Rate my DBZ cosplay

coser是cosplay的简称,指喜欢模仿动漫、游戏等角色的人。这个网页收集了一些coser的经验和建议,包括如何选择角色、穿衣服、拍照、交流等。但也有一些coser对cos圈的吐槽和批评,认为cos圈有很多无意义的规矩和喷人的行为。 本网页收集了多位知乎用户对淘宝上Cosplay服装定制店的推荐和评价,包括多肉君、三分妄想、喵屋小铺等。还有一位店主分享了自己的作品,展示了歼10飞机的服装设计。 歡迎來到Cosplay 電漫角色扮演哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 找標題 查詢標題相符的文章 找作者 查詢作者相符的文章 这是一个关于 cosplay 的问答网页,介绍了 cosplay 的起源,形态,影响和活动等方面。cosplay 是指利用服装和配饰来扮演动漫作品中的角色,是一种相对小众的亚文化,也是日本 ACG 产业的重要组成部分。 巴哈-ACG大辭典-Cosplay (中文) 維基百科 - Cosplay (中文) 巴哈 - Cos廣場 (中文) 小精靈 - 訂製品質心得與推薦 (中文) 小精靈 - 隱形眼鏡品質心得與推薦 (中文) 友板:巴哈-創夢-同人資訊情報誌 (中文) 友板:巴哈-ACG角色扮演討論區 (中文) 友板:遊戲基地-Cosplay同人村 ... 这是一个关于cosplay(化妆扮装)的知乎问题,有多位coser分享了他们的经验和建议,包括如何选择角色、化妆、服装、毛娘、妆娘等。如果你想了解cosplay的基本知识和技巧,可以参考这些回答。 这是一个关于cosplay服装制作的问答页面,有多位用户分享了自己的经验和建议。你可以了解cosplay服装的材料、技巧、难度、成本等方面的信息,也可以看到一些cosplay的视频和图片。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 谢邀,收藏夹里好看的cos真的太多了,但说起最让人惊艳的cosplay,大概是那种第一眼看到就让人大喊“哇——”的那种吧。下面就给大家整理一下我收藏夹里曾经惊艳到我的cosplay作品吧。 篇幅有限,完整作品请戳原地址查看,喜欢就顺手去为coser点个赞吧~ 客观上,近几年国内环境的日渐宽松,国家对ACG产业的相对重视,cosplay已经从之前的一群二次元宅之间的小众爱好变成了有规模的,有商业价值的一件事,会有很多人加入完全属于正常现象。 2.玩cosplay的价值何在?

2024.11.26 21:40 ThatFatGuy98 Rate my DBZ cosplay

submitted by ThatFatGuy98 to VintageStory [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 muddybuddy442 i drooled on my shirt :c

its so over 😔
submitted by muddybuddy442 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Longjumping-Tune-454 Is it possible she won’t cheat but move on fast?

Because I don’t think mine could when she was attached, maybe they keep a back up friend as can’t give commitment as she would rather move on than be left?
submitted by Longjumping-Tune-454 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Ok-Relation6122 Kick him

submitted by Ok-Relation6122 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 urgod42069 there's no way... 😧

there's no way... 😧 submitted by urgod42069 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Wide_Jacket3694 THANK YOU SAMUYIL

submitted by Wide_Jacket3694 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 ExamLoud9862 I know exactly who u need to trib n get milked to. Contact on last2pics only if u triiib

I know exactly who u need to trib n get milked to. Contact on last2pics only if u triiib submitted by ExamLoud9862 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 zerosanity Where to buy Rainbow Apocalypse Expansion?

I recently tried this game and it is lots of fun. I'm looking to buy it but finding almost all the listings for it are counterfeit on amazon and google shopping.
Ended up finding most of the expansions on the official unstable games website except for Rainbow Apocalypse. Here is the expansion I'm looking for https://www.unicornsdatabase.com/packs/rainbow-apocalypse
I'm worried about trying to purchase this from anywhere due to the majority of the listings for anything unstable unicorns being very suspect of counterfeit. I've never had this issue of mass counterfeit listings when buying games before.
Where can I buy this expansion?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
submitted by zerosanity to UnstableUnicorns [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 splitshredder Pick up basketball at the Rec Center?

I played in the past but stopped and looking to play again. Are people still playing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays? Thx!
submitted by splitshredder to JacksonHole [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 JuiceAffectionate252 Voltar para meu antigo emprego ou ficar no telemarketing?

