Electronic products - supplier app

毕竟研究各国App Store多年。 首先说一下,由于我国和美国本来就有很大的文化、政治类的差异。所以导致有很多非常不错的APP在国内是不能过审的。特别是去年年底到今年,就游戏方面就下架了近4万款。 回答正题,那些好玩的App只有美区有: 1、Tik Tok 小米手机要禁止app跳转到其他app,可以进入系统安全页面设置,具体操作一共分为四个步骤,本答案使用小米11手机操作演示,以下为详细步骤说明: 投资炒股常用的10个app,你最钟意哪一款? 每个券商都有自己的交易app,券商自己的app一般只支持自家券商账户登录交易,部分券商也支持三方平台进行登录交易,因为三方平台可以支持多家券商登录交易,使用人数更多的往往是三方平台,当前使用炒股的app是同花顺,支持80多家券商登录交易;就 ... 可以推荐几款纯粹的新闻类app吗? 不要给我整那些吹牛逼不打草稿,什么大数据算法的垃圾app? 某头条,网易,腾讯,什么的现在都是垃圾,除了娱民就是愚民,你们都懂得,我不多说。 以上就是我觉得安卓智能电视好用得APP,如果能帮到你,欢迎点赞、收藏、评论,这对我很重要~ 如果你有其他好用得推荐,欢迎评论区补充讨论~ 玩Apple TV的圈子很小,我组建了「Apple大彩电研究院」,目前已经90个群了,应该是国内最大最活跃的Apple TV交流群~ 看漫画的app,好用的可以看本地压缩包的app,支持自动切分左右页的app,有推荐的吗? 湖南卫视的app,可以免费观看湖南卫视所有频道直播及回放,以及芒果tv自制综艺、电视剧等节目内容。 4. 当贝市场. 当贝市场是一款第三方应用商店,收录了丰富的应用资源,包括直播软件、点播软件等。你可以通过当贝市场下载安装其他直播软件。 打开「手记」App,会在主界面右上角看到三条短线的图标,轻点它就可以对过往的「手记」内容进行「根据指定条件筛选」。 筛选出来的「 手记 」内容如果是比较长的那种,默认情况下会折叠起来,只显示媒体内容和部分文字。 总的来说,国际版 app 轻快但少了一些功能,国内版 app 则原汁原味更接地气。「能用还是不能用」,「广告还是丰富功能」,只要你能回答这两个问题,相信你就能作出使用国际版还是国内版 app 的选择了。那么,你会选择国际版的 app,还是国内版的呢? 因为我本人从猎聘这个app受益颇多,我就推荐身边的朋友也去下载试试,他也找到了薪资翻倍的工作。所以我才真心实意的把它推荐给想要跳槽的小伙伴们。毕竟像猎聘这样,为求职者铺路的平台真的不多见!

2024.11.28 16:31 RhumCokeDiet Electronic products - supplier app

Hey guys, just a quick question about electronics.
Is it legal to dropship an electronic item that has a linked app ? Let's say you sell a smart watch named Orange, you change the name in your store to Pepper. When the customer receives the item, he/she will need to use the Orange app in order for the device to work properly. He/she will then realize the watch is not a Pepper watch.
Can you change the name of that product ? Is electronics a bad niche ?
I DM'ed the supplier and they can't sell unbranded items...
Need help / advice here please !
submitted by RhumCokeDiet to dropship [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 TrianglePark Can you take my crazy ex girlfriend out of this photo?

Can you take my crazy ex girlfriend out of this photo? Unsure if possible. $20 to someone with the best solve. Thank you!
submitted by TrianglePark to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 damienchapus T-Mobile says telco hackers had ‘no access’ to customer call and text message logs

🚨 Ever feel like your phone's a bit like a diary left open in a coffee shop? Well, good news! A phone giant just announced that hackers didn’t access the juicy bits of our lives—no calls or texts were compromised during the recent industry attack. It's like finding out your embarrassing secrets were safe while someone just swiped your snack!
As freelancers, let's keep our work safe and our snacks closer!
Source: TechCrunch
Technews #freelancer #businessonline submitted by damienchapus to FreelancerUMCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 Lil_MoneySha Is there a VTube Studio, but for a little realistic characters??

I'm looking to create virtual avatars for streaming or video content. Are there any options with a more realistic or subdued art style, rather than overly animated ones?
submitted by Lil_MoneySha to Steam [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 AlternativeBother185 Sand tempest in ocean

submitted by AlternativeBother185 to nightcafe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 Jeriaska_ The Biggest Mistakes Parents Make Today: Leonard Sax

The Biggest Mistakes Parents Make Today: Leonard Sax submitted by Jeriaska_ to andrewklavanshow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 GreenLanternsPodcast Artist Lucas Meyer cooking up some Kyle content!

