ITAP of a silver Porsche in Budapest

2024.11.26 21:33 markommarko ITAP of a silver Porsche in Budapest

ITAP of a silver Porsche in Budapest submitted by markommarko to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 E-Animations My project file tweaking

I have it working on my iPad but not my phone. Everything is updated. Please help 🙏
submitted by E-Animations to GarageBand [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 populist_dogecrat Daily Fun Fact: It's much harder (almost impossible) to find Biden wearing Harris hat than Biden wearing Trump hat.

Daily Fun Fact: It's much harder (almost impossible) to find Biden wearing Harris hat than Biden wearing Trump hat. submitted by populist_dogecrat to YAPms [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 Pharos___atl Toilet paper holder is loose and won’t stay horizontal

Toilet paper holder is loose and won’t stay horizontal Not sure what’s going on with it, sorry I can’t get a good pic of the inside but it kind of seems like there is something inside? Thought it fit into the notch on the base but it’s on the wrong side. It went from sturdy, to loose and now hanging in the matter of maybe 2 weeks? No pieces fell out or anything. Really don’t want to have to request maintenance for my toilet paper holder… if anyone could lend some advice that would be much appreciated!
submitted by Pharos___atl to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 Gloomy-Improvement14 Shift change at Electric Boat

Hey so I’m a new employee at EB and am on my ”6 month probation” and I got assigned first shift. For me first shift is tuff so I’m just wondering if I can put in a request for second shift or do I have to wait the 6 months?
submitted by Gloomy-Improvement14 to RhodeIsland [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 CuriousProblemChild As I fall deeper into my depression,

I lose more and more of my friends.
submitted by CuriousProblemChild to TwoSentenceSadness [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 Morrow1984 New to flex in PA

I find myself in a situation needing to flex while working out health issues. The videos on the app do not offer much information in regards to what to expect at first. So i'll ask you all for help. What do I do my 1st time? How do I know what packages are mine? How do I get an amazon vest? Im sorry to be a pain asking basic questions. I just did not ever expect to be in this situation and my anxiety is through the roof.
submitted by Morrow1984 to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 iPhone13pm Tekken 8 (PS5) Amazon Launch Edition 40% off Black Friday Deal

submitted by iPhone13pm to GamingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 AdventureCrime222 Finger Weaving Project

It's not much but I'm quite proud of myself. I'm the only person i know whos learning. It's my first project and I'm teaching myself using books. Hopefully when I hone my skills I can make some as gifts for people I love. If anyone else has any they made or they're making, post pics below! I'd love to see.
submitted by AdventureCrime222 to NativeAmerican [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 These-Classroom9791 How is an accounting degree from Grand Canyon University seen by firms in Arizona?

I'm taking the degree online and live in New Jersey. I've had little luck here, and am considering just relocating to Arizona. Do any accountants in this state have experience hiring and working with graduates from Grand Canyon University? How is the college seen in Arizona?
submitted by These-Classroom9791 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 Ok_Promotion_6754 Send me your recovery code 05ae84095a1a3b934bdcd4a9b44edaca2407754cb80ab3d759dba456218622dd71

submitted by Ok_Promotion_6754 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 OrcinusDorca Southern Utah ?

submitted by OrcinusDorca to whatisthisplant [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 OneNarrow9829 Queue time is sanity

I am waiting for like 30 minute or more just to get 1 match of casual. No way this game is dead when it like free to play. I want to get 5 win so I can finally play ranked. I love this game so much. I don't want let it go...
submitted by OneNarrow9829 to SpectreDivide [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 EmoGayRat NEW BABY IS HERE!

Miss Winnie is finally home! She is a frankenbaby with a Honey head and Lucy may limbs~ i purchased her here off reddit from a lovely user! I am absolutely obsessed with her ♡
submitted by EmoGayRat to reborndolls [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 No-Cold7219 Some advice

So there is a girl who had a crush on me but I don't feel the same way about her so when she confessed we both decided to stay friends. But soon she started become demanding and all so I told her that we should stop talking to each other in a very rough tone. We have been really close friends for few months but when things started going in the wrong direction I thought to put a stop to it. So the thing is I was expecting that she would argue with me that we will be friends or we should not stop talking to eachother, but she is doing the opposite she only said ok to my message and then after that day whenever we are in college she is like she doesn't care. Earlier when we used to have fights she used to be so much unstable like constantly staring towards me and intentionally making eye contact but now it's like she don't know me. And I don't know it reverse psychology or what but now it's bugging me and I am thinking of messaging her and clearing things up. It's like I can't focus on my studies, I keep going to her profile thinking of messaging her but then can't message her because deep down I know that it's better for both of us if we are not friends with eachother. But I don't know how to control these urges to message her, I know it's sound wierd but it's really messing my life now
submitted by No-Cold7219 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 ObviousBeautiful4493 RANDOM Glasgow City Centre Walk UNCUT & UNEDITED

RANDOM Glasgow City Centre Walk UNCUT & UNEDITED submitted by ObviousBeautiful4493 to glasgow [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 realstocknear Tesla would likely be excluded from new California EV tax credits, governor's office says

submitted by realstocknear to stocknear [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 baitarane early 2000 weird french comedy tv show

i remember seeing some funny songs from that tv show on youtube but i cant not seem to find it anywhere now, i do not understand french but the song clips were so nonsensical and the music good that i couldnt help but love them, the show seemed low buget, one of the song had a crossdressing lobster costume one was i think parodying the french language, i think one mentions the internet, also i think i found out about this show from a clip with an English titles where it showcased some guy on a tv screen doing something weird on a tv screen seen from afar
submitted by baitarane to OnTheTipOfMyTounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 CaterpillarBetter148 Guy gave up his ex too easily 10 ups for her arch. Dm me for the same treatment 05e1367c3c56592a83b5a0d7598b95ea4eb33bd36a6360c16e234dc55aa3146f4f

Guy gave up his ex too easily 10 ups for her arch. Dm me for the same treatment 05e1367c3c56592a83b5a0d7598b95ea4eb33bd36a6360c16e234dc55aa3146f4f submitted by CaterpillarBetter148 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 Realistic-mammoth-91 I’m just a chill friend

submitted by Realistic-mammoth-91 to idksterling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 Better-Exercise-4624 Dallas D

Is Dallas a good stream this week?
submitted by Better-Exercise-4624 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 NAHTHEHNRFS850 What religion did the Sinhalese people practice before Buddhism?

Sri Lanka's Sinhalese population is mostly Theravada Buddhist; but Sinhalese people arrived in Sri Lanka prior to Buddhism coming to Sri Lanka.
What religion did the Sinhalese people practice?
submitted by NAHTHEHNRFS850 to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 spacespacespapce I built a simple API for detecting clickable UI elements in screenshots

submitted by spacespacespapce to coolgithubprojects [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 dominic-m-in-japan Love covers a multitude of sins

Above all, maintain constant love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 CSB
submitted by dominic-m-in-japan to Pure_Heart [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:33 Autofish Smoke Break [Leica Digilux 1, 2002]

Smoke Break [Leica Digilux 1, 2002] submitted by Autofish to VintageDigitalCameras [link] [comments]