2024.11.26 15:39 Wtf-isgoing-on Found in united states. bay st louis, Ms
Found growing on an oak stump right by my house and thought they were neat submitted by Wtf-isgoing-on to mushroomID [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 Yep_de_Hond My Spinich is now top 1%!
submitted by Yep_de_Hond to kinich_mains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 AwarriorsSpirit123 What if King Vegeta was the Main Antagonist in DBZ?
What if King Vegeta was the Main Antagonist in DBZ? And the Movie Special Bardock The Father Of Goku?
Here's the Timeline, Frieza and King Cold never existed and didn't enslaved the Saiyan's. So King Vegeta reign Supreme on Planet Vegeta, but he grew paranoid that Low-class Saiyan's are growing stronger due to their constant missions and battles through out space. As their power is almost as equal like the Elites, such as Bardocks Squad whom grow very strong over the years.
Which Vegeta feared Bardock and his crew due to their status of accomplishing Missions and growing stronger and the other low class Saiyan's. Whom Vegeta fears that they might start an uprising and would overthrow him.
So the story goes on like in the original Bardock special except King Vegeta is in Charge and even his Royal advisors told him that Low-Class Warriors are getting stronger as the Elites. There King Vegeta also fears that a Low-Class Saiyan Warrior would rise up against him and become the legendary Super Saiyan when King Vegeta and his Elites destroyed the Planet Kanasa, which like in the Movie Special a Surviving Kanasan told him about his Future, and his demise.
Then King Vegeta growing too paranoid with fear and knowing how strong Bardock and his crew would become he sent his top Saiyan Elites to eliminate Team Bardock on Planet Beets.
Where Bardock found his dead crew, which they told him that King Vegeta sent Elite Saiyan's to kill them, because e fears that a Low-Class Saiyan would rise against him. Which Bardock swore revenge as he denounces all of his loyalties to the Saiyan Race and to King Vegeta and all the Low-Class Saiyan's that died over his name.
Like the original Bardock finds the Elites who killed his Crew and defeated them very easily. Which Bardock travels to Planet Vegeta and tried to tell the other Low-Class Saiyan's what King Vegeta had done. Which like in the movie they didn't believe him, and which Bardock like in the movie knows that he has no allies and all of his friends are dead and he's entire race is aftering him.
Bardock goes down in a blaze of glory to fight off King Vegeta's forces and Elites. As Bardock filled with so much betrayal and vengeance charges at the Royal Palace as he fights off the Elites and shouts out to King Vegeta to fight him like a Saiyan not a coward.
Which whom King Vegeta appears before Bardock as he accepts his challenge to fight him. Bardock even tells King Vegeta killing him would be retribution to all the Low-Class Saiyan's and his crew and all the Saiyan's that he killed in his name.
Then the two Battle each other. Where either King Vegeta wins the fight but barely was alive. Where he kills Bardock just like in the original. Which Bardock said in his last dying breath and said to King Vegeta that one day soon a Saiyan will rise up against you.
As Kakarots Ship has been launched to Earth.
That's all I can come up with guys. Here's the Artist Credit 👇 https://images.app.goo.gl/ULdxSK5rWSMsYXpn8
submitted by AwarriorsSpirit123 to DragonBallZ [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 polevaultking Is “Limitless” worth it in Architect coach build?
Has anyone tried Limitless in the Architect Coach build? Is it worth it?
submitted by polevaultking to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 Enewan WH1000XM2 to WH1000XM4
https://preview.redd.it/2rh0mk7qm93e1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a97091df32bb032387d9a89da2df5c4e3e07df After 7 years using and abusing the XM2, changed ear pads, batteries, used a 3D printed replacement for the headband, wrapped it in tape when it broke again, dropped I don't know how many times, I saw the XM4 on Anazon for 190€ and I purchased them. The XM2 are still working, but they stay on my head only if I am upright and perfectly still, so I'll use them at my desktop, while using the XM4 when away. Very happy with both of them. submitted by Enewan to SonyHeadphones [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 GXNext Tell me about your Rook.
Obligatory images of my own Rook. I'm on my second playthrough now and as someone who has played every game since Origins I have a lot of fun coming up with her history. If anyone else has a backstory for their Rook beyond what the game gave as a starter and wants to share I would love to hear about it. My own backstory will be in the comments. submitted by GXNext to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 Training_Jackfruit81 Got my first pair!
