2024.11.28 12:39 under301club The Inventor EVA iON sends notifications as if I called a hit on someone…
submitted by under301club to HiTMAN [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 NusaBuceag What did Binx shave exactly, doesn't she have short hair under that wig? Did she shave her wig?
submitted by NusaBuceag to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 Cevapekaiser 14,30€ vom Schwein
submitted by Cevapekaiser to SchnitzelVerbrechen [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 bot_painani Las y los niños sacrificados en el presupuesto de 2025, expertos en parlamento abierto programas y acciones de desarrollo social
submitted by bot_painani to Mexico_News [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 P777KK777 Looking for this girl
Looking for this girl she had an account here but its gone now. I blurred her face for obvious reasons. submitted by P777KK777 to Sakartvelo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 kentromania Ali Express Black Friday Deals 2024
Visit this page for Ali Express Black Friday Deals 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by kentromania to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 bot_painani Las y los niños sacrificados en el presupuesto de 2025, expertos en parlamento abierto programas y acciones de desarrollo social
submitted by bot_painani to mexico_politics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 Tasty_Medicine_6625 Remove acne red spots
Hi, I've been on the pill since I was 16 and went off it 2 years ago (i was 25 at the time and wanted to go natural) and my skin was perfect, of course due to hormonal imbalance the acne and acne red spots started to appear on my chin and does not go away. what can i use to clear it? I use salcylic acid, glycolic acid and SPF, trying to incorporate vitamin C in my routine again. is there other products i can use too? (i've also tried niacinimide but that does not work for me)
submitted by Tasty_Medicine_6625 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 Duckgoosehunter What is he saying?
What is he saying after the judge's question 'In what area?' at 2:20. Is it 'ministry'?
submitted by Duckgoosehunter to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 NaughtyPrincess_Babe 'Killer jock, 17, boasted "I guess I'm just too strong" after helping beat boy, 16, to death at Arizona house party': Bullies 'then danced on dying teen's body and "humped" him'
submitted by NaughtyPrincess_Babe to woahthatsinteresting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 Party-Cherry540 Ice KREAMOTE - needs to be hyped
Sobrang sarap!! Napadaan kami sa Moncada pasalubong center tas natikman to.. HOYYYY! Ang sarap! Try niyo na din! 😮💨 submitted by Party-Cherry540 to PHFoodPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 Emotional-Freedom545 Music
How do you extend music when you have downloaded it ?
submitted by Emotional-Freedom545 to GarageBand [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 Intellectualdigest Truth
One thing that’s detrimental in the spiritual process as we all call it is there’s no truth anywhere but within you and your understanding.
Although I can share with you a million words or wisdom and my interpretation of truth, you will never experience it and the moment you decide to live by them will be your demise
Yes, expression can push you in that direction surely, but whats more important is the last effort you take to get through the door. No matter who it is, pastor, preacher, guru, Jesus himself they all can get you on the right path but that final step will always be within you.
As you continue to embark on this path keep this close to you even if you don’t understand right now. Truth must become an experience within your life, my silly hope is that you all could touch it even if it’s just a moment.
You can skip this part, but the reason these individuals who’ve achieved a certain level of life decide to convey through words is because that’s the only expression you can grasp its the only way you’ll accept them or understand them, I can’t help you if I’m speaking of that which is out of your personal understanding, so it is detrimental that they use their speech, and im sure they understood that speech can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. I can say the dog walked up the hill and in all our minds we imagine a different dog, setting and hill. Likewise for every interpretation there’s another interpretation which is completely different. Keep this with you always.
submitted by Intellectualdigest to enlightenment [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 NanKillTV Installing Custom ROM for Beginners
The Galaxy A51 has long stopped receiving updates, and I'm currently very interested in a custom ROM called X-ROM. However, I don't know how to install it. Can anyone provide me with a guide? Also, what should I keep in mind when installing this ROM? https://preview.redd.it/wdae3nor0n3e1.png?width=881&format=png&auto=webp&s=279a73d5e285b769782921ec2084f6f3ffd490b5 submitted by NanKillTV to GalaxyA51 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 GeneralOdd997 [PS4] H: Enklave-plasmarifle (flamer mod) W: offers
submitted by GeneralOdd997 to Market76 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 Fine-Butterscotch-26 Is it possible to have a normal dream in which your brain tricks you into believing that you are lucid when you are not?
submitted by Fine-Butterscotch-26 to LucidDreaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 ratacitoarea Manifestatiile salveaza democratia si sperie fascistii
A manifesta e un drept constitutional, il gasiti in Constitutia Romaniei. Va indemn, va rog, va implor, nu va lasati influentati de aia care spun ca manifestatiile pro democratie, uniune si NATO vor face mai mult rau. Nu veti intarata oamenii sa il voteze pe georgescu.
