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2024.11.28 14:31 OilBug91 Trying to get a Leupold
Trying to order a Leupold and am registered with their VIP program. How can I actually use my VIP discount to order a scope? It seems you cannot actually order optics directly from Leupold, it says “find it locally” through a dealer. Thanks in advance submitted by OilBug91 to longrange [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 vismoh2010 Realme 12+ vs Realme Narzo 70 Pro?
What are the differences between these two phones? The specs look identical. Which is better?
submitted by vismoh2010 to Realme [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 Jungwonie090204 Anyone know what is the orange light on trains
Hello everyone, Was waiting for a bus today at Bedok Station exit B and I saw this orange light. I've seen it on the newer and older trains. It only lights up when the train stops. Anyone know what the light is used for?
It is located on the outer side of the train and it is on the side where the train doors don’t open.
submitted by Jungwonie090204 to askSingapore [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 costco_pm_alerts 2024 1 oz Canada Maple Leaf Silver Coin, 25-count in stock!
Price: $829.99 ($796.79 after cashback)
Price per ozt: $33.20 ($31.87 after cashback)
Spot: $30.23/ozt ($755.62/item)
Premium: $2.97/ozt ($1.65/ozt after cashback)
submitted by costco_pm_alerts to CostcoPM [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 CldCld3 4000 $MILK RAFFLE
submitted by CldCld3 to MilkZone [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 Longjumping-Egg-3925 Buying a Rolex in India through a reseller
Checking if I am being ripped off - I have been on the list for a Wimbledon dial Datejust for a year or so in Australia and New Zealand and have been offered a 36 recently that we bought for the wife. Now I want a matching watch in the bigger size - I am being offered the watch via a reseller after the AD asked me to take a hike. 12.5 lacs. Should I go for it? Chrono24 gives me similar prices - but I have to pay tax on top and such. Trust is not the concern. Price is. I’d be paying almost 2-2.5 lac premium which isn’t the end of the world. submitted by Longjumping-Egg-3925 to watchesindia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 SMM_Sockpuppet did subway rip me off a cookie?
submitted by SMM_Sockpuppet to AustraliaCommercial [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 Royal_Longjumping 一个准难民的哀歌:与前女友重聚有感
“1949年入国军”已经成为了人们嘲讽那些愚昧五毛的经典段子。但是回到现实当中来,那些于1949年自相践踏着奔向台湾的难民们,纵使他们成功上了岸,但他们真的能笑出来吗?从高秉涵到齐邦媛,甚至到 蒋公本人,那些仓皇北顾的逃难者们,他们心中的悲苦是实实在在的。高秉涵与共产党有杀父之仇,刚强的母亲敦促他一定要逃难;齐邦媛的父亲是国民党人,若不想效法翁文灏之悲剧,她也不能不逃; 蒋公身担党国重任,也是非逃难不可。但那些留下来似乎不会马上尝到苦果,甚至有可能会备受宠渥的人,他们是可悲的,种种情感促使他们留在了这片污腥赤地上,并且为此付出了巨大的代价。那些以为关起门来搞学问就不会有事的人,如陈寅恪和顾颉刚,共匪的暴戾终将突破他们的下限。
但纵使逃走了又能怎样,且不论那些如高秉涵一样在台湾流落街头的难民,纵使反共之心坚定如 蒋公,也只能眼睁睁地看着共匪亵渎自己母亲的坟茔,能做的却只有供上一本“苏俄在中国”,以告先母在天之灵而已。“我们不做反共斗士,必将沦为海上难民。”可惜现实是骨感的,反攻大陆不过是执念而已,因而不得不做难民。心中的乡愁与反共的仇恨交织在一起,有时可以像“长城谣”中那样相互扶持,但仇恨总是会被时间冲淡的。因而终究有许多人为了乡愁而放弃了仇恨,不管是高秉涵还是齐邦媛,在他们生命的最后岁月里都开始亲近大陆。像陈寅恪和顾颉刚这样从来不亲近共匪的人,或许也是因为难舍乡愁而愚忠地坚守故土,也是因此萌生了许多不切实际的幻想。
花落不能再开,破镜不能重圆,大学时代我曾经在熏腊店买过香肠,用微波炉加热后前后卷上两个面包片,做成一个自制的热狗给她吃。今天我特意准备了面包片和香肠,试图重现一下昔日的浪漫,但效果并不尽如人意。清楚地认清现实以后,很难再用感情重新欺骗自己。纵使仍有回心转意的条件和可能,我自然可以放下一切想法从此和她重新厮混在一起,我想这也是那些关心我的人愿意看到的,没人支持我在他们看来一意孤行的出走想法。但理智总能告诉我们,为了相对而言更好的未来,我们不能这样做。与之类似,现在的我自然也可以蒙住自己的眼睛,找一家二线城市的外企,在污腥赤地上继续鬼混下去,同样也是我身边人所希望的样子,但是我的思想再也不允许了。Ideas are bulletproff. 不管是别人的子弹,还是你试图自杀的子弹,都奈何不了你的思想。
试图在长城脚下重访昔日佳人,解构之,不过是我自己因恐惧未来而作出的疯狂举动之一罢了。然而回到自己所在的城市以后,却依然久久不能平静。这两天又赶上天降大雪,一个人封在屋子里又没有办法出去散心,于是就更加苦闷了。从 蒋公身上汲取的力量似乎也暂时无法将我拯救,看来正义之物往往要比邪恶之物更难戒除,只愿自己早日找到生活的意义,以免长时间浸润在hysteria和nostalgia之中。否则迟早有一天,终有重新向共匪国靠拢的可能。
submitted by Royal_Longjumping to KanagawaWave [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 getnownottoday Trekkinn Black Friday Deals 2024
Follow this link for Trekkinn Black Friday Deals 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by getnownottoday to GlibDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 costco_pm_alerts 1 oz Gold Bar Rand Refinery (New in Assay) in stock!
