2024.11.26 14:50 aarondf Make 5x faster outbound requests in Laravel
submitted by aarondf to laravel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:50 bananagamer23 So... Who do you consider to be the real Jonkler Chan?
submitted by bananagamer23 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:50 Aggressive_Row565 Am nevoie de sfaturi pentru achizitionarea unei masini second hand.
Salut! Doresc sa cumpar o masina si treaba sta in felul urmator. Eu sunt din Iasi, baiatul care vinde masina e in Cluj cu ea dar masina e pe numele mamei lui care e in Timisoara. Vreau sa stiu urmatoarele chestiuni 1. el nu are cumva nevoie de o procura ca sa o poata vinde in lipsa mamei lui? 2. imi spune ca fiscalul nu e neaparat si ca pot vinde masina dupa si fara fiscal desi toti ceilalti oameni mi au spus sa nu o cumpar fara fiscal si 3. Daca o cumpar este nevoie sa ma duc neaparat in Timisoara la primarie sa semnez ceva sau putem rezolva la el in Cluj? E prima data cand cumpar o masina si toata lumea imi spune cate ceva diferit. Multumesc mult!
submitted by Aggressive_Row565 to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 warrior123_ Why are some of you so damn bearish?
Every time I see a post about someone explaining their price target for LTC there’s always some regard saying “I own litecoin and it will never go past $200 again”🤓🤓🤓🤓
Fuckin worms bruv Attracting bad chi to our coin.
Sell your litecoin and fuck off then. We are going to $1,500 in 2025 with or without you
submitted by warrior123_ to litecoin [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 scholar-2001 Career Advice regarding going for higher studies or Internship offer
Ok, so I am a final year student from Tier-3 college and have an off-campus internship offer, 6 months and possibility of FTE. The stipend is good at 30k/month and FTE salary from 9-12 Lpa(From Glassdoor). The company is a good startup in my preferred domain of AI. Also, I have been preparing for Gate DA since 2 months and have the confidence of getting a good rank.
But, I fear if I start the internship(mid-December), my preparation will take a hit. Should I still go for it as the FTE still depends on performance. I have a previous experience of internship with a good Company for 6 months but they had a sudden hiring freeze and I couldn't convert even though had good feedback. I fear the same here because markets are well.... unpredictable? Also, this offer is after only 2 months of preparation(I was super sad after failing to convert in my previous org as I had really given it my all, literally gave up everything for 6 months to focus on that, so couldn't focus of any projects or DSA for 2-3 months) so I also believe if I focus on FTE positions for the hiring season in March-April ,I can have a better offer. Any advice would be helpful.
Tldr: Good internship offer with possibility of conversion, should I go for it or continue for Gate prep or further placement preparation.
submitted by scholar-2001 to developersIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 Main-Extent4336 Trading for missing 4 star stickers
submitted by Main-Extent4336 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:50 Master_70-1 Power BI P1+P1
I have a question for all the good folks here, inside admin portal we have an option called "change size" in capacity settings. And let's say if we have a P1 capacity & then can I add another P1 on top of it using the same option, if yes how would that impact my resources. I could not find any information regarding this.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Master_70-1 to PowerBI [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 TCook903 Characters that made your pp scared in a fun way?
submitted by TCook903 to okbuddycinephile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:50 Medical_Salad_5121 Iranian women before Islamic Revolution
submitted by Medical_Salad_5121 to Uncensored1 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:50 abjinternational Kristen Doute is going to be a mom! Vanderpump Rules vet, 41, announces pregnancy with Luke Broderick
submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:50 Weary-Test-1310 Rate my portfolio for swing
I’ve entered this positions for a swing trade Are there any good? submitted by Weary-Test-1310 to StockMarketIndia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:50 deer_argues How do you deal with anxiety?
submitted by deer_argues to omarahmoun [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 WalkingHorse The role of surface modification in the interactions between CdTe quantum dots and ABC transporters in lung cancer cells
submitted by WalkingHorse to LungCancerSupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 Glittering-Fact-1727 Seeking help from HubSpot Experts
Hi there,
I’m not very familiar with HubSpot and need help with an issue involving our Salesforce<>HubSpot integration. We have a defined MQL criteria that, when met, automatically adds the lead into Salesforce for the Sales team to engage with.
This works well in most cases, but there’s a problem when someone from an existing customer account completes activities on our website that qualify them as an MQL and gets added to Salesforce as a new lead, and when Sales reaches out, they sometimes get responses like, "Hey, we’re already your customer!" 😅 This is problematic as it impacts our credibility.
At the same time, in our business, it’s common for people from existing partner accounts to explore cross-products, and we don’t want to miss those opportunities.
I’m looking for a solution that can determine whether an MQL should:
2024.11.26 14:50 witchlikedaisy Difficulty claiming sweat
This is an ongoing issues to be honest, and it is making me think it is on purpose. I try to claim sweat often so it does not evaporate but every time I go to claim it the page gets stuck in a loading cycle, sometimes it fixes itself after a few tries… this time I can’t get it to load no matter how many times I close and open the app… is anyone else having this issue? Is it a bug? Or it is a technique to limit the amount of sweat people get?
submitted by witchlikedaisy to sweatcoin [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 Aye-Laddie ik💩ihe
submitted by Aye-Laddie to ik_ihe [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:50 Salty-Thijs Liturgy tonic bugged?
I have been running multiple activities (including onslaught and tomb) with a liturgy tonic active for about 10 hours the past week and I seem to be getting a lot of hand cannon drops instead of the liturgy itself. Even to the extent where I only manage to get 1/2 drops in the entire tonic duration whilst seeing 10+ hand cannons. Does anyone else have this issue as well or am I just extremely f’ed in the b by rng?
submitted by Salty-Thijs to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 bendoGerEu 2. grow run meinung ?
