Cadillac has confirmed Mario Andretti will serve as a team director

2024.11.26 15:29 ThinuraC Cadillac has confirmed Mario Andretti will serve as a team director

Cadillac has confirmed Mario Andretti will serve as a team director:
“My first love was Formula 1 and now 70 years later the F1 paddock is still my happy place. To still be involved at this stage of my life I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming
submitted by ThinuraC to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 kbunnell16 Over a foot long

submitted by kbunnell16 to theyknew [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 agentwomble Background glow on menus, orbital maps? (PS5)

I'm replaying the game (PS5 launch) and since the update I'm noticing a really ugly and distorted glow behind menu options and on the orbital map. I swear this wasn't here before. No other graphical issues on this or other games and I've played around with every setting I can think of to fix it.
I've included a pic of what it looks like on the actual screen as well as the screenshots (which weirdly look better).
Anyone got any clue what's going on here or experienced anything like it?
submitted by agentwomble to StarWarsOutlaws [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Searchingstan What’s your methodology & tools to identify stocks?

Like my question, how did most of you identify or continue to identify stocks to invest in? What’s your thought process like ?
submitted by Searchingstan to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Effective-Cry-906 What’s their feelings towards you?💙🦋

Good morning everyone I’m giving out 10 Free readings today 💙🦋, I’ve bought a new deck of tarot cards and I’m wanting to test it out . Are you unsure of your specific person’s feelings for you? Dm me with your name ,age, your persons name , and what you’d like to know and I’ll deliver the reading💙. Keep in mind that I do not read for anyone under 18! - [ ] Please be respectful 💙 - [ ] Follow the format(DM me your name, your persons name and ages and what you’d like to know ) - [ ] Do not rush me or demand a reading out of me - [ ] Comments will be ignored After the 10 readings are completed I will be doing paid readings only💙. I’m prioritizing new people only !
submitted by Effective-Cry-906 to OccultMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Jackal_Oddie [22M] *leans out of train window* except you can’t hear what I’m saying cause the train is loud. Only able to catch “anyone play modded MC?” [friendship]

I know the title says modded mc, so gaming is my whole deal. HOWEVER DEAR READER. You are… slightly… mistaken.
The names Jackal, while yes I game, I also enjoy water sports, gym, technology, camping, history, game lore. Zombie media, writing and more.
I’m writing this in the last moments on my lunch break so I’ll ct this short. Feel free to to say hello. All are welcome! I play fps and survival but mor. Lunch is up so gtg byeeee
submitted by Jackal_Oddie to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 ImScaredSoIMadeThis Why can't you take pictures of your own x-ray?

Hi all!
My partner recently had an x-ray done, and since it's kind of a novelty he wanted to take a picture of what the x-ray looked like off the computer monitor they were showing it to him on.
But the doctor said he's not allowed to do that, and I was just wondering why not?
Pretty sure if requested you could get all your medical info, and it is his x-ray of his leg, so it just seems like a funny secrecy about it.
submitted by ImScaredSoIMadeThis to nhs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Brendanj258 This sub is a garbage patch

Over reacting and moaning week after week.
Thank you for creating the lowest of expectations before I watch each episode, makes it so much more enjoyable.
submitted by Brendanj258 to Killtony [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 _Not_ThatGuy_ Any tips to improve myself.

submitted by _Not_ThatGuy_ to SlayerLegend [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Hrafarrr New baby

New baby Her name is princess ❤️ she’s so cute I can’t not it’s my first non dwarf hamster
submitted by Hrafarrr to hamsters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Illustrious_Engine83 I NEED A GIGI ROUTE

I’m so sorry but from the very first time I opened that game, Giselle was always the most attractive one in there for me and she’s such a good friend and her character is so freaking endearing, why can’t I just make her my wife ? 😢
Plus I think it’s torture that our friendship meter can go SOOOOO high with her just to stay friends…
submitted by Illustrious_Engine83 to TooHotToHandleGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 vlschulte Want to save $1,000 on your Tesla?? Use my code
submitted by vlschulte to TeslaReferralCodesNow [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 StojiMiPerko Dialga WB - 9138 7169 1752

submitted by StojiMiPerko to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 vlschulte Want to save $1,000 on your Tesla?? Use my code
submitted by vlschulte to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Bazillenterror Hilft es euch, wenn ich zur Packstation liefern lasse?