Price: $2669.99 ($2563.19 after cashback)
Spot: $2646.50/ozt
Premium: $23.49/ozt ($-83.31/ozt after cashback)
submitted by costco_pm_alerts to CostcoPM [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 Individual_Can6816 looking for Orso - In Your Eyes (No RIP)
submitted by Individual_Can6816 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 28-November-2024 14:31:30
Test body 28-November-2024 14:31:30
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 Swarup145 My game soft locks everytime I interact with the general store. Please help!!
So basically, when I interact "browse catalogue" arthur does the animation to take the book but he never does and just stares below like in the picture. and I cannot click anything, even pausing the game doesnt work. I also had crashes/game freezes in general stores only earlier. I have tried both valentine and strawberry and same thing happens. Sometimes game freezes even before I reach the shopkeeper. I have some basic mods installed, along with red dead offline and online content unlocker. can somebody please help? Thankyou ;(
submitted by Swarup145 to PCRedDead [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 portalrbn Auditoria encontra ossadas expostas por escavações em cemitérios de SP
submitted by portalrbn to PortalRbn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 TestudoENumen55 On the topic of Island Hot
The varying levels of people getting hotter throughout this season is wild. Andy's facial hair is doing a lot of work. Same with Sam. Kyle is getting so tan. Rachel looks amazing.
submitted by TestudoENumen55 to survivor [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 dontdoubtyrvibe Regarded student using his loans to trade
Gains mainly from TSLA, GOOGL, AMZN, LLY submitted by dontdoubtyrvibe to wallstreetbets [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 pebspi Will my family know if I don't have health insurance?
Title. I'm pretty sure they won't since none of us are down as dependents of one another, but just double checking. I'm 26 and my brother is 30, and my parents are both in their 50s. This is my first time doing my own insurance.
It's a really long story: basically, we live together with our two parents, but we all get our own health insurance. I couldn't get health insurance last year due to an expense I don't want my folks knowing about, but I told them that I did. I know, stupid. I'm worried they'll get in trouble if they get asked if I have health insurance, and say "yes" even though I do not.
Again, we technically all have the same legal residence, but we're all doing our own thing when it comes to our insurance policies, so from what I read, it seems like it's possible to not have health insurance and have nobody know about it. I wasn't asked about anybody else's insurance on my application, so I assume they're not being asked about mine.
I know I sound like a massive dick here for hiding this, but it's a weird and delicate situation.
Basically, tl;dr:
Are they liable to enter a situation where they, say, have to report my income or my current status, say I do have it when I don't, and get in trouble?
submitted by pebspi to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 Bulky-League-1989 Resting heart rate on carnivore
Since starting carnivore a few months ago, resting heart rate has dropped an average of 10 beats per minute. BP is at or around 120/80, cholesterol hasn't increased, testosterone increased, visceral fat decreased, fatty liver is now just pudgy and I'm fitting into Large (VS. XXL) clothes. I'd say it is worth having to eat steak, seafood and poultry all the time. submitted by Bulky-League-1989 to carnivorediet [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 Isabordeaux33 [IIL]I stopped struggling to find what to watch… and frankly, that changes everything
You know that moment when you spend 30 minutes scrolling Netflix, only to end up watching Friends again? Yeah… me too. It was driving me crazy. 😩
So I created The concept is simple: 👉 You click. You find out. You know straight away what to look for and where to find it.
And the best? It shows you the tops of people who have the same tastes as you. 🎯
I would love to know: 👉 What is THE film or series that hit you recently? 👇
submitted by Isabordeaux33 to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 Effective_Ad_2930 Reel recommendations
Gonna get a 3000 series reel, looking at the shimano lineup of the stradic fm, vanford, and sustain fj, fish alot of freshwater for bass and salt fairly often for a variety of species
submitted by Effective_Ad_2930 to Fishing_Gear [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:31 Ravenshaw123 Wait... What?!
submitted by Ravenshaw123 to EliteDangerous [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 Snoo_12581 Task paralysis
Need help choosing a laptop for studying online and also a bit for my job in education. Ironically studying Digital Education..I'm a bit of a procrastinator.. the course started a month ago.. lol Building a home office setup with a budget around $1500 ideally I'm thinking a a 14- 15 inch laptop and then a 27inch monitor as an external for those long nights In front of the screen i should be doing already! In Asia so the choices are limited. Fancied a Mac but my work and uni use mostly windows apps and Google Chrome.. so that's just too much hassle, as pretty as they look! No snapdragon chips either due to arc compatability iaaues.. Deadline for purchase tomorrow.. any thoughts and user experience with these options are much appreciated! Thanks in advance! submitted by Snoo_12581 to laptops [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 reddit_lss_1 Image Post Title 28-November-2024 14:31:26
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 BuckRowdy Please relax and be patient while savior of the world, and incoming president Elon Musk, solves all the world's problems, such as woke video games
submitted by BuckRowdy to PresidentElonMusk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:31 Hell-yeahhhh Bestiede photok kambi parayunavar
submitted by Hell-yeahhhh to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments]