ex terminou e eu estou radiante

2024.11.27 16:40 soficherry ex terminou e eu estou radiante

a situação foi pesada mas simples: ele me trocou (uma relação de 4 anos e uns meses, já noivos e morando juntos) por uma menina mais nova que era colega de sala dele na faculdade KKKKKKKKKK faz mais de dois anos que não tenho contato mas chegou essa notícia pra mim ontem, eu fiquei um bom tempo dps do nosso término sem ninguém e ele logo de cara pediu ela em namoro, eu estou atualmente numa relação maravilhosa, me sinto respeitada e amada como nunca antes, mas confesso que não deixo de sorrir desde que descobri que ele não está muito bem assim... É isso, Ótima Semana pra vocês KKKKK ❤️
submitted by soficherry to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 AverageOpposite2798 Looking for a bud to help you get off for my favorite ig slut as if she’s my mom Kik dizopko

submitted by AverageOpposite2798 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Artistic_Ad8729 are my eyes hazel? i’m

are my eyes hazel? i’m i never got a response what color they were last time. after looking around this is what i think, anyone confirm?
submitted by Artistic_Ad8729 to eyes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 agencyregister $5000 for a recommendation letter!! This is so cringe and unethical! Trademark violations / Ethics / ...

submitted by agencyregister to mit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Clerkle Devs! Update "Get code" button text' to "Send code" so the instruction matches the button. Re: Password Resets

The password reset prompt instructions are worded as follows:
"To verify that this is your phone number, enter the last 4 digits including 30, and then click "Send code" to receive your code."
The confirmation button on the same page is not titled, "Send code". It's actually titled, "Get code".
I'm not a developer, programmer, or coder, but I graduated from childhood toddler games well enough to very clearly know the the visually identifiable characteristics of an identical match in shapes, sizes, symbols, and words.
Basically, Send code is clearly identical to Send code, and Get code is NOT identical to Send code.
It takes a real dumb**ass to write out "click "Send code" " when the confirmation/proceed button is clearly titled "Get code" right there at the bottom on the same page.
Who f**ucks up that blatantly on basic grammar in a corporate job that necessitates years of professional competence following years of academic technical proficiency?
Does Microsoft require its Outlook team to possess any sort of proof of academic proficiency?
Is personal integrity a total fairy tale anymore?
Is occupational team accountability only a foreign concept at most anymore?
Are Microsoft employees really this mindless?
What a bunch of idiots!
The worst part is that some highly competent and highly literate candidate with enough humble honesty to voice issues in chain of command directives of "[write this, and make the button titled as that]" was screwed out of those jobs so this dumba**ss paid to publish illiteracy could go into debt on an overpriced home and new sports car while continuing to show up to this job on a braindead diet of sugared cereal, fast food, pizza, beer, and "medicinal" dank. This guy. . . "[duh, yup...looks good to me. Whatever you say, boss.]"
Hey, Microsoft, you're no better than your internal lowest common denominator, regardless of however much the payroll spares by allowing third-party remote hires of underqualified entry-level ding dongs. You suck!
submitted by Clerkle to Outlook [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Full_Passenger_2298 What should I do. Psu only has one pcie cable

I just bought a psu off of a guy on Facebook marketplace. The psu is supposed to come with two pcie 6+2connectors but it only has one. I already contacted the guy he said he only had one of them and couldn’t find the other. I can’t find replacement cables anywhere and I’m scared to get the wrong cable and fry my gpu. The psu is the MSI mag 650BE.
submitted by Full_Passenger_2298 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Snoo_174 Living small

Iv ( 20 male) have been moving house th house in foster care with all abusive parent from birth to now.iv finally moved into my own studio apartment and I now feel as if I can see any here for the rest of my life but I have a girlfriend and a lot of people that tell me that I should go ahead and move on with my life and strive for something bigger but in my mind I feel as if since I've been through so much abuse and ridicule I now feel that the peace and quiet of this small apartment could be My Life but I also don't want to disappoint the people in my life that think I can move on to bigger and better things but I am comfortable where I am right now. I'll take any advice possible.
submitted by Snoo_174 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Milomoilk Who is this ( totally onlyy right ans) 'wink'

Who is this ( totally onlyy right ans) 'wink' submitted by Milomoilk to SLGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 malliabu Projected Leafs lineup for tonight’s games in Florida

Projected Leafs lineup for tonight’s games in Florida submitted by malliabu to leafs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Princessmegi71 Do you like the feeling of a young brat taking all your money?

Do you like the feeling of a young brat taking all your money? submitted by Princessmegi71 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Vanrye333 What does the green cracked egg mean in the Max Out Finale Collection Challenges?

What does the green cracked egg mean? Does it mean we need to hatch these pokemons from eggs to get the collection?
submitted by Vanrye333 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 raggedsweater Holidays…

I think I’m just not going to track for the next couple of months and eat instinctually while watching the scale. Lots of protein, avoid most of the processed carbs and stuff. Watch the scale.
Tracking is just too hard to do during the holidays. Does anyone else feel this way? I’ve been tracking since January and have made good progress.
submitted by raggedsweater to MacroFactor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Aromatic-Resident-18 How much is this worth ?

How much is this worth ? submitted by Aromatic-Resident-18 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Particular_Pack_9633 New 3DS xl or 2DS xl?

