2024.11.27 04:30 UnfulfilledMercer In general, I’m so incredibly sorry.
submitted by UnfulfilledMercer to unsentLoveLetters1st [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 lollylayla test
submitted by lollylayla to cqs [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 FauxFox33 When can I stop worrying about hurting baby while handling them?
Obviously when they are in the newborn stage you can’t move them too carelessly, but at what point can I start playing with my baby without being super worried about hurting her? (Such as “airplane” or tossing her in the air to make her laugh and all that good junk) I’m super worried I’m going to end up hurting her and I don’t wanna risk any neck injury.
submitted by FauxFox33 to FirstTimeParents [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 Acceptable_Stop_8197 Upvote for upvote
Comment when done
submitted by Acceptable_Stop_8197 to raisingkarma1 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 DM_Ikary Trees
I’ve recently got from AliExpress this tree miniatures and I started to think how to incorporate it into HQ not as just a decorative item but as something that influences the game and the strategy like; javelin equipped figures, or halberdier, even long sword can pinches enemies on the other side of the tree, but short sword, axes, etc… cannot reach. Also it occurs to me that the branches could interfere with throwing weapons and for this I may create a table with different levels of difficulty. I was thinking that on your range dice roll you included a D6, depending on difficulty you have to roll an number or above, if you fail, it takes one skull from your roll, also I was thinking to include a “critical roll” like if you roll a 6 and a black shield counts that black shield as a hit. It will also count as a hinderance terrain, you can see thru (it doesn’t interfere with line of sight) but it will take double movement if you want to go thru it (or something on those lines) Maybe also if you have plate mail you cannot go thru. If you are “Agile” it doesn’t bother you… Anyway way, my mind flew free and I wanted to share it with you guys. Let me know your thoughts submitted by DM_Ikary to HQhomebrew [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:30 Spiritual-Sweet8169 Lord pls save my dreary soul
submitted by Spiritual-Sweet8169 to MonsterAnime [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:30 vantaratine ExpressVpn Promo Codes
Look at for ExpressVpn Promo Codes. When you need the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the perfect spot to check. They also have current deals available.
submitted by vantaratine to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 Cappin_Failcon Little Elga (Evva?) half-cylinder with interesting bitting. Don't know much about this lock other than a locksporter sent it to me a few years ago. It's wide enough to parallel park a cybertruck in that keyway.
submitted by Cappin_Failcon to lockpicking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:30 DioTheSuperiorWaifu Biren Singh “Mad Man & Liar”; HM Protecting Him for Dishonourable Reasons; PM Has “Failed His Job”
BJP Manipur MLA criticises the state govt and the union govt(both lead by BjP) about how they have failed to control the strife in Manipur
There was a recent Unfiltered by Samdish video, which shows the plight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaWQmaFCm2c
submitted by DioTheSuperiorWaifu to india [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 Miguelisaurusptor Forgot to post this here
submitted by Miguelisaurusptor to okbuddypaleo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:30 No-Consideration3053 Which of these 1997-99 films you wish have been in Best picture the most?(1/3)
View Poll
submitted by No-Consideration3053 to oscarrace [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 User---Unkown Outcast seek revenge even if it means destroying everything.
submitted by User---Unkown to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 randguy- i was just messing around
submitted by randguy- to ChatGPT [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 No_Turn7267 When buying a business, what do you look for?
What qualities or attributes do you look for in a small business that make it very attractive to buy? Obviously cashflows and growth, but looking for more detail?
submitted by No_Turn7267 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 mockvera This may be dumb. I’m not taking it to trip but just to sleep but ChatGPT said 300mg will kill me but I see yall take 800. I just want to make sure but 300 won’t kill me right ??????
submitted by mockvera to Diphenhydramine [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 reddit_lss_2 Crosspost image test for 27/11/2024 04:28:50
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to automationcrossposts2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 Sad_Mongoose7945 Cant believe my boy is already a year old! 🖤
submitted by Sad_Mongoose7945 to dalmatians [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 Xanicthehedgehog CPU Over Temperature Error
Motherboard: B550-F II CPU: AMD RYZEN 9 5900X GPU: NVIDIA EVGA RTX 3080 AIO: NZXT KRAKEN X63 280MM
Hello all,
So I am very new/a newb when it comes to PC knowledge. I built my PC a year and a half ago and it was working fine up until today. Out of nowhere, the CPU temperature hit 100C and it shuts off as soon as I access the BIOS menu. I reapplied new thermal paste and that has not helped. Can someone give me some pointers or help?
