Change to skills migration list

2024.11.26 20:32 Mmcpurple Change to skills migration list

Do you think if they change the skill migration list that disability services will still be included?
submitted by Mmcpurple to AusVisa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 fake_repost_hunter 22 Accounts + Clan For Sale

submitted by fake_repost_hunter to ClashofClansAccounts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Slyder768 Several questions about an Intel to AMD switch

Hello there !
So since I got conflicting answers from all my friends I’m going to ask here.
First of all the motherboard , I was initially ready for the x870 crosshair hero but everyone told me it’s overkill for a purely gaming use like I plan and that the strix x870 e WiFi is enough. What are the differences actually ? The asus site isn’t clear about them.
My gpu is a 4090 for reference and playing in 4K
Second the cpu , for a 100% gaming use I was told to get 9800x3d and not 9950x3d , but why ? Isn’t more core better ?
I’m completely new in this realm so sorry if it’s newbies questions :D Thanks
submitted by Slyder768 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Beginning-Average416 Photo of MG and MSA having a good time off screen.
submitted by Beginning-Average416 to littlehouseonprairie [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 mrprogamer96 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by mrprogamer96 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Kunal___124068-ig RA SIR ka samjh nhi aarha

RA SIR ka samjh nhi aarha
g aur h point pr jo reactions hai wo samjh nhi aayi ( sir ne fast cover ki hai ) someone reccomend better place to cover these two reactions
submitted by Kunal___124068-ig to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Iceman308 152nerfed so hard game refuses to run, 5/10 games end like this post patch

submitted by Iceman308 to warno [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 FeeAdministrative666 Casually spotted old ex van of TV service provider with this AD today.

Casually spotted old ex van of TV service provider with this AD today. I mean... what's the chances after ~ 10 years :D
submitted by FeeAdministrative666 to HouseMD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 MugShots NV Energy Alert

NVEnergy Alert Under Investigation in 89030 1 customer affected ORT: 2024-11-26 12:24:32.000-07:00 ETR:
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 garabato-5252 Well here we go again with working Scott with lammy, but this time it's Katy and Ma-San's turn

Well here we go again with working Scott with lammy, but this time it's Katy and Ma-San's turn Some sketches of Kim-san and Katy flowers (also a finished drawing of her with lammy)
submitted by garabato-5252 to Parappa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 HanS0lPurr I FEAR NOTHING(dot)gif - Haven't seen a GIF uploaded anywhere so i made a generic and one with a super. Idk how/where to put them so that they're 'online' so whoever wants to can. GOD BLESS BO NIX

I FEAR NOTHING(dot)gif - Haven't seen a GIF uploaded anywhere so i made a generic and one with a super. Idk how/where to put them so that they're 'online' so whoever wants to can. GOD BLESS BO NIX submitted by HanS0lPurr to DenverBroncos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 abjinternational Dele Alli suffers ANOTHER injury setback further delaying the former Everton star's comeback - 21 months after his last competitive game

Dele Alli suffers ANOTHER injury setback further delaying the former Everton star's comeback - 21 months after his last competitive game submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Conscious-Ball9308 Breathing Teeth.

Breathing Teeth. submitted by Conscious-Ball9308 to mildlycreepy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 arkensto A sad and disturbing episode: 1997-05-20 Ann N. Martin - Pet Food

This was a gross and terrifying episode about the animal rendering industry, and how it operates under our noses.

  1. It is not about standard slaughter house operations "for human consumption" (pigs, cows, chickens)
  2. It is about how all other animals are "disposed of" (pets, roadkill, dead farm animals, slaughterhouse rejects, slaughterhouse offal)
  3. When you take your cat or dog to be euthanized, and the vet offers to dispose of it, it is usually sent to a rendering plant rather than cremation.
  4. The animal hospitals are often just as clueless, they just know that a truck comes by every so often to pick up the bodies.
  5. The rendering process involves sending the animals through a grinder, skin and fur and all then dumping them into a giant pressure cooker. No effort is made to separate possible sick animals, or animals that have been killed with euthanasia drugs.
  6. After the slurry has cooked, the fats (tallows) are removed from the top - these are sent to cosmetic manufacturers.
  7. The rest is ground up and made into pet food - the meat and bone meal ingredients on the back of the pet food package.
Last night was not sweet dreams.
submitted by arkensto to ArtBell [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 foxyboxy2143 Well. I havent made a lore of Kio, but. Kio hasn't seen her mom in about 16 years when she was little due to both of her parents divorced over a Myco Situation.

Well. I havent made a lore of Kio, but. Kio hasn't seen her mom in about 16 years when she was little due to both of her parents divorced over a Myco Situation. Her mom asked me to remain anonymous.
submitted by foxyboxy2143 to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 FrangoOriginalNeutro Is there a command to send a server-wide message?

