my mom asked me if i wanted to be a girl and i didn't know how to answer

2024.11.26 17:31 DSpeedYT2002 my mom asked me if i wanted to be a girl and i didn't know how to answer

my mom asked me if i wanted to be a girl and i didn't know how to answer earlier today i had a small chat with my mom about life and stuff, it was going alright until she started talking about my hair being long (it's about shoulder-length rn, i didn't question it cause she always complains about it) but then she asked me if i wanted to be a girl. i've said in a previous post that i did wanna have HRT but it's just really hard to get in Brazil, so my answer would be yes, but knowing how conservative she is, i didn't wanna answer since she already got mad at me for telling her i was gay. idk how to handle this and i'm genuinely afraid she might tell my stepfather (she and my actual dad separated when i was 3 so we've been living with him for a long time) and he might actually kick me out of the house if he finds out
submitted by DSpeedYT2002 to sillyboyclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Flintz08 Computador barato e simples pra trabalho empresarial

Boa tarde galera, tudo bem?
Venho pedir uma recomendação que eu imagino que seja totalmente o contrário da maioria dos pedidos de recomendação aqui.
Meu pai é tem uma empresa pequena, e ele usa o mesmo computador desde que ele abriu a empresa - ou seja, ele tem no mínimo uns 15 anos (tá no Windows XP ainda, pra vocês terem uma ideia).
Eu queria comprar um computador mais recente pra ele, acredito que com a idade do computador atual dele, literalmente qualquer coisa mais atual já seria uma melhoria.
O fluxo de trabalho dele é basicamente Excel, internet, emitir nota fiscal. Mas ele gosta de ver vídeo no Youtube e ouvir um som no PC.
Ando meio por fora do mercado de computadores, então não sei nem por onde começar a pesquisar.
Obrigado pela ajuda!
submitted by Flintz08 to computadores [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 thee_anna7 1:1 trade

1:1 trade submitted by thee_anna7 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Zealousideal-Pool575 Algérie : Boualem Sansal placé sous mandat de dépôt par le parquet antiterroriste

Algérie : Boualem Sansal placé sous mandat de dépôt par le parquet antiterroriste submitted by Zealousideal-Pool575 to france [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Galactic_Stray Let’s see those vintage snares still working hard in ‘24!

Let’s see those vintage snares still working hard in ‘24! Here’s my 1969 supra that was originally my mom’s back in the day (yes, it runs in the family). She gave it to me and Ive used it in all my setups over the years as my main snare. Love that signature kick ball ping and ringing. It needs a good tear down and polish, but I haven’t gotten around to it.
submitted by Galactic_Stray to Drumming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 gqualls Please help 😢

Please help 😢 Hi everyone! My boyfriend and I don’t have a lot of photos together so I was really happy to have this one taken at a recent wedding. However, it is blurry 😢 if anyone could help I would be so grateful!
submitted by gqualls to picrequests [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 44faced L Crock – Know Your Worth [Hip Hop, Rap]

submitted by 44faced to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 AdWorking3458 Can someone tell me what this chart means?

Can someone tell me what this chart means? No idea how to read it. Last night at 9dpo I had some cramps in lower belly and low back. Don’t usually have that??
submitted by AdWorking3458 to Inito [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Arnab_chakraborty Being passionate about something can be humiliating

This is just something I've observed, and I'll keep it short. It is made out to be that having a passion, or being passionate about something is such a lovely feeling. I certainly don't deny it, but as time passes on, such affection has some expectations. I've noticed this with my passion of writing, as time has gone on I've grown to expect more and more out of myself, I've stopped writing with the fervor that I used to just to critique my current and past work. As I've gone through my work, I've found it humiliating, not only because some of previous work didn't meet my newfound expectations, but also the inability to meet these self imposed expectations is deeply aggravating. It has transformed me as a person, its a maddening obsession that bothers me every time the idea of writing provokes me. I'm sure your passion has made you feel this way too, and I'm unsure if this feeling is a justified because it could function as an internal motivator, but it also is a great obstruction. So yeah, I'm on the fence about this, but I suppose these are my thoughts about it now.
submitted by Arnab_chakraborty to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Red00Hot Willing to answer any questions about running track and field in college

I opened this question up over the summer and I think a lot of people found it helpful but I am currently a D1 runner in the SEC and am willing to answer any questions about standards, coaching, workouts, scholarships, etc. I am a male so I know a lot more info relating to men especially in terms of standards but I should still be able to give a good general idea for all people.
submitted by Red00Hot to Sprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Kouglove My buns at the bunny boarding place for Thanksgiving!

