Poetry Class Week 18-20

年——year——Yr或不引起歧义时用Y 月——month——M 周——week——W 日——day——D 时——hour——Hr或H 一般过去时常与yesterday, last week, just now, a moment ago, the other day等连用。 一般过去时的结构: 1、肯定句“主语+动词过去式+其他”或者“主语+was/were+其他。 2、否定句“主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他”或“主语+wasn’t/weren’t+其他。

2024.11.26 13:36 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week 18-20

Week 19-20: Ghazal and Tanka Mastery
Day 1: Unveiling the Ghazal - Activity: Analyze classic ghazals for their structure and themes. - Lecture: Explore the historical and cultural context of ghazals. - Discussion: Share impressions and discuss the themes of love and longing in ghazals.
Day 2: Crafting the Ghazal Form - Activity: Break down the structure of a ghazal and discuss rhyme patterns. - Lecture: Explore the traditional themes and variations within ghazals. - Discussion: Discuss the challenges and beauty of writing within the constraints of a ghazal.
Day 3: Understanding Tanka - Activity: Analyze traditional tankas for their brevity and emotion. - Lecture: Explain the structure and cultural significance of tankas. - Discussion: Share thoughts on capturing a moment in five lines.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Expressive Tanka - Activity: Write tankas individually, focusing on concise expression of emotion. - Assignment: Craft a ghazal exploring themes of love or longing. - Vocabulary Words: Matla, Radif, Wazn.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for ghazals and tankas. - Lecture: Discuss the impact of repetition in ghazals and the art of brevity in tankas. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 19-20: 1. What are the traditional themes of love and longing in ghazals? 2. Explore the structure of a ghazal, including the use of repeated words and rhyme patterns. 3. Discuss the cultural significance of tankas and their role in capturing fleeting moments. 4. How does the brevity of tankas contribute to their emotional impact? 5. Reflect on the challenges and rewards of crafting ghazals and tankas.
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of ghazals, tankas, and the cultural context of these poetic forms.
Week 21-22: Cinquains and Pantoum Prowess
Day 1: Mastering Cinquains - Activity: Analyze classic cinquains for their simplicity and structure. - Lecture: Explore the syllabic pattern and thematic focus of cinquains. - Discussion: Share thoughts on capturing a subject in just five lines.
Day 2: Crafting Cinquains with Precision - Activity: Break down the process of crafting a cinquain. - Lecture: Discuss the importance of word choice and economy of language in cinquains. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual cinquains, highlighting successful elements.
Day 3: Embracing the Pantoum - Activity: Analyze a famous pantoum for its repetition and layered meaning. - Lecture: Explain the structure and narrative possibilities of pantoums. - Discussion: Discuss the role of repetition in creating a rhythmic flow.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Developing a Pantoum - Activity: Craft a pantoum exploring a theme of personal growth or change. - Assignment: Write a cinquain on a chosen subject. - Vocabulary Words: Quatrain, Refrain, Syllabic Pattern.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for cinquains and pantoums. - Lecture: Discuss the challenges and rewards of repetition in pantoums. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 21-22: 1. Discuss the simplicity and structure of cinquains. How does their syllabic pattern contribute to their impact? 2. Explore the importance of word choice and economy of language in crafting cinquains. 3. What defines a pantoum, and how does repetition contribute to its rhythmic flow? 4. Discuss the narrative possibilities and layered meaning in pantoums. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting cinquains and pantoums. What challenges did you face?
Quiz: Assessment on cinquains, pantoums, and the effective use of repetition in poetry.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 UnderABig_W Why is a shrinking labor pool so bad?

From what I’ve read (which could be wrong!) historically, if the pool of labor shrank (like during, say, the Black Death) conditions improved for the average laborer since his work was in higher demand. There was more work to do than there were peasants available to do it so living conditions went up.
So why aren’t things the same today? Why would the average person today disadvantaged if the labor pool went down as opposed to benefiting from it?
submitted by UnderABig_W to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 shatners-ocarina Softwood (pine) vs hardwood (oak) top

Is the extra cost of a hardwood top justifiable for a home office desk?
I'm getting ready to order a Flexispot E5Q, with the top (180 x 80cm) sourced separately, and am trying to decide between the following options:

The oak looks (based on photos from the suppliers) a bit nicer, and I expect it will be slightly more hardwearing - but is it really worth more than twice the price?
submitted by shatners-ocarina to StandingDesk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 awalker11 What happens when your ID is scanned?

Every once in a while I will have a creep scan my ID instead of just look at the date to see if I am of age to buy alcohol. What data base does this go into? I just don’t really like the idea that Krogers can store my information to use against me in the future, doesn’t really seem like it’s their place to do that. Or worse does the information go to local/gov authorities?
submitted by awalker11 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 bashivalinabashi Searching for a Polish Game Studio - MKR Studio

Hi everyone! I'm on a quest to find and contact the Polish Game Studio, MKR Studio, the creators of the mobile Football games True Football 3 and True Football International. I've tried all the publicly available email addresses I could find from them and emailed them but to no avail. I even emailed the Polish Agency of Enterprise Development (PARP), even they said that they didn't have any information regarding MKR Studio. Then it just crossed my mind to ask on Reddit in hopes of finding my needle in this haystack. If anyone has absolutely ANY information about MKR Studio and could share it here I would be eternally grateful. Thanks again!
submitted by bashivalinabashi to MobileGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 DuckDynasty63 Loq 15arp9 or Dell G15 5530, dell is about 150 dollars cheaper

Loq 15arp9 or Dell G15 5530, dell is about 150 dollars cheaper submitted by DuckDynasty63 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 Next-Associate6543 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Next-Associate6543 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 Oldbutnotsowise Iron 101

Early on in the game when I collect iron bars for workstation/cement blender etc… what is the “fastest route” to get these iron bars?
submitted by Oldbutnotsowise to 7daystodie [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 Safe_Height_8653 First post.

First post. submitted by Safe_Height_8653 to TeenFemboysUSA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 phitsch Looking for winter sneakers

Hi, can anyone recommend some high-quality insulated water proof (ideally) or water repellent sneakers/skate shoes? I have spent hours trying to find something suitable for me... I used to love my insulated high-top Vans but stopped wearing dead animals a few years ago and have been struggling to find something comparable for those cold winter days in slush filled city streets. I just tried out some insulated boots from Will's vegan shoes and they're great, but a bit too elegant for my taste.
submitted by phitsch to vegan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 Captainirishy Supreme Court hearing case on definition of a woman - BBC News

Supreme Court hearing case on definition of a woman - BBC News submitted by Captainirishy to europe [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 infosec-jobs [HIRING][USD 283K - 331K] Principal Security Engineer, Detection & Response in San Mateo, CA, United States

Every day, tens of millions of people come to Roblox to explore, create, play, learn, and connect with friends in 3D immersive digital experiences– all created by our global community of developers and creators. At Roblox, we’re building the tools and platform that empower our community to bring an…
Read more / apply: https://isecjobs.com/J595960/
submitted by infosec-jobs to NetworkingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 progamer816 Ah yes a callback to a classic

Ah yes a callback to a classic submitted by progamer816 to PvZHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 DoctorOk8233 مراكز زراعة الشعر في تركيا: الوجهة الأولى لعلاج تساقط الشعر

تعد تركيا واحدة من أبرز الوجهات العالمية في مجال زراعة الشعر، حيث تجمع بين الخبرة الطبية المتقدمة والتكلفة المناسبة. بفضل البنية التحتية الصحية المتطورة ووجود عدد كبير من المراكز المتخصصة، أصبحت تركيا الخيار المثالي للباحثين عن علاجات تساقط الشعر بشكل دائم.
تقنيات زراعة الشعر في تركيا
تعتمد مراكز زراعة الشعر في تركيا على أحدث التقنيات التي تضمن تحقيق نتائج طبيعية بأقل قدر من الألم والندبات. من بين هذه التقنيات:

  1. تقنية الاقتطاف (FUE):
    • تعتمد على استخراج بصيلات الشعر واحدة تلو الأخرى وزراعتها في المناطق التي تعاني من الصلع.
    • تتميز بسرعة الشفاء وقلة الآثار الجانبية.
  2. تقنية الاقتطاف المباشر (DHI):
    • تعتمد على استخدام أقلام تشوي الخاصة التي تُزرع فيها البصيلات مباشرة دون الحاجة إلى فتح قنوات.
    • تعطي نتائج أكثر دقة وتحكمًا في اتجاه نمو الشعر.
  3. تقنية Sapphire FUE:
    • تستخدم أدوات مصنوعة من الياقوت لفتح القنوات، مما يقلل من الضرر ويزيد من سرعة الشفاء.
  4. تقنية زراعة الشعر بالروبوت:
    • تعتمد على الأجهزة الآلية لتحسين دقة العملية.
أفضل مراكز زراعة الشعر في تركيا
عند البحث عن أفضل مراكز زراعة الشعر في تركيا، يبرز مركز علاجك الطبية كواحد من أكثر المراكز تميزًا وشهرة. يتميز المركز بعدة عوامل تجعل منه الخيار الأول للراغبين في زراعة الشعر، منها:
تكاليف زراعة الشعر في تركيا تعتبر تكاليف زراعة الشعر في تركيا مناسبة جدًا مقارنة بالدول الأخرى مثل أوروبا وأمريكا. تتراوح تكلفة العملية بشكل وسطي بين 1500 إلى 3000 دولار، حسب عوامل مثل:
يشمل السعر عادةً خدمات إضافية مثل الإقامة والنقل، مما يجعل التجربة مريحة وشاملة للمرضى الدوليين.
الخاتمة تمثل تركيا الوجهة المثالية لمن يبحثون عن زراعة الشعر بفضل جودة الخدمات والتكلفة المناسبة. مع وجود مراكز متخصصة مثل مركز علاجك الطبية، يمكنك الحصول على نتائج مميزة وشعر طبيعي يدوم مدى الحياة. إذا كنت تفكر في استعادة ثقتك بمظهرك، فإن زراعة الشعر في تركيا هي الخيار الأمثل.
submitted by DoctorOk8233 to Ilajak_Medical [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 No_Variation_5752 Best Builder Part for OP Parts Out?

As per title. Also if anyone ever made a tier list of the best builder parts in general. Can’t seem to find a good one anywhere
submitted by No_Variation_5752 to GundamBreaker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 Responsible-Cat-2629 Hadi aime Joane

Hadi aime Joane, Joane aime Hadi. Chaque soir il me le cri, il me le mime sur le bout des lèvres et le couche sur papier l’instant d’après. Au petit matin le bureau est en bazar et les feuilles manquent de tomber sur le plancher. La petite enveloppe bleue marine y est toujours posée, jamais elle ne manque à l’appel. Si je l’ouvre je ne ressentirais plus les papillons. Alors je bois mon café et je la regarde longtemps du coin de l’œil avant de la faire glisser, elle tombe aussi gracieusement qu’une plume et rejoint le tas de papiers froissés par terre. Il débarque et croit que je ne le vois pas, sa veste lui donne grande allure et sa démarche paraît plus confiante ce matin. Ses paumes sont froides quand il les met au contact de mon visage, je lui souris et il ramasse l’enveloppe de la veille. Elle aussi je ne l’avais pas ouverte. Quand, enfin piquée par la curiosité, je ramassai celle de ce matin et m’imprégnai de son contenu, l’horloge sonna six heures et quarts et j’ouvrai douloureusement les yeux. Hadi et ses lettres avaient disparu, il n’y avait plus que Joane et Adam, Adam et Joane. Mon mari lui aussi tiré des profondeurs du sommeil par notre réveil, fronça les sourcils comme s’il percevait mes pensées. Mais il ne dit rien, se contenta de masser son visage et de disparaître dans la salle de bain. Savait-il qu’il avait arraché la femme d’un autre ? Un autre qui reprend sa place une fois les esprits endormis, une fois que la lampe de chevet est éteinte et qu’il ne reste plus que nous même et nos illusions. Ces mots que Hadi me chuchotent résonnent encore, chaque fois plus fortement que la fois précédente. Le contenu de l’enveloppe était resté dans ma mémoire cette fois-ci, bien qu’habituellement les écrits s’effaçaient dans les minutes qui suivaient mon réveil. Je me débarbouille et débute la journée en compagnie de l’homme à mes côtés, il me parle mais je ne l’écoute plus, je suis transportée ailleurs. Il s’en va et je ne l’entends pas partir, il ne rentrera qu’après sa journée de travail. J’occupe la matinée en m’accordant du répit près de la piscine, je ne fais rien d’autre qu’attendre, toujours attendre. J’ai envie de réécrire ce dont je me souviens pour ne pas oublier, alors je rédige avec le stylo plume d’Adam tout ce que Hadi me dit. Quelle erreur ce serait si je me contentai de la rédaction de la lettre uniquement ! Voyez, il faut que vous ayez connaissance du début de l’histoire. Et quelle histoire. Celle-ci débute dans une ville moyenne de France lorsque je n’étais qu’une gosse en admiration.
submitted by Responsible-Cat-2629 to ecriture [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 maranatha7347 I've got my first credit card