Me formo esse semestre em direito, trabalhei num escritório de advocacia por 3 anos, porém foi para uma vaga predominantemente administrativa, por conta disso não tive uma experiencia juridica de fato. Acontece que em maio desse ano, decidi que gostaria de mudar de setor, pois já vou me formar e essa experiencia no jurídico seria muito importante para o meu futuro profissional.
Consegui ser transferida para um dos jurídicos do escritório, porém não me adaptei com a gestão, então, depois de 2 meses, acabei pedindo meu desligamento.
Desde então decidi me dedicar exclusivamente aos estudos, porém o dinheiro está curto, e para tentar conciliar trabalho/estudos, acabei aceitando uma vaga de telemarketing, por ser homeoffice e com carga horária reduzida.
Acontece que a minha vaga no setor administrativo do escritório está novamente em aberto, e estou tentada a mandar mensagem para o meu antigo gestor informando que tenho interesse, pois eu gostava do que fazia e do pessoal com quem trabalhava.
Perguntei ao meu namorado e ele me disse pra não aceitar, pq vou estar regredindo. Realmente não é uma vaga que vá me agregar profissionalmente, e não pretendo ficar novamente por tantos anos, porém no momento estou realmente precisando ganhar dinheiro, e o telemarketing é pessimo como vocês bem devem saber.
PS: na vaga anterior o salário também era maior que o atual, porém é uma vaga presencial.
Além disso, quando eu sai, acabaram dividindo a minha vaga em duas, e indiquei meu melhor amigo pro cargo. O que significa que trabalhariamos juntos.
E aí, o que vocês fariam no meu lugar?
submitted by JuiceAffectionate252 to conselhosdecarreira [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Southern-Dream4931 Me ajudem por favor oque pode ser isso?coça muito nasceu só em um lado das coxas entre as coxas

Coça muito achei até que fosse impingem estou preocupada me ajudem por favor
submitted by Southern-Dream4931 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Ali-Imran- BBC: Bushra Ali Amin key sath bhag gaee 😩😩😩😩

BBC: Bushra Ali Amin key sath bhag gaee 😩😩😩😩 submitted by Ali-Imran- to PAK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Eween Obligé de vous partager cette pépite

Obligé de vous partager cette pépite submitted by Eween to Linkedinfr [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 SkeletonInATuxedo Kenpachi's dick size.

Kenpachi's dick size. Noticed it's been too long since I've gone on the stove and cooked, anyways.
There's no visible bulge, so we can only assume Kenpachi has a 9.6 inch long dick flaccid. Using the same formula as the one before, we can add 3.4113888 inches. (35.5353% * 9.6 = 3.4113888) Meaning 13.0113888 inches is Kenpachis length at fully erect. As by cross referencing two different poses of kenpachi We find there is a margin of error of .2 Meaning that Kenpachis flaccid dick fluctuates between 9.4 and 9.6 inches meaning that on a lowball Kenpachis dick is 12.7403182 inches long erect on a lowball. Low end- Gremmy is 6.45 Kenpachi dicks tall High end- Gremmy is 6.25 Kenpachi dicks tall. It's probably more like 20, but this is the math.
Fucking imagine
submitted by SkeletonInATuxedo to hornyscaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Ok-Struggle2305 Why does Akko look like she’s a lost cat?

Why does Akko look like she’s a lost cat? submitted by Ok-Struggle2305 to LittleWitchAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 jamiespamacct who else doesn’t shut up in here? (I love it here, y’all).

who else doesn’t shut up in here? (I love it here, y’all). sidon post has been dethroned. 😔
submitted by jamiespamacct to Breath_of_the_Wild [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 misstereme What breeds does he look like?

What breeds does he look like? Adopted this little boy (3m old) and curious to know what breeds does you think is in the mix :)
submitted by misstereme to MixedBreedDogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Chefrhys 28 m would anyone like to be my lobster

If you get the reference lets chat, get to know eachother, please be 21+, looking for friends from all over the world
submitted by Chefrhys to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 wyrd_werks Okay, which one of us was this? lol

Okay, which one of us was this? lol submitted by wyrd_werks to goblincore [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 balls-ballz The Great Cartoon War - LORE (Part I)

If you don't know, The Great Cartoon War is a silly idea that's going around my mind for a few months, and the lore below has elements from these three maps. Go check them first. Possible brainrot alert.
--------------------------------------------------THE CAUSES---------------------------------------------------------
Trollberg has always had an interesting yet unfortunate position on the Cartoon World. In one hand, it's universally agreed as a great comfort show. On the other, it hadn't a strong fanbase, with most people only working and making their daily lives remembering Hilda as "that one really cute show".
The first of Trollberg's actions to gaining hegemony (or participating in a conflict, as that was unseen back then) was in July of 2019, when The Tribe War happened as a civil war in the C.S.C. (Confederate States of Cartoons) between Infinity Train (and allies), with Tulip as leader, Amphibiland (and allies), with Anne Boonchuy as figurehead, and with the independent Dominican Republic and allies, liderated by Luz Noceda. Trollberg, that was until now contained within Northern Norway and allied to Luz, expanded its territory to all of the country and gained quantities of influence.
That influence, however, was still small if compared to the inumerous states of the Confederates or even of Wakanda. Hilda, for now, maintained a neutral and pacific diplomacy. But that was going to change soon.
--------------------------------------------------THE DOMINO-------------------------------------------------------
It was March of 2022. The Russian invasion of Ukraine on Earth-A✅0✅begun, and Trollberg reacted to this with a policy softening gun regulations, creating the Hilda With a Gun Policy, consisted of arts depicting Hilda with types of guns, wacky phase that is remembered until today. At the same time, GUND Hilda merchandise was stopped, coincidentally or not, at the same time that Hilda Creatures was taken off of app stores, causing a crisis within Trollbergians.
Trollberg needed dopamine, and that was made with an initially confidential aid for the Creek Pirates on August 7th, 2022, whose female leader flooded the homonym area, taking - literally or not - the lives of dozens of children who happily spent their times there (like Craig, who escaped from this); causing 2% of Maryland's (now Mayreelawned) lands to drown in the ocean. In the day after, the C.S.C. accused Hilda of funding the Pirates. She, deciding to tell the truth, declared war on the Confederates on that same day.
----------------------------------------------------THE WAR----------------------------------------------------------
The event wasn't called The Great Cartoon War until then. However, several trollbergian port attacks and a bloody takeover of Dominican Republic in 5 hours - combined with doxxing of female country leaders, like the Princess of Egypt, Carmen Sandiego, Kipo and Mônica Sousa - made their respective lands siding with the Confederates, now really starting the war. The countries not conquered by Trollberg and part of the Anti-Hilda Coalition on the TGCW map had taken this path since the beggining.
For the time of August 8th, 2022 to November 19th, 2023 could be defined as Trollberg's ascencion and stability in the war, and we don't even know for sure how Earth was able to defend from the now self-declared Hilda I of Trollberg. She took Europe in just a few weeks - with tactics inspired by Napoleon's and the 3rd Reich's, being knowed as the B̶̨͇͍̲̜̥̜̪̞̹͖̙̫̱̍ͅl̸̢̨̢̧͎̲̦͇̝̣̞̥̈͛̀̀̀͒̕͝͠ͅi̷̧̧̼͚̯̗̜̱̹͐̐ͅt̴̢͎̯͖̻̬͈̼̹̰͓̍̈́̀̒͗̏͗͠ͅz̵͓̳̠̅͛̈̿̈́́͐̀͑̄k̸͎̝̯͎̺̘̻͇̟̑̽͊͒̆̕̚r̸̨̗͎͉̘̰̩̟̞͙̋̐̐̿͋́̌̕̚͠͝͠i̴͈͕̩̼̘̜͊͜͜ͅė̸͇̟͕̤̌͆̌̂̎̔̋̋͛͘g̷̛̛̪̟̩͓̺̔̄̂͐̋̈́̉̒̕͝, steamrolled over southwest Asia and northern Africa- with non-stop rebellions of the colonized - and attempted "poke-taking" of the U.S.S.R., North America and the Caribbean, with marks still present on the first map. Napoleon's strategies were also present, with close people (except Dracula) being appointed as leaders of the conquered countries. Kaisa for Germany, Kelly for Poland and that random girl wearing hijab for the Middle East.
We've talked about Trollberg;but how did the other countries organize themselves?
Mônica's Empire of Limoeiro, as - ignoring Bubble Jimmy Five - pacifist as she are, hadn't too much issues internally, since even with the affirmed quality crisis of the brand's comic books, had infinite support from all Brazilians and Latin Americans; reason why weaker nations joined Limoeiro for protection, with Mafalda's Argentina supporting it. Except Venezuela and Chile. Venezuela got easily conquered by Maduro's (or should I say Podre's) disappointment, and Chile (with Matilde as "presidenta") had a complex situation that even resulted in a quick war and the eventual puppeting, which isn't worth talking about.
The C.S.C. was in normal chaos. Bill Cipher was put as the leader of the country because of its supernatural actions, however controlled - since we all know that happened canonically.
Wakanda adopted a diplomacy similar to Limoeiro with Latin America: practically all of Africa (for being unknown for outsiders) united with it, forming the African Union. Yakko, with its private possessions in Botswana and Ghana, was not affected.