Frage Wie im Titel. Hintergrund:
Ich bestelle selten und wenn, dann über DHL. An alle Paketboten: Ihr macht das toll, ich war immer ein zufriedener Kunde.
Nun werden Paketboten Bezirke haben, in denen sie tätig sind? D. h. schwankende Anzahl Pakete täglich für Bezirk XY.
Ich wohne im 5. Stock und aus beruflichen Gründen lasse ich das Paket mittlerweile immer zu einer Packstation liefern.
Ich hatte den tollen Gedanken, dass ihr zu der Packstation fahrt, x Pakete abliefert und froh seid, dass sie nicht einzeln zu Türen gebracht werden müssen.
Ist das tatsächlich so, oder gibt euch DHL dann einfach nur mehr Pakete?
Ich hoffe, ihr habt dann ein paar Minuten früher Feierabend :D
submitted by Bazillenterror to dhl_deutsche_post [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Otherwise_Set_2543 Der gewünschte Inhalt ist leider nicht vorhanden. (Fehlercode: 404)

Der gewünschte Inhalt ist leider nicht vorhanden. (Fehlercode: 404)
submitted by Otherwise_Set_2543 to dresden [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 LumpySupport6386 Reciding or mature?

submitted by LumpySupport6386 to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 TheTryhardt Is this bundle really still available?

Is this bundle really still available? It has some gear I'd love to stitch onto my fire, and the house is amazing. But it's such an old bundle that I was surprised to see it in the GameStop shop. Just trying to avoid getting scammed lmao
submitted by TheTryhardt to Wizard101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 ButterscotchBig9146 Who trying to hit some line with me on PS. username- beye-r

submitted by ButterscotchBig9146 to ShreddersGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 FabulousPossession73 Houston VA regional office is a nightmare--help please!

So I have a claim in the works that I am trying to get a C&P exam for. I had an appointment originally in September, but I had to cancel it, so the claim then went back to the regional office. The regional office is supposed to send my claim back out to the third party to reschedule my exam, but that hasn't happened. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get ahold of anyone at the regional office. The phone number is a voicemail referring you to VERA and VERA says there are no appointments available either in person or virtually. I live an hour from the Houston regional office and all I would do it sit in the lobby anyway.
What can I do about this? Is there a solution I am missing? Any helpful advice is welcome.
submitted by FabulousPossession73 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Well_Bear Google Sheet Master Manifesto Checklist!

Google Sheet Master Manifesto Checklist! With the election coming up, I decided to go through the manifestos of a few key parties Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Sinn Féin, Labour, Social Democrats, People Before Profit-Solidarity, Green Party, and Aontú
I've made a Google sheet of key points in their manifestos. I’ve marked each one with a ✔ if the party includes it, or ✘ if they don’t.
Understanding what each party promises is super important when it comes to making an informed vote. This is all based on their manifestos, so it’s just their promises—no surprises or hidden agendas. If I got anything wrong, I apologize, but I believe I’ve got it right.
Knowing what each party stands for can help you decide what matters most to you. It’s all about making sure our votes count, and hopefully, this post makes it a little easier to see where each party stands. Take a look, compare, and let’s make sure we’re voting for the future we want!
submitted by Well_Bear to irishpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 eddino55 Red Wings score 3 in 3rd to rally past Islanders |

Red Wings score 3 in 3rd to rally past Islanders | submitted by eddino55 to freefantasylgueswchat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 NoMuddyFeet Quick question about pickups

I got a great deal on a Squier Deluxe with 2 Lace Sensor pickups in the neck and middle position and a Lil' 59 pickup in the bridge.
If I use the 2nd position (bridge and middle pickup), it is an extremely weird quacky sound, which is kind of cool, but also kind of sucks. It really stands out and isn't all that usable to me.
The guy at the store said said something like, "it's sounds like the bridge pickup is reversed." It's obviously not reverse wound, so my guess is that means I just need to flip the bridge pickup to face the other way. (unless of course it's the middle lace sensor pickup which is reversed).
Does that sound like all there is to it? Or do you think the wiring is wrong / reversed in some way?
There is just one problem with this theory, however: all the pickups appear to be facing the correct way based on the logos facing the correct direction.
Dean Ween plays a similar setup but with a JB Jr. in the bridge instead. Don't know if I've ever heard him playing in 2nd position. Maybe it's just something that happens with Lace Sensors and humbuckers?
submitted by NoMuddyFeet to guitars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 RhodeIsland54 Sarah Solemani

Sarah Solemani submitted by RhodeIsland54 to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 15:29 Beginning_Record_819 [EUW] LF ADC and Mid for FlexQ team

Leave me a comment or drop me a DM if interested
submitted by Beginning_Record_819 to TeamRedditTeams [link] [comments]