Kupujem PI coine

2024.11.27 20:40 ZookeepergameTop3509 Kupujem PI coine

Pozdrav ljudi.
Kupujem Pi coine.
Razlicite mogucnosti plaćanja.
Javi se.
submitted by ZookeepergameTop3509 to hrvatska [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 RicardoMonty Best HDMI Connection Method for TV / AVR / AppleTV

As the title says, I'm trying to figure out the best way to connect my AppleTV. I currently have the ATV HDMI going to a Marantz SR6012 AVR, then to HDMI 2 of the LG 83G4 with CEC enabled.
I've noticed that, although the ATV HDMI test says my setup passes for Dolby Vision, the ATV configuration screen doesn't show the Quick Mode Switching (QMS) option. I suspect the issue is the AVR doesn't really support HDMI 2.1. Both HDMI cables are newer 'fast' cables.
Would rerouting the ATV HDMI cable directly to the LG TV via HDMI 1 still allow audio passthrough to the AVR? I know I can just try it, but at the cost of moving a pretty heavy rack away from the wall to gain access to the back of the AVR - hence asking here instead!
A secondary issue that may or may not be related, is that dialog - even with the enhanced dialog option enabled - is extremely low compared to the main and surround speakers. This seems to have started with one of the several updates to the LG and AppleTV apps that were installed over the past several months.
submitted by RicardoMonty to appletv [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 bigwinboard Pixel Paws (AvatarUX) Slot Review & Demo

Pixel Paws delivers a nostalgic retro ride with solid mechanics and a well-crafted bonus, even if it doesn’t break new ground https://www.bigwinboard.com/pixel-paws-avatarux-slot-review/
submitted by bigwinboard to bigwinboard [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Dramatic-Interest-38 Which sweater would you guys get?

Which sweater would you guys get? I'm trying to decide between these 2 sweaters, if you were to pick one which would u guys pick and why? Would you get the fairaisle one or the kameron sweater (the black and white one with the bow) Also what do you guys think of this red and black fairaisle sweater, do you think it's pretty or too much going on / ugly?
submitted by Dramatic-Interest-38 to Reformationclothing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Afraid_Skirt_3850 will swishing baking soda water prevent my teeth from being dissolved by sour gummy worms?

every now and then i like to eat an entire bag of sour gummy worms in one sitting.
last time i did this the candy acid digested my enamel and my teeth were painfully sensitive for like an entire week.
if i kept a glass of baking soda water nearby and swished it around to neutralize my mouth during breaks between wormy handfulls, would this spare me from similar suffering or immediately end my life??
submitted by Afraid_Skirt_3850 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 YogurtExpensive7568 J Taylor or D Montgomery?

Monty left game early Sunday , JT has been playing lackluster as of late. Having trouble deciding who to start. J Jacobs is my RB1
submitted by YogurtExpensive7568 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Remarkable_Ad_3950 Graphics config file

Hello! is there any file in %appdata% to configurate graphical effects in this game? :) ive seen in it other games but cant find it in this.
submitted by Remarkable_Ad_3950 to urbek [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 DisciplineCandid9707 NEED HELP ASAP ABOUT DRIVERS

(So before you say install snappy driver installer origin I won't because of I don't have a USB with enough storage or wifi) hi everyone, so I installed windows xp professional x86 sp3 on my HP pavilion dv6 3171sf but there a problem I don't have drivers for audio devices,base system device,Ethernet devices,network devices,video controller etc... I can't find drivers and when I find drivers it doesn't work it's not the good drivers. please help
Have a nice day,
submitted by DisciplineCandid9707 to windowsxp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 TheGaSun Around Georgia: Humerus Hijinks With The Tybee Island Police

submitted by TheGaSun to TheGeorgiaSun [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 hogliterature what’s this orange stuff?

what’s this orange stuff? found this log today with this orange squishy stuff all over it. is it some kind of slime mold or something like that? i’m in the pnw
submitted by hogliterature to mycology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 baxielol Red Dead reference in Witcher 3, had to do a double take on this and make sure I was reading it correctly.

submitted by baxielol to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Fatestringer Open network test details

Open network test details submitted by Fatestringer to Synduality [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Budget-Bad-4637 Binder brand suggestions

Hi everyone! I’m looking for a new binder for Christmas (hopefully it’s my last while I figure out the top surgery process) I have had GC2B before and I heard they aren’t the best option anymore. anyone have any reccomendations for a safe good binding binder? :)
submitted by Budget-Bad-4637 to transhealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Traditional_Rest2486 Tengo 24 años y no tengo una vocación, por donde empiezo?

Eso mismo. Tengo 24 años, trabajo y estudio. Sinceramente no me gusta lo que estoy estudiando (Ingeniería Industrial), lo hago mas que nada para tratar de asegurarme un sustento a futuro.
La realidad es que nada me interesa, no tengo ninguna vocación. Mis amigos hablan de sus intereses y sus hobbies, la música, los deportes y demás pero yo simplemente soy un tipo que solo llega cansado del trabajo y juega a la play. Siento que mi vida se pierde de algo, por no tener algo que me apasione y me encante, que pueda dedicar mi semana en eso! Tiempo tengo, pero no se donde empezar a buscar y que hacer. ¿Que hago? ¿Por donde empiezo?
submitted by Traditional_Rest2486 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 andadassiii Petition not to abbreviate Civil Protection as CP

submitted by andadassiii to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 brngus Como sair do C1?

