2024.11.28 07:40 ChapterAfter Looking for a place to share homebrewed champions and stories.
I like many within this community am a big fan of the world building and characters of league of legends, and I enjoy world building enough to create fan characters with ability sets and stories to fit them into the setting.
As the title stated I'm looking for directions to any place where it might be more appropriate to share these creations of mine and potentially get criticism or advice on how to better its design or story
submitted by ChapterAfter to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 Responsible-Rent6430 Candle wax meaning help
Help please I did a cleanse today and my candle wax looks like this. What does this mean? The candle burned all the way through. submitted by Responsible-Rent6430 to BabyWitch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 Desperate-Boss5152 Highlights From UNSC Emergency Session on Russia’s Attacks on Ukraine’s Infrastructure
submitted by Desperate-Boss5152 to LoveForUkraine [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 Delicious-Ad-4821 He protects her sleep
submitted by Delicious-Ad-4821 to animalsdoingstuff [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 11Kame11 I can't stand these advertisements
Today, after a couple weeks suffering YouTube Dr Squatch ads, I ended up blocking them.
They feel so old fashioned in a bad way. I'm sick of all those "woman attracting scents* lines. I don't know what those soaps smells likes, but if I ever do, I'll run a thousand meters from any of you using them.
They are also pretty cringy in general, even if they don't mention that. Honestly if they had decent ads I'd ever considered buying some for my partner for Christmas but now it's a nono.
submitted by 11Kame11 to DrSquatch [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 AutomaticWallaby9 When is the next meetup guys??
I'm new to Bangalore, just shifted here 2 weeks back.
I'm staying around Marathahalli area. Looking forward to meet new people here. When will be the next meetup??
submitted by AutomaticWallaby9 to bangalore [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 GoonProud Happy turkey day looking to get my card stuffed
submitted by GoonProud to nudebingo [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 OnlySaltwater Any way to disable cloud saves on old 360 games?
I’m out here playing GTA 4 on my series s and even if I set my system offline I get interrupted by this 360 cloud saving message every time I complete a mission. It’s a major immersion killer. Is there no way to get rid of this?
submitted by OnlySaltwater to XboxSupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 Serious_Manager8596 I (m20) fucked my sister (f19) while my whole family was in the house
So after the situation a few nights ago me and my sister have been a little awkward. Didn’t really talk to each other or make eye contact. However earlier today our family was putting up Christmas decorations and while we were doing that I noticed her staring at me. I gave her a confused look and she just nodded towards the stairs to her room. She went down them and I waited about 5 minutes and followed her. As soon as I walked in her room she was on her knees, completely naked. I walked towards her and she tore my shorts down and grabbed my cock the way I taught her. She told me she couldn’t stop fantasizing about it and needed to feel it again. She spit on my dick and then started taking it all in her mouth. She blew me for a little then said she wanted me to put it in her. I asked if she was sure and reminded her she wasn’t on bc and she said I could just pull out. As soon as she finished saying that I spun her around and bent her over her bed. I slipped it in and she was so tight. I had to force her face into the mattress to keep her from giving us up with her moans. Eventually I flipped her up on the bed and climbed on top of her. She kept staring at me with “fuck me harder” eyes and god was it hot. Right before I was about to pull out she locked her legs around me. I wasn’t ready for it and couldn’t do anything except finish inside her. I scolded her for being so reckless and she said she couldn’t help herself. After that we both cleaned up and went back upstairs. I got more stories about us in my bio
submitted by Serious_Manager8596 to incestGW [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 LessBasil3330 If one game mechanic or tower were removed from the game forever, what would it have to be to make C.H.I.M.P.S. impossible?
I was thinking camo detection, but that doesn't make sense because then all modes would be impossible; I want a mechanic that would only make C.H.I.M.P.S. and maybe Impoppable impossible.
submitted by LessBasil3330 to btd6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 okwhatisleft Kaalan ( mushroom chat)
) submitted by okwhatisleft to IndianFoodPhotos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 Kairixionnamine Coin question for fractured daydream
In sword art online fractured daydream where do you use the coins you get in missions? I’m in the shop but all I see are coins to purchase from the SAO shop but the coins I have are 9,763 but it says I have 0 held. Do I need to buy them from the ps store?
