Struggling with Salary Negotiation & Raise — How do you approach these tough conversations?

2024.11.27 11:44 TechSmartihub Struggling with Salary Negotiation & Raise — How do you approach these tough conversations?

Hi everyone,
I’m currently facing a bit of a dilemma and could really use some advice. I’ve been with my company for a couple of years now, and I feel like I’m overdue for a raise. I’ve been performing well, taking on more responsibilities, and my role has definitely evolved since I first started, but I’m unsure how to approach the conversation.
I’m also considering looking for other opportunities, either within the company or elsewhere, especially since the cost of living in my area has gone up significantly. I’m trying to figure out if I should start by negotiating my salary internally, or if I should test the waters externally with some job offers to see where I stand in the market.
Here are my main questions:

  1. Salary Negotiation: How do you approach salary discussions when you feel like you’ve been underpaid or undervalued, but you’re not sure how to bring it up without rocking the boat?
  2. Raise Conversations: If you’ve successfully asked for a raise, what was the tipping point for you to finally bring it up? How did you present your case without feeling like you were being too pushy or demanding?
  3. Relocation Consideration: I’ve also been toying with the idea of relocating to a different city with a better job market, but I’m unsure if I should wait until I have a solid job offer or start applying now. How do you assess whether a relocation is worth it in terms of salary growth and overall career prospects?
  4. Market Research: I’ve been trying to do some market research to see where I stand in terms of salary for my position in my location, but it’s hard to get an accurate sense of what I should be earning. How do you make sure you’re not leaving money on the table when negotiating?
If anyone has been in a similar situation or has advice on how to navigate this, I’d really appreciate it. I’m feeling a bit stuck and unsure about my next steps.
Thanks so much for your help!
submitted by TechSmartihub to Salary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 not_the_problem1 Who's free we have a long distance relationship only for December?

submitted by not_the_problem1 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 Pension_Zealousideal My girlfriend ranks DMC characters PART 2 (Leon bonus)

My girlfriend ranks DMC characters PART 2 (Leon bonus) submitted by Pension_Zealousideal to DevilMayCry [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 Dismal-Industry-2757 Why I unsent my previous letter.

