Well damn

2024.11.28 15:36 JosephDaedra Well damn

Well damn submitted by JosephDaedra to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 TommyVercettin Portföy yorumu ekleme çıkarma yapmalımıyım

Portföy yorumu ekleme çıkarma yapmalımıyım Portföy nasıl değerlendirme postu
submitted by TommyVercettin to Yatirim [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Thuuursty Councilwoman Inna Vernikov asked Chancellor CUNY: Have things gotten BETTER or WORSE for Jewish students on CUNY campuses since our last hearing on this issue? - You can’t skirt around the issue, Chancellor — things are CLEARLY worse. And we are going to hold you to account for your egregious i

submitted by Thuuursty to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Awesome_Lawson- Regidraco 167181898838

submitted by Awesome_Lawson- to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 D34TH-TR4P Merry Xmas you filthy animals

Merry Xmas you filthy animals submitted by D34TH-TR4P to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Luzma_chan DISO Emily Hugmees

DISO Emily Hugmees Anyone willing to part with her for cheap? I know Owl&Goose has her in stock, but I was so very disappointed the "discount" on her is not even 2$...
submitted by Luzma_chan to BSTsquishmallow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Baoduine The bridge in BQAD

I can't understand the bridge in 'BQAD.' I mean, I'm a new Deftones listener, but I know their unique feature is the fusion of aggressive screamed parts with ethereal melodic ones. Since I'm exploring Deftones' music, I started with the popular tracks, and although I love 'BQAD,' I can't stand that bridge. The song is awesome, but why is there that shriek? Maybe my confusion comes from my limited knowledge of Deftones' music, and maybe, as I continue listening, I’ll eventually come to appreciate that bridge too. Am I the only one?
submitted by Baoduine to deftones [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Euphoric_Answer1967 Thinkpad T470 i7-6500u 16GB 256GB SSD

Would this be a decent laptop for $100? Looking for a decent performer that’s better than my HP, I mainly trade and watch videos, wouldn’t mind very light gaming though (think farming simulator).
submitted by Euphoric_Answer1967 to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Irishweedle Bottomless Mintz

Bottomless Mintz Doesn't really look like much. Super dense and sticky, I can't even put it in my grinder.
Taste awesome too the pinene in there is super abundant.
This was one of my $10 1/8 that got alot of hate, but so far so good guys. This one here is great.
submitted by Irishweedle to FloridaTrees [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Reasonable_Koala_694 18 male femboy needs a north east uk boyfriend

18 male femboy needs a north east uk boyfriend submitted by Reasonable_Koala_694 to gaydating [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Fun_Youth_093 How to overcome procrastinating ?

submitted by Fun_Youth_093 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 ivkh9 Pickup Basketball

Hello all! Recently moved to Evanston with my family. Is there an indoor gym here where people play pickup basketball? I asked at YMCA, and while they have basketball courts and open court hours, the Y team member said nobody played pickup games there. In my mid-30s and looking to get back in shape and play couple times a week. Thank you!
submitted by ivkh9 to evanston [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 AimInTheBox Nett hier.

Nett hier. submitted by AimInTheBox to Staiy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Stretch_tech Please help me to help you! Get up to $2000 off of a new Tesla with my referral link below

I purchased a new 2023 Model Y last year. Fee free to DM me with any questions about my experience.
Thank you in advance! Scott
submitted by Stretch_tech to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Hermes_but_slow What's Next?

Hello, sorry if this has already been asked. I just got accepted by Outlier yesterday. But now I am lost.
What are the next steps? When will I get assigned to a project? Please if anyone can help me out.
submitted by Hermes_but_slow to outlier_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 No_Reason_5948 Red hot chili peppers and evangelion

the song warm tape (red hot) is the same as the song "do you love me" from evangelion
submitted by No_Reason_5948 to NeonGenesisEvangelion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 WorstRuneScapePlayer First time making a meme, how did I do 😭

submitted by WorstRuneScapePlayer to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Different_Plankton98 Als armer Hebler war ich am glücklichsten

Mein erstes Mal mit einem 100er Hebel auf Tesla - das war die Krönung des Glücklichseins. Als ich sah, wie sich mein Einsatz in nur einer Stunde verdoppelte, wusste ich: Glücklicher als in diesem Moment werde ich in meinem Leben nie mehr sein. Damals fasste ich den Beschluss, dass ich bis an mein Lebensende diesen Lebensstil beibehalten werde. 20 Jahre später lebe ich immer noch wie ein armer Hebler und ich habe nicht vor, etwas daran zu ändern.
Das meiste spielt sich im eigenen Kopf ab: Der Hebler, der gerade seinen fünften Margin Call in Folge kassiert hat, kann glücklicher sein als der ETF-Sparer mit seiner langweiligen 7% Rendite. Der Azubi, der sein erstes Gehalt direkt in 500er Hebel auf GME ballert, grinst zufriedener als der Finanzberater mit 30 Jahren Erfahrung. Der Hebler, der nach einem 500er Hebel-Crash für drei Jahre in die Privatinsolvenz wandert, spürt oft mehr echtes Leben als der FIRE-Typ, der von seinen Safe Withdrawal Rates schwärmt.
Jemand, der nur auf KOs mit Hebeln unter 50 setzt, wird nie die wahre Erfüllung finden. Die wahren Freudentränen fließen erst ab dreistelligen Hebeln aufwärts. Man muss schon ordentlich mit Margins und Krediten zocken, sonst fühlt sich das Leben schnell sinnlos und leer an.
In der Lases-Foren sind die Leute am glücklichsten, je schneller und heftiger es knallt. Mit kleinen Hebeln kommt man da nicht weit. Sich als Hebler dem Druck zu entziehen ein solides Depot aufzubauen und stattdessen zu hebeln bis die Asche glüht - das ist wahrer Erfüllung. Man ist der Wolf der Mauerstraße - und wenn man mit 30 wieder bei Mutti einzieht, war es das allemal wert.
Man ist so glücklich wie ein Hebler, der weiß: Verlieren ist nur der erste Schritt auf dem Weg zu größeren Hebeln. Das ist der Weg.
submitted by Different_Plankton98 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 theunfunnymeme So we all know that u/Rostingu2 is actually the most chillest Mod that ever existed on this Hell hole of a planet.

So we all know that u/Rostingu2 is actually the most chillest Mod that ever existed on this Hell hole of a planet. Who else agrees with me.
submitted by theunfunnymeme to repost [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Just-Dependent-2739 Union circle

Anyone up for a union circle?
submitted by Just-Dependent-2739 to UnionCircleSV [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 m1_weaboo I initially thought it was nip cover…

I initially thought it was nip cover… Pls forgive me😭😭😭
submitted by m1_weaboo to SnowbreakOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 StoneStreet11 Phrag pups

Phrag pups I have 2/3 baby’s growing from this mother plant. The mother plants old leaves are starting to brown. I was just curious if this is normal. I got mixed info when I googled.
submitted by StoneStreet11 to orchids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 These-Baby6151 Rica etsem çözebilir misiniz lütfen arkadaşım attı cevapları yok önemli biraz

Rica etsem çözebilir misiniz lütfen arkadaşım attı cevapları yok önemli biraz submitted by These-Baby6151 to sorucozumu [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 Hiroi_Kikuri_ Hey there ;D

Hey there ;D submitted by Hiroi_Kikuri_ to BocchiTheRock [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:36 masterbulk What area do I gemstone powder mine in?

do i sludge mine, mine for robot parts, or mine for goblin eggs? which makes the most money rn?
submitted by masterbulk to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]
