2024.11.27 00:27 Daprofit456 Bitch ass Adam banned me for posting his pdf files in sequence
W submitted by Daprofit456 to Chiraqology [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 00:27 NoParticular4838 three
I like these three pairs a lot dunno submitted by NoParticular4838 to Sprunki [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 00:27 opafoda-se Within temptation - meo arena
Quem foi ver? Gostei da atuação dos annisokay, não conhecia
submitted by opafoda-se to CasualPT [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 SectionNo4334 Why do they do this?
submitted by SectionNo4334 to cockatiel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 00:27 mrmnabil قناة علي اليوتيوب اكتشفتها مؤخرا
بصراحة الواد جامد جدا و واثق في معلوماته ،بيتكلم عن الا ديني و الربوي و الالحاد و تاريخ الأديان…الخ ، بصو عليها كده و لو حد يعرفو يقولي رأيو
submitted by mrmnabil to exmuslim [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 flaps_domino Gold trim hack
Turns out, the best way to not paint gold trim is to paint every other part gold...
submitted by flaps_domino to ThousandSons [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 albertodelrey Always check Firestore Rules
I’ve noticed a few posts on here where users ask why they can’t perform certain tasks or functions in their app, even though everything seems connected and set up properly. I’ve run into this issue myself multiple times, and almost every time, the problem came down to Firestore Rules.
It’s easy to overlook them. For example, I’ve had scenarios where:
2024.11.27 00:27 De_stroyed123 Moving to Oz. Shares in NZ. Sell?
Hey everyone. I have recently accepted a job offer in Melbourne in which I will be moving over in January.
I've never lived or worked in Australia, I don't have a tax number yet, but I plan on living there for a while.
Australia has a capital gains tax on investments, NZ doesn't. Could anybody please clarify the implications of me owning shares and the potential for me to pay capital gains tax if I sell them while in Australia?
Potentially it is better for me to cash up while I'm living in NZ and reinvest once I move to Aussie.
submitted by De_stroyed123 to PersonalFinanceNZ [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 Mikachuuuuuuuuuuuuu Need Help to Put together a gaming PC
Can someone help me put together a gaming PC? I have a budget of €1000 and have someone who would put it together. Now I just have to choose one, but I have little idea about it. Can anyone recommend a system or even put one together for me? thanks in advance.
submitted by Mikachuuuuuuuuuuuuu to GamingPCBuildHelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 Few-Arm-2507 发现reddit著名爱国社区管理员的微操,说是正规媒体在后面指导都不为过
我几年之后重新在这里发帖,为了测试爱国社区的舆论倾向,试着发了两个post,正如你可以点击查看的那样,先发了一个爱国贴,过了大约12hr approve了,后发了一个中性贴,24hr之后才approve,也就是说,只要管理员拖着不approve,你的post就约等于没发,因为不在首页了。
号称是五大洲24hr全日值班的第一大中文区,居然是靠这个来控制风向和内容指导,这也太职业了吧? 没意思的,和国内微博那些蜜罐大v有啥区别,看到你言论有点不符合他们需求,就ban,没意思。
表面公平 ,其实是有意识的引导
submitted by Few-Arm-2507 to KanagawaWave [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 Inshallaaaaaaa So they are just gonna dump the food in the ball that’s broken? I guess that’s better than this. I guess
Better than nothing
submitted by Inshallaaaaaaa to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 chucks97ss Help me understand why I should purchase Morel vs. Focal?
I’m looking for a set of components and 2 ways to go into an 05 Ford Excursion. I currently have a Kenwood Excelon DMX908S running into the factory wiring
My budget is around 300 or less for the components and 1-200 for the 2 ways.
I’ve pretty much narrowed down going with either a set of Focal ISU 165’s or Morel Maximo Ultra 602 MKII’s…. along with their matching 2 way counterparts.
I’ve never owned anything Morel, but I’ve read so many positive reviews in here about how “smooth and buttery” they are, but focals are more “crisp” I guess you could say? I have Focals in a Suburban and they definitely can chirp the highs.. and I don’t mind that one bit… however I’m very intrigued by the Morels by what seems to be more of the SQ fan base.
Another thing im trying to decide on is if I should go through the extra hassle and money to power all 6 pairs of speakers, or just run them off the head unit and factory wiring. I know that’s a no brainer, but I don’t really need the volume necessarily, but I do want the quality.
For context, I’ve ran a lot of my speakers off the head units and traditionally been happy with it.
Oh and fwiw I also have the sound skins speaker kits and rings for all 6 speakers.
Ultimately I’m looking for the best bang for my buck SQ. I’ve traditionally liked crisp highs.. but I’ve ran Focals before so I know what they sound like. So I’m thinking about trying Morels just to try something different for a change because maybe I’ll like it? I just don’t want to be disappointed either. But I’m not sure if that’s even possible.
submitted by chucks97ss to CarAV [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 corrupteDNA Has anyone ever experienced dyshidrosis on lips?