Trying to be brief: I'm re-doing my offline practice CFG with the new commands like sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_trailtime, and such.
I'm adding/rebinding keys to some commands like bot_place, noclip and I wanted to send a message in chat with the keys and commands every time I execute the .CFG file.
It basically has something like this at the end of the CFG: say "mouse4 - noclip"; say "mouse5 - sv_rethrow_last_grenade"; ... ...
Unfortunately, there's a delay between messages using the say "..." command, so sending 2+ messages in a row using a .CFG is not possible. Cramming it all in a single message makes them horrible to read because of lack of proper formatting.
What would solve my issue:

submitted by FrangoOriginalNeutro to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Select-Health1112 A párom nem kommunikál

Végső elkeserédesemben írom ezt a posztot, valamint szeretném megtudni, hogy minden férfi ilyen-e, vagy csak az én barátom. 🥹
1 éve vagyunk együtt, vannak vitáink, mint mindenkinek. A legtöbb nézeteltérés szörnyen apró dolgokból indul ki, amiket simán meg lehetne beszélni pár perc alatt, azonban a párom erre nem hajlandó. Inkább megsértődik, és nem szól hozzám, majd pár óra múlva vagy másnap bocsánatot kér. Nyilván mindig megbocsájtok neki, de a következő vitánál újra és újra felmerül a probléma. Én mindig próbálom szóra bírni, beszélek hozzá, de vagy nem válaszol vagy csak egy-egy szóval. Nem tudom eldönteni, hogy ennyire nem érdekli, vagy ilyen rosszul kommunikál. Mondta, hogy az ő családjában nem volt divat megbeszélni a konfliktusokat, de több komoly kapcsolata volt már, nem értem, ott nem volt rá szükség? Valamint ezerszer megígérte, hogy ezen változtatni fog, természetesen ez nem következett be. Mostmár kicsit elegem van, hogy csak én erőltetem a kommunikációt. Csak emiatt nem szeretnék szakítani vele, mert amúgy meg tök jól megvagyunk és jól érzem magam vele, érzem, hogy szeret. Nem is vitatkozunk túl gyakran, de ha egyszer igen az nagyon csúnyán végződik. Olyankor mindig sírva alszok el, hogy nem szólt hozzám, ő meg békésen alszik.. Erre is nagyon sokszor kértem, hogy ne aludjunk el haragban, mert ki tudja mi lesz holnap (kicsit drámai, de anyukám erre tanított😅), nyilván ez sem változott. Viszont úgy gondolom hosszú távon nem működhet egy kapcsolat, hogy nem beszéljük meg a komolyabb dolgokat/ konfliktusokat/ érzéseinket.
Vélemények? Itt az ideje feladnom a dolgot? Vagy fog még változni a párom?🥹 vagy én reagálom túl?
submitted by Select-Health1112 to csakcsajok [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 time4fub Cucks expose your gf wife to me for rating DM Kik peterpan11q or snap b_fun20233234

submitted by time4fub to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Scared-Ferret-3856 Funny secret Santa. Help with photoshop!

Please can someone photoshop this face onto the Donald trump portrait? 🙏
submitted by Scared-Ferret-3856 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Theonlyphantom Just Excited

As the title says I had a win today. Found out I was T2 on May 1st 2024 with an A1C of 12. In july my next A1c was 5.4, which I was ecstatic about. Now today having lost 95lbs my A1C was a whopping 4.8! I'm just really excited and wanted to share. This sub has been very helpful in keeping me mindful and giving me ideas of what it is like living and thriving with this disease. so thank you everyone!
submitted by Theonlyphantom to diabetes_t2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 blablablerg ik⛺ihe

ik⛺ihe submitted by blablablerg to ik_ihe [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Dry_Communication283 6073-6925-7479 WEATHER BOOSTED DUALGA

submitted by Dry_Communication283 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Fearless-Government4 Door spacing

Door spacing Recently purchased an f150. Today I noticed that the gap between the front and rear door is causing them to come into contact with each other taking a small amount of paint off. Had the truck for about a week, should I expect to have them repair the paint damage? Or just fix the gap. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Fearless-Government4 to f150 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 Ghosty_Leaf Ploofy Babies

Ploofy Babies Ms broody mama, and dad sitting on the "eggs"
submitted by Ghosty_Leaf to PetPigeons [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:32 WeeklyFriend5970 The card of changing ends- it was hot, so hot

The card of changing ends- it was hot, so hot It was hot. My hand melted, my face unrecognizable—but my spirit stronger than ever.
The Death Card. I must claim it. A gateway to unknown power. But it’s hot—so hot.
It doesn’t matter. What I must I will achieve. My goal will be seized. But it’s hot—so hot.
The card whispers, it promises uncontrollable power, mastery over death itself. But it’s hot—so hot.
The fire spread like a dragon’s breath, stabbing my hand like million knives. I must endure. The cost wont matter. But it’s hot—so hot.
The flames pierced deeper, into my lungs, scorching my throat, burning my legs. It burned my thoughts, my sanity, my soul. But not my spirit.
The card will be mine
submitted by WeeklyFriend5970 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]