2024.11.27 04:55 Slow_Memory_6690 Oops I made AI Cover of Bambi singing Korn
submitted by Slow_Memory_6690 to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 Traditional-Gur8456 Anne of Green Gables, 1985
After taking the advice of others on watching the 1985 miniseries, I am absolutely amazed at everything I saw. Call me dramatic, but I feel as if this filled the void that AWAE left in me after the series was cancelled. It did help me imagine a little of what the 4th season could’ve been, and to me, had its own charm. i genuinely cried at the end and i lit recommend watching it to those who haven’t😭😭 literally so fire submitted by Traditional-Gur8456 to Anne [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 RyNoDaHeaux Adidas Jerseys on sale for $100
submitted by RyNoDaHeaux to SeattleKraken [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 MelonHeadsShotJFK Burt is Repeating his Character Arc
Leaning more into computer, creating conspiracies, getting the audience on his side again. If you’re watching room 1 right now it is a classic freakout from in the penthouse from like 2 weeks ago. Computer hyping him up to be strong, him engaging with it. I think it’s intentional. We’re getting back to ‘classic’ Burt
If Burt has no fans that means I’m dead
submitted by MelonHeadsShotJFK to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 Pretend-Camp-8464 I made a simple tutorial to play the Squid Game theme on your phone
After watching the new trailer, I was inspired to make an easy tutorial for the iconic theme. It’s super beginner-friendly and works even on your phone. Hope you enjoy it!
submitted by Pretend-Camp-8464 to squidgame [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 JohannGoethe Cool, he can't handle criticism | D[12]E (Nov A69)
submitted by JohannGoethe to AntiEAN [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 Worried-Equivalent80 Is “if he wanted to he would true”?
Is it really true that when all men like a girl it will be obvious to her? I keep hearing this but some people are shy and it can be really hard telling people how you feel. If a guy is not being hyper active in pursuing her should she take that as a sign that he isn’t interested or are some men just shyer than others?
submitted by Worried-Equivalent80 to dating [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 gelo_god Devo realizar meu sonho de criança?
Desde criança tenho o sonho de ter um carro VW Gol Bola. Atualmente estou com 21 anos, trabalhando em um bar onde ganho R$2.000,00 mensais, e guardo boa parte desse dinheiro. Estou prestes a me formar em Jornalismo, e tenho na conta pouco mais de R$30.000,00 O carro em questão custa na faixa dos 11/12k e após as modificações que eu gostaria de fazer, creio que sairia tudo por uns 23,24k e eu teria o meu sonho de infância realizado. Oq devo fazer?
submitted by gelo_god to farialimabets [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 CZ805 Bugs in mattress
Anyone know what bug this is??
submitted by CZ805 to Bedbugs [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 ethan_hunt_9549 when you were a child, what was your first book?
submitted by ethan_hunt_9549 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 Leading_Note9508 How is this $1200 white build?
I’ve waited for Black Friday sales to build a pc. I live by a micro center and also get 5% CB from Amazon this month. I wish I didn’t care about it being white but I think I’d love it 2x more so I’m ok paying the premium. Is there any concerns you see with any parts or any alternative recs? Any ways to save money also super helpful.
• new build or upgrade? New build • PC purpose? Gaming, Solidworks (sparingly), coding, other productivity for schoolwork • Purchase country? US, near microcenter • Monitors needed? One is linked in part picker 1440p 180Hz • Budget range? $1500 includes monitor • WiFi or wired connection? Wired • Size/noise constraints? No but don’t like super large cases • Cololighting preferences? White as stated above. I like rgb but not crazy about it. I really like a clean look but cases that have that aesthetic are generally more expensive
Here are some things I thought about: -Should I get the 7600x3d bundle instead of the 7700x? What about the 9700x? -Any recommendations on a white case? If I stick with the one in the link will I need more fans? -should I go cheaper on storage or any other parts? -I was pretty set on the 7800 xt but are there any deals I should consider? -is the monitor a really good deal or is there some concern with it? Is it worth the $100 extra to go from 180 hz to 240hz?
Sorry for the long message I’m a first time pc builder and don’t want buyers remorse. Thanks for the help!
submitted by Leading_Note9508 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 who_is_maruchan Tengo 18 y e estado con 4 hombres perdí mi valor ?
