So Cute.....

2024.11.27 18:50 Head_Requirement4819 So Cute.....

submitted by Head_Requirement4819 to Bloodhound [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 oskullop Celebrities Visit SiriusXM - August 13, 2024

Celebrities Visit SiriusXM - August 13, 2024 submitted by oskullop to MollySims [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Flowinghydra Deaf people of Reddit

Have you ever mistaken a yawn for a scream and have it backfire so badly? Stories please
submitted by Flowinghydra to deafblind [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 No_Race_4284 Omg It’s Here!!

Omg It’s Here!! I was worried it didn’t come because it said it hasn’t been shipped yet due to holidays
submitted by No_Race_4284 to dollskill [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Majestic_March3633 How to Use tmate with VS Code's Remote Explorer?

I’ve been using tmate to share terminal sessions, and I’d like to integrate it with VS Code's Remote Explorer for easier file editing and terminal access. I’m a bit stuck and could use your help!
Here’s an example tmate SSH command:
ssh [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

  1. Installed the Remote - SSH extension in VS Code.
  2. Added the SSH command above into the Remote-SSH: Add New SSH Host flow.
  3. Tried connecting, but I’m not sure if I’m doing it right or missing any configurations in the ~/.ssh/config file. This is not working for me.
I’d really appreciate it if someone could provide step-by-step instructions or share their experience. It’d be awesome to hear how you’ve made this setup work!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Majestic_March3633 to vscode [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 EldenMoonix Drums set someday soon?

Drums set someday soon? Do you think we will ever have a Fortnite Festival drum set? To be honest it was the most fun instrument in all of Guitar Hero/Rock Band games
submitted by EldenMoonix to FortniteFestival [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Dry_Brother_2601 WOO HOO

WOO HOO submitted by Dry_Brother_2601 to Delta8SuperStore [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Notemiso Är jag den enda som tycker det är helt okej att bli ghostad på dejtingappar?

Läst ett antal inlägg om detta och förstår verkligen inte problemet.
Att bli ghostad är en otroligt tydlig gest som jag uppskattar i en dejtingkultur. Det är ett väldigt bra ”nej” och jag tar det före någon som är oseriös med att träffas alla gånger i veckan.
Jag har blivit ghostad och ghostat samt t.o.m. fått en ”no-show” där personen inte dykt upp eller hört av sig efter vi skulle setts på en bar. Aldrig haft något problem med det eller tyckt det varit jobbigt.
submitted by Notemiso to sweden [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Recent-Light-6454 Who are the BEST saas affiliate marketers that you know?

Bueller… Bueller…?
submitted by Recent-Light-6454 to Affiliatemarketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Life-Candidate5429 Burrow or Stafford

Burrow vs the Steelers or Stafford vs the Saints. Passing TDs are worth min 6 pts more for distance.
submitted by Life-Candidate5429 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Destro100 Need an interior designer please

Not sure where to post this. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I'm in contract to purchase my next apartment. I would like to go with a dark academia vibe for the living room / bedroom. I need assistance in selecting paint colors, some pieces of furniture (sofa / beds / dining table), and accents (curtains, rugs). It also has to work with some of the furniture I have - so that's a bit of a limitation.
I'm looking strictly for online help. Help me with the color palette and selecting the right pieces. I'm willing (obviously) to pay for the help - but just to put it out there - I'm a divorced father of two and a public high school teacher. I can't afford all that much - but willing to discuss.
If you're interested, or can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. I want someone with experience, portfolio, and hopefully references.
submitted by Destro100 to DarkAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 AgencyWilling3240 pls help me find this fic

okay so it’s a Kacchako ff but basically bakugo realizes ochako’s quirk works well with his and he basically forced her to train with him but at the same time, ochako is learning combat skills with him. Also they train in secret because they don’t want the rest of Class of 1A to know about it. It’s lowkey a slow burn but yeah. Also I remember the chapter titles being innuendos and it’s on ao3; someone recommended it on here I think but I just lost the tab 😫
submitted by AgencyWilling3240 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Significant-Yak-3353 Help me learn Havoc DH

Greetings azerothians ! As a fellow ret main, I hope everyone is doing well, and may light be with you all, wherever you are I feel the need to swap to another alt, and after debating between making a DK, or a DH, I ultimately settled on the latter. I know there is a big jump in skill, I acknowledge that ret is noob friendly, but I always loved to reroll as a Illidan wannabe Any advice, channel, tips and tricks will be greatly appreciated I’m even willing to get coaching if you happen to know someone who could help me pick the class Thank you all, and light bless you,
submitted by Significant-Yak-3353 to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 TankEnvironmental241 Scoir essay issue

