2024.11.26 15:48 aw1219 Brand new work from home jobs posted today for Quality Assurance Agents, Interpreters, Data Entry Operators, Research Clerks, and more
submitted by aw1219 to Workersonboard [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 Hot-Permission5726 h;.;s m looking for similar f 05351ebd5de3a71ae206adfaedf925d1377980b936eaf8481deb4c4609a520e723
submitted by Hot-Permission5726 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 NilsuBerk Zap'ta kilit kapandı
submitted by NilsuBerk to vlandiya [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:48 trippydaze420 I seed some help
Not a medical diagnosis but help
I’ve been to asthma, allergist doctor. I’ve been to a pulmonologist who I’m currently seeing another asthma doctor that I saw all three of them said I have asthma. But some said was very mild allergic asthma bty. My main problem is that I’ve been having is like there’s something stuck in my throat closing in and can’t grasp for air. I’ve been to the hospital numerous times they said my breathing has fine and sent me home with no medication’s. My pulmonologist try me on prednisone. Trelegy and rescue inhaler none seems to help fine, but I get these feelings quite often and don’t know what else to do. Is it really asthma or a kind of be something else your nose and throat doctor said my airway in my throat was swollen with mucus.
submitted by trippydaze420 to Asthma [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 jt1413 Need help finding these 3 stickers
Can trade 1:1 4s or a 4 and a 5s or for stars? I have a friend code as its a new account, MGO7765482MY submitted by jt1413 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:48 SkliraSpirit what should I do after getting a wolf cut?
I wanna get a wolf cut but I wanna make sure it wont just disappear after showering or after a few days... How do I maintain it? what products should I use? this also includes shampoos and conditioners and whatever else...
also, I heard that people with thin hair might end up with their wolf cut looking flat, I may have thin hair as well so if it does end up flat, I could probably use some kind of mousse or something right?
submitted by SkliraSpirit to Haircare [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 CyFi_Dreams Renter friendly decor and/or peel and stick suggestions
Hi! I’m moving into this condo in Hawaii very soon. It is perfect in a lot of ways, but the cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom are very dated. We plan on staying in this same condo for a few years before we buy a home and I’d like to do some sort of renter friendly updates to the space. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I know peel and stick is very time consuming and you have to use Goo Gone after removing. I’m totally fine with that. submitted by CyFi_Dreams to femalelivingspace [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:48 TheMeccaBoss Got my order
submitted by TheMeccaBoss to itemLabel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:48 DaDocDuck What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by DaDocDuck to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 Bennelong Millions in fines for breaking COVID rules to be refunded
submitted by Bennelong to australian [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:48 Squirrel_Chucks I made a map of late 2025 USA based on Trump's plans to wreck the economy and dismantle the government. What else should I add?
submitted by Squirrel_Chucks to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:48 SavageMell What if you could time warp once to the future?
In your own body so you would have made decisions to get there. If you time warp to a point you are dead that's the risk.
submitted by SavageMell to whatif [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 ApprehensiveClown42 Sad to see the hate and misinformation on the other pepe subreddits
Just sad to see the misinformation being spread about PEP. None of us are going to the other pepe subreddits and attacking them and calling it a scam. Just let the people spend their money the way they want, this FUD misinformation campaign is just ridiculous
submitted by ApprehensiveClown42 to pepecoin [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 ALSTOCKTRADES Clover Health CLOV: How Dr. Oz's Medicare Advantage Stance Could Transform the Stock!
submitted by ALSTOCKTRADES to Clover_Health [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:48 BL4z3_666 Que insetos são esses? (MG)
Tá cheio desses insetinhos na minha casa Eles gostam de se esconder em lugares escuros e principalmente panos/tecidos submitted by BL4z3_666 to BiologiaBrasil [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:48 Old-Amarillo Acabando con mi vida sólo sería un gasto extra
Hola pues la verdad no tengo claridad mental. Ha pasado muchas situaciones en las que nada más he estado pasiva (creo tengo depresión) y me la paso sin resolver nada, ahorita se le amontonaron las deudas a mi mamá y el patrimonio que nos dejó mi papá con tanto esfuerzo (se puede decir que murió por el) nos lo jodieron y todo por culpa de que yo no me quise hacer más responsable de él. Pasaron unas cosas aquí en mi casa dónde me sentía más depresiva y enojada (mi mamá se metió con un casado y descuidaba a mi hermana menor que, hasta ese momento supimos que tuvo un intento de suicidio) por lo que me deslinde de responsabilidad alguna por el coraje y la traición que sentía. Ahora que paso eso del patrimonio (que está en riesgo de perderlo todo) me siento aún más inservible. La verdad sinto que soy un parásito, no aporto nada de dinero en mi casa, estoy descuidada de mi fisico, mi cuarto es un asco y no encuentro trabajo de mi carrera (ya estoy por terminarla) y desde hace un año que estoy buscando trabajo y no encuentro ni como becaria. Me siento desesperada porque me falta el inglés y no tengo ni un 5 para pagarmelo. Me siento mal, quiero dejar este mundo atrás y trabajar nomás para pagar mi funeral pero siento que no es justo tanto sacrificio que hicieron por mi mis papás, nunca les voy a poder pagar lo que han hecho por mí. Créanme no quiero ser egoísta pero me siento una basura, parásito y no quiero ser una carga más para mi mamá. Tengo muchos miedos y mucha ansiedad a qué me juzguen ya que descuide el patrimonio-negocio (yo trabajaba como autoempleada para el mismo) para estudiar, ahora que no encuentro trabajo de eso me veo en la necesidad de trabajar para alguien más de lo mismo que hacía en el negocio, pero ahora como empleada.
