Need help - landscape speakers

2024.11.28 14:31 jrzbuffalo Need help - landscape speakers

Hi everyone. I am hoping for some advice here. I am nowhere near as knowledgeable as members here and hoping to lean on you for a recommendation. I have an in-ground pool that I need to provide audio around. It's not huge so 6 speakers should cover it, but they must be landscape speakers, not wall mounted. I also need a sub. I already have two (2) Crown XIs1002 amps for this. I need advice on what speakers and amp to get. I am hoping to keep the speakers under $350 each but willing to go more if worth it. I am also open to a budget option if the speakers deliver good sound.
submitted by jrzbuffalo to StereoAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Charleshawtree Artists share how to tackle misogyny in the music industry

Artists share how to tackle misogyny in the music industry submitted by Charleshawtree to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 AncientBasil5628 Questionnaire IA

🧠 Questionnaire sur l'IA : Votre avis compte !
Bonjour à tous,
Je suis étudiant en Métier du Multimédia et de l'Internet et je dois recueillir des réponses pour un questionnaire.
👉 Lien du questionnaire :
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Merci d'avance pour votre participation ! N’hésitez pas à partager ce lien avec vos amis ou collègues intéressés par le sujet.
À bientôt sur le fil de discussion ! 😊
submitted by AncientBasil5628 to etsmtl [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Alone-Chocolate-5981 ik its not true but it feels like it

i feel like a loser because i am not attracted to anyone, and my ex is sleeping with someone i cant seem to think about anyone else! no sexual or romantic feelings towards anyone literally!! my ex is living her life and while i sit and sob occasionally - lol i am trying not to tho I FEEL LIKE SHIT !!!
submitted by Alone-Chocolate-5981 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Gabapool- Titanic's Musicians: Courage, Sacrifice, and a Lasting Legacy

Titanic's Musicians: Courage, Sacrifice, and a Lasting Legacy submitted by Gabapool- to titanicfacts [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 ai_jobs [HIRING][USD 140K - 160K] Senior Software Engineer (Remote)

[HIRING][USD 140K - 160K] Senior Software Engineer (Remote) submitted by ai_jobs to CodingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Actual-Presence-8455 Do you wanna spend a day with me?

Do you wanna spend a day with me? submitted by Actual-Presence-8455 to ShareYourSelfie [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Admirable-Life5725 alguien para deslecharme yaaa? enseño todo si quieren

submitted by Admirable-Life5725 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 VinylAlerts [Amazon] Andrew Bird - Inside Problems @ $19.50

Andrew Bird - Inside Problems @ $19.50 direct

submitted by VinylAlerts to VinylDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 UraeusCurse Some gems from state football program

We have:
Brickton Chute Trigdon Kash Riggin Trip Tagg Fayde Maddax Sawyor Phoenixx Gauge
And of course, plenty of Ryders, Rykers, and Caydens, Kaydens, Kadens, and Kashtons.
submitted by UraeusCurse to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 sethasaurus666 NPD Ibanez Pentatone.

NPD Ibanez Pentatone. submitted by sethasaurus666 to basspedals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Lucas_Inazumai [Mobile] What are the odds?

[Mobile] What are the odds? Catching a Shiny Eevee without realising(Pokeball+) is one thing, but then opening Masters EX and getting a Shiny Eevee as well.
submitted by Lucas_Inazumai to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 lava_draco Wanted to feel alive again so I watched a review AFTER I bought the item

And now I'm more excited!
submitted by lava_draco to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 2nd_misteryonimanila Super short term loan need ko po asap

I am looking for a short term loan asap Every ten days i can do payments po Also so deduct na din yong interest rate asap
We can meet if you want metro manila area
My location Sampaloc manila
My sidehustle DJ for events and massage
This loan is for website fundings and other promotions
This is only for 30-40days of loan
Target loan 20-40k
submitted by 2nd_misteryonimanila to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 TIGT_11 Someone called for me using their index finger

I just found this extremely rude. A customer who was not so far from me (or the counter) shouted excuse me and used her finger to call me. I was so pissed that i took awhile getting her shoes at the back even when i knew where it was anyway lol.
submitted by TIGT_11 to retailhell [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 New-Reindeer-5399 TOTORO! Is amused

TOTORO! Is amused submitted by New-Reindeer-5399 to ragdolls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 mtgscavenger [EBAY] - G11/12/1 Lord Of The Rings Lor017 Aragorn Horse C01pb01 9472 @ $92.87 #ad