Tengo 18 años cumplidos en marzo yo desde pequeña e sido considerada una niña "fea" y con pocos ingresos en el hogar asi que llevó dese que tengo memoria intentando ser bonita y tener muchas virtudes para poder hagaradar a los demás y estar preparada para encontrar al amor de mi vida vengo de una familia disfuncional donde mi madre a sostenido relaciones poco sanas y siempre sigue los mismos patrones y mi papá no esta con migo y tiene problemas de ira y poca responsabilidad desde pequeña me e echo cargo de mis hermanas incluso de la mayor y e crecido con todo lo que conlleva perder gran parte de mis preocupaciones que debería tener una niña u adolesente eso es un poco de mi vida yo siempre e sido una niña de casa y responsabilidades q no le corresponden asique no e conocido mucha gente Tuve mi primer novio a los 15 y el se conporto muy bien durante los primeros dos meses y por la presión accedí a tener relaciones al toque me arrepentí anduve con el asta los 16 y aguante muchas faltas de respeto y infidelidades con tal de no perderlo terminamos luego a los 4 meses anduve 2 meses con un hombre que dijo que le gustaba desde q yo tenía 14 y que quería sentar cabesa anduvimos tuvimos relaciones y me termino 2 meses después de andar me fue infiel Este año 2 meses antes de los 18 conocí a un hombre de la malavida y yo no lo conocía bien pero me invito a hablar y accedí me dijo que fumaba mari y ya me invito a probar y me dio alcol y yo nunca lo avía probado y menos juntas no supe ni que pasaba y me entere después que tuvimos relaciones y por mi miedo a no ser valiosa en el futuro por la cantidad de hombres con los que avía estado decidí que el iba a ser una pareja sexual para evitar hacerlo con algien otra ves en alguna sircunstansia de esas porque esas sustancias se mezclaron con las hormonas acumuladas desde los 16 y no queria que por hormonas algo así me volviera a pasar siempre e querido un sueño de encontrar alguien que me ame y amarlo igual tener una casa serca de un río un perro y 2 gatos alguen con quien la idea de tener hijos sea un Sueño al días depues conocí a un chico de 15 años yo parece de 15 y el de 17 resultó ser que nos conocimos nos gustabamos pero yo lloraba todos los días porque me sentía asquerosa y que nadie me iba querer un día hablamos todo muy lindo el sabía todas esas situaciones y aun asi hiso cosas para demostrar que me quería pero tenía cosas malas un día borrachos tuvimos relaciones ninguno estaba consiente y fuimos movidos por la atracción el era virgen y yo tenía una pareja sexual y el me dijo que nada inportaba que anduvieramos que el me quería q valía la pena y lo demostró asta que me tuve que ir de mi casa nos fuimos a vivir juntos y yo estaba enamorada de él era completamente mi tipo pero empecé a sentir q tenía otras razones para estar con migo para no alargar tanto me termino golpeándo no podía no confiaba en mi por mi pasado y dijo que se arrepintió de aver estado con migo y por ser la primera se quedo y la mayoría de lo que me dijo y las peleas fueron porque no confiaba en mi y le repulsaba mi pasado estube con el el ya seria en cuarto a mis 18 creen que algien me pueda amar sabiendo mi pasado estoy consiente de que tengo muchos problemas de confianza autoestima etc pero estoy trabajando en ello y tengo mucho que ofrecer soy muy cariñosa detallista me gusta el tiempo de calidad se de arte y manualidades se cocinar y aprendo a la primera soy comprensiva y buena persona y cada día intento ser mejor comprendo que yo no tengo derecho a juzgar a nadie y que todas la personas tienen sus razones temine el colejio soy reponsable y buena con los niños y se todo sobre como atender un hogar y resolver y muchas cosas más ustedes y de último pero no menos inportante soy bonita y graciosa ustedes hombres creen se enamoraría de algien así apesar de saber su pasado ? Pueden preguntar más a detalle
submitted by who_is_maruchan to relaciones [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 Aromatic_Smoke_3486 Look up at your emoji keypads and write down all the emojis you have never thought it's existed
submitted by Aromatic_Smoke_3486 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 Tall-Target-1301 could really use some advice/2nd opinions because im stuck
me (M19) and gf (18) got together in february and was in a non toxic and healthy/intimate relationship up until she started going to college a few hours away. prior to this we had talked on multiple occasions about parties, vaping, and drinking because of the environment and that they are unsafe which she agreed on wholeheartedly and reassured that. once she got into college and moved in that behavior changed drastically with her saying things like “im free now, i want to dress how i want and party and drink as much as i can hold.” which obviously hurt me alot and anytime i tried to help her in cases such as waking up for class, doing her work and offering to help with it, making time for me, and just being safe and responsible. i get told that i shouldnt feel that way and that im controlling her in some way. i have never forced her to go home or not do something. its gotten to the point that over that time of a few months of trying to be understanding about everything that she pushes my limits further to the point that she doesnt text me any details on her day and wants to talk to who she wants and do whatever. ive spoken about being unhappy about these actions and that im just trying to care about her safety but she sees it as controlling and only sets boundaries that she wants without my opinion or feelings being taking account of or respected. im not gonna use words such as her being manipulative and gaslighting how i feel but she does make it feel that way. my gut is telling me to let her go and have the college experience she wants but my heart cares for her too much to let her have her grades and future stay in jeopardy. what gets me the most is her actions dont backup what she says and its left me very confused. she has changed alot since then because she was very innocent, went to church, and always had a pure heart but now all of those things mean nothing to her. would love some feedback because i feel stuck and regardless of what i say to her, she belittles me and makes me feel bad now.
submitted by Tall-Target-1301 to helpme [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 ResponsibleSpite668 suggestive
submitted by ResponsibleSpite668 to LindaCardellini [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 badcatxxxo Map of the USA according to me, à Frenchmen
submitted by badcatxxxo to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 Mixon_Magic06 Current Cores
Haven’t posted in a while, just wanted to share these. I use Rakshasa half the time, but I also love VII and V(B). Also damn Artaius is so good submitted by Mixon_Magic06 to halodripfinite [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 anirudhb98 Help ID
Help ID this plant please submitted by anirudhb98 to Anthurium [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 kittengripper Is there any way to stop ads from auto playing at full volume?