Artist Lucas Meyer cooking up some Kyle content! Artist Lucas Meyer cooking up some Kyle content!
Source: https://x.com/lukmeyer30/status/1861833800486945278?t=3HR9CClE5k9jHVnlbLlXEg&s=19
submitted by GreenLanternsPodcast to kylerayner [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 First_Ground9858 Let go from 2 jobs in 4 months because of ADHD, I need advice since it's a bad moment

I knew I had ADHD my entire life. I did fine in school but when I hit the workplace, everything went wrong. My problems involved frequent mistakes, forgetting things, getting irritated after mistakes which turned off coworkers.
The first one I lost, I thought it was my fault and it was a bad fit. The second one, I know it's the ADHD because it was a perfect situation.
I'm trying to get help with meds and therapy. But after... I have no idea how I can look at new jobs given my history.
It's fine, whatever advice y'all give me. This is a situation that's hard to sugar coat.
submitted by First_Ground9858 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 ASICmachine Why shouldn’t money be infinite? And how do the concepts of supply and demand affect the purchasing power of currency? Giacomo Zucco's analysis 👇 (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

Why shouldn’t money be infinite? And how do the concepts of supply and demand affect the purchasing power of currency? Giacomo Zucco's analysis 👇 (x-post from /Bitcoin) submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 habaden [US-OR] [H] usd/paypal [W] TKL mechanical keyboard

Looking to purchase a complete tenkeyless or 75% layout keyboard. I prefer brown or blue switches.
Budget is less than $200 USD
Thanks :)
submitted by habaden to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 Octallion Baul when he realizes that he’s dead 😂😂😂

Baul when he realizes that he’s dead 😂😂😂 submitted by Octallion to beatlescirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 DemolitionBoy09 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by DemolitionBoy09 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 ASICmachine Bitcoin wallet address (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 alle15minuten Gerade ist es November 28, 2024 at 05:31PM

Gerade ist es November 28, 2024 at 05:31PM
submitted by alle15minuten to alle15minuten [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 semsayedkamel2003 How to be able to solve more difficult problem?

While I am quiet familiar with LeetCode patterns and had already solved quiet some problems on them. I am still struggling with difficult problems even if they follow some pattern that I already know and even if I know that this problem follow some pattern. Like for an example, solving Next Greater Element I vs solving Remove Duplicate Letters. While I am aware that both of these problems follow the pattern of being solved using motonic stack, I am still puzzled in the latter problem and confused on how to solve it. The only way to solve it currently is to spend the whole day trying to solve it and doing the same for other difficult problems until somehow my brain becomes smarter and becoming able to notice tricks and complex logic a lot better. Can you help me with this? This is important because I am able to solve problems if I identify that they follow a pattern or follows a problem class that I have solved before but if it is difficult or something like this, I struggle.
Here's my LeetCode profile if anyone's curious: https://leetcode.com/mskamel/
submitted by semsayedkamel2003 to Egypt_Developers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 Illustrious-War-2090 Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge - Cyclops Remix

Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge - Cyclops Remix submitted by Illustrious-War-2090 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 mysecret52 I'm not sure if this comment could mean he's (26M) still thinking about his ex?

I don't remember what we were talking about before he brought this up, but he (26M) started telling me (24F) something about how his ex was really religious and conservative and from what I understood, she was telling him that most of the guys she knows prefers girls to be like that and she was asking him how he felt about it, and he told me "I told her 'i'd love for you to be yourself'". And then that was it.. it was awkward silence after and I had no idea what to say until I changed the topic.
This happened a long time ago, I don't know why I'm still thinking about it. I did just text him for something last week so could be why.
submitted by mysecret52 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 TrackaLackerBot Disney Lorcana Azurite Sea Playmat - Elsa is in stock at Disney for $19.99 (MSRP)

View current status at https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/disney-lorcana-azurite-sea-playmats...
As of 11/28/24 11:31 AM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to LorcanaRestocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 RecordClean3338 Map of the World in 192X

Map of the World in 192X https://preview.redd.it/0z6kmucd5o3e1.png?width=5616&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ba75a2ae65ed2639de43b2c9812e3cb855ddaeb
There are multiple points of divergence here, the main one of course being "What if the Holy Roman Empire was able to Centralise". With the other two being Genghis Khan dying before he could take over Mongolia and the Byzantines winning at Manzikert.
submitted by RecordClean3338 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 Major_Gap_6312 Đất nước chúng mình rất rất an toàn. Chúng mình sẽ giải quyết mọi thứ bằng nụ cười- pewpew

submitted by Major_Gap_6312 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 RedBirdSlice Offered: 11 prints; AR Activated from Amplifier

Offered: 11 prints; AR Activated from Amplifier submitted by RedBirdSlice to PDXBuyNothing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 Old_Independent8763 Lord Huron 2025?

One of the best shows of 2022💓🎉✨
Would be an absolute dream to see them back on the farm this year, especially because they’re touring again, is it possible?
submitted by Old_Independent8763 to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 GuitarJames_ac Survey on emotional implications in music - your help is greatly appreciated

Survey on emotional implications in music - your help is greatly appreciated Hello! I am a university student currently doing research for my dissertation. My dissertation is on emotional implications in music. Whether music and its ability to evoke emotion in the listener speaks to something universal about music, or, whether this is influenced by culture and musical experience. SURVEY LINK: https://wyi67kaxw5w.typeform.com/to/jdp9zate DETAILS: 1. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete 2. You will be asked some preliminary questions, such as "Are you 18 or over?" These questions are required to ensure the survey complies with my university's ethics policy. 3. At the start of the survey, you will find a link to the participant information sheet. This sheet contains contact details for any questions or complaints and additional information about my dissertation. Please read through it. You do not need to fill out the actual form, just read it and return to the survey. 4. You will listen to a series of short excerpts (1 minute each) of music, and asked to select one of 5 emotions you think the piece conveys. 5. All responses are confidential and all data gathered will be destroyed on the 9th of December (my submission deadline) Thank you so much for your time and help! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
submitted by GuitarJames_ac to takemysurvey [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 According_Chemist993 crash fix ?

it helped me deliver from failures in Zalesye 
submitted by According_Chemist993 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 Dominictuazontepico Is Darwin first on Bluesky?

Is Darwin first on Bluesky? Do you think it is the real account or a fake? How do we do know
submitted by Dominictuazontepico to LiverpoolFC [link] [comments]
