2024.11.28 16:56 ChackanKun Cover suggestions!
Looking everywhere for a cover similar to the Samsung Galaxy Tab 6 Lite for my Samsung Galaxy Tab S9, and I just can't find anything.
Closest I found was this one:
SAMSUNG EF-BT630PJEGEU Capa Book Cover Tab S7, cor cinzento-claro : Amazon.es: Computadores
The color could even be white, despite my S9 being black :|
Any help is appreciated!
P.S. I don't really like the Samsung official S9 cover lol :|
submitted by ChackanKun to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 jochatlol i need a chromatique ball/xeno and a dragon knight (nitron quest)
2024.11.28 16:56 HawkJG Aranha pediu um escorpião na minha casa
É o título, encontrei um escorpião no banheiro da minha casa, mas quando fui tirar a foto percebi que ele já estava imobilizado pela teia da dona aranha, alguém consegue identificar os envolvidos? Localização: Porto Velho / Rondônia submitted by HawkJG to BiologiaBrasil [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:56 Lost_Vacation3550 Imagine getting kicked out of a group because you refuse to exploit!
Got kicked out of the group from these clowns because i refused to exploit the last boss from Island of Terror. What an absolute toxic behaviour! https://preview.redd.it/asrwr1snao3e1.png?width=2406&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb2df2833cf6c611d7b5a861dd3b0535a0fb6946 submitted by Lost_Vacation3550 to throne_and_liberty [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:56 Substantial-You2929 Heart beat drop at 17 weeks
Hi! I had an early anatomy scan at 15 weeks and 6 days where there was a heart rate of 155. It was 158 at 13 weeks, I went in yesterday at 17.4 and the heart beat was 143. Baby was jumping around so it wasn’t like he was sleeping. Has anyone found this to be normal? I always think of my questions after I leave the doctor.
submitted by Substantial-You2929 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 LeafMeA10ne H: Leaders W: Full glowing set
submitted by LeafMeA10ne to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 MoochoMaas There is no upside to society when these regulations are eliminated
submitted by MoochoMaas to GQPShitposting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:56 JohnnySpectrum Terminei amizade de 10 anos com amigo que só sabe reclamar da vida
Entendo que o mundo é um lugar cruel e tudo o mais. Só que ficar apenas reclamando da vida foi uma coisa que me deixou numa vibe fodida. Um caminho para a riqueza e felicidade EU SEI que existe e, desde então, alguns anos já... propus várias soluções. Tanto no sentido de não depender de aluguéis arrombados, como também no sentido de fazer dinheiro mesmo.
Viviamos falando sobre a questão da idiocracia. Sobre pessoas que ganham ascensão social de maneiras muito idiotas. Mas, tipo assim... qual a lógica de ficar criticando essas pessoas? Qual o sentido de gastar energia com criticas? Não é melhor tentar entender a "engenharia social" por trás desse fenômeno?
Vivemos no capitalismo selvagem. Todo empresário está sujeito a críticas. Não existe "anjinho".
No momento que você decide alugar uma casa para ter "independencia" dos pais você JÁ é explorado por alugueis caríssimos. Isso graças ao cartel que o setor imobiliario forma pra explorar quem não possui casa.
Meu amigo não deu atenção para nenhuma das soluções que eu pensei. Em vez disso ficou puxando sempre a conversa pra essa coisa de reclamar da vida (porque, convenhamos, só ficar reclamando é fácil demais), querendo puxar assunto de fofocas da empresa em que ele trabalha e tals...
E com o tempo eu fui começando a me incomodar... eu querendo falar de empreendedorismo, engenharia social, marketing, etc. e o cara me cortando pra falar de fofoca. A ultima lá foi que o patrão deu um cargo alto pra um cara gay que ele levou pra cama.
Ai realmente eu não consegui mais tankar esse tipo de interação não... fui bem claro que eu não quero mais reclamar da vida e que agora vou pensar apenas em soluções o tempo todo. E falei que se ele não quer saber de soluções, talvez ele devesse procurar outra amizade.
A gente não tomava cerveja quando nos encontravamos domingo. Mas nossa amizade ja tava virando aquela coisa de "buteco", sabe? Eu até tentei não faltar com educação mas nas ultimas mensagens eu acabei sendo um pouco rispido e acho que não tem mais volta não. A gente nunca brigou/discutiu e eu não queria nunca chegar nesse nivel. Mas também o cara não ajuda...
submitted by JohnnySpectrum to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 Doldinger Australien vedtager forbud mod sociale medier for unge. Hvornår bliver vi fornuftige og indfører dette i Danmark?
submitted by Doldinger to InfluencergossipDK [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:56 One-in-a-1000 Technische Analyse bei Aktien
Es gibt in der Charttechnik eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, um potentielle Kursbewegungen anhand von verschiedenen Parametern und Mustern zu definieren.
Generell ist die technische Analyse sehr umstritten, da es sich nach Ansicht ihrer Gegner eher um Horoskope handelt und man dort gewissermaßen nachträglich das jeweils passende Muster für die eingetretene Kursbewegung im Chart entdecken kann.
Dennoch haben sich einige technische Indikatoren etabliert und werden bei der Beurteilung von Kursentwicklungen immer wieder zu Rate gezogen.
Zu den populärsten gehören neben MACD, EMA und RSI auch Elliot Wellen, Heikin-Ashi-Kerzen oder die Ichimoku-Wolken. Auch die naturwissenschaftlichen Aspekte aus Fibonaccis Zahlenreihe und dem goldenem Schnitt finden Anwendung. Ebenso beliebt ist die Anordnung von Kerzen und deren Ausformung, die dann in Dojis, Hammercandles oder Morningstars ihre Bedeutung finden oder das Auftreten bestimmter Muster wie etwa Wimpel und Flaggen oder sonstige Chartformationen.