I was checking reddit at 1 AM in the morning and had a random ad pop up at full volume 6 times. Like seriously? There has to be a way to stop that...
submitted by kittengripper to help [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 Efficient_Career_970 Do you get used to being alone?
submitted by Efficient_Career_970 to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 jaythegamer1625 Almost that time of year
2025 checkpoint custom build. Picture taken in OOB Maine. Have loved this bike since building it up. Saw this little tree on my night ride and did not miss the opportunity. submitted by jaythegamer1625 to gravelcycling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 OutlandishnessFew998 I'm so hopelessly in love with him, and I'm realizing he might feel the same.
He doesn't talk to me. Granted, he doesn't talk to anyone. If we're in a group setting, we could be chatting up a storm, telling stories, gossiping, whatever, and he'll never join. He'll stay as close to me as humanly possible. If we're sitting, he'll sit next to me, if we're standing, he'll stand next to me, completely facing me as if I was the only one there, and if he can't do that, he almost press up against me from behind or from the side. But he won't say anything. He'll furrow his brows, chuckle at every stupid joke I crack even if it really wasn't worth his attention, but he doesn't talk. When it's just the two of us, he might walk with me, or sit next to me without ever saying a word. The few times he has asked me a question, his voice sounded like he was regretting it mid-sentence. If I ever asked him a question, he used to just walk off after answering as vaguely as possible. I've managed to get to the point where at least I can get normal answers out of me. But if I ask him a yes or no question, he will still just slowly nod or shake his head while looking at me.
If he sees me from afar, he always has that stupid smile on his face. At first he would look away, but now it seems like he just lights up. If I wave to him, he waves back. Then he won't take his eyes off of me. He'll try to get my attention through goofy little things and then smile at me once I acknowledge him, from the corner of my eye, I'll see him staring at me, then looking surprised once I look at him. If I'm talking to friends and he's nearby, he doesn't approach me. He'll walk in circles around me and watch me from a comfortable radius. He might even turn his head around some corners and peek at me if we're not in an open area.
If we're going somewhere, he'll walk next to me. If his sister is also there, he'll alternate between walking next to her and I. If we're standing around, he'll come to me, and hell, if his sister and I are sitting together at a completely empty table, he'll sit next to me instead of her and turn his body almost completely sideways to sit next to me.
I've had to hold hands with him a few times, we were practicing bowing and leaving the stage for a school play. The first time, I had to stick my hand out twice before he reluctantly grabbed it. The second time, he held my hand immediately, the sleeve of his shirt had slipped down so it was caught between our palms, he removed it, was constantly giving my hand little squeezes and barely wanted to let go at the end. The following few times, he was first to stick his hand out for me. Each one of those little squeezes made me feel like my heart was jumping out of my chest.
He'll like my posts, and even my stories. I might be standing right next to him, talking to another friend when suddenly I get the notification that he liked a post of mine, he'll glance at me, then go back to whatever he was doing before.
One day I mentioned being a god at paper.io, and what do you know, the next day he sits down next to me and plays it.
So he's silent, and I'm terrified. I'm terrified of my own emotions, I'm terrified of the possibility that someone could actually love me and terrified of the confrontation where we'd have to sort all this out, because no matter how convinced I am that he does like me, I am still terrofied of the chance that it might not.
I don't know what kind of reply to expect. I hope someone read this to the end. I don't expect feedback or advice, just someone- anyone to know. It's eating me alive, consuming all my energy to the point where I can't go a single hour without thinking about him. If I can't tell him, then I'll tell the whole world instead.
submitted by OutlandishnessFew998 to Crushes [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 Milluhgram [WTB] Dawson Precision DPO Aimpoint ACRO Eco Mounting Kit | Aimpoint Acro P2
I'm looking to buy a mounting kit for the Aimpoint Acro that is compatible with the Staccato C 2024 model
Also, if you have an Aimpoint ACRO P2, let me know your price for that. Looking for a fairly new condition. $300-$400
submitted by Milluhgram to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:55 VaLar_ILLvaTu Budullangr, Living Ship, Shark, Magenta, Magenta, White Lights, White Skin.
submitted by VaLar_ILLvaTu to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:55 runslack Yet another try at remembering recipes
I really like cooking or baking. That’s like a therapy to calm my stressful life. But what I really do not like is searching for recipes I’ve made before to do it again. Thus, as always, I am really looking for a way to fix any recipe I do, and put it in my long term memory. Thus, I am here to find a good way to put it into Anki.
I know Anki is not the best tool for that but it is the only one I know.
Am I alone wanting to remember this kind of thing ? If not, how do you do this ? I can write it down on a paper but then, I would have hard time finding it again. Making it repeatable with Anki, I could just have the ingredients and just do the baking in a breeze.
What do you think ?
submitted by runslack to Anki [link] [comments]