Thank you!
submitted by Xanicthehedgehog to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 Vywulff STALKER experience at its best!
submitted by Vywulff to stalker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:30 NailApprehensive6141 Why do I get rated so low on photofeeler an tips how I can look better ? M23
submitted by NailApprehensive6141 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 2021aaaa ApoE 3/4 - Alzheimer’s Risk
In my recent lab test for Alzheimer’s Risk, I found out that I have ApoE 3/4. I know that ApoE 4/4 has the highest risk and ApoE 3/4 has the second highest risk. I’m 40 years old and I want to make sure I take necessary steps starting now to reduce Alzheimer’s risk. What are the things that I can start working on now so that I can reduce the Alzheimer’s risk? Are there any good books / videos around that?
submitted by 2021aaaa to PeterAttia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 Mr_Apple_Juice Playing stalker on xbox experience
Have played SoC and CoC and am playing S2 on Xbox, have been faffing around so far, I am enjoying the game very much and the interactions with the world and the beauty of the 'simulations' of the weather and graphics is amazing, (imo) but the A-LIFE problems are apparent
I decided to go to Cordon instead of thought he northern checkpoint to the Rookie Village, and am baffled with the amount of bloodsuckers I am encountering, they aren't constant but weren't they supposed to be rare in the previous games? Couldn't their be pseudowolves or more fleshes in their place in the beginning / southern areas? Bloodsuckers do alot more damage than fleshes and require 4 more shotgun rounds to kill, it just seems to lack variety.
And then I cleared the military checkpoint to the south of the rookie village, and as soon as I went through the barracks in the checkpoint a military squad spawned in the courtyard just outside of the building, and as soon as I dealt with them another spawned right near where they died. I understand it's meant to be a ISPN outpost, but why can't they spawn it preset positions and once they die the spawn condition for that area is gone? (Except bandits and stuff coming from outside) It is just brutal for me, I started in stalker difficulty but I couldn't deal with the ammo slough and am playing the game in rookie. I played the original games in the highest difficulty to the time to kill, but the time to kill is shorter in the lowest difficulty in S2 than in SoC this is more than likely subjective but it didn't feel this frustrating
Don't get me wrong I love the game but it gets frustrating dealing with the out of place spawns,
submitted by Mr_Apple_Juice to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 ShananaWeeb Can someone give me a summary of the previous Grace drama with FaZe and her twitch mods?
It seemed to be what was keeping her relevant last year (more drama and negativity) submitted by ShananaWeeb to snarktarajakejohnnie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 04:30 sheriffderek I have 4 possible new projects where I'd normally likely use WordPress, but instead, I'm having to spend this time vetting other options because of all this drama.
That's all. Title. It's really just such a bummer. I've had to fight so hard for so many years to convince people to use WP as a CMS: meetings, blog posts, creating courses, videos, so many comments and dumb arguments... and now I'm trying to figure out how much this is going to cost me if things go south and for some reason ACF breaks on 30+ past client sites. Huge bummer. I'm trying to just not think about it - but I just wanted to weigh in. It's not as insignificant as they think it is. Everyone dev I know (who uses WP for custom CMS projects) is now completely reconsidering WP as a viable tool.
submitted by sheriffderek to Wordpress [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 04:30 Personal_Whereas6337 My entire bruise is numb and spreading
context: I play rugby and this happened when either someone else’s knee or other body part collided with my knee. When the impact first happened, the entire area went pale white (almost as white as paper). Since then the whole bruise has been spreading up and down my leg and pretty much the whole area is numb. Whenever any pressure is applied the pain stings and burns like I’m getting stabbed. Hurts to walk and bend my knee. This knee is also already injured so I’m not sure if that’s related. I’ve attached pics. Should I go to the doctor?
submitted by Personal_Whereas6337 to medical_advice [link] [comments]