What piece of advice you'd like to give me? Or that one thing you'd like to share for a newbie CC holder?
submitted by maranatha7347 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 Tim-Blade Would you?

Would you? submitted by Tim-Blade to wiredpeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 MuySpicy Bluesky and personal peace - I'm proud of us.

I've achieved such a refreshing state of peace by switching to Bluesky, I wanted to share. I've had *numerous* moments of extreme frustration since the evil apricot was first elected, and so many more since these latest U.S. elections, since it has been made clear how deeply mediocre and dense humanity can be. I made myself physically ill marinating in all of this crap.
We know social media tends to highlight our darkest selves but we still hurt ourselves doomscrolling things we shouldn't immerse ourselves in - things we should consume in very limited amounts, lest it change our perspectives, our daily energy irl. On Bluesky, without using any blocklists, I've had ONE toxic comment and the culprit blocked me immediately after posting it. And I've been on the platform for a while now, posting almost everyday - still nothing.
At this stage, a few weeks after deleting X, I feel a LOT more normal and less sensitized. I feel psychologically stronger, and I *know* they are weaker! XD I don't even need confirmation.
I spend less time on Bluesky than I did on X, and the time is high-quality. I've extended this " do not engage" philosophy to Reddit: if I get ANY negative vibe from a reply, I mute or block. This is my energy hygiene era (strongly recommend).
Also, *I'm so proud of decent people for making this exodus happen*. I recall seeing SO MANY tweets saying "they'll be back" and when I left, I left with a tweet encouraging everyone to leave and make this boycott a reality Felon Husk can really feel. WE DID IT. It has become news! So thank you. I hope this will become a movement to turn our backs on corrupt people, to shun them into irrelevance. To boycott what they peddle. To deny them existence in our circle of preoccupations.
Wishing you benevolent ones happy socializing! <3
submitted by MuySpicy to BlueskySocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 AloysiusFictitious 8074 8058 6305 let’s dance

8074 8058 6305 let’s dance submitted by AloysiusFictitious to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 truethetruths The site is temporary down

I am working to fix the problem and get site back up again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
submitted by truethetruths to cnvmp3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 g3lo What are your thoughts on this?

What are your thoughts on this for a residential house that has neighbors on both sides and back.
Duo2 in front and duo2 in back. 1 cx810 on porch in front.
Total 3 cameras with 5 slots taken as duo2 takes 2 slots. And 8 channel NVR reolink that is separated with a reolink poe switch.
Any improvements or you think this is ok? I was thinking maybe also including another cx810 in garage.
submitted by g3lo to reolinkcam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 Acceptable-Lie-1163 Eviction Lawyer in Georgia

Anyone here who has a recommendation for a good lawyer who specializes in Eviction in GA?
submitted by Acceptable-Lie-1163 to PropertyManagement [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 ulas-utku-bozdogan Hayatınızı Değiştiren En Küçük Karar Neydi?

Hayatınızı Değiştiren En Küçük Karar Neydi? Hepimiz bazen farkında olmadan hayatımızın akışını değiştiren kararlar alıyoruz. Kimisi bir şehre taşınmak, kimisi bir yabancıyla konuşmak ya da sadece bir kitabı seçmek kadar basit olabiliyor. Sizin hayatınızı değiştiren en küçük karar neydi? Hikayenizi paylaşın, belki birilerine ilham olursunuz!
Konu Sahibi
submitted by ulas-utku-bozdogan to Turkey [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:36 Future-Ad8707 Daily Cover Song 1061 -- "We Built This City" by Element

Daily Cover Song: "We Built This City" by Element
submitted by Future-Ad8707 to coversongs [link] [comments]
