The stockings were hung with laser level precision!

2024.11.27 02:30 RevolvingCheeta The stockings were hung with laser level precision!

The stockings were hung with laser level precision! Putting that green laser to good use!
submitted by RevolvingCheeta to MilwaukeeTool [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Lokzi_ When do you stop chasing a dream career?

So I wanted to come here and get some practical and logical advice here from unbiased parties, just raw truthful feedback. I’ve been dabbling in things for far too long after college and honestly starting to worry about my future and the direction it’s going.
I got my bachelors degree and decided to pursue real estate for a while. Decided I was tired of that path and wanted to get back to my true passion, something I pushed aside chasing monetary goals for quite some time. For the past year, I’ve been freelancing creatively doing video work, while filling the down time/gaps of client work with site surveys for a solar engineering firm. The pay was pretty good, allowed me to create my own schedule, which worked really well with the video work side of things.
I was talking to one of my buddies and he actually quit a top tier position with a software company to pursue videography. He is struggling monetarily speaking, but he says he loves it. Which got me thinking…. I really love it too, but do I want to be doing this for the next 10 years and be in his shoes, 42 and have nothing?
Another one of my good friends, actually much older than me at 52 is a CTO with a software company. I’ve talked to him a lot about this issue, in fact a lot of things in life for advice. Long story short, he said he could get me a gig in software being a project manager, for lack of better terms with stable income, starting around 70-80k 401k the whole package that comes with the “corporate” world. Would I be an idiot not to take it.
He mentioned it could be a great foot in the door into software and maybe down the line, get into a creative role within software. It all sounds like the perfect combo, monetarily speaking and securing a future, but I tried to fight so long to not have a “corporate” life.
Again, would I be an idiot not to take it? Sorry, this was long winded and I’m sure I left out a few key details, just wanted some feedback from total strangers who can think objectively about this situation. If you have any questions, or more details don’t hesitate to ask.
Thanks for listening, or reading! 🤣
submitted by Lokzi_ to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Old_Organization7861 Any ideas?

No sore throat or side effects right now.
submitted by Old_Organization7861 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 bomster12 Anyone else have a sexual attraction to Sigma?

I just really like his gravitic flux ultimate and it kinda of turns me on i guess. The way he yells about space and time gets my juices secreting.
submitted by bomster12 to SigmaMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Wide_Firefighter_312 Can I charge my oculus quest 2 with a chicony charger?

I usually use a chicony charger I've heard of vr devices blowing up due to, to many wats
submitted by Wide_Firefighter_312 to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 AxilxSays What ever happened to the little white puffy that heimer would bring along?

submitted by AxilxSays to ArcaneAnimatedSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Delza_Melza What do I do?

All I did was go into my Bios and change my fans from DC to PWR. I got a lot of errors and sometimes it would boot to the lock screen and then die. I checked the ssd for bad sectors, it's fine, I thought the drive was dead so I cloned it to another drive, I tried using a windows USB to reinstall windows, nothing, I've tried repairing windows, nothing, I've been doing this all day. Please any help would be amazing rn
submitted by Delza_Melza to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Superdonut725 The only thing you need to be happy is _____

submitted by Superdonut725 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 AngelRain201 Possible scam website

This website sells dolls all for around the same price. Obviously fake cus even the most expensive ones are around $8. And it'll even say Monster high at the top of the site but they have Barbie dolls too which a real Hasbro site wouldn't be selling Mattel products.
submitted by AngelRain201 to Dolls [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Balor_shadow 23m Ireland!! Hey you? Yes you, want a friend ? I’m looking for friends and peeps to create fun friendships! All can apply!!! Would love to meet people!

Hello there! Howdy! Salutations!
How is everyone doing! I hope you are all well !! So here’s a lil about me!! I’m from Ireland! In uni, studying history and film! My fav period in history would have to be probably either Vikings or Roman periods :) My fav movie is Jurassic Park! Which is a Goated movie btw!!!!!
I have a very wide music taste and I listen to everything and anything, my fav bands/artists are slipknot, Mumford & sons, metro boomin, Frank Sinatra, John Williams, Hanz Zimmer and many many more. I also game (Ps5, Xbox, PC) so we can play something hopefully!!
I’m a very outgoing person who loves to chat, have fun and chill, so if we ever move to discord we can text/call and have fun, maybe even drink and game together, fun stuff ya know.
So thanks for taking the time read and I hope to hear from someone soon! Write an introduction!!!
submitted by Balor_shadow to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 MeetingAcademic9546 Hmu if you can Trib/remix my IR-L or want to do cap 4 cap

submitted by MeetingAcademic9546 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 WeirdField9762 Dos criadores de torcida de teatro, vem ai: Torcida de cinema

Dos criadores de torcida de teatro, vem ai: Torcida de cinema submitted by WeirdField9762 to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Vegetable-Square8983 Shellfish

Any shellfish allergies out there? My son has peanut and tree nut allergies along with shellfish. Tonight he had Kirkland Tilapia which doesn't have a shellfish warning but he's having a reaction. Should he avoid fish? Would love to hear how others handle it
submitted by Vegetable-Square8983 to peanutallergy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 DunyaOfPain Baby Corn StirFry

Baby Corn StirFry Very good, gonna get vermicelli for when I make it tomorrow
submitted by DunyaOfPain to ShittyRestrictionFood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Potential-Long-5058 Morbo a mi prima de 22 años? no nudes

submitted by Potential-Long-5058 to mensajitospicantes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 imnotcara Weird Hives/Rash Only on Stomach?