Hi everyone, I’m having a problem with my essay on the Coalition App. When I use em dashes (—), they appear fine in the text editor but show up as a strange symbol (ˇ) in the PDF preview. Other dashes, like double hyphens (--) or single hyphens (-), display correctly. Should I replace the em dashes, or is there a way to fix this? Has anyone else experienced this issue?
submitted by TankEnvironmental241 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 firestickmike why was tim crying in this episode?

the wife and I are starting a re-watch.
was it ever explained why tim started crying? I found this post from two years ago but didn't really answer my question
submitted by firestickmike to OnCinemaAtTheCinema [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Particular_Spot_7806 Fredmusic02 - Fredo

Fredmusic02 - Fredo submitted by Particular_Spot_7806 to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 DashXool Pushing the tempo and playing it comfortable

Pushing the tempo and playing it comfortable Im trying to push this tempo to 120 and above rn and i want to be able to preform this comfortablely. How do yall push your tempo in practice sessions to perform calmly?
submitted by DashXool to Clarinet [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Distinct_Giraffe_285 Still hasn't updated for me

It still says poly ai on my app. Do I have to delete and redownload it to the new version? Will it keep my chats if I delete it?
submitted by Distinct_Giraffe_285 to polyai [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 EnderBuilder Comprar duas cópias do mesmo jogo na Steam é possivel?

Seguinte, tenho minha conta na Steam a anos e tenho meus jogos lá.
Alguns anos atras a dignissima criou uma conta na Steam com o unico e principal email dela, comprou 1 ou 2 jogos e a conta se perdeu. Recentemente arrumei outro PC e criei uma nova conta "descartavel" pra ela, com e-mail generico só pra jogarmos uns free to play de vez em quando.
Coloquei ela na minha familia Steam e ela jogou algumas coisas antigas minhas também. Mas por ser uma conta "descartável", não quero comprar nada nela.
A duvida é a seguinte, é possivel eu comprar duas cópias de um mesmo jogo e deixar as duas ligadas a minha conta/familia Steam?
Assim eventualmente quando essa conta descartavel se perder e eu criar outra, ainda poderemos jogar juntos os mesmos jogos.
submitted by EnderBuilder to gamesEcultura [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 ajoyr17 my grandparents got this gorgeous and such sweet cat🥺🥺 she was found on the street then fostered

my grandparents got this gorgeous and such sweet cat🥺🥺 she was found on the street then fostered submitted by ajoyr17 to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 IJustWannaNapPlease Credit Union wants to charge for ACH transfer info. Is it worth it for the appeal/our records?

Thoughts on paying a fee of $3/statement or $20/hour for our credit union to provide us with ACH transfer info? Waste of money at this point?
We’ve submitted our appeal recently and requested transaction information from Evolve. We were planning to submit ACH transfers once we had the time to request them - and now we’ve learned the credit union wants to charge us for the work. So tired of all this.
submitted by IJustWannaNapPlease to yotta [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Kragnir1 40 Drones, Neptune And Storm Shadow Missiles: Ukrainian Armed Forces Launch Combined Attack On Belbek Airfield In Crimea

40 Drones, Neptune And Storm Shadow Missiles: Ukrainian Armed Forces Launch Combined Attack On Belbek Airfield In Crimea submitted by Kragnir1 to WarNewsUkraine [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 r9halamadrid Puma racket 2025

Anyone who knows when the 2025 Puma rackets is revealed? Im specially interested in the Momo Gonzalez edition.
submitted by r9halamadrid to padel [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Xylon54 Nvidia 🚀🚀🚀

Nvidia 🚀🚀🚀 geht wieder hoch
submitted by Xylon54 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 AdmirableMeat7091 Trapped in a Nightmare: My Company's Toxic Notice Period Policies

I wanted to share the absurd and exploitative policies my company enforces during the notice period:

  1. No Leave Allowed: The notice period is 60 days, and if you dare to take even a single day off, they deduct twice the amount from your pay.
  2. Unpaid Remaining Leaves: Any unused leaves you have are completely wiped out—they won't pay for them in the final settlement.
  3. Excessive Workload: Instead of allowing you to transition out smoothly, they try to squeeze every last drop of work from you before you leave.
It feels like they're punishing employees for resigning. Has anyone else experienced such toxic practices? How did you handle it?
submitted by AdmirableMeat7091 to CorporateMisconduct [link] [comments]