Niciun om sanatos la cap nu va vota cu el doar pt ca iesiti voi. Si nici nu veti convinge omul adormit, isteric, manipulat.
Oamenii rationali nu vor alege niciodata un tip care vb conspiratii, ca apa e vie si ca razboiul ucrainean nu exista. Iesiti in continuare in strada, pasnic, organizat, pentru ca le e frica de noi. Un popor care isi cunoaste drepturile poate dobori oricand o manuta de politicieni.
submitted by ratacitoarea to Roumanie [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 General-Stick-1511 Phineas and Ferb as Anna and Elsa in Frozen haha
submitted by General-Stick-1511 to phineasandferbmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 RapidRabbitTech Gamedev is hard, but this type of comment really made my day
submitted by RapidRabbitTech to IndieDev [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 PurpleFong What if they changed their minds in ep 77, who gets cooked
submitted by PurpleFong to skibiditoilet [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 LNoit Job Opportunities in the German Market for an International Masters’s Student in Germany
I am an international masters student in Germany looking to enter the industry. I’ve been thinking and looking at the market now to see how it looks like.(not too good). I’m abut concerned that I might not be looking in the right places mostly LinkedIn and https://github.com/chrieke/awesome-geospatial-companies. Are there any other current and active job portals anyone knows to look for jobs ?
And is there any other advice any one with experience in the field can give to someone looking to enter the GIS/RS field in Germany pretty soon?
Wrt to the language I am learning the language(it’s pretty stressful ) but hopefully by next August I should start B1 classes. I have however seen posts (not related to the GIS field ) where others say even sometimes a C1 is not enough so I’m pretty confused.
Basically I’m looking for advice on how to navigate the German GIS market and how to gain an advantage.
I’m pretty versatile and can move in between GIS, photogrammetry, remote sensing and GeoAI… I did have about 5 years of professional experience in my home country before starting my masters
submitted by LNoit to remotesensing [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 NoRepresentative7036 This year’s results
I don’t post here often but I thought I should share some backtest along with live results that I’ve been getting. I started this backtest from back in June. Results were amazing then I started to go live in July and the results are still very good. October was my best month in the backtest and the best so far in my entire trading journey and I’ve been trading for 4 years. I bought a mentorship from a guy on Fiverr and it completely changed my trading and how I now look at the market. I average 2 trades a day max 3 (I rarely get 3 setups). I trade London for 1 hour and NY for 3 hours maximum but I’m usually done within the first 2 hours for NY. Only 1 trade for London and sometimes 2 for NY. The guy who taught me said I don’t have to trade both sessions I could pick anyone and I’ll still be profitable but I choose to do both sessions. My win rate is over 60% both in the backtest and on my live account. I only risk 1% in the backtest and live but I could probably risk 1.5%. My max loss in a row since I went live in July is 4 trades and on the backtest it was only 5 trades. The gains in my live account are almost identical to that in the backtest, I hardly miss setups but there is like a 7% difference in total gain between July and November . I’ve been able to pass challenges started making some real money from the markets. I’m not going to say exactly what my strategy is because I had to pay for it and I don’t believe it’s right to just give away someone else’s hard work. But I can say it’s pretty simple because it took him about 2 days to teach me his strat and within a week I fully understood it. I messaged him in October when I had my biggest month and he was saying he’s going to stop mentoring by the end of this year because he only wanted help like a handful of people and he think he achieved that. He wants to stay lowkey he said that the people that are actually making money from the market are the ones nobody knows. I can post his Fiverr link below if any is interested but idk if he’s still mentoring submitted by NoRepresentative7036 to Daytrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 luca3468 2 locals party power WB 629948040736
submitted by luca3468 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 12:39 f00dl3 Deposits which usually arrive on Thursdays did not arrive due to Thanksgiving
Normal Paycheck direct deposits which normally arrive on Thursdays did not arrive on Thursday due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Not sure if this is a issue on Fidelity's end, or on employers ends. Impacted my whole household.
submitted by f00dl3 to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 12:39 Farcus_Prime Combined powers for 27.64. $2.7 per pack after tax.
submitted by Farcus_Prime to PKMNTCGDeals [link] [comments]