Die sour diesel ist 5 tage älter (tag 35 seit keimung)
SP1000 Biobizzlight mix Dünge mit biobizz starterpaket (50% vom eigentlichen düngeschema)
Pineapple express auto Sour diesel auto Cheese auto
Alle von barneys farm
submitted by bendoGerEu to Canbau [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 StevenJang_ I made a Slack app that turns your Slack workspace into a customer support chat
It’s called Supporty. It basically turns your Slack workspace into a customer support chat. Because having Slack AND Intercom/Zendesk/Freshdesk sounds bullshit to me.
Here’s the deal:
You know how you have to juggle Slack for internal chats and tools like Intercom or Zendesk for customer support? It always felt like overkill to me. Why not handle everything in one place? That’s what Suppotry does.
With Supporty, you can chat with your customers directly from a Slack channel, just like you do with your teammates. No tool switching, no extra steps—just Slack.
It’s still in beta, and I’m keeping it free for now (no credit card, nothing complicated). All you need is a Slack workspace and a channel to get started.
Thanks for reading this post so far. If you are interested, you can try it here.
Let me know what you think, or AMA! 😊
submitted by StevenJang_ to buildinpublic [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 queer_sultry_sumner bafög funkstille
So wie viele andere hier brauche ich bafög um meine monatlichen Kosten zu decken. Ich habe den Antrag sofort gestellt als ich meine Studienbescheinigung bekommen habe (müsste Anfang August gewesen sein). Seitdem hat das Amt Mitte Oktober einmal nach weiteren Dokumenten gefragt, ansonsten gab es keine weiteren Rückmeldungen. Mein Vater hat mein lebenlang Hartz 4 erhalten (Arbeitsunfähig), meine Mutter arbeitet 2 Teilzeit Jobs um die Lebenskosten meiner Geschwister zu decken. Da meine Eltern nicht in der Lage sind mir Unterhalt zu zahlen arbeite ich seit ich 16 bin. Zwischendurch bin ich in gefährliche (und teure) Lagen gerutscht, aber mittlerweile geht es mir besser. Voraussichtlich bekommen ich den Höchstsatz. (eigene Wohnung in Uni nähe)
Letztlich hier der Punkt auf den ich kommen wollte: Ich habe nur noch 200€ auf dem Konto und die bafög Freigrenze ist zu niedrig um meine Lebenskosten voll zu decken. Was mache ich jetzt?? Prostitution war vor ein paar Jahren sehr traumatisch aber mir fällt ansonsten nichts ein. Einen Kredit möchte ich auf keinen Fall aufnehmen (Eltern sind schon verschuldet). Die einzigen Bekannten die mir Geld leihen würden haben mich auf verschiedene Weisen missbraucht.
ich werde den post wahrscheinlich demnächst löschen
submitted by queer_sultry_sumner to Studium [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 Outrageous_Status753 Handmade Press On Nails based in the UK!
🌟 Hello everyone!
I make Japanese inspired Press on Nails! The most trendy styles in Japan are usually so beautifully handcrafted, full of gold and marble, as well as precious stones. I have not seen this style much in other shops, and I think that these could bring you lots of elegance! Some of my nails are perfect for weddings and special occasions and I personally prefer shorter ones, more practical and easier to maintain!
These are all handmade by myself, I am located in a small town in the UK and have been painting my nails for years but only recently opened the shop. I am still trying to start, struggling a bit to push views and sales, so every little view of yours is much appreciated!
I hope you can all be inspired and wish you a lovely week ahead <3
Thank you so much for visiting!
submitted by Outrageous_Status753 to Random_Acts_of_Etsy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 alyssaocon Any tricks, tips, or hints to get me past this level?
I’m a new player and I am having such difficulty with this one! I’m not really sure of all the rules and tricks yet, haven’t fully caught on.
submitted by alyssaocon to Projectmakeover [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 -no_mercy Breaking into Business Analysis as a Fresher – Advice Needed
I graduated with a BTech in 2023 and spent the past year stuck in indecision, barely making progress while considering different career options. After much thought, I’ve decided that becoming a Business Analyst aligns best with what I want to do—not because I have the skills yet, but because I enjoy the nature of the role.
I’ve been procrastinating for a while but now plan to prepare seriously using online resources. While researching, I noticed that fresher BA roles are scarce on LinkedIn. Some suggest switching to domains like web development or testing, but every field requires effort, so I’d rather focus on what I truly want.Correct me if I’m wrong.
I’m considering moving from my town to Bangalore—not just for opportunities but to work on my communication and public speaking by joining Toastmasters. It’s a big financial step, so I’d need to secure a job within three months if I move.
I’d love some advice on:
2024.11.26 14:50 That_Square5268 971054589422 DIALGA 💙
submitted by That_Square5268 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:50 EmbarrassedFig4104 Déclaration de situation à la CAF
Bonjour, ma copine F23 et moi M23 souhaitons louer un appartement (nous sommes uniquement concubins) et nous nous posons la question sur comment nous allons nous déclarer à la CAF pour toucher des APL.
Le problème étant que ma copine déclare elle même ses impôts et moi je suis encore rattaché fiscalement à mes parents. Pouvons nous nous déclarer en "couple" pour la CAF ? (https://wwwd.caf.fwps/portal/caffaidesetdemarches/mesdemarches/faireunesimulation/lelogement#/preparation)
J'espère avoir bien expliqué ma situation et merci d'avance
submitted by EmbarrassedFig4104 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]