My buns at the bunny boarding place for Thanksgiving! submitted by Kouglove to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Basanez Work Perks 3 lines question

Currently have 2 lines through Work Perks at $127.50 for Go5G Plus. Trying to figure out the best way to port in one line (BYOD). Current online offer for new customers seems to be $150 (after auto-pay) for 3 lines with the 3rd being free. However for existing customers (in my case), total goes up to $157.25. Is this the best deal/way to go about it? Thanks!
submitted by Basanez to tmobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 No-Many1745 Should I use hair straightener

I want to do middle part hairstyle but my left side of my hair keeps going up
For my right it’s fine as it’s
submitted by No-Many1745 to Haircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 rrachelbeann Build Your Own Reeses in NYC?!

Build Your Own Reeses in NYC?! submitted by rrachelbeann to DessertPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 sayamortandire People who’ve been to one of the concerts, how early did you get to the venue?

submitted by sayamortandire to PaulMcCartney [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Ok-Cod-856 F33d me bi N'_L perv stuff. UBGR9JCU8

submitted by Ok-Cod-856 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Nameless_Mono My new robot oc, Alix.

submitted by Nameless_Mono to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Smooth_is_fast6173 Sleeping on face after treatment?

To you who've done ablative laser, how many days did it go until you could sleep on your face?
submitted by Smooth_is_fast6173 to AcneScars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Short_Algo $APRE Awaiting Buy Signal based off 12 signals $6,555 net profit 7.55 profit factor 83% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money

$APRE Awaiting Buy Signal based off 12 signals $6,555 net profit 7.55 profit factor 83% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 karma736 meow meow pics with Macbeth memes

meow meow pics with Macbeth memes submitted by karma736 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 abstractls What ever happened to Silver Diner coming in the old Applebees spot

It was announced 4 years ago and then nothing happened
submitted by abstractls to Annapolis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 northnorthhoho I'm hyped for mobile

I constantly see people saying that this game isn't meant for people in the west, and that it won't do well. I think it it will honestly do just fine. Younger generations are already used to playing on handheld consoles. Phones also aren't the only option to play, I have a few handheld android devices with built in controllers specifically made for gaming.
I work with a lot of gamers, and we often travel to remote camps and hotels. We have starlink, so internet isn't an issue, however I don't have room to bring a laptop and gaming accessories with me most of the time. Right now a lot of us play a fairly bit of runescape mobile / genshin ect.. but we prefer big mmos like ffxiv or wow.
I've spent hundreds of hours playing other mobile mmos, so the thought of an actual AAA MMO that I can play during down time at work and away from home is amazing.
I know mobile isn't everyone's cup of tea, but the market is HUGE, even in the west. Even Diablo immortal is a super fun Diablo game, the monetization just socks. If square can keep the monetization similar to what current ffxiv is, then I think this will be amazing.
submitted by northnorthhoho to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Darkest-Walnut-TTV HMS Ark Royal, finally made a start on the painting

HMS Ark Royal, finally made a start on the painting Just finished my “paint to see”’stage. After doing the most basic layer, it lets me see what I can do with the model now. All that needs doing is the detail, weathering and general tidying up and it’ll be to a “gaming standard” Long way to go, but I’m happy with it so far
submitted by Darkest-Walnut-TTV to Airfix [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 Everblack_Deathmask My Discography Ranking for TBDM:

Here is my ranking of TBDM’s albums (I love all these albums so this was a very difficult ranking for me):

  1. Nocturnal
  2. Everblack
  3. Nightbringers
  4. Deflorate
  5. Miasma
  6. Unhallowed
  7. Ritual
  8. Abysmal
  9. Verminous
  10. Servitude
submitted by Everblack_Deathmask to TheBlackDahliaMurder [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:31 CamelReds73 Cooking with spirits, can you still be considered sober?

Hello all, I’ve been sober for two years and with all my free time now rather than be in bars, I’ve turned to cooking. Still pretty new to the culinary world and I’ve found myself wanting to try my hand at French dishes. The cookbook for beginners I look at seen to have a lot of the sauces and braising for recipes needing a red wine or other spirits. I’d like to make them as they seem delicious but I’m very hesitant to incorporate spirits into my new world of cooking. Just looking for some insights and suggestions about how to navigate this!
submitted by CamelReds73 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]