Did he even really exist?

2024.11.26 19:50 user-00a Did he even really exist?

Did he even really exist? submitted by user-00a to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Fit_Tip7919 I'm out

Acest group a inceput sa semene a propaganda pro Georgescu. Aveti grija de voi si votati pentru libertatea votului vostru. Libertatea de a vizita orice tara fara vize. Libertatea de a spune ce aveti in cap si a posta liberi pe internet. Dar nu fiti ipocriti, va rog eu. Daca ati fost in vreun city break sau vara prin Grecia, daca lucrati la corporatie, daca v-a murit vreo ruda de cancer sau COVID, daca aveti un copil care s-a nascut cu acest mare impediment de a deveni femeie...ganditi-va la voi si la ei cand puneti stampila.
submitted by Fit_Tip7919 to sport_politica_cancan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Own_Highway_3987 Prototype thoughts

Prototype thoughts Hi all! Saw a couple posts recently about structural integrity, filament strength, etc and figured I should ask before actually testing this IRL.
Context: I broke a set screw to hold the rear axle or my bike evenly in the dropouts; I can't get the remainder of the screw out so I designed and printed a spacer in PLA with 100% infill to sit in the slot and hold my wheel in place.
All forces are horizontal, and my print line goes the same way (long ways I think). It's about 20mm long by 8mm deep and 10mm wide, tabs to keep it out of my cassette/brake rotors are each 2mm tall.
Anyone think this is going to hold as is, or should I reorient/use a stronger filament?
It's not structural component per se but it will be under load (me + bike + cargo is about 250 pounds, consistently putting out 200+ watts and avg 16-18mph on commutes)
submitted by Own_Highway_3987 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 HugeShock8 Conseguir inversión para proyecto

Tengo varias ideas de negocio, y quería saber cómo sería posible conseguir inversión para estos proyectos. Algunos ya tengo MVP realizado, quería enseñar en el evento Moonshot pero ya terminó. Si saben algún lugaevento donde pueda demostrar mis aplicaciones me ayudaría bastante que compartieran
submitted by HugeShock8 to Paraguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 kramsdae Production Weak

Finally got muted in chat for saying they should kick binx
submitted by kramsdae to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 AlexaJade385 Cora Jade outside place

Cora Jade outside place submitted by AlexaJade385 to GenerationOfCoraJade [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 JustAWriterDude New Video Shows The Confusing Change VENOM: THE LAST DANCE Made To SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME's Mid-Credits Scene

New Video Shows The Confusing Change VENOM: THE LAST DANCE Made To SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME's Mid-Credits Scene submitted by JustAWriterDude to LeaksAndRumors [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Worldly-Local-6613 What the hell is up with the servers?

Every day I have a wildly different ping for the same given regions. Then I constantly get put in a server that is no where near me geographically and that I specially removed from my preferred servers.
submitted by Worldly-Local-6613 to RivalsOfAether [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Runningsnowman-_- Can anyone add me my randoms are sooo bad

submitted by Runningsnowman-_- to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Upbeat_Scheme4450 Help for help 💚🙏

Help for help 💚🙏 submitted by Upbeat_Scheme4450 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Movieupdates4u Bollywood Actress Avneet Kaur Latest Viral Hottest Selfie Video Link in Comment

Bollywood Actress Avneet Kaur Latest Viral Hottest Selfie Video Link in Comment submitted by Movieupdates4u to actressvideos4u [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 fungus2300 Where can I get ruby’s pink hat with the tree design?

Where can I get ruby’s pink hat with the tree design? submitted by fungus2300 to G59 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 VictorHubress Amateur Sleuth's Making Us Feel All Cozy Inside: “Mama Solves A Murder” ; Nora DeLoach

Amateur Sleuth's Making Us Feel All Cozy Inside: “Mama Solves A Murder” ; Nora DeLoach submitted by VictorHubress to FreeNovelsOnline [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 nimobo FIRST READING: All the times Trudeau slammed others for questioning high immigration. The Liberals just cut immigration, after years of shouting down anyone who suggested as much

FIRST READING: All the times Trudeau slammed others for questioning high immigration. The Liberals just cut immigration, after years of shouting down anyone who suggested as much submitted by nimobo to CanadianConservative [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Far-Study-1237 I really need some help with reels

I have a travel Instagram account, and my reels used to be shown to non-followers, which gave me a lot of views. But now, since I moved to the US and started sharing my daily life, I’ve been losing followers. My viral video was about cheap plane tickets, and ever since then, my reels have been getting very few views, so little. Yesterday, I posted a reel that got a lot of shares and saves, but Instagram still didn’t deliver it. I’m not shadowbanned or anything like that. Can anyone help me with this? Is this happening to anyone else?
submitted by Far-Study-1237 to InstagramMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Ben5544477 If you don't act confident but you accomplish a lot of things is that still unattractive?

Say, I look down when I walk, don't look very confident often, etc.
But I'm the found of a mobile app I created and I'm worth $20,000,000.
Is this still unattractive?
submitted by Ben5544477 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Few_Care_5944 That was quick for day and night.

That was quick for day and night. submitted by Few_Care_5944 to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Appropriate_Day4316 I`m stuck at Wild Island - Main Mission is complete but do not see what is next. Any advise?

I`m stuck at Wild Island - Main Mission is complete but do not see what is next. Any advise? submitted by Appropriate_Day4316 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Sh_7422 Overly positive recovery influencers

This is not necessarily about a specific person but I always giggle when I see a recovery influencer giving tips such as “how to know you’re undereating” or “how I fixed my relationship with food” even though they’ve been in recovery for like 2 days . Personally i‘m 1 and a half months in and honestly I’d feel fucking insane if I gave people advice at this stage of recovery 💀
submitted by Sh_7422 to EDRecoverySnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 minzooz Question about NA’s white paint

I know that the Crystal White paint on NA Miata’s usually flake but I wanted to know, do they all flake at some point? Or only some of them if treated poorly? Or at a certain mileage they all start to peel? Thanks 🙏
submitted by minzooz to Miata [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Low-Background-3051 .

. submitted by Low-Background-3051 to sgcelebrity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 InvaderZerggg Just curious, who won this trade?

Just curious, who won this trade? A little context: Team 1 is in restructure mode right now, and team 2 has a shot at the title and needed a QB.
submitted by InvaderZerggg to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 apollo_xxiii Can you stack the 40% off on top of the sale for these sockets

Can you stack the 40% off on top of the sale for these sockets submitted by apollo_xxiii to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 MoviesR4Ever [Amazon eBook Deals] Hollowmire, Sullivan Ledger (Kindle, Free)

submitted by MoviesR4Ever to BooksAndFilms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Longjumping-Love1617 War thunder asmr

submitted by Longjumping-Love1617 to WarthunderPlayerUnion [link] [comments]