[EBAY] - G11/12/1 Lord Of The Rings Lor017 Aragorn Horse C01pb01 9472 @ $92.87 #ad submitted by mtgscavenger to BrickDrop [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 autotelica Future regret is not a good enough reason

I'm currently in the biggest dilemma of my career. Do I take a new job making dream money but that has a good chance of being eliminated within the next few years? Or do I stay in my current job, making "good enough" money, doing work I love to do, without the fear of being unemployed in a terrible economy? Both jobs are in the government sector. But the dream job is a federal position within an agency that has been targeted by you-know-who. The current job is in state government.
People are telling me to go with the dream job. "You'll regret it if you don't," they are saying. I know they are right. If I don't take the job and there are no lay-offs or arbitrary firings, then I will be kicking myself for many years to come for walking away from such a great opportunity.
But there's massive regret waiting for me if I do accept the job offer and my fears come true. If I do get fired and then have difficulty landing a job as good as my current one (not just in terms of dollars and sense, but also work-life balance and retirement/healthcare benefits), then I will also be kicking myself big time.
As I was working out this morning and mentally going through all the scenarios, it occurred to me that we give regret a lot of importance. "You'll regret that later!" "You'll regret it if you don't at least try." "There's nothing worse feeling than regret." And I'm starting to think all of these sayings are kind of BS, especially that last one.
Not all regret is the same, for one thing. Yes, regretting not making a gazillion dollars when you had the chance to is not on the same level as regretting a decision that cost you your savings, house, and sanity. And feeling regret over a few years is not the same as feeling regret over 20 or 30 years.
I also think regret is inevitable, and because of this, it's a survivable experience. We are adapted to deal with regret. I have regretted certain choices I have made over my 47 years. Like, I regret not getting therapy in my mid-20s when I was showing signs of mental illness, because I probably missed out on some good times being so neurotic and weird. I regret not going to the dentist for over a decade and now I have to deal with fucked-up gums for the rest of my life. But the regret over these things is purely intellectual for me now. There's no pain there. I just carry the lessons that those experiences taught me. Now I know that when my thoughts start spiraling, I need to get professional help. Now I know I need to get my teeth cleaned every three months and use both floss and those brush stick thingies. Regret really is not the worst thing in the world. It can be a valuable thing, if it is channeled properly.
I still don't know what I'm going to do about this job situation. I probably won't know until I get the final job offer and I'm forced to make a decision.
But I just wanted to let the young people out there who are facing dilemmas that it is OK to go with a decision knowing you will probably regret it. Don't let anyone convince you that regret is some monster to be afraid of. It's just a feeling. All feelings are fleeting and survivable. Make your decisions based on facts and information. Not on how you imagine you will feel.
submitted by autotelica to self [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 leylensxx I never put them side by side before so I didn't realize how much bigger Lighter actually is

I never put them side by side before so I didn't realize how much bigger Lighter actually is submitted by leylensxx to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 AroundTheTabeBGame Natale ad Amalfi, Repubblica Marinara! Il boardgame delle feste! A Che gioco stiamo Giocando

Natale ad Amalfi, Repubblica Marinara! Il boardgame delle feste! A Che gioco stiamo Giocando submitted by AroundTheTabeBGame to AroundTheTableGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 ZookeepergameEven848 Truman was challenged to draw borders of ME from memory. This is the result.

Truman was challenged to draw borders of ME from memory. This is the result. submitted by ZookeepergameEven848 to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Oil_702 Bring lobby queue voice chat!

I miss talking shit to the other team after they lost 😭😭😭 it’s part of why I loved this game. BO2 vibes. Best game ever till I realized the other team can’t hear you talk smack anymore after the match is over. It’s truly a great thing. Now that it’s gone I feel like I’m just talking to my self.
Please bring lobby voice chat back. Or just add a mute button in general for snowflakes. Both sides solved.
submitted by Oil_702 to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 CodeTight9730 thoughts?

thoughts? submitted by CodeTight9730 to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Minute_Boss_2412 REC/Pro-Am PG Build

REC/Pro-Am PG Build I want to make a good PG build that is all around. I have played a stretch 5 role this year so far and want to make a PG but wanted some feedback before I make this build. Please tell me what you think of the build and what you would change.
submitted by Minute_Boss_2412 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:31 Tight_Craft4566 I made a European Brickville. server name: European Roleplay

I made a European Brickville. server name: European Roleplay submitted by Tight_Craft4566 to BrickRigs [link] [comments]