Me siento estúpida y tengo miedo a que me juzguen mis familiares porque le aposté a ser diferente, estudiar y ahora que no encuentro trabajo descuidé una de las entradas de dinero de mi casa metiéndonos en muchas deudas
submitted by Old-Amarillo to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 scrollingKatelyn Xmas trees!
submitted by scrollingKatelyn to Scrollsaw [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 ea_90 What am I doing wrong?
Hello everyone, I am not a programmer nor am I someone with good knowledge of programming but a friend of mine asked for favour and wanted me to get involved. I am using v0 dev to build a simple website where the user chooses an image from their files and using remove.bg API key the website provides the removed background version of the photo but for hours it keeps giving this error when I choose the image: An error occurred during uploading. Please try again. I am assuming it could be related to hosting issues but I am confused. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by ea_90 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 bertwitt Stripe is hiring a Product Manager, Connect Platform Experiences in San Francisco
submitted by bertwitt to productdesignjobs [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:48 copcockanon Rio addressing Wanda as the Scarlet Witch is very telling.
It shows how extremely powerful Wanda is. Even death talks about her almost seemingly from her lore perspective.
submitted by copcockanon to AgathaAllAlong [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:47 BabyGrilZoe_x Hi, how is everyone doing?
submitted by BabyGrilZoe_x to Selfie_Girl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:47 Prize_Necessary2198 Mckenna Grace and Livi Birch
submitted by Prize_Necessary2198 to mckenna_grace_GW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:47 anarchyart2021 South Korean man is convicted after binge eating to avoid military service
submitted by anarchyart2021 to EndlessWar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:47 Hefty-Ordinary-586 ✨ almost to a four-day weekend face✨
submitted by Hefty-Ordinary-586 to Faces [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:47 cooked_vegetables You set the standard in your surroundings on SR
Over generations, mankind has developed a hierarchical system that determines how most groups of humans function. This system is used in multiple settings and for the sake of elucidation here, we will double click on one particular example that stands out - the modern company or corporation.
In the modern corporation, there is usually an individual at the top (typically the CEO) that sets the pace and has the final say on most affairs within the corporation. This individual usually gains this power by his or her ability to raise money which keeps workers employed as they all work towards a common goal. Understanding this, a good number of us men spend our lives working incredibly hard to earn enough money to gain self determination rather than feeling completely at the mercy of forces beyond our control. For the record, I don't for one second blame any of my fellow brothers for wanting more control over their lives. After all, anyone who has experienced the sting of a job loss through no fault of their own can attest to the unpleasantness of that scenario.
The problem with following the old model of chasing money and status as a path towards a more stable and assured future is that it very often leads to unintended negative consequences. I realized slowly but surely over the years that the current system is almost rigged against you and I before we even start. As a result, many people who actually "make it" end up losing their health, or worse, their souls. At this point, you might be thinking "well damn brother cooked... what am I supposed to do then? I don't want to remain under the control of people who don't care about me, and I certainly don't want to lose my soul or my health". Excellent question my brothers... and don't worry, there is a better way.
The real truth is that there are two systems that determine leadership or mastery over one's surroundings. There is the man made way which we have discussed above, and then there is the natural way which The Most High intended for us. In the natural way that God intended for us, it is not your bank account or external societal status that determines the pecking order in your surroundings. Rather, it is the amount of life force energy carried within each person that determines their ability to affect their surroundings. In this more natural model of existence, we are called to live from the inside out rather than from the outside in. We are called to focus on getting our internal house in order, and then allowing the external world to present us with opportunities and scenarios which match our newly elevated internal states. As you continue to retain your life force energy through sexual purity, healthy eating, healthy drinking, and continuous emotional cleansing, you will start to notice that the world starts to smile at your more and more each passing day.
As you progress on your journey of masculine purity, not only will you notice a general improvement in your circumstances, you will start to become the metronome of your surroundings. You will grow into having a lot more leverage to determine the sequence of events around you without even trying all that hard. I think the reason for this is because as your internal energy continues to rise and build on itself over time, you eventually break out of the worldly system and into the system God intended for us. When you get to this level, worldly possessions and titles don't seem to matter as much as the level and quality of your internal energy. As long as you remain humble and submitted to the Heavenly Father, you will become the dominant force in your surroundings. Please use this position of leverage in humility, kindness, and in service of good at all times and watch as your blessings compound year after year.
Till next time brothers, Godspeed and remain blessed
Brother Cooked.
submitted by cooked_vegetables to pureretention [link] [comments]