumble over sneaky grammar hiccups.
Ever had Grammarly flag something that made you second-guess yourself? Or struggled with balancing formal tone and personal voice? I've been there too!
If you're navigating these challenges, [this guide](#) dives deeper into balancing strong grammar with an authentic voice while avoiding common pitfalls.
Let’s chat about crafting essays that balance substance and style. How do you ensure your grammar enhances your message without overshadowing your unique voice?
Looking forward to learning and sharing tips together!
submitted by writeessaytoday to grammar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 throw_rambles A minha experiência com a amigo

Eu e o meu namorado comprámos casa agora, e estamos a aderir a uma operadora de internet pela primeira vez. Queríamos ir para a digi mas visto que não temos cobertura optámos temporariamente pelos serviços da amigo (só net e 1 móvel, os 20€ e 3 meses de fidelização).
É a nossa primeira vez a aderir a uma operadora, mas agora é que estamos a ver que são mesmo todas imprestáveis, um pouco pelas experiências dos nossos pais e agora a nossa. Mas porque é que tenho que estar 30+ minutos à espera que alguém atenda para depois não me resolverem nada?
Quando aderi, no site, deram-me um horário para "pré-agendamento" e eu optei por uma data, para depois me dizerem que não serve de nada? E depois de estar montes de tempo à espera a telefonar a ver se era para vir mesmo nesse dia, porque no mail dizia que enviavam uma sms de confirmação (e depois enviam uma que diz que está confirmada a adesão que é super confuso), me dizerem para esperar por outro sms.
Disseram que me enviavam um sms com um link para escolher a data de agendamento "verdadeira", e enviaram um sms a dizer para ligar para um numero que não funcionava, e dias depois telefonam a perguntar que data quero agendar. A falta de organização é avassaladora, para quê dizer uma coisa e depois fazer outra?? Não compreendo.
Enviaram ainda depois um sms a dizer que faltava documentos (certamente da portabilidade) e para telefonar a outro numero onde depois de 1h à espera porque me desligaram na cara a primeira tentativa, me dizem que tenho que ligar a OUTRO numero para pedir os documentos que nem um mendigo. Vim a descobrir que na adesão, o site escreveu "outras frações" em vez no meu andar na morada, e a carta só veio ter à minha morada antiga porque o carteiro me conhece.
Veio o técnico instalar a net fixa ontem, e a meio deu-me o relatório de intervenção, que eu burramente assinei sem ver primeiro, porque ele disse que era apenas o relatório de intervenção, e no fim tinha um questionário de cliente que ele fez de propósito para eu não ver, que tinha perguntas que eram para ser respondidas no fim do serviço dele, e que ele respondeu erradamente por mim. Um exemplo sendo que deixou tudo limpo quando é mentira, deixou-me os cabos velhos e lixo de ter desmontado as tomadas da parede, tudo no chão.
Ao mesmo tempo, misteriosamente, uma vizinha nossa deixou de ter a tv no mesmo dia, que só tem por antena, e agora a fazer reclamação dizem que o técnico "só mexe na fibra por isso não mexeu em nada dela", então não podem fazer nada? Ridículo. Para quê isto tudo?
Tudo bem, eu não devia ter assinado sem ler, mas o facto de me mostrar apenas o sítio de assinar e dizer que era apenas o relatório de intervenção, a meio do serviço, e convenientemente deixar de parte o facto de ter o questionário que devia ser preenchido no fim, por mim, é só má fé. Tentei reclamar, pelo menos que me alterassem as respostas para refletirem o que realmente aconteceu, mas nada. Depois de me dizerem em chamada que iam escalar a situação enviaram um sms a dizer que a situação está ultrapassada. Vou fazer queixa no livro de reclamações/portal da queixa.
Isto é mesmo gozar com as pessoas. Quando tiver cobertura da digi vou passar para a digi, mesmo que o serviço seja pior.
submitted by throw_rambles to Vodafone [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 External_Top6063 https://yellowpages.com.mk/

https://yellowpages.com.mk/ submitted by External_Top6063 to yellowpagesmacedonia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 XxxTheKielManxxX Make up a random piece of lore that absolutely no one asked for

Make up a random piece of lore that absolutely no one asked for submitted by XxxTheKielManxxX to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 riddleman01 Deze oud-president van Brazilië wordt beschuldigd van het beramen van een staatsgreep. (9) letters

Deze oud-president van Brazilië wordt beschuldigd van het beramen van een staatsgreep. (9) letters
Antwoord: https://www.puzzelwoordenboeknu.com/puzzel-woensdag-27-november-antwoorden/
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 JelloMiniatures BloodBowl Josef Bugman in all of his glory

BloodBowl Josef Bugman in all of his glory submitted by JelloMiniatures to minipainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 KingNammet Southeast Asian inspired character designs, with a bit of steampunk sprinkled in.