I’m sending this as an explanation as to why I’m deleting the messages I sent around the time of our breakup. The reason I think an explanation is necessary is because I didn’t want it to just seem like I was erasing or acting like I didn’t write and send the things I did. I’ll always own that I did and what they represented. It’s not easy for me to send this, but I think the right thing to do is for me to come to terms with what I sent. To take ownership of it, and deal with it, instead of avoiding it like I have been so long.
In retrospect I can see how I chose a really bad path to handle things. I’m sorry for all the pain I caused. I was such a dishonest person then and it wasn’t okay. I really had a problem, and writing things the way I did wasn’t the solution.
Whatever mental issues I had should have never been your burden. I acknowledge that I broke your trust, lied to you and exploited you, extended pain where I could have provided relief, and became really cruel.
I hope you can see why I need to delete them. I’m trying to heal things on Earth while I have the chance here, and what I mean by healing, is that I believe energy comes back to you, and it haunts me that I put out such negativity towards someone I love. And I hope by removing them I convert pain into some kind of peace, for both of us. In one of your replies you said it hurts you when I try to reach out and that you think it hurts me too. You were right, and I don’t want any of that to exist any more.
I wrote them because I was so attached with trying to communicate with you, which was wild, because I hadn’t been truly honest with you in a long time at that point. I forced us to become so far removed from each other it was impossible. Well it felt impossible for me, so I can only imagine how hard/confusing it was for you. I couldn’t even say I love you, there was such a lack of empathy there, and I understand that it was a situation I forced us to be in.
I’ve realised honesty is a principle I need to live by. For honesty’s sake here’s the things that have stayed with me since I read your letter 2 years ago.
First of all, how you felt about everything was valid, and I am sorry that the experiences we shared and things I said and did led you to such a dark place. I lived in denial for a long time that I caused that. It was difficult for me to accept, which is why I don’t think I ever acknowledged it properly. It’s something I’ve reflected about a lot though, and I hope you’re doing a lot better now that its been a while and you’ve had a chance to move away from those things.
I also need to acknowledge that I said awful things about what was happening at the time. I don’t know what got back to you, but I can see that I tried to downplay it to you because the guilt was something that I didn't want to face at the time. It was horrible and really pathetic for me to do that, and I’m sorry, and you didn’t deserve it, and none of it defines anything about you. They were my own issues that I projected to other people, and I rightfully received a lot of shit for it.
Finally, I’m sorry again for breaking boundaries I created. I was selfish and and I thought I could do whatever I wanted. I was immature and life has taught me otherwise.
In terms of what I did afterwards - I’m sorry for the borderline harassment that happened. It was all really crazy and I definitely was not reacting in a healthy way.
I always wanted to say, that despite everything, I always loved you in a way that I felt was unconditional, and still do, and always will, and I'm at peace with the form that’s had to take. When we met in 2013 I instantly knew you were incredibly special. I loved how we could talk forever. I loved how addicted to the internet we both were. I related to you so much, about everything, and when you talked about difficulties that I felt like I could understand, I made a vow to myself that I would always be there for you, that you would always be able to feel love from me, and that I would always do whatever I need to that would ensure your wellbeing.
I broke all those and there’s nothing I can say to justify it. Repeatedly. I feel like we had such a on and off cycle and I was always too much of a coward to do anything about it, to really own how I felt about you. I remember when we first started talking when we were kids and planned a little ice skating date and my dad wouldn’t let me leave the house that day. I remember it caused such a rift between us, and I knew then that things would be complicated, but that I still always wanted to give it my all. I think that’s why we always found our way back into each others lives. But I was never strong enough to be raw and honest about things, which you obviously could have handled, and I was never strong enough to say what I should’ve said. I should’ve always let you know you felt like a soulmate to me, and what I would have done to dedicate my life to you.
When it comes to our breakup, the only thing I can say about why I became the person I did in (REDACTED) - is that the reason I had this obsession with avoiding alcohol was that I grew up around extreme alcoholism, and I knew that it made people terrible. But I never realised just how deeply addiction issues ran through my blood. That year I found out though. I got so addicted to weed, and it made me really paranoid about everything. But it really wasn’t just weed. I was addicted to attention, alcohol, drugs, sex, video games, porn, drama, chaos. I was obsessed with hedonism and my own comfort back then and it was honestly so pathetic. I didn’t even have a job and I don’t know why I felt like I had any legs to stand on about anything.
I started using when we had a bit of a rough patch and it made everything so much worse. It really felt like a relief at first but it completely derailed everything. It’s like everyone always said, the highs are amazing, the lows can turn you into a different person. Now I’ve been sober for a few months and I can honestly say that I feel more normal again. I spent so long looking for answers about how things became the way they did, without looking at the most obvious thing, but it's funny what you can do to avoid reality.
Alcoholism and addiction runs deep in my family. I won’t dump the details on you, but it affected my father greatly, and by the time I was born he was intertwined very deeply with his addiction, to the point where he was never really there, mentally or otherwise. I always thought I was different to him, but here I am, reflecting on my actions, to see that I’m actually very similar. The absence I felt from him was absence I passed on to people I loved, to you. And it’s been such a huge wake up call because I refuse to pass it on to my children, and I know its one of the key missions of my soul to heal this while I’m on this planet.
In a weird way, the toll these experiences took on me led me to realise how crucial it was that I heal this cycle. For the last 2 years I’ve been through things I never thought I’d experience in life, and they’ve really changed something in me. I’m looking to heal and grow new things out of love, not selfishness, and it’s something I’m still getting used to.
I was initially confused when you said you didn’t not love me anymore in what was supposed to be your final letter. In retrospect, I should have felt quite humbled that you still felt that way about me after everything I did. It’s not a kindness I necessarily deserve, but we don’t chose who we love, and it gives me hope that there is positive things I can provide people and that I’m more than the culmination of these issues. So thank you for leaving me with that. I definitely shouldn’t have viewed it as any kind of invitation to try pull you back into my life when I so deeply hurt you. I was a terrible listener. I was also initially so hurt when you weren’t responding to me, but now I feel like you said a lot by saying nothing, and I can appreciate that.
For the longest time listening to your request for space was the only way I felt I could show love. I would like unsending those letters to be a form of love, however basic it is. I hope I’m able to convert some negative energy into something a little better. I don’t know what this is worth to you after all this time, but its honest, and I hope that means something.
submitted by Dismal-Industry-2757 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 CrazyRules78 Doutzen Kroes

Doutzen Kroes submitted by CrazyRules78 to celeb_jeans [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 Icy-Active3379 How to find jobs in Europe that sponsor visa?