Pictures do not justice. This showed up on Thursday and I have no idea what it’s from. I haven’t worn new clothes, or switched detergents. The only thing I ate out of the ordinary was fried rice from a new local Chinese restaurant.
submitted by imnotcara to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Downhillknight Congrats Caseoh for being nominated!

submitted by Downhillknight to caseoh_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 orangecat-0329 How to get doctors to listen

I’ve had “symptoms” since July (I didn’t know they were). & recently, they got bad.. fast. In the beginning of November I started to not be able to eat anything without getting severely nauseous. I have A LIST of symptoms. Sharp pain under right ribs (if sleep on right side) - started in June/July Motion sickness - started in August Lower back ache - started in September Scratching (Cholestasis) - started Nov 7th Loss of appetite Nausea Lump in throat Tired Dizzy spells Heart racing Shortness of breath Dull pain in side on and off Chills Indigestion (gurgling belly, belching, passing gas) Dark urine Light stool Constipation Feel thumping in side - all started Tuesday, Nov 12th The ER sent me away because all results were “normal”. (Blood & US). My normal doctor sent me away because she reviewed my scans and they were “normal.” I got a little better for about a week, and just went along with what they said. Now, I can’t eat ANYTHING. I can’t be in the car for more than five minutes. I had to cancel my Thanksgiving plans (and it’s my baby’s FIRST Thanksgiving we’ll now just be sitting home for). I’m so scared I’m never going to be better because no healthcare person will listen to me. I’m so upset that my baby’s first holidays will be ruined now. I feel like I’m slowly starving because I’m so hungry, but can’t eat anything without getting nauseous (even with zofran). I’m very tiny, and my weight has always been a concern (84lbs), and in just a week I’m down to 78lbs. My doctor blames my anxiety and made me switch my meds to “something that will make me hungry” because she believes I’m just choosing not to eat?? I don’t even know if my insurance will cover me seeking out a specialist or surgeon. I have to have someone with me all the time because I can barely take care of my baby. I’m so, so miserable. How the hell did anyone get someone to actually listen to you? I don’t even have a decent quality of life anymore, and I’m so upset.
submitted by orangecat-0329 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 DuvalMusicPlug Fast xp

Does anyone know how I can lvl up fast to lvl 100? Now that the Loatle strategy doesn't work anymore?
submitted by DuvalMusicPlug to PlayTemtem [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 ConsiderationReal835 Smoking area?

I heard this and just want to confirm. Is there a smoking spot just outside INC chapel?
submitted by ConsiderationReal835 to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 No-Part2750 What happened here

What happened here submitted by No-Part2750 to weedgrower [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 hongkongarden Never got closure

Him and I met twice in our entire lives, first time it was immediate attraction, second time we sealed the deal. After that second encounter I was left under the impression this could lead to more than just physical attraction, 1 week into us having text conversations, all came to an abrupt end due to a traumatic experience I’ve had with HIS group of friends, they set me up, attacked me and shamed me for many reasons (mostly because they found out I spent the night with him) and basically tore me into pieces socially and psychologically overnight. I was left alone and isolated from the world and no one reached out to me after that, not even him. Fast forward, 3 months later, I went to therapy, got a new beau, he dms me because he was thirsty at the time but I was so enamored with my current bf that I didn’t really entertain the idea of going back to someone who left me in a ditch, I desired him deeply but I couldn’t do that after so much progress. We wished each other Happy New Year on Dec 31st, 2023 and that was it. We liked each other’s stories after that but we never spoke to each other again. My relationship with my current boyfriend got more serious overtime and I decided that my obsession with this guy just didn’t make sense anymore, he lost his chance and it happened so quickly and so long ago I didn’t even remember the sound of his voice, just his touch during that night. I unfollowed him and deleted him from my followers, and that was it. I still think about him daily, but as the days go by, it’s more and more difficult for me to remember details from that night, I imagine scenarios of what i would do if we ever ran into each other, but my future with my boyfriend, who loves me, supports me and respects me, is much brighter. With all that said, the limerence is as present as always, but at least I am aware that I shouldn’t and will not, ever pursue a relationship with that man.
submitted by hongkongarden to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 Pleasant_Web_5548 MacBook Pro + iPad extended display

MacBook Pro + iPad extended display submitted by Pleasant_Web_5548 to macsetups [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 dll790x what is this used for?

submitted by dll790x to TopHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:30 EfficientWealth3924 Es posible cambiar las calificaciones de una plataforma mediante algún hacker o algo parecido?

Quisiera sabes si es posible,de verdad me ayudaría ?
submitted by EfficientWealth3924 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]