The irony

2024.11.27 17:53 MrGamerOfficial The irony

The irony submitted by MrGamerOfficial to meme [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 AdventurousForce6525 I am playing the game on Xbox S and the new update did not appear to me why?

submitted by AdventurousForce6525 to coralisland [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Composteer Bruh my friend sent me an iplogger link😭

He thinks I'm 50 or something? how can I fall for that😭
submitted by Composteer to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 ThickWorldliness6895 Starting XI vs Liverpool

Starting XI vs Liverpool submitted by ThickWorldliness6895 to realmadrid [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 BudFox_LA 20 & 30 somethings 'Feeling Behind' - It'll Work Out | I Hit $600k NW - Feeling Grateful

Quick Stats: 47M, concert business, $160k ($230k HHI)
$502k in investments (spread between 401k, Roth IRA, 529s & taxable brokerage) $81k or so in cash/cash equiv $the rest is personal property, mostly car and musical instruments, (1907 Steinway etc) no house or home equity
*Note: the credit card debt is because I pay almost all bills on CC each month and pay statement balance in full, so rarely to ever pay interest. Car was paid off years ago.
Grew up middle class, always had jobs and a good work ethic but financial literacy (aside from 'balancing my checkbook', yes I'm old, and 'budgeting') wasn't taught in my household. Spent my 20s and early 30s as a pro touring musician and was good at spending what I made. I/we travelled a lot, ate at nice restaurants, etc. and didn't start saving or investing until mid 30s when I moved out of touring and into producing concerts. I started tracking my net worth in 2016 at 39 years old and it was $67,000. Yep, that's it. But by then I'd started learning about investing and began upping my 401k contribution gradually, opened a Roth, taxable brokerage, and incrementally getting raises and making more money. 2018 I got divorced. The divorce took 3 years to complete and cost $30k in legal fees alone. And that's not counting spousal support or property division, so well north of $100k. Luckily joint custody of our 2 kids we agreed on. 2020 Covid hit and my industry came to a complete standstill and I went on unemployment for 14 mos.
But now, 47, engaged, household income is $230k, somewhat comfortable financially, I don't trip at the grocery store or the gas pump, we take a few vacations a year and I can max out my 401k, the Roth, fund the kids' 529 accounts, and put extra in the taxable brokerage and savings accounts. Point of this post is not a 'humble brag' because I'm sure this amount is peanuts to the financial overachievers lurking on Reddit (aka "hey guys I'm 29 w/$800k howm'I doing?") but considering everything I've shared (and things I haven't), I am feeling fortunate. So if you're feeling like you are getting or got a late start, just keep plugging away. You'll get there. Larger point of the post is if you get started in your 20s and aren't a financial jerk off like I was, you'll have 2-3x what I have at this age.
submitted by BudFox_LA to MiddleClassFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 gayhoops Jaw is locked and I don’t know what to do

I’ve had issues with my jaw locking in the past, but only ever for a few minutes or hours at a time, and then it goes back. On Saturday at a concert it locked and has been in that position since. I fear the disc has slipped out and can’t be recaptured. I have no pain except when chewing, kissing, and brushing my teeth. At this point it’s been 4 days and I’ve heard it’s easier to unlock it in the first few days so I’m starting to freak out. I’ve been suffering from anxiety attacks lefts and right. Urgent care prescribed me muscle relaxers and ibuprofen. An oral facial surgeon told me it’s inflamed and to wait it out and not stretch or strain it for two weeks. I don’t know what to do. Is it possible that it will stay like this indefinitely? Can the jaw stay locked like that?
submitted by gayhoops to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Professional_Rice990 10 stars each

10 stars each submitted by Professional_Rice990 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 No-Arugula6790 It’s Make a Will Month!

It’s Make a Will Month! submitted by No-Arugula6790 to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 theseasons Mossy Oak Hunting Field Dressing Kit - Portable Butcher Game Processor Set (8-Piece) [18% off]

submitted by theseasons to BestOfOutdoorDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Beepbeep_cosplay Afop keeps crashing

So when i start uo the game everything is normal works perfectly but as soon as I start running around it closes and goes back to the ubidoft launcher. I have a nitro ANV15-15, 4060 RTX, CPU 13th gen intel core i7-13620H, SSD card 1TB and a directX 12.
I honestly dont know what to do, i checked on multiple sites and they all said this laptop was more then capable enough. Can someone help me?
submitted by Beepbeep_cosplay to AvatarFrontierPandora [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Creative_Objective52 CHAPTER 1 OF MEPHISTO FILES: Hell in the green! YIPEE! (Some directions coming in 28.11. in comments)

submitted by Creative_Objective52 to TeamSky [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 SDCromwell Shortcut that changes what action button does based on focus only works with a few focuses

