[Target] Target Circle 20% OFF YMMV [Deal Price: $0.00]

2024.11.28 16:50 BroMandi [Target] Target Circle 20% OFF YMMV [Deal Price: $0.00]

submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 ursofifonho Estado laico? Que loss para as mulheres

Cadê a ciência neste país?!
submitted by ursofifonho to ateismo_br [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 PrestigiousCreme8383 Mediators needed!! 😆

Mediators needed!! 😆 Ok, no mediation required, but my wife and I have come to an impasse.
She, firmly does not like the wallpaper and is at a place where she feels boxed-in stylistically. In her view, there are zero-pros to this wallpaper, and all cons. In her assessment it is dated, busy/out of fashion.
I am not exactly a fan of any wallpaper per se, however this wallpaper and wainscoting is original to the house, at least pre-90s) and in immaculate shape for its age imo. (The wainscoting has never been an issue, we love it. )
I for one, believe that she has done an incredible job with the styling, and feel that while everything may be "dated" that the wallpaper lends to the curves of the furniture, as well as the chandelier in context of the vine filigree in the wallpaper, therefore matching and in so doing creates an extremely warm and inviting family atmosphere.
The furniture stays...
The carpet is dark green, matches the wallpaper background, so the room is heavy handed in green...
My wife wants simpler background design to highlight artwork that will be hung. In my eye, the busy background lends to fill space in the absence of art, but my eyes see art popping more against the wallpaper when placed. Essentially we have inverted peceptions on fore/background focus.
What I dont want, is to trade this warmth for a sterile atmosphere, which are uncomfortable to me.
TLDR, wife hates the wallpaper, I don't think it's the best, but is potentially inexplicable to overall room design, requiring more upgrades, (carpet, lighting...)
Somethings gotta give 😁 Fire away! TIA for your perspectives and help!
submitted by PrestigiousCreme8383 to Home [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 standaman1031 Beautiful Pam

Beautiful Pam submitted by standaman1031 to pamgrierfans [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 USSTexasBB-35 Did they patch leaving session after cargo blowes up?

Recently my mc cocain cargo got blown up by a 3 iq mk2 griefer and i left session about 3 seconds later but when i went to the cocain lockup my stock was gone. Do leaving session after the cargo blows up don't work anymore? Should i leave just before it gets blown up when i see the approacing griefer, will that work?
submitted by USSTexasBB-35 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Zak_Do_Urden Let's hear some love

Let's hear some love submitted by Zak_Do_Urden to RyanMcBeth [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Nacholindo Dinner Discussions of one J. Christ

A few weeks ago there was that video of the traveling pastor reacting to Ammon's message. He was perturbed that people would hear about one J. Christ being arrested at 4 am in a public park with a naked minor and bring it up at dinner with evangelicals.
So I making a toast 🥂 to all those with a courageous spirit who will be asking or talking about Mark 14:43-52.
Hail Hekate!
submitted by Nacholindo to AmmonHillman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Economy_Fun_1612 AIO to my boyfriend’s “joke”?

My(21f) boyfriend(25m) who I’ve been with 3 years made a joke about “leaving me and never coming back.”
I asked him to help with making Mac n cheese 3 hours before going to my grandparents house. He immediately got frustrated, but shredded the cheese(which is the only thing I asked him to do) while I made the roux, noodles, and finished a pie. He told me “I need to stop waiting until the last minute to do everything”. I told him to stop and if he was upset about it that I’d do it. He said no, finished and started talking about “I hate it when you do this”. I told him I’ve struggled to do things on time all my life, but I felt like 3 hours before a dinner is plenty of time to make a Mac and cheese. He threw the things down and went to take out the trash, and said “I’m gonna leave and never come back.”
I waited for him to come back inside before asking to repeat himself. He said “I was just joking, Jesus Christ.” It doesn’t feel like a joke and I haven’t talked to him since. We’re still going to the dinner but I’m considering staying at my grandmothers house tonight. He’s never said things like this before and I’m afraid that he is actually considering leaving a normal healthy relationship over shredding cheese.
submitted by Economy_Fun_1612 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 PossibleLocation3626 Is there a setting or something to make the CPU run no huddle less?