So I've been contemplating buying a nintendo DS console recently due to my nostalgia, and I've been wondering which is better ->
The new 3DS xl or the new 2DS xl?
So I've decided to ask the community because I suppose you guys are more of an expert than me.
Reasons why i'm conflicted:
New 2DS xl
Smaller & a more sleek design (yet supposedly breaks easily, more expensive, comes with charger)
New 3DS xl
Bigger & more clunky (yet more durable, cheaper, no charger! (like what?))
submitted by Particular_Pack_9633 to nintendo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Prior_Concern_400 LSAT RESOURCES - PLS HELP!

I got my November LSAT back and it’s NOT looking good. I used Harvard Ready and I don’t think it helped me. For those that got 160+ PLEASE SHARE WHAT RESOURCES YOU HAD, what courses etc. also any study techniques. Anything will help, I have a month to increase my score by at least 10 points.
submitted by Prior_Concern_400 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Clear_Software5280 Is CICO enough?

So I live in a family where outside food is extremely common every other day. I am trying to lose weight but I get tired so cannot always prepare food for me.
So I make sure to eat under my maintenance calories no matter what I am eating. Mostly I try to go to healthier options though sometimes I fail.
All in all- 99% of the times I am under my maintenance calories and I work out too. I have been doing this for past 2 weeks and I am feeling lighter.
But I want to know if this is good for long term? Will I keep losing weight?
submitted by Clear_Software5280 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 barbosaps notas pro tigrão

submitted by barbosaps to Gatos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Crazy_Dinner1218 How Do I Tell My Mom I Want To Stop Playing Video Games?

How do I break it to her that I want to stop? It might be easier if it wasn't for the unfortunate circumstance of my dad being involved in a car accident and going to jail once he's well. I don't wish to bother her but I also care too much about my well-being. I want to do this before it's too late. She's just got a lot on her plate right now and I'd hate to add to it.
submitted by Crazy_Dinner1218 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 yellowbridgefan Advice on Earthbox Jr Setup

Hey growmies, I'm about to start my 5th auto grow and recently finished a photo run in an Earthbox (Full size) with great success.
I've previously used Ocean Forest mixed with perlite using fabric pots (tried both 3g and 5g) and AC Infinity watering bases, with mixed success. I've tried both Gaia Green & Coast of Maine's dry amendments around day 25-35.
I've had really mixed results in OF, sometimes it's too much N, sometimes a mag deficiency, and it really depends on the strain. So far i've grown the following:

I've decided it's time to move on from OF and explore other options and grow styles.
With this Earthbox Jr, I wanted to see if the community had some advice on what soil to use or mixture of soil.
I currently have the following:
My idea for the earthbox jr mix so far is mixing CoM with perlite and wormcastings, and maybe digging out a solo cup and putting happy frog to start the seed.
Super open to suggestions and ideas, I've been lurking the sub for over a year and trying to learn from the really successful growers.
submitted by yellowbridgefan to MephHeads [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 UnhappyEar338 Anyone in PSY 2301?

Good morning lovely people!!
As per the title if anyone is in or had PSY 2301 with Andra Smith I need help with something.
If not have a good day :)
submitted by UnhappyEar338 to geegees [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Jaded_Hedgehog7283 Why am I so horny all the time?

I feel really disgusting but im a 16 year old girl and I'm very horny all the time. I wanna get fucked so badly but I don't want to lose my virginity at this age. I have a dildo and vibrators at home and often release my tension with them. I really feel like I need to get fucked good so that I won't be so horny. I don't know what's wrong with me. I also was thinking of becoming a prostitute but I don't want to disappoint my parents. I've never dated in my life and never touched my hole because I'm scared to insert something in there.. I use the dildo mostly for sucking it and nothing else. I love men but at the same time I don't dare to speak to a man in real life. It's not like I'm ugly it's just I'm bad with it. Does anyone know what to do or does anyone experience the same things as me? Please help me before I do something ill regret later.
submitted by Jaded_Hedgehog7283 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 samschlormp new singles for concert!

new singles for concert! epic singles for a ptv/cavetown concert on friday!
submitted by samschlormp to kandi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Timely_Run8205 Little dutch karkötőkészítő 6 évesnek

Szerintetek ez egy 6 éves kislánynak még jó lehet ajándékba?
Köszi a választ :)
submitted by Timely_Run8205 to csakmamik [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 HorizonTGC Is there a S3 compatible server that store files as-is and also allows local access?

I have looked into Minio, but the latest version stated very clearly that Minio must have exclusive access to the volume. Not sure if Garage also has this requirement.
I don't really need all the backend goodies of S3, as long as it looks S3-enough for a S3 compatible client to do basic file operations, and can serve files to end users like a S3 public bucket. At the same time, it should store files as-is (not blob) and allow me/other non-S3 programs to access/modify them directly in the local filesystem.
Does something like this exist? Thanks folks.
submitted by HorizonTGC to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Necessary_Pepper_503 I have all PJF Performance (Vert code elite, UNRANKED ACADEMY....), BYANYMEANS BASKETBALL, Pure Sweat, Good Drills, GBG Hoops, Nahaniel Morton, Mike Dunn, OvertimeAthletes programs....

If anyone is interestdd in any program from ByAnyMeans Basketball, PJF Performance or any i listed above (i have also programs from a whole bunch more), send me a DM
I have all Byanymeans small guards essentials, shooting, floaters, lockdown defender, ultimate athlecism programs... full with vids
Unranked academy full year with all programs (skill sode, twitch code, athlecisim code, handle snacks, hoop IQ vault,..), vert code bodywiehgt, vert code elite, speed code, durability code, ball handling code whole year, mcmclung bodyweight and elite programs...
submitted by Necessary_Pepper_503 to FitnesProgramsSharing [link] [comments]