I have 2 years of experience in Backend Development (Java and Golang) and a Masters degree in Computer Science. I have been cold applying to opportunities in European countries on LinkedIn (I am not a European citizen), but no interviews so far. However, I get contacted by FAANG recruiters regularly in my home country and I also think my technical skills are not lacking since I recently went to Google onsites in my country, although I did not make it , but I was told that I was a borderline candidate. I’m currently working in a Fortune 100 company, a tier below FAANG. How can I increase my chances of getting interviews in Europe? Is there a way to know if a company would sponsor visas unless explicitly stated in the LinkedIn job description? Are there any job boards that sponsor visa jobs? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Icy-Active3379 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 doggosandcattos Is this an Asian lady beetle?

Definitely doesn't look your standard ladybug. It was on a big fluffy teddybear of mine, and I read they are harmful to dogs. Maybe it thought that was a dog?
I put it on a piece of paper and it stopped moving.
submitted by doggosandcattos to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 Lisloddeh Deutsche Bank Flexgeld fürs Kind?

Hallo Community,
ich habe vor Kurzem eine Tochter bekommen und möchte sie jetzt finanziell einrichten. Ihre Großeltern (väterlicherseits) und mein Mann sind gegen ETFs möchten aber monatlich etwas geben. Daher bin ich jetzt für meine Tochter auf der Suche nach einer günstigen Alternative die zumindest ein bisschen die Inflation abfängt.
Die DVAG-Vertreterin die meinen Mann berät hat uns zu dem Flexgeldkonto der Deutschen Bank geraten. Ich bin nicht wirklich bewandert, bei der DVAG von Haus aus misstrauisch und nach der Geburt habe ich auch nicht die Zeit mich durch sämtliche Vertragskonditionen zu lesen.. hat einer von euch Erfahrung bzw. eine Alternative? Das Juniorkonto der ING ist ja hier schon des Öfteren gefallen, hat aber keinerlei Verzinsung, sehe ich das richtig?
Da es ja noch lange dauert bis sie überhaupt an das Geld ran muss ist mir erstmal nur wichtig, dass es möglichst nichts kostet und im besten Fall die Inflation etwas abfängt. Vielleicht wäre noch schön, dass man von dort aus trotzdem günstig in ETFs investieren könnte, falls ich meinen Mann noch überredet bekomme. (Fragt mich bitte nicht was er dagegen hat, er traut dem ganzen einfach nicht.)
Ich lege für Sie über mich trotzdem noch einen monatlichen Geldbetrag als ETF an und mache ihr den ab dem 18. Geburtstag zugänglich, damit sie nicht sofort Zugriff auf das ganze Geld hat.
Ich würde mich über ein paar Antworten sehr freuen. Vielen Dank schonmal.
submitted by Lisloddeh to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 Proctor-47 Here’s something I REALLY wish was in the game:

There should’ve been a way in the game to have Hank be standing up on the stage with Markus, Connor, and North during Markus’ speech after Connor liberated the androids and Markus succeeded in his revolution.
Depending on the decisions made at the CyberLife tower, he can play a vital role in making sure that Connor succeeds in liberating them. If that doesn’t earn him a spot up on that stage as one of the architects of the freeing of the Androids, then I don’t know what does.
He wasn’t an Android, but he deserved just as much of a chance to be up on that stage as the other 3 characters! A human standing (both literally and figuratively) alongside the leaders of the Android revolution could’ve been so cool!
submitted by Proctor-47 to DetroitBecomeHuman [link] [comments]

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2024.11.27 11:44 GriffconII Had a dream that after the 2nd American Civil War, these were the new territories, what should I name them?