Southeast Asian inspired character designs, with a bit of steampunk sprinkled in. submitted by KingNammet to conceptart [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 Globallad Cricket Girl (Would love some feedback)

Cricket Girl (Would love some feedback) submitted by Globallad to ARTIST [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 ElectronicFudge5 Exclusive: ‘Until I Kill You’ monster John Sweeney should be probed over eight more murders, expert says

Exclusive: ‘Until I Kill You’ monster John Sweeney should be probed over eight more murders, expert says submitted by ElectronicFudge5 to TrueCrimeGenre [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 iyigecelerpunpun One Piece Neden Bu Kadar Çok Seviliyor?

Sorum basit. Şimdiden söyleyeyim, ben de One Piece okuyorum ve güncelim, ama yalnızca okumak için okuyorum. İnsanlar sonunu mu merak ediyor, hikayesi evet Lore'u çok iyi ama One Piece'in uyguladığı tek kural var, hemen söyleyeyim.
-Tayfa yeni adaya gelir
-Adayı keşfederler, iyi birileri varsa arkadaş olurlar
-Kötü bir yönetici veya adam vardır ve ülkeye zorbalık ediyordur
-Luffy kuşkusuz bu adama "Nolursa olsun, onu yumruklayacağım" der
-Zoro biriyle, Nami biriyle vb vs atar ve kazanırlar
-Usopp kaçar
-Fight gelene kadar o kadar uzar ki canımız çıkar
-Luffy Powerup alır(her arc olmaz ama yine de olur)
-Luffy adamı yener
-Kutlama yapılır
-Ara sıra kelle Ödülleri artar, tayfaya biri gelir biri çıkar
-lore hakkında bikaç bilgi
-ve yine farklı bir adada olayların AYNISI, hiç abartmıyorum Marineford, Enies lobby ve Whole cake arc hariç AYNISI yaşanır.
One Piece benim için iyi bir shounendir, ama neden MAL'te en iyi üçüncü manga anlayamadım, sizce?
submitted by iyigecelerpunpun to WeebTurks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 simondius How to Sidechain in Ableton With Curves Equator?

I can't figure out how to sidechain with Curves Equator in Ableton. I'm trying to get the bass to duck for my kick but but how do I get curves equator to see the kicks channel?
submitted by simondius to wavesaudiophiles [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 Skipper2cold Ideas what to build

Ideas what to build Recently came into possession of a bunch of work station GPUs. (Pictured) I have about 20. Is there anything I could build that would be worth it this day and age or would I just save them for back up?
submitted by Skipper2cold to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 abjinternational DJ Tigerlily reveals she is expecting her second child with husband Scott - after being rushed to hospital just weeks ago

DJ Tigerlily reveals she is expecting her second child with husband Scott - after being rushed to hospital just weeks ago submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 AutoModerator Afghan urial wild animal species

Afghan urial wild animal species The Afghan urial (Ovis vignei cycloceros) is a subspecies of the urial, a type of wild sheep found in western and central Asia. Here are some interesting facts about this fascinating animal:
1. **Habitat*\*: Afghan urials inhabit the rugged mountainous regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. They prefer open, hilly terrain and can be found at elevations ranging from 600 to 3,600 meters (1,970 to 11,810 feet).
Afghan urial
2. Appearance: Males are notable for their impressive, spiraled horns, which can grow up to 100 cm (39 inches) long. Females also have horns, but they are much smaller, usually less than 20 cm (8 inches) in length. Both sexes have a reddish-brown coat that turns lighter in the winter.
3. Diet: Afghan urials are herbivores, primarily feeding on grasses, herbs, and shrubs. They are well-adapted to their arid environments and can go for extended periods without water, deriving moisture from their food.
Watch complete video
submitted by AutoModerator to Thinkersofbiology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 lss_mobile_mod_15 fvvb

submitted by lss_mobile_mod_15 to lssplmod1600 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 Reatze Concert length?