submitted by Kairixionnamine to swordartonline [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 NewUltimateDespair44 I think I’m obsessed. Cass can literally do whatever she wants with me
submitted by NewUltimateDespair44 to simpforbaddies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 Feisty_Caregiver5073 Me right now:
submitted by Feisty_Caregiver5073 to GranTurismo7 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 Chad-Ad-5176 Today is Demo man day post only Demo man memes
submitted by Chad-Ad-5176 to tf2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 fairyquitecontrary AC Activity 15: Enjoying the last of fall and my island's first snow!
submitted by fairyquitecontrary to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 Senior-Aioli-8063 Moto edge stylus desktop mode
So i wanted to use the stylus on my phone with ibis paint on desktop mode to see what i am drawing better, using the phones screen as a sort of wacom like tablet. And unfortunately the behavior of the touchpad app thingy on edge plus 2022 is the opposite of what you would want. Honestly i am not super impressed with the stylus but i got it with the folio case for only $16 so whatever really. Does anyone know if there is a way i can achieve this functionality with the pen?
submitted by Senior-Aioli-8063 to motorola [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 MugShots Two Northshore men arrested, accused of sex crimes
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 Radiant-Stomach-4010 Cosa si può fare per fermare questa "lotta contro l'uomo" e per farlo sentire più accettato nella società?
Molto spesso sento parlare di come gli uomini non si sentano compresi e accettati nella società, e di come si dia poco peso alle difficoltà che affrontano rispetto alle donne. Ma a livello concreto, cosa si potrebbe fare secondo voi? Non dite "eh le donne devono essere più gentili con noi" perché ognuna è diversa e non credo che questa cosa possa cambiare in base al comportamento di un singolo individuo. Secondo me, magari, si potrebbe "smascherare" di più ciò che affrontano, in cui magari se ne parla anche in TV, per esempio riguardo ai problemi alla prostata o magari viene uno psicologo in TV che parla delle difficoltà psicologiche che deve affrontare l'uomo, come per esempio il fatto di dover andare in guerra etc. E poi sarebbe carino fare la stessa cosa anche per le donne, così questo scontro fra i sessi si dissolverebbe dato che ci sarebbe più consapevolezza e meno tabù. Capisco che è poco probabile che accada, ma secondo voi cosa aiuterebbe a livello concreto?
submitted by Radiant-Stomach-4010 to CasualIT [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 ryan_unalux Tom Fitton: They are still counting votes in California... Can you say VOTER FRAUD?
submitted by ryan_unalux to yourbrainonleftism [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 bri_77 Sunrise Donegal
submitted by bri_77 to sunrise [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 Empty-Lobster4542 Help😭
Background: So, I'm a new sitter (started last month since I'm between jobs and just moved cities). I have worked in multiple dog shelters, rescues and boarding facilities. I'm Fear Free Shelter Training certified and have experience with fear-free and consent-based training. However, I've only been using Rover for a few weeks and am still learning the ins and outs of gig work.
The pre-booking: On November 8th, I received a booking request for housesitting November 27th to December 1st (5 days, 4 nights). I responded and suggested a meet-and-greet. She asked if we could meet that night, but I was unavailable and offered alternative availability for Monday the 11th. She confirmed that the 11th at 11am worked for her. I then asked if she would like to do the meet-and-greet at her house or at a park nearby, and she responded that she didn't need a meet-and-greet. The client insisted that she did not need a meet-and-greet as long as I understood that the puppy was only 3 months old. Since I did, I accepted the booking.
This is my first mistake: accepting a booking without a meet-and-greet. I recognize that in hindsight and going forward I will not accept bookings without a meet-and-greet first. It was also a red flag that she agreed to a time and date and then changed her mind when I tried to work out the final details.
Then, on the 19th, she messaged again and asked if we could set up a meet-and-greet soon. We did a meet-and-greet on the 20th and it went well, except that she was rushing due to the fact that she was home on her lunch break. After I arrived at her house, she tried to get me to get in her car to go to the park for the meet-and-greet. I said I preferred to follow her in my own car. We went to the park to let the puppy run around, then we went back to her house, where she gave me a rushed tour (upstairs crate, bedroom, porch cameras, etc) and very rushed instructions (feed twice a day, crate when not home, try to tire him out as much as possible, he can be left alone for up to 5 hours). During the meet-and-greet, she said that she would have detailed printed instructions ready for me during the booking, so I wasn't terribly worried about the rushed instructions, especially because the care information on Rover was filled out.