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2024.11.27 11:44 QuietWhiteOwl Prolapse 😢

Hello, I wonder if anybody has had experience with a young kitten with a prolapse? I recently took on a kitten as someone was looking to rehome her quickly. I had made it clear that I couldn’t take on a cat with serious medical needs such as needing ongoing medication or surgery and so on due to finances. However, within 2 days of having her it has turned out that the kitten has a rectal prolapse and the vet suggests that this will cost thousands in surgery. The prolapse has actually disappeared today but it was really prominent yesterday.
I wonder if anybody has ever had any experience of whether this can be treated conservatively and if it’s possible that the kitten could develop more muscle strength and control to not require the surgery? She’s only been registered with a vet yesterday and I had been exploring insurance options. Now she has a pre-existing condition insurance wouldn’t pay. There is also no charitable funds or help in my local area. The kitten is very happy and energetic and has no issues toileting. Thanks for any advice.
submitted by QuietWhiteOwl to CATHELP [link] [comments]

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Hello,a while ago i took a break from university to explore other possibilities of transferring and was wondering how would it affect me when applying to jobs,and just overall advancing in my cs career as i move forward after graduation
submitted by frmy2247 to csMajors [link] [comments]

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2024.11.27 11:44 European_Goldfinch_ This was a birthday gift from my husband back in July and one of my very favourites, I thought to include a photo of the most recent celebrated saints Saint Catherine in the comments 💛🌸

This was a birthday gift from my husband back in July and one of my very favourites, I thought to include a photo of the most recent celebrated saints Saint Catherine in the comments 💛🌸 submitted by European_Goldfinch_ to Catholicism [link] [comments]

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2024.11.27 11:44 rookeyed A thank you 💙

I just want to say thank you doesn't really encapsulate the gratitude i feel for this little community and the magick connection GoM has brought to my life, but in light of a recent and hugely devastating life event on my own current path in this life, my heart and my gut both lead me here to ask for help.
The magick and support I was guided to here when I reached out, literally changed the situation beyond reality, and as ever, reminded me that trusting your 'gut' is in itself part of the magick.
I have a common loneliness that i have seen many other people here express, and for the most part, this is not only okay, but preferable. However, when my Mum fell ill, that 'alone' became deafening. As like many others here too, i am surrounded by people, family, work colleagues etc, but my true self, my magickal self and my actual emotional self are lone wanderers ;) and in those moments, the GoM system and practice is my rock in a hard place.
As i said when i posted last, i was overwhelmed by shock and panic, and somehow still found the way to the magick i needed through those who reached out. I also am certain that the well wishes and genuine support from you all also reached my mum and aided the many different complex GoM works that i have undertaken since she fell ill on the second of this month.
So in short, (well, actually in long!) THANK YOU xx
The journey for her, and for me, is still something i would not wish on anyone, but GoM and this community as part of that, has literally 'saved my life' and continues to help make small but potent miracles for myself and my family.
Sarah 💙 x
submitted by rookeyed to GalleryOfMagick [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 maleficalruin This is further evidence to my theory that a lot of Tumblr users just want plotless fluff that doesn't challenge them or make them think.

This is further evidence to my theory that a lot of Tumblr users just want plotless fluff that doesn't challenge them or make them think. submitted by maleficalruin to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 onetwokafour124 Amsterdam 19/12/24 to 23/12/24

Hi everyone. I’m planning a solo trip to Amsterdam and would love if anyone wants to meetup and explore the city and indulge in some sightseeing, coffee shops and a couple of drinks! This is my first time to Amsterdam, and I’m looking forward to enjoy every bit of it.
submitted by onetwokafour124 to travelmeetup [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 gurugabrielpradipaka Downloading Windows 11 iso only through Firefox

I am an Argentinian living in Moscow (don't hate me then :D ). I had to use VPN to download Windows 11 ISO (for Rufus, you know), but it only worked with Firefox (latest version). I couldn't do it even with Edge (latest version). All the time receiving Error. Any idea why?
submitted by gurugabrielpradipaka to browsers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 Ransom_Seraph I Think I Broke Metaphora! Clever Alternative Solution: Cheese 🧀 Or Brilliance 😌?

This was my first ajd original Metaphora - Into the Abyss Puzzle 8 - when I solved this puzzle.
I actually thought this was the Intended/real/actual solution for the Puzzle.
My 6yo nephew thought this is the best solution and told me to just go on with it, press the button and proceed LOL! Saying quite wisely and philosophically that:
"Any solution given to a problem is a good one. There's no such thing as a bad solution"
submitted by Ransom_Seraph to TheTalosPrinciple [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:44 Material-Push6073 Me after see datamine

Me after see datamine No any Ethan alt
submitted by Material-Push6073 to PokemonMasters [link] [comments]