I just recently this season in my dynasty stopped playing offense only and started actually playing defense. So far 4/5 teams I’ve faced have gone no huddle practically every play. I get it’s probably based on the coach’s philosophy and sometimes in real life it makes sense to go quickly and catch the defense off guard, but it literally never makes any sense to go no huddle and snap the ball with 25-30 seconds left on the play clock when you’re winning in the fourth quarter (which the CPU absolutely does). Is there a setting or something I can change to decrease the amount the CPU goes no huddle?
submitted by PossibleLocation3626 to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 InfoCivitano Grandchildren's Law: Just send an email and apply for Spanish citizenship with 5 free recommendations, if you reside in the United States

submitted by InfoCivitano to Citizenship [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Earthling_Aprill Happy Thanksgiving!!!! 🦃🍽️🍞🥧

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! 🦃🍽️🍞🥧 submitted by Earthling_Aprill to ALL_Wallpapers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 lola29405 Une ancienne connaissance toxique risque de devenir mon +1

Bonjour à tous,
J’ai vraiment besoin de parler même si je crois que je n’ai pas mille solution…
Je traverse une situation compliquée, et j’aimerais avoir vos avis pour m’aider à y voir plus clair.
Dans mon ancienne entreprise, je travaillais en ESN pour un client dédié. Au début, tout se passait bien, jusqu’à ce que la collaboration avec ce client devienne un véritable enfer à cause d’un manager sur place que j’appellerai Paul.
Paul avait des comportements toxiques envers mon équipe que je gérais (juniors) : des insultes régulières, des propos humiliants, et des remarques dégradantes. Il alternait aussi entre des comportements exécrables et des excuses ou compliments, ce qui rendait la situation encore plus difficile à gérer. Avec le temps, il est même allé jusqu’à plusieurs menaces du type(une parmi tant d’autre) : “je vais pourrir ta carrière, le monde de l’informatique est petit” à moi et des gars de mon équipe.
Ces menaces, ainsi que l’ambiance insupportable qu’il instaurait, ont eu un impact terrible sur mon équipe : turn over, arrêts de travail, crises de larmes après les journées chez le client, et même une tentative de suicide d’un collaborateur (qui avait aussi des soucis personnels, mais il a clairement mentionné que son mal-être venait du contexte de travail avec ce client)
De mon côté, au bout de 2 ans dans ces conditions et malgré toute ma bonne volonté, j’ai été mis en arrêt plusieurs mois. Finalement, mon ancienne entreprise a mis fin au contrat avec ce client pendant mon arrêt (qui était leur plus gros contrat dans la région).
Depuis, j’ai changé d’entreprise depuis 1 an et demi et j’ai retrouvé un certain équilibre. Mais voilà où je me trouve aujourd’hui :

• Ce même client (celui où je j’étais dédié avant) est devenu client de ma nouvelle esn. • Paul a quitté sa boîte il y a 3 mois, et il s’avère être un très bon ami au directeur de mon ESN actuelle. Mon directeur quitte la boîte en février. 
Paul a passé un entretien hier pour prendre sa place …. ce qui ferait de lui mon N+1 s’il est recruté.
Je suis terrifié à l’idée de retravailler sous sa supervision après tout ce que j’ai vécu. Rien que le fait de l’avoir vu dans le bureau de mon directeur, m’a fait fondre en larmes et quitter ma journée précipitamment.
Je ne sais pas quoi faire (même si malheureusement je crois que je vais devoir me casser)
• Dois-je en parler à ma direction et leur expliquer la situation ? Mais comment présenter cela de manière professionnelle, sans risquer que cela se retourne contre moi s’il est embauché malgré tout ? • j’ai déjà commencé à chercher un autre taff mais je me plaisais énormément à cette boîte. Clairement je suis dégoûté. • Question bête mais étant donné que son ancienne boîte est un de nos clients, n’y a t’il pas un souci de conflit d intérêt et de neutralité ? Avec un potentiel manque d’objectivité sur ces décisions ? Son embauche ne pourrait elle pas se discuter la dessus ..? 
Merci d’avance pour vos conseils ou retours d’expérience, cela m’aiderait beaucoup à mieux gérer cette situation.
submitted by lola29405 to conseilboulot [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Jazzlike_Pangolin_54 Just curious. What does my handwriting say about me ?

submitted by Jazzlike_Pangolin_54 to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 GachaZiff Just Some cuddling and hugging.(I guess)

Just Some cuddling and hugging.(I guess) I was originally gonna make a comic but it was scrapped. Don't ask why hawtsaus is huge for some reason
submitted by GachaZiff to ChiknNuggit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 PumptyMcDumpty Mobile UI in final stages of development and testing!!