I have dyshidrosis on my palms which is also flaring up, but a couple of months ago my lips also got like the picture. It doesn’t feel like just normal ‘dry lips’ because I’m getting these blisters that ooze. It starts off with itchy lining around lips and couple of days later the blisters appear. I am not using any skincare of cosmetics on my lips and only apply vaseline so I doubt it’s an allergic reaction. I am also on antibiotics right now for a different issue so bacterial infection can also be ruled out. Does anyone ever experienced this and how dis you treat it? submitted by corrupteDNA to Dyshidrosis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 00:27 KingxRose3117 In Gun Jail
Just bought my first handgun as an adult (21). Me and my sister got our FSCs on my 21st birthday and we just bought our first guns together(Glock 34 and Glock 19)😇. Need recommendations for upgrades besides lights (already know what I’m getting) submitted by KingxRose3117 to CAguns [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 00:27 xoxefo3952 Rescued Kitten by Cendrillon1996 to Read for Free - Werewolf Stories
Kitten being smuggled, that's the truth of our cold word it happened before, it happens even now, but when they crossed my lines, they signed their death certificate. I saved her, I killed them, but now I have a baby kitten to take care of, one that I have no plans on giving up...not ever! Alpha Eric, the boss of this pack, I'm mated to three of the most powerful wolves in the pack, and now we have her along. This is a CGL story, you've been warned. Apologies for any misspelling or grammar mistakes. Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 fastplugLa Selling : Two 2-Day Passes $160 Each.
Feel free to contact me if interested, serious inquiries only.
submitted by fastplugLa to ApocalypseZombieland [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 Educational-Prompt60 Any climbers around london
I want to get into climbing towers and live near london. Just wondering if anyone else lives near london who is already climbing and can give me some guidance or the south of england in general. I'm a mountaineer so the climbing is obviously a little different but the same goal, the high of reaching the summit 😆
submitted by Educational-Prompt60 to urbanclimbing [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 Mancubus_in_a_thong Rejection due to screen out?
This violates the rules doesn't it? I took the auditory survey for 10$ and I got one wrong and it said to put a code in.
Took awhile to get the test to work and he rejected my work saying screened out/took to long this is invalid per the policies if I'm correct?
submitted by Mancubus_in_a_thong to ProlificAc [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 feederfanman Add kaybearcutie25 on twitch and get to know her and help be a feeder to her if you want her to keep gaining
submitted by feederfanman to kaylabearcutie95fat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 00:27 InadequateBraincells This is bob's cousin, Marley.
Eat Marley. submitted by InadequateBraincells to repost [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 00:27 Funny_Income4365 Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks (Official Video)
submitted by Funny_Income4365 to Musicthemetime [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 00:27 unanau What do you think?
submitted by unanau to POTS [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 S_A_Woods Constant bloating and nausea, OTCs aren’t helping.
I (23F) have been experiencing gastrointestinal issues for quite sometime now and it’s only gotten worse overtime. I have constant bloating, nausea, constipation, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
Meds: Motegrity 0.5mg per day Ocella everyday - stopped periods entirely
Supps: Gas-X about 2-4 125mg per day Vit D 1000U per day Magnesium 400mg per day Miralax 1 dose EOD/ETD
I was diagnosed with IBS and SIBO a couple years ago, I was treated with antibiotics and put on motegrity because my doc thought my GI issues were likely due to dysmotility. I usually get super bloated (especially in my stomach) after eating. Sometime a few hours after eating I’ll have bloating in my intestines as well. The bloating causes a lot of pain and nausea. I’m almost always constipated (1-2 BMs per week) and when i’m not I have diarrhea instead. I don’t eat much at all because of my symptoms and i’m hanging out around 110 lbs at 5”11.
Because I haven’t technically lost weight recently and keep maintaining 110 lbs, doctors don’t seem too concerned about my symptoms. I hate being this thin though because it seriously affects my energy levels and ability to exercise or work. The motegrity I’m on used to help around the time that I started it but it feels less effective now.
I had an endoscopy and they found nothing. H. pylori negative. Haven’t been retested for Sibo. Stool and blood tests come back normal. I’ve tried every fad diet under the sun. I’m seeing a new gastroenterologist in about a month because I didn’t really like my last one. What could be causing my symptoms? Is there anything I should mention or ask my doctor? I really want this appointment to be productive and for my doctor to really understand how my symptoms are affecting my life. I’m tired of not having answers.
submitted by S_A_Woods to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 00:27 I-Want-A-Chicken22 “Good evening humans. In the spirit of the Christmas season, I hope all your hunts are plentiful.”
submitted by I-Want-A-Chicken22 to GachaLife2 [link] [comments] |