She seemed fairly manic during the meet-and-greet, but I chalked it up to her being rushed. This is my second major mistake. I should have trusted my gut that something was wrong instead of dismissing it.
The situation: The booking was scheduled to start today, and the client texted at 9am that she had just left. She said that she had forgotten to print the instructions but would send them to me while she was waiting for her flight.
I was out running errands and had an appointment at the time, so I went over as soon as I could, which was around noon.
I did have a drop-in booking at 1, so I left after a bit to complete that drop-in. After the drop-in, I returned. I was gone for less than an hour total (5-10 minutes transit each way, 30 minute drop in).
At this point, I had not yet recieved the care instructions and was operating on the care instructions written in Rover. The client was aware that I did not yet have the care instructions and she said she would send them after she landed from her flight.
At around 6, I got hungry and needed to get dinner. As soon as I left, the client sent me the care instructions, but added that she was "deeply concerned" and "on the edge of tears" that I was leaving again.
While I was picking up my dinner, I reviewed the care instructions she sent and realised that she expected a lot of things that had not been mentioned at all that I would have either charged extra for or expected prior instruction/forewarning so I could agree to it, such as a bath, several dedicated massages for the puppy (when he wakes up, before bed, after dinner), and laundry. This is a mistake on my part, I should have further clarified what exactly she expected during the stay. I responded to this by saying that I would be willing to do most of it, but the bath (which she wanted done on the day she gets back) would be an extra charge, so I could either charge her for it or she could opt out. I probably should have just taken the loss and done what she asked instead of trying to hold firm on my prices, but that's my own mistake.
In the hour that I was getting dinner, the client sent progressively more troubling messages, eventually saying that she felt worried that the puppy was not going to get enough attention and that I was going to cause separation anxiety by leaving the house for other tasks during the booking.
I arrived back at her house (I was gone for about 75 minutes). I checked my phone again and saw that she had sent a message saying that she felt uncomfortable with me in her house and said that she was immediately terminating our agreement. As I was reading that, she sent another message saying that if I wasn't out within 10 minutes, she would call the police to escort me out.
I left and contacted Rover support immediately. From what I can see, the client has initiated a cancellation on her end, but since the booking is already in progress, Rover support needs to approve it. I contacted Rover support because I felt extremely weird and uncomfortable with the whole situation. I've sent Rover all the documents showing what I agreed to vs what she added on afterwards, as well as her threatening to call the police.
My questions: Will this impact my Rover account in any way? If so, how? I suspect that she will be reporting me for not fulfilling services, but I have done everything we agreed to during the meet-and-greet and what's written on the Rover care instructions. Her expansive instructions were sent externally, and sent after the booking had already started. Does this mean I'm on the hook for doing it even if it wasn't what was agreed to on the platform?
If the client is awarded a refund for the cancellation, does that mean that I don't get paid? I have a seven day cancellation policy, but I've never had to use it. Regardless of what she claims, I did perform the services that were initially agreed upon. Will I get paid for that?
Is there anything I can do in the meantime to prevent fallout from this situation? I've already sent all the information I have over to Rover support. Has anyone else been in this situation? How did you handle it? Is the client crazy, or am I handling this all wrong? How can I improve my client screening and prevent this going forward?
TLDR: A booking started today and the client felt like I wasn't spending enough time with her dog, and threatened to call the police to get me out of her house. What do I do?
submitted by Empty-Lobster4542 to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 07:40 Crocajawaka Daily Song Discussion #36: Eldorado Finale
This is the tenth and final track from Electric Light Orchestra’s fourth album, Eldorado. How do you feel about this song? What are some of your favorite lyrics? How would you rank it among the rest of the band's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?
Studio version
SUGGESTED SCALE: 1-4: Not good. Regularly skip. 5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it. 6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on. 7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit. 8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall. 10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.
Rating Results
2024.11.28 07:40 Enigma9898 Sky Island
submitted by Enigma9898 to liminalspaces [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 07:40 jell1111 Does anybody remember these 2 chinese men?
It's 2 rural chinese men, and they'd make food in the videos, (similar to hytrend) There was a bigger guy who didn't dress that well And the other guy was skinny (I think with glasses) and wore a nice black shirt At the Start of the video the bigger guy would come into the skinny guys room and say his name and throw a recipe at him and he would catch it in his teeth ,and they'd run off to cook the food
Does anyone know?
Edit: At the end of the video, they'd take a photo of them eating
submitted by jell1111 to whitewhale [link] [comments]