Got myself an early Christmas present. submitted by Training_Jackfruit81 to RedWingShoes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 rocraz_fpv Zooming out with Neo (English captions available)
submitted by rocraz_fpv to DjiNeo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 vysotsky_ Browning plants
Hey guys, do you have any ideas why my plants are browning? i see them sprouting at the bottom and or having beautiful green parts at the top but the rest looks like dying. Is it some CO2 or mineral deficiency? submitted by vysotsky_ to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 Just_Me_134 Ipsy's Sales Dates
submitted by Just_Me_134 to BeautyBoxes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 m1sch13fmanag3d Did cinnamoroll want to be part of the Days of Plenty feast? 😳
🤭🤭 silly guy submitted by m1sch13fmanag3d to HelloKittyIsland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 TNmountainman2020 SCORE!
5.5 lbs of deliciousness! submitted by TNmountainman2020 to foraging [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 CyberneticConstruct Bathroom Sink Faucet Set
I'm having a difficult time finding a spout similar to the one pictured. It comes out the back wall of the bowl. Is there a specific name I should be searching for? submitted by CyberneticConstruct to Plumbing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 Apprehensive-Moose-5 Need a reliable cc processor for research peptides
We're are an online reseller of research peptides. Need a reliable card processor for our website.
submitted by Apprehensive-Moose-5 to PaymentProcessing [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 Interesting-Dot5193 Alpha Motors
Veo muchos comentarios malos asi que vengo a contar que yo tuve una buena experiencia, llegue al 50% del valor de la moto en la 6ta cuota, cuando fue la cuarta me llamaron para adjudicar, dije que no porque no llegaba, pague dos cuotas mas y me llama adjudicación de nuevo, pasaron 30 días, no pague la 7ma hasta que me la dieron, estaba bien, la retire en rivera indarte y me compre un casco de paso
Fueron jodidos para que pague rápido el ingreso, pero después todo fue bien
submitted by Interesting-Dot5193 to MotosArg [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 boofpaxkray scent of the day, born in roma intense 🍦
sorry idk why the picture is sideways. but this is one of my favorites of all time right here
submitted by boofpaxkray to Colognes [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 Lee_Art Sophisticated boy (First pic) and chaos junkie (second pic)
submitted by Lee_Art to BostonTerrier [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 Shuuka Déclaration et impôt cryptomonnaie
Bonjour, Je dois sûrement avoir une situation très simple mais je ne trouve pas la réponse malgré de nombreuses recherches :
J'ai acheté plusieurs cryptos en 2021 et 2022 puis laisser tourner sans vendre en FIAT... partons sur un investissement de 7000 € réparti sur les deux années.
Aujourd'hui, disons que sur mon portefeuille de crypto j'ai 6900 € (j'ai noté chaque transaction sur coingecko) et donc ici j'ai fais une moins value de 100€ au global. (Certaines cryptos sont en plus values, d'autres en moins values... mais au final cela revient à ça).
Si je revends tout et que j'obtiens donc 6900€, est-ce que lors de la déclaration, cela comptera comme une moins value de 100€ et donc je serai exonéré d'impôts ? Comme c'est un cas qui date de plusieurs années, je ne suis pas trop sûre du raisonnement.
Je vous remercie pour votre aide
submitted by Shuuka to vosfinances [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 No_Confidence1924 First Whippet
I adopted my first whippet this weekend! Meet Snoop!! (I have a cat already, named Doja)
submitted by No_Confidence1924 to Whippet [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 No-Control-4618 Oh my goodness, I thought my hands would reach for anything imaginable, but not this..... All in all, I really like the naked Hannah and Mordecai sketch~ 🔥😈💕
submitted by No-Control-4618 to Lackadaisy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 Acrobatic-Database80 Is there anything I should improve on
This is a drawing of a boy submitted by Acrobatic-Database80 to Artadvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 Royal-Reindeer9380 Ce ziceti bajetii mei, pregatiț?
submitted by Royal-Reindeer9380 to Roumanie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 15:39 OwnRabbit6826 Elser hotel?
Can anyone recommend? Pros/cons? Thanks
submitted by OwnRabbit6826 to UMF [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 SimWorldSports Check us out at discord.gg/simworldhoops for more details
submitted by SimWorldSports to SimWorldSports [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 15:39 fantochechinchilla Debería hacer esto? Es demasiado raro o friki? (pregunta principalmente para chicas)
Hay una chica en mi clase de la que llevo enamorado 3 años, pero en 3 años casi no le he hablado básicamente.
No creo que siquiera me tenga en cuenta para nada pero creo que tendríamos bastantes cosas en común y me parece muy mona e inteligente.
Debería dejar pasar esto y olvidarme porque será la última vez que la vea? Debería hacer algo? Soy muy tímido, seria incapaz de decírselo a la cara.
Había pensado a final de curso dejarle alguna nota o algo en la mochila (a consejo de un amigo) o yo que sé, creo que eso es rarete pero no sé no soy mujer xd.
Lo único que se es que la quiero demasiado, joder es que es tan inteligente ojalá estudiar con ella.
submitted by fantochechinchilla to askspain [link] [comments]