All diese technischen Merkmale können auf das eine oder andere Ereignis hinweisen und somit wird sich immer auch ein Signal aus einer Form der technischen Analyse finden lassen, dass die Kursentwicklung zuverlässig "vorhergesagt" hat.
Jedoch finden sich auf der anderen Seite ein Vielzahl von Tradern, die sich auf eine bestimmte Art der technischen Analyse festgelegt haben und darauf ihre Investitionsentscheidungen begründen.
Mich würde interessieren, welche Form ihr bevorzugt oder wie ihr generell zur technischen Analyse steht.
submitted by One-in-a-1000 to wsbMasterclass [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 Various_Subject2979 Tesla referral! Get up to $2000 off
Tesla is offering 0% APR on Model 3 and Model Y. And when you use my referral link, you can get up to $2,000 off as well
submitted by Various_Subject2979 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 Odd_Pomegranate_717 lil smokedope2016 inspired song
pls tell me if u fw it it’s inspired by sd2016 nokia angel bladee and old yung lean submitted by Odd_Pomegranate_717 to smokedope2016 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:56 No-Worldliness-4921 Good websites to find work
Hey, im gona start looking for a job here in Montreal. I have decent work and academic experience.
I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good websites to apply for jobs here? Would be a great help.
submitted by No-Worldliness-4921 to montreal [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 TheRuefulTroll Best Budget drift car
So I have 4 brothers and I’m trying to find a good RTR car for 4 people. And would be cheap enough for me to buy for of them lol. I dont know if it matters but it will all be inside… TIA
submitted by TheRuefulTroll to rcdrift [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 BondiolaDeCaniche Loat all saves
Had a small power outage and lost all progress. No saves were left. 26 hs of gameplay. I guess you gotta have a backup file just in case.
submitted by BondiolaDeCaniche to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 Matinee_Lightning Every time
submitted by Matinee_Lightning to memes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:56 Cautious-Teaching260 Fayeshx 🥵🥵
submitted by Cautious-Teaching260 to Fayeshx_ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:56 Serious_Language5061 Leaving to basic in Jan
I’m leaving pretty soon and I developed this cyst on my head it’s like a quarter big, I told my recruiter and he told me not to worry about it. I mean it doesn’t hurt and I went last week to get it checked out by a dermatologist and the dermatologist said I can get it removed if I want to or just leave it alone because it won’t cause any troubles, should I talk to someone higher than my recruiter?
submitted by Serious_Language5061 to nationalguard [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 Ultragamer2004 Is it better to stay alone forever?
I’m 20 years old, and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my future lately.
Here’s where I’m at:
• My academic performance has been average so far.
• The engineering degree I'm pursuing has zero scope unless done from ain IIT.
• My current opportunities seem limited to low-paying roles in service-based IT companies.
• I’m shy, introverted, skinny, and just average-looking.
I’m also scared of doing an arranged marriage. I feel like I might not even get a bride, and even if I do, I can’t imagine spending my life with someone random. The idea of children worries me even more. I’d be bringing them into a middle-class life where: I would have to move out of Mumbai to afford a house. If I have kids, they will face long commutes and challenges, and they might compare their life to others. This whole cycle of struggle and comparison would repeat itself.
Given all this, I sometimes think it might be better to stay alone. But at the same time, the thought of being alone forever is scary too.
submitted by Ultragamer2004 to india [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 avacodojuice99 contacted by google recruiter but..
So I applied for a software engineering role and got contacted this morning to complete an hiring assessment..
But the link to the portal doesn't have it, and it says "not proceeding". Reached out to recruiter and she said to contact the assessment-help team.
Anyone had this happen to them?
submitted by avacodojuice99 to leetcode [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 LionOk4755 Almost ready
Honey bourbon cayenne lacquered turkey breasts. Approaching 165°. submitted by LionOk4755 to smoking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:56 Electronic_Tree_9450 Huge family
What is the largest number of siblings you have seen? She is apparently a daughter of Genghis Kahn?
submitted by Electronic_Tree_9450 to crusaderkings3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 MelandraAnne Very nearly a nasty situation…
I am having a minor meltdown at the moment after attaching a screenshot of last night’s Heartkillers episode… of Fadel's solo moment… to a work email instead of the boring email confirmation I should have attached. Luckily I caught the mistake before clicking send.
Well, it would have led to some …interesting …conversations at the very least.
(Note to self : Must remember to keep BL off the laptop and on the iPad…)
submitted by MelandraAnne to GMMTV [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 Wild_Assistant_1394 Snaked medals
Trying to do the snaked medals prestige 1 challenge not getting anywhere Any suggestions?
submitted by Wild_Assistant_1394 to BO6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:56 ryuundo The Next Issue of Moes Finale is Complete/AMA on r/Comics on Friday!
Hello everybody! Big news for this week! The returning issue of Moe's Finale is now finally complete and will be premiering by the end of the week. We will release the new issue on Sunday December 1st, and will be posted on Comics as well as on moesfinale.
Additionally, I teased in my last post that there would be future events in relation to Moes Finale. Well the time has come, and that event is an AMA with Kiddiejay on the front page of Comics! The AMA will be taking place on Friday, November 29th, and Kiddiejay will be taking questions from anyone on there under the username u/Sideshow_Sizzler. For anyone who had any questions about the comic or art, that will be the time to ask them, so we will see you then!
submitted by ryuundo to moesfinale [link] [comments]