Parternship goals? The PWHL is crushing them! Read the blog here:

2024.11.27 23:47 CheetahRepulsive3783 Parternship goals? The PWHL is crushing them! Read the blog here:

submitted by CheetahRepulsive3783 to womenshockey [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 murcixnajlepszacipa Ktos do suczek z genzie

submitted by murcixnajlepszacipa to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Candid-Jaguar9914 In need of teamates

Ive been playing ranked alot and almost got a 2,500k game today. I realized that teamates that will be there to help you get better will make the team better as a whole. If you wanna friend me I would really appreciate it 😭
submitted by Candid-Jaguar9914 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 VexTheVex Meus Pais Estão Me Deprimindo

Percebi uma coisa hoje, então vou começar dizendo que isso não vai ser uma reclmação banal. Meus pais me criaram para ser muito dependente deles, então eu não sei fazer coisas básicas como pegar ônibus, caminhar e saber pra onde estou indo. Quando eu pedia para me ensinarem essas coisas, quando mais novo, eles se recusavam e, de pés juntos, diziam que a vida iria me ensinar. Eu estou chateado pelo fato de nunca ter grana pra nada (estudo em escola particular, mas consome todo o dinheiro da minha família, mesmo com descontos. Sou grato por isso, mas dinheiro é um tópico relevante). Não sou de uma classe tão alta quanto os meus colegas de turma, então eu estava querendo arranjar um trabalho como menor aprendiz, mas a pergunta que fica: Como eu faria isso? Terminarei a escola em uma semana, estava planejando para estudar e trabalhar ano que vem, Mas meus pais exigiram que eu não fizesse isso (Com eles sabendo que estão no controle). Queria ter um pouco de autonomia, mas desse jeito eu não consigo ter e Isso está me deixando muito puto. Eu não sei se essa superproteção excessiva é algum traço de narcisismo, só sei que eles nem sequer aceitam em rever os próprios atos, ou conversar sobre isso, já que eles provavelmente acreditam que eu devo a minha vida a eles por serem os meus pais, algo como uma "troca equivalente". Meu pai não aceita que sou um ser humano separado, ele me vê como alguem que deve a ele por ter me dado a vida, e a minha mãe idem. Isso só ferra a minha cabeça, ainda mais que minha irmã os defende com unhas e dentes, dizendo que eles sabem o que é melhor pra gente, de um jeito infantilizado (ambos temos 17). Não aproveitei nenhum detalhe da minha adolescência, pois tenho um medo extremo deles. Sobre o que a minha irmã falou, eu e ela temos 17 e devíamos saber nos virar nem que seja um pouco, minha irmã tem uma personalidade extremamente infantil (não é uma ofensa, e sim preocupação). Não sei como vou tocar a minha vida, e se vou tocar algum dia, mas sigo a minha jornada os enfrentando meu pai e mãe e tentando ter autonomia na marra.
submitted by VexTheVex to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Conscious_State2096 I Will go to Thailand and Bangkok next year for an Erasmus Program. I want to learn especially about the culture and the art before I'm going.

submitted by Conscious_State2096 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Infamous-Frosting484 Which legendary commander has the best active skill for openfield?

submitted by Infamous-Frosting484 to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Optimal-Newt-6358 How does TMS AFFECT MENTAL HEALTH RATING?

I used and tried many different antidepressants and all of them I had a bad response to. So I’m scheduled for tms treatment. I’m curious to how it might affect my disability rating.
submitted by Optimal-Newt-6358 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Wanadran Cambridge organization helps human trafficking survivors get their lives back

submitted by Wanadran to cambridgeont [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Funny-Pay-7319 did i ULTRACOOK with this one?

did i ULTRACOOK with this one? submitted by Funny-Pay-7319 to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Purple_Donut_4816 FIX fps cap on android mobile

FIX fps cap on android mobile The fps cap on the third number shows Android cap is broken and needs to be fixed has been like this for years but I barely found out and it’s what makes Android worse also. Also gives us us 144FPS ON Red Magic NOVA PLS❤️
submitted by Purple_Donut_4816 to FortNiteMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Gateway_Galore Gateway Gaming Clone Wars RP

Gateway Gaming is a Australian based clone wars rp server which operates on AEDT with main server events at 4:30pm and 8:30pm everyday with patrols, operations, mini events, etc happening between these times.
We have many battalions some of which include: 501st, 212th, Navy, Coruscant guard, 327th, 41st, Dooms unit and many more.
We also have Republic commando squads for those who want to strive to be better, these squads include: Delta squad, Omega squad, the Bad batch, Hope squad, Ion team, Foxtrot group, yayax squad, Aquila squad, and Aiwha squad.
submitted by Gateway_Galore to GMServers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Bennoelman I hate it

submitted by Bennoelman to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 duchess_of-darkness Terrifying Thanksgiving Stories #thanksgivingday

Terrifying Thanksgiving Stories #thanksgivingday Join us tonight at 5:30/8:30pm ET for Wicked Wednesday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone 🦃
submitted by duchess_of-darkness to duchess_of_darkness [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 0nicholas Was anyone (male) able to reverse the fertility issues experienced while using SSRIs?