Mobile UI in final stages of development and testing!! submitted by PumptyMcDumpty to pokpokio [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Coder_Koala Algún diseñador Web en Hermosillo?

Manda mensaje si conoces alguno.
submitted by Coder_Koala to hermosillo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Ok_Economy2852 I'll draw a quick sketch of your fursona or animal oc

I'll draw a quick sketch of your fursona or animal oc https://preview.redd.it/fmpagmfd9o3e1.jpg?width=3504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8fc42c0b7fa1d2322f077d5df845b274a83bf8
I'll draw similar to this, because I need practice!
submitted by Ok_Economy2852 to DrawForMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Mr_wezel Female metal voice

Is it just me or are the a lot of female metal voice´s this year? I´m not complaining...!!! And i´m also happy there are a few ´nu metal´ bands... a.e.: ashes to new and faling in reverse...
submitted by Mr_wezel to Graspop [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Motorsaegen-Masters In der ARD Mediathek gibt es eine spannende Holzskulptur-Challenge, die im Mainz-Bingen-Kreis gedreht wurde. Prominente waren in der Jury, und Deutschlands beste Schnitzer haben ihr Können gezeigt! Wer kreative TV-Shows und regionale Kunst mag, sollte das nicht verpassen! 🌲🪓

submitted by Motorsaegen-Masters to mediathek [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 remvs98 'Gekrompen' maandverband leidt tot woede bij Chinese vrouwen

'Gekrompen' maandverband leidt tot woede bij Chinese vrouwen submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Street-Tea-2530 [Gen 8] Base odds hunt in the wild area

[Gen 8] Base odds hunt in the wild area I wasn’t paying attention doing REs for snorunt and stuffl when I saw this come up. One of my favorite blue colors for sure.
submitted by Street-Tea-2530 to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 SAHE1986 I'm out. Economy ruined my game experience. Rant.

First time Stalker, long time looteshooter. Bit of a rant incoming, apologies in advance.
I LOVE open world looter games in general, and have played a few good ones and certainly a few bad ones. I love being a loot goblin, and scavenge everything I can. I keep what is useful, and sell what is not, or is surplus. But if I find something worth keeping, I'd like to be ABLE to keep it, especially if I pump hard earned cash into upgrading it (what's the point otherwise?).
I'm still in the beginning of the game, playing on Rookie difficulty, but so far the economy of this game is abysmal. Low rewards from missions (main quest or otherwise), high cuts in item value when selling (like, what's the point of mentioning a price when you can only sell it for a fraction of that, why do games still do that?), extreme degradation of gear and high repair costs, it goes on and on.
At some point I managed to have around 65.000 koupons, but that was reduced to about 30.000 after I found myself in a very crowded area with many enemies at the very bottom of the map (snipers up top), and I had most of my gear at yellow condition. Of course, the loot was not enough to cover the expenses, even though I had a bunch of weapons on my person, plus I was carrying a body with another 30kg of guns. It took me almost 30 minutes to get back to a trader, also because of some random encounters.
Then I did the mission for Diode where he sends you to his workshop, and you get pummled with all the flashbang anomalies, which did another 15.000 koupons of damage to my armour, plus another 10-ish for the rest of my gear, before I eventually found the entrance to the workshop itself.
It took me 7 hours to get to that 65.000 K (of which at least 3 hours looting and crawling back to a trader), and it was gone within the timespan of 30 minutes.
You may feel like responding with things like "Welcome to the zone" or "Maybe this game is not for you", but this should not happen, especially on the lowest difficulty. I think this should be a game meant for everyone, not for niche sado-masochistic gamers.
I sincerely hope that the economy will be adressed in one of the upcoming patches, then I will give it another shot. But between this and the many bugs and iffy controls on Xbox/console, I'm out.
End rant.
submitted by SAHE1986 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Suzana182018 Plain black stockings plus

Plain black stockings plus submitted by Suzana182018 to illovephoseandnylons [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Velocikandi177 sorry, huh?

sorry, huh? submitted by Velocikandi177 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Bullshark-Girl Tf irl

Tf irl submitted by Bullshark-Girl to tf_irl [link] [comments]