Asia and Oceania are a whole another story, because they were not alligned with either sides. In Blueyland's case, for having medium ties with Trollberg; and for Asia, because of lack of interest, not even from Hilda. South Korea, at one point, did get couped by Red and Yellow Larva and reincarnated the Great Hwan Empire with their Scarabaeinae troops, but inevitably crushed by Po and U.S.S.R. remnants on early 2024; and the Philipphines was also divided between Blueyland and Thailand, though their independence is getting closer by every day as I write down this lore.
Japan, for fear of being invaded (even with their amongous anime industry and technology), made the 7-Lines Essay, teleporting the entire country to Brazil's southern coast without needing Zazazilla's destruction.
Antarctica was simple and strange. The Galactic Empire arrived on the continent to just protect it, nanoseconds after the start of the war, with the god-destruction powers of Scrat, on Westarctica, being absorved in December of 2023 with a federalist reform.
But a never before seen incident was going to happen to end the world as they knew it. (real)
------------------------------------------THE HORNBERG INCIDENT------------------------------------------------
Until just after the end of the War being treated as a crazy revolt/country, the State of Skibidistan will almost take over the world in the upcoming Skibidi of The Alps. But, as CGP Grey says, that's a story for another time.
It all begun on February 7th, 2023, when citizens on the small Kaisan town of Hornberg reported seeing "sentient toilets" on their buildings. Days after, the Duravit Design Center's toilet was also found to be mutant as the G-Toilet, marching in the direction of Munich and taking the center of Baden-Wüttenberg. The Kaisan government offered a compromise to the Toilets of keeping the province for themselves. A peace treaty was signed, with the objects keeping Baden - now named Skibidistan - for themselves; the metaphorically walled toilet population quickly overgew the human ones.
----------------------------------------------THE MIDDLE WAR-------------------------------------------------------
From middle 2023 onwards, with either TMK and Season 3 being far apart, trollbergian morale was starting to crack. Firstly, revolts on the Fertile Crescent and India forming nations. Secondly, D-Days were being caused by the Soviets, Confederates, Africans and notably the Brazilians - who, with their S-Bombs and Jimmy Five's Planos Infalíveis, survived the Sahara to liberate Egypt. Hilda, however, was still strong enough to make Ampihibland drown in the digital ocean on November 16th, 2023, flooding nearby areas.
A small-scale nuclear war happened between the starting nations of the conflict. Bill Cipher redirected all bombs that hadn't exploded on the Eastern Side yet - destroying Ohio (💀) - , causing the symbolic Nuking of Trollberg, on September 22nd, 2023, in which Hilda and the State had to flee to Oslo while crying and making the Eternal Battle of New York only more cliché. This only made the liberation of Europe easier for Mônica, who took Iberia, Italy and France, reforming Ladybugia, and for the C.S.C., who was conquering the British Isles before mysteriously losing contact; this was caused by the U.K.'s Animal Circle (in which Peppa Pig resides) being broken, making Oceania and Big Brother real (jojor well). This would eventually end by the end of November.
Finally, Blueyland had a civil war between October 13th, 2023 and February 1st, 2024 between government forces, Caine's Amazing Digital Republic and the unusually named Australien Government; this one was taken in only a few weeks. The line "YOU PARASITES!!!" was at one time so strongly said by Caine that it succeeded Krakatoa's decibles to become the strongest sound heard by humanity - heard even from Panama. Once people realized that the TADC community was not just made by weirdos and that the series was really being developed - The Amazing Digital Republic reunited with Blueyland.
End of Part One
Topics of Part Two: Luke's Cheating and the Fall of Trollberg; The Treaty of Townsville; The Peace.
submitted by balls-ballz to okbuddyhilda [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 wewdwtnizrub Leisure Pro Black Friday Coupon Code

Find the Leisure Pro Black Friday Coupon Code
Looking for Discounts at Leisure Pro in November 2024? Get the Best Deals with Promo Codes, Coupons, and More!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Commercial_Today8225 It's not gall but who knows!!😭 it itches me so much!!!

submitted by Commercial_Today8225 to Skincare_Addiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Academic_Demand_6824 This poem is going to be submitted to writing class

Im tryng to see if it makes sense yk? any mistakes ive made, any edits i should make. and most importantly is it relatable.
submitted by Academic_Demand_6824 to writingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Cod_rules Sporting CP 1 - [5] Arsenal - Leandro Trossard 82‎'‎

submitted by Cod_rules to Gunners [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 stpeppers Pyro JP from Station

Pyro JP from Station This game is beautiful. That is all.
submitted by stpeppers to starcitizen [link] [comments]