Shortcut that changes what action button does based on focus only works with a few focuses I was messing around with a shortcut I found online that changes what your action button does depending on focus. It works fine on the first 3 I set up but does nothing on the rest. I also noticed that any of the ones I used to launch a specific app aren’t working as well. Is there a specific way to set that up? Is there any specific area I messed up at, or should I just start over from scratch? Also, a bonus question: I was looking into also having it change based on the device’s position alongside that if it’s even possible. So if anyone has tips for that, I’m open to those as well.
submitted by SDCromwell to shortcuts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Smart_File4959 @lilla_es_ati

@lilla_es_ati Csak nekem jelez a gay radar vele kapcsolatban? Minden bántás nélkül
submitted by Smart_File4959 to talk_hunfluencers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Ok-Mulberry2483 Best place to buy spirits in the valley?

Where do people go for the best whiskey selection? I typically buy from Costco or Winco, but would love a broader variety. Bonus points if the place has competitive pricing.
submitted by Ok-Mulberry2483 to Wenatchee [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Pure-Investment4284 Would like to propose this new font, looks better to me, wdyt?

Would like to propose this new font, looks better to me, wdyt? submitted by Pure-Investment4284 to watchdives [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 fourfours4444k will i miss out on dialogues on girl alone if i purchase things without being prompted by a conversation?

idk I wanna buy her new clothes but some things say "to be added after conversation",i don't wanna miss out on any dialogues in game because I bought stuff for her too early
submitted by fourfours4444k to GirlAlone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 shalan01-kim New in this

New in this Hi guys am new in this game so I need advices from u guys can anybody help me?
submitted by shalan01-kim to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Lukastace Does the phonograph play the wrong song aboard the Express (Timeline) for anyone else despite having selected another song?

I have the current song set to 'If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking', and it even shows "current song" selected when I click on the phonograph to show me that I have the song selected. But, everytime I load into the express, it plays the song 'Timeline', and even after I select the phonograph to have it play the right song and go back, after talking to someone on the express it starts playing 'Timeline' again.
Is this normal or...?
submitted by Lukastace to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Afrodite_87 This damned fort 😑

This damned fort 😑 built this for NOTHING 😒😂
submitted by Afrodite_87 to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 MestreDosMag0s Gain = Votar no Lula e investir no Dólar

Gain = Votar no Lula e investir no Dólar submitted by MestreDosMag0s to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Cubix02 Did anyone else see this resemblance ?

Did anyone else see this resemblance ? submitted by Cubix02 to okbuddyblacklung [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 garyforks Failed to authenticate.

Failed to authenticate.
Has anyone encountered the issue where the BeyondTrust Representative Console throws this error during login? In my organization, SAML is our primary login method, and occasionally, the console randomly generates this error and fails to allow a successful login. It launches the web browser for authentication, redirects back to the app, and then fails. The same failure will also occur with the Username/Password login method.
Clearing the browser cache/cookies, changing the default browser, quitting/reopening the app, killing the process from Task Manager and even reinstalling the console (this eventually results in the same error afterward) do not resolve the issue, all the while connected to VPN. The only solution I have found is to reboot, which consistently resolves the issue, but it is inconvenient to restart and log back into everything for what seems like a trivial problem.
Has anyone found a better solution to get the login to work without needing to reboot?
Build: 24.3.1 (3208-ba653787f852fab5ee7ac916e098103d9d2f60a7)
submitted by garyforks to BeyondTrust [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Shino005 Amazon lâche les rênes au Black Friday : il déleste -40% sur cet excellent Chromebook Asus 💻

Amazon lâche les rênes au Black Friday : il déleste -40% sur cet excellent Chromebook Asus 💻 submitted by Shino005 to 01net [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 Anonymous6572 The newest addition to my real life office

The newest addition to my real life office Don’t mind the sad fake plant
submitted by Anonymous6572 to theoffice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 17:53 ghostwitharedditacc Is this a valid defense for a speeding ticket?

I recently got a ticket for going 15mph-20mph over the limit on a 55mph highway, clocked at 72mph.
The officer was in his vehicle on the other side of the highway (it is divided), and when he pulled up behind me a few minutes later I was going about 60mph.
The court date is in about 90 days, and I’d like to fight the ticket. I think that because he was in his vehicle on the other side of the divided highway, which was stationary and facing the opposite direction, he could not properly ascertain that my vehicle was the one he was clocking. I believe there were larger vehicles near mine and I dont think I was the fastest car on the road, so I think he may have detected the speed of a different vehicle and assumed that it was my speed.
Is this valid defense? Is it likely to get the ticket thrown out if the officer cannot provide any other evidence?
I would have to drive several hours and use a vacation day to fight the ticket so I’m debating whether I should just pay and be done with it. I wish we could just fight speeding tickets over email, lol.
submitted by ghostwitharedditacc to AskALawyer [link] [comments]