Need Help with Face Detection: Issues with Overlapping Faces and Data Imbalance

2024.11.28 09:44 Spidey_qbz Need Help with Face Detection: Issues with Overlapping Faces and Data Imbalance

Hi everyone,
I’m currently working on a face detection project where my code does a decent job of detecting faces, but I’m facing a couple of issues:

  1. Overlapping Faces: Sometimes, faces are overlapping or being detected incorrectly, which affects the accuracy.
  2. Data Imbalance: My dataset is not balanced, and some people are underrepresented, leading to incorrect or poor detection for those faces.
I’m looking for advice on how to address these issues. Specifically, I need suggestions on:
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Spidey_qbz to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 suicideprevention100 What were you doing on exactly 10:43am at July 28, 2003?

submitted by suicideprevention100 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 Far-Profession2401 exams in sindh be like

exams in sindh be like submitted by Far-Profession2401 to PakLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 Here-4-the-vibes005 Is it worth getting a fancy wedding dress?

Wanted to inquire about the wedding dress.
I'm hoping to have a VERY small (about 10-15 people) wedding soon in shaa Allah, and wanted to know if it's worth getting an expensive wedding dress. The kind of dresses i have been seeing are more glam (full of beading and sequins) and traditional but i keep wondering if i should just get something simple that i can wear in other occasions after the wedding.
For the women who got the fancy wedding dress, was it worth it or did you wish you took something simpler and saved up instead? I'd like to hear your perspective please 😊
submitted by Here-4-the-vibes005 to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 UnholyAky requesting a refund due to insight

ok what in the f*ck is insight doing, she literally does nothing but hinder my world mode progress, which is annoying as it is because believe it or not only being able to play a game 30mins tops a day and having your efficacy halved or more randomly sucks.
at first I thought it was pretty funny that it happened and since it was on a random tile, hey you know what maybe it actually helped in case I wouldve died using tempest otherwise... but when I'm im using MEMORIES I PAID FOR and fhikari it's no longer very funny. insight x4 is around what fhikari is no bonus not to mention I didn't get pushed into negative stamina either and so my stamina usage is more inefficient. typically I'd use tempest until 2 stamina and then use fhikari to finish last 2 and put me into negatives which means me being offline for more than 16 hours is less inefficient.
since I lost 50 memories and this has happened a couple times, luckily without memories on the line, I'm legitimately going to request a refund and if it doesn't go through I'm just going to get in contact with my bank and have a charge back because the fact there isn't a fail safe to disable insight when memories are being used is outrageous.
submitted by UnholyAky to arcaea [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 ocombe Surtout avec les travaux à côté

Surtout avec les travaux à côté submitted by ocombe to quoiffeur [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 Ok-Calendar-8360 Business minor as a humans major?

I’m planning on taking biz minor mods since I’m a bit tired of the humans and their continuous assessment. I know biz isn’t going to be any easier but I genuinely enjoy biz and stem mods (something that doesn’t have to challenge my creative side all the time). I’m not planning on taking anything hard or any math intensive mods but something that hopefully doesn’t affect my gpa too much.
I have a few questions though. In case I end up S/Uing these biz mod bdes that I take will they still count towards a minor? Also, is there a limit to the number of mods I can S/U?
Lastly, I’m supposed to take five mods out of these BU5101 Accounting: A User Perspective BU5201 Business Finance AB1301 Business Law BU5401 Management Decision Tools BU5501 Marketing for the 21st Century BU5601 Fundamentals of Management BF2219 Investments BU5302 Law of IP & New Media
Can anyone suggest which ones to take? im assuming nothing here is really easy but which ones here are comparatively easier than others?
submitted by Ok-Calendar-8360 to NTU [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 NoSquirrel1107 In need of some good cucks. Where are yall? Kik:bruppar or 056a899af022ca04cc48f9057e04cd64b2fe34d4a15a67de210c9f313d379bdb10

submitted by NoSquirrel1107 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 wewdwtnizrub Geox Black Friday 2024 Promo Code

Get the Geox Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Looking for Discounts at Geox in November 2024? Get the Best Deals with Promo Codes, Coupons, and More!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 MasterAmor Banner Predictions for 10th Anniversary or Dokkan battle.

Hey, does anybody have like some kind of banner predictions. Last 3 or 4 Annivessarys Units will return last 2-3 WWC Units. 1 or 2 Tanabata. Whats ur prediction?
submitted by MasterAmor to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 WormOnCrack Alternative 9x5 Version (Worms Personal Favorite)

submitted by WormOnCrack to technicalminecraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 pranats Song that samples Jonah hill in wolf of Wall Street?

Specifically “I got 5 more just like you bro”
Watching that movie and just noticed the sample trying to find the song that sampled it. Unsure if deathcore tbh but similar.
submitted by pranats to Deathcore [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 TeaAnxious4166 M Young looking for f Young or parents with daughter that wanna drain my Balls 0553a97236d66cfbc91c7c71fd2802b6859fad202171019273c58e8d1e2320f161

submitted by TeaAnxious4166 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 CarryKind8827 Who all understood this?