I know this is a topic that has been discussed many times but I must ask the question again.
I am going to the concert in Brussels tomorrow and we just received the estimated ending time of the concert. It is estimated to end around 10:30pm. Problem being that I have a train to take at 10:30pm as well. If I don't take that train, I have to wait an hour and half for the next one. Is there any chance the concert ends a little earlier than that? I really don't want to end up at 2am wandering around in a city that is known not to be safe at night.
We could always leave 10 minutes before the end but we took standing tickets and we are planning on trying to get close to the scene lol. We don't wanna disturb people trying to leave.
submitted by Reatze to XGALX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 Careful-Guitar-8771 Reggae Art The Amazing Kingston to Cali Poster from artist Ellen G

Reggae Art The Amazing Kingston to Cali Poster from artist Ellen G submitted by Careful-Guitar-8771 to calireggae [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 vjninet Why can I not see COD MW3 on the PS store?

I had MW2 earlier and decided not to buy MW3. But i want to now buy it but can only see black ops 6 on the PS store. Has MW3 been removed?
Also I dont own black ops 6 yet. But it shows on my PS app that i can play it on console, how is it so?
submitted by vjninet to PS5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 HPRobloxCarsFansMore why is the Nissan Ad Resort Ute in some ways mostly made only for the Philippines than Thailand and china?

why is the Nissan Ad Resort Ute in some ways mostly made only for the Philippines than Thailand and china? submitted by HPRobloxCarsFansMore to regularcarreviews [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 ilreply Fastweb non respetta le scelte

Ho fatto un abbonamento fibra online scegliendo il modem Fastweb arriva un sms per verificare i dati con scelta di modem di proprietà. Non avendo la possibilità di cambiare la scelta da questa pagina ho Risposto alla domande conferma contratto e inizio attivazione servizi a No. Confermando il tutto con No. Riapro la pagina e mi trovo che il sistema cambiato le mie scelte a sì!!!! Ma che roba è????
submitted by ilreply to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 BroMandi [Bowflex] BowFlex IC Bike SE Indoor Exercise Bike for $699 with Free Shipping at BowFlex [Deal: $699.00, Actual: $1,099.00]

[Bowflex] BowFlex IC Bike SE Indoor Exercise Bike for $699 with Free Shipping at BowFlex [Deal: $699.00, Actual: $1,099.00] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 Upstairs-Income1574 I Misteri Delle Piramidi

submitted by Upstairs-Income1574 to UFONEWS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 likeIMemes Did I get scammed?

submitted by likeIMemes to untitledboxinggame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 11:50 lordoflightninga The Twelve Apocalypses: A Damned Soul’s Progression to Hell Review

The Twelve Apocalypses: A Damned Soul’s Progression to Hell is a fiery descent into chaos, a tale that flips the hero’s journey on its head and stomps on the ashes for good measure. This is not your typical redemption arc—oh no, this is a full-throttle plunge into darkness, where the protagonist doesn’t just flirt with evil; he marries it, embraces it, and starts building a dynasty.
The story begins with our antihero, a soul damned and conscripted into the infernal legions. Forced to fight for demons and invade other planes, he wrestles with his fate, but—here’s the kicker—he owns it. Slowly but surely, he stops running from the fire and starts wielding it. There’s something electrifying about a protagonist who isn’t chasing some noble goal but rather power and immortality for their own sake. It’s raw. It’s honest. It’s refreshing.
The world-building? Absolutely phenomenal. From sprawling hellscapes to otherworldly battlegrounds, the settings are dripping with atmosphere. Every new plane feels like stepping into a vivid, alien nightmare you don’t want to wake up from. The power system might not rewrite the rulebook, but it’s solid, engaging, and adds plenty of spice to the conflicts. And the LitRPG elements? Chef’s kiss. Easily one of the best integrations I’ve seen—smooth, natural, and incredibly satisfying to watch unfold.
This is a story that doesn’t apologize for its darkness. It revels in it. If you’re tired of cookie-cutter protagonists and want something bold, brutal, and unapologetically badass, The Twelve Apocalypses will drag you to hell—and you’ll thank it for the ride.
Link- https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/97466/the-twelve-apocalypses-a-damned-souls-progression?utm_source=home&utm_medium=rising_stars
submitted by lordoflightninga to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]