Pros falantes de inglês que estão no nível C2 de proficiência: como vcs conseguiram sair do C1?
Eu aprendi inglês sozinho a vida toda, na raça mesmo: assistindo desenho com legenda, traduzindo letra de música com dicionário, jogando em inglês, etc... Eu fiz um curso intensivo de inglês recentemente e foi a primeira vez que eu fiz uma aula particular de inglês. O professor elogiou minha pronúncia e meu vocabulário, mas eu fiquei no C1... Em testes formais, a minha classificação cai um pouco. Eu não estudei quase nada de gramática sem ser past participle/present perfect, fora que eu travo um pouco pra entender coisas com um vocabulário mais rebuscado. Por exemplo: eu fui tentar assistir Harry Potter legendado e me senti burro, pq eu não conseguia entender a maior parte das palavras que eu tava ouvindo.
Vocês têm alguma dica além do clássico treinar o listening, speaking etc?
submitted by brngus to Idiomas [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 rajahbeaubeau Red Temple of the Seven Rivers by ARMAND SERRANO

submitted by rajahbeaubeau to ImaginaryTemples [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 North-Frosting9845 Suche w

submitted by North-Frosting9845 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Purple_Fox_In_A_Box Iridium quality Wolf Snapper!

Iridium quality Wolf Snapper! submitted by Purple_Fox_In_A_Box to StardewValleyExpanded [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 DarlingBri Slow healing

I had a low-key histamine reaction to a shingles vaccine on the 22nd of October. I still have visible scratch marks where I scratched the back on my hand and on one arm. Same thing with a sensitivity to an HRT patch months ago; I have scratch marks still scabbed on my abdomen.
I just cut myself on something today and I know it's going to be like three months until it heals.
I've never had this issue until the past six months and I'm wondering if it's due to MS weirdness or if it's just a normal part of middle age.
submitted by DarlingBri to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Beginning-Season7345 name something special about you for me born jan 1

submitted by Beginning-Season7345 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 Bottle_Nachos Ruhepuls nachts bei <50/min, bei Joggen allerdings bis 180/min - normal?

Bin 31 F, 95kg bei 1.82m und mache seit Jahren sehr viel Ausdauer- (und manchmal) Kraftsport. Insbesonderns nach Trainingspausen wird mir jedoch ein Belastungspuls von bis zu 180 Schlägen pro Minute angezeigt, ich bin teilweise 60%+ meiner Laufzeit am Maximum wenn ich jogge, auch nur mit 9-10 km/h. Wenn ich wieder Wochen mit 3-4x Fitness und Joggen pro Woche habe, geht der Bereich des Maximalpulses auch wieder runter, aber der %-Anteil an 170+/min ist einfach immer sehr hoch. Auch wenn ich langsamer jogge, so dass es mich schon nervt, ist der Puls einfach sehr hoch.
Mein Ruhepuls ist allerdings ausgezeichnet, nachts bei 40-42, manchmal bis 55 und tagsüber so bei 55-70. Keine Krankheiten sonst.
Ist also ein hoher Puls bei Belastung schlimm? Überdenke ich da zu viel, da das einfach super individuell ist?
submitted by Bottle_Nachos to FitnessDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 wyze-litten Will my metal hair pin be let through? It's sentimental and I don't want it to be taken but I'm going away for the holiday and want it with me

Will my metal hair pin be let through? It's sentimental and I don't want it to be taken but I'm going away for the holiday and want it with me submitted by wyze-litten to tsa [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 acactian Teacher Conflict?

First year teacher, switching schools and specialties literally two months in, and had conflict on day 2 at new school. I’m super friendly in general, I just tend to like talking to new people or offering help. I’m vaguely bad at social cues (inattentive ADHD related) and the teachers share an office with 6 desks. I stepped out a bit to print stuff and came back. It’s our shared office and the only other teacher (who I’ve met and been super friendly with) was in there on a call for home instruction but the child wasn’t on call (skipping) only a behaviorist.
It’s a shared office and my prep so I quietly sat at my desk because I have no where to go to because it’s my prep and I had started the day before. She gets off call and the office next door is supposed to be mine because I took over that teacher’s position. I saw she did video meeting and helpfully offered with a smile on my face (so my tone doesn’t get confused) “If you ever want a quiet place to do calls, I’m not using the office you should use it you want! You can have it if you want it :)”
Cut to the scene day: mentor pulls me aside and says that I rudely told the teacher I offered the room to use another space and I was being rude because she was on zoom in the shared office. She told my mentor the problem but not me. I’m an adult why can’t you talk to me?
What’s up with this situation? Has anybody else had problems with a shared workspace? If she told me to go elsewhere, I’d go back to the lounge albeit agitated because it’s my space too and it’s either be alone in the office next door or get help from veteran teachers in the shared space. Yet I feel like I have a right to be in that space too - I hit my knee on metal on my metal desk on accident but I didn’t mean to. Do you think I’m in the wrong for being at my desk while she was on the zoom for home instruction? How would you fix the shared space issue? Why did she go to the mentor and not me?
I’m so lost on how to be the new just graduated college teacher :(
submitted by acactian to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:40 locheyzzzz The Signed HUT CD

The Signed HUT CD submitted by locheyzzzz to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]