Who all understood this? submitted by CarryKind8827 to StellarCannaCoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 MessiahOfFire The ideal boyfriend_🌸

The ideal boyfriend_🌸 submitted by MessiahOfFire to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 Stock-Elderberry-568 19 years of age and getting my ID

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I left Zimbabwe when I was 3, came back for holiday when I was 14 and now I'm coming back again. My Shona is not very good and I'm not very good at reading and understanding it. I've never been here before I'm worried that I won't know what I'm doing when filling in documents. I have my birth and Dad's ID, is there anything else I can expect to be asked or need?
submitted by Stock-Elderberry-568 to Zimbabwe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 iton428 Evangelion character in Smash bros. and finds the intruder

Evangelion character in Smash bros. and finds the intruder submitted by iton428 to evangelion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 BeneficialWorker3966 the issue with tanks

tanks are meant to be a sponge, a shield to protect the squishier teammates from possibly fatal attacks. however, as of now, nearly all the tanks are basically just damage dealers with decent hp. right now, probably the only brawler that actually fits its role as a tank is rosa, maybe primo. I feel like tanks should have a damage reduction thingy, do piss damage, but have decent mobility and very high hp. because right now the tanks just rush in spam a bunch of buttons and do a stupid amount of damage for a tank
submitted by BeneficialWorker3966 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 ManagementPast5807 Why Do We Overthink So Much?

Lately, I’ve been caught in this endless loop of overthinking. You know, those moments where your brain replays a conversation from three days ago or imagines every worst-case scenario that hasn’t even happened yet? It’s exhausting.
I started looking into why we do this, and it turns out our brains are wired to solve problems—great in theory, but not so much when it turns everyday thoughts into stress spirals. Sometimes, overthinking feels like a way to control things, but in reality, it just leaves us stuck in our heads, right?
I’ve also been wondering—does overthinking tie into mental health? Like, is it just stress, or could it be connected to something deeper like anxiety or depression? It’s something I’m trying to understand better.
I’m learning that overthinking doesn’t mean I’m failing or broken; it’s just my mind trying too hard. Taking a walk, journaling, or even saying “stop” out loud has helped me snap out of it (well, sometimes).
How do you deal with overthinking? Do you think it’s related to mental health? Any tips or tricks that work for you? Let’s share and see if we can make our minds a little quieter. 😊
submitted by ManagementPast5807 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 Weird_Ad_5384 Hjælp til beregning af omkostninger for firmabil

Hej kloge hoveder,
Jeg har lidt svært ved at forstå beskatningen / udgifterne til firmabil. Jeg kan forstå det meget sjældent kan betale sig, men jeg vil gerne prøve at lave en udregning, så jeg kan tage stilling til om det er noget jeg gider.
Situationen er den, at jeg har et job hvortil jeg har en car allowance på 9.000 kr. som jeg kan vælge at få udbetalt, eller som jeg kan bruge til en firmabil igennem en partner. Hvis jeg vælger firmabil bliver eventuel resterende car allowance udbetalt.
Hvis jeg tager pengene vil jeg få udbetalt ca. 3960 efter skat (9.000 * (1-0.56)).
Hvis jeg kigger på partnerens portal for firmabiler, så kan jeg se at en firmabil til fx 360.000 vil koste: Beskatning pr. md. (inkl. miljøtillæg): 7.500 kr. Månedlig ydelse inkl. nettomoms: 7.900 kr.
Kan det så passe, at beregningen er som følger: 7.900 bliver taget af car allowance: 9.000 - 7.900 = 1.100 tilbage før skat, dvs. 484 udbetalt Beskatningen udregnes som 56% af de 7.500 = 4.200 kr. ekstra skat pr. måned (mindre udbetalt)
Dvs. forskellen er 4.200 - 484 = -3.716 vs +3.960 = 7.676
Altså, hvis jeg kan finde en tilsvarende bil inkl. alle omkostninger for under 7.676, så vil det bedre kunne betale sig. Er der noget jeg misser her?
På forhånd tak for hjælpen :-)
- venlig hilsen den skatteforvirrede.
submitted by Weird_Ad_5384 to dkfinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 Ziko577 A Week's Passed Since My Friend Blocked Me

A week ago I posted here about my friend who blocked me and the troubles since that day. I realized it's been a week yet it's only now that my realization that he's gone has set in. No one else has said much to me when I checked all of my other posts as I voluntarily chose not to reply back quickly as I was being overwhelmed with grief and rage at what I'd done. It's been hard on me not having him around anymore.
The Discord server I'm in has now grown cold toward me as they're afraid I'll get mad at them because I rejected their advice and the few remaining friends left are busy so I can't reach out to them as easily. The few redditors who reached out in the posts and one in chat have said their piece and moved on with their lives. I'm just left alone to grieve and suffer because of what I've done and the consequences are immeasurable. A lot of restless nights crying, I can't play any games anymore, and I hate myself for everything I've done up until now.
submitted by Ziko577 to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 glassvirus "Permission denied" when attempting to copy a file system as admin

916+ running 7.2
I want to replace synoinfo.conf in /etc and in /etc.defaults. I have enabled FTPS and using WinSCP in attempt to copy and replace a modified synoinfo.conf but get the "Permission denied" denied error. I am connecting as 'admin' which is in the Administrators group and have tried other users in that group but get the same error.
The attached image shows the file permisssions according to WinSCP
I have SSHed in and could use VI or Nano but I've never used them before and the commands are not intuitive to me and I'd prefer not to to use them.
submitted by glassvirus to synology [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 Moist-District-3337 Makes cry evetime

Makes cry evetime submitted by Moist-District-3337 to UntilThenGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 WasabiIcy4628 for sale 2 tickets for Soho

for sale 2 tickets for Soho Argy 2 male entry tickets
submitted by WasabiIcy4628 to delhi_marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:44 Kind_Designer8069 The match-up in the contest is just insane…

The match-up in the contest is just insane… I can hardly win even one game…
submitted by Kind_Designer8069 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]