I have been taking Lexapro for 3 years now. I am in the process of getting off it - I was at 20mg and have gradually reduced it to 5mg with the help of my doctor.
I recently took a home fertility test for men, and came to know that my sperm count is less than 20million / ml (the accepted threshold). I was wondering if someone was able to reverse fertility issues that they experienced while they were using SSRIs.
I understand overall health and lifestyle changes have a lot to contribute in this area, just looking for some ray of hope I guess.
submitted by 0nicholas to SSRIs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 No_Reputation2432 What to do with TOTW collectibles?

I haven't spent a single collectible yet to build a player and I'm now thinking if I should keep saving the collectibles or create some players instead? Is there a chance the collectibles would lose value compared to building 83s or 86?
For example, now you need 10 collectibles to build a 83 and five 83s to build 86. Do we normally only see an increase in the overalls you get with the collectibles (83 -> 84) or do they also increase the required amount of collectibles needed to build the player (10 -> 12 to build 84 as an example)?
submitted by No_Reputation2432 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 WilmaTheUnicorn Trading my inventory! Looking to shrink my inventory; trading for neons, megas, potions, upgrades and age swapping💗

Trading my inventory! Looking to shrink my inventory; trading for neons, megas, potions, upgrades and age swapping💗 submitted by WilmaTheUnicorn to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 LorenKloen Playstation account FA

I don't play it anymore so I'm gonna sell it, if you want to know more dm me pls! I send videos of everything.
submitted by LorenKloen to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Electrical-Clerk-113 Looking for mods for ibew46 reddit page

Somebody apologies to the IBEW community as I myself was not necessarily aware that I might have been a mod for this page?.
But I did want to give the opportunity to at least pass along the page anyone who does work in the particular locale of IBEW 46 or within the regional area of California that way that they may have the opportunity to better represent said page or help and it's growing. If you would like to be alive please let me know I am free most days and will be more than happy to help get your page set up.
submitted by Electrical-Clerk-113 to IBEW [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 DjDelmon Mythic… YAY

Mythic… YAY Former hearthstone player here, I made legend multiple times but had quit the game a while ago. I picked up magic with some friends when bloomburrow released and tried ranked for the first time the day Foundations dropped. I don’t know my win rate, but I did have a win streak from the bottom of diamond 4 all the way to mid diamond 2. Slowly had a back and forth to diamond 1 and then I won all 6 games in a row to mythic. I just made some minor adjustments to the premade RW token deck and have been having a blast in this game!
submitted by DjDelmon to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Drcornelius1983 Rank my setup

Rank my setup submitted by Drcornelius1983 to nes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Thoughtapotamus I did my first daily challenge!

I thought I did awful, but ended up in the top 30%. Now I'm addicted and am trying to explain it to anyone who will listen.
submitted by Thoughtapotamus to MiniMotorways [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 Angylaidd Bouv Lapdog Visits Provincetown

submitted by Angylaidd to BouvierDesFlandres [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 SoggyLadder282 3ds/ds games

4 s a l e 3ds games: paper mario sticker star
mario maker 3ds
super mario bros 2
skylander giants
super mario 3d land
super mario bros 2
mario kart 7
pokemon y
lego pirates of the Caribbean
epic mickey power of illusion DS games:
nintendogs chihuahua and friends
nintendogs best friends
mario sonic winter olympics 2X
super mario bros 2X
mario kart ds
super mario 64 ds
mario and luigi partners in time
mario and luigi bowsers inside story
COD modern warfare
spongebob square pants globs of doom
sonic rush 2X
marvel super heroes universe in peril
submitted by SoggyLadder282 to NintendoDS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 poop_on_you Nervous about downgrading to get CSR

I've had the CSP since 2017, and after a few years of meh credit have worked my tail off, paid off a personal loan, all of my student loans and all cards and am up to a 745 - not great but better than it was. And Chase just increased my limit to $13k.
I have not changed this card since I opened it 7 years ago. I have a ton of travel coming up this year, and would like to take advantage of the extra points of the CSR and a new SUB.
However, my spouse and I are watching mortgage rates and are considering a HELOC to do some updates or a new mortgage to sell.
Trying to do the cost / benefit here - what are the odds I'd be declined for the CSR (I don't want to risk a downgrade if I can't get the new card)? Should the possible mortgage change make us tap the brakes on the CSR (or any new credit account)? Is there another factor / option I should be considering?
submitted by poop_on_you to ChaseSapphire [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:47 South-Efficiency9956 UNA GRAN OPORTUNIDAD

Gente! Eh creado un grupo de whatsapp para todos los amantes del fútbol y las apuestas deportivas, en este grupo llamado "Prode" se subiran varios juegos donde el objetivo es acertar la mayor cantidad de partidos posibles. El premio es el pozo final que se junta entre todos los jugadores. INTERESADOS COMENTEN Y LES PASO EL LINK! Gracias
submitted by South-Efficiency9956 to futbol [link] [comments]