Space climber

2024.11.28 16:31 Offres Space climber

Space climber submitted by Offres to TurkeyMiddleEast [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 Successful_Unit8203 Bubble Tea lovers, what's the best concept tea you can make?

Bubble Tea lovers, what's the best concept tea you can make? submitted by Successful_Unit8203 to KungFuTea [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 lullbbybeyonce If it weren't for the white paws, one might not be able to tell them apart

If it weren't for the white paws, one might not be able to tell them apart submitted by lullbbybeyonce to VoidCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:31 BasielBob GE Ultrafresh washer disassembly to get to the pump ?

I think I punctured or dislodged the hose going from the pump where the pump filter is (the small access door on the lower right in front of the washer) while trying to clean up some pet hair stuck inside.
Basically, when I open the pump clean door and remove the blue plastic insert, whatever hose is connected to the other (internal) end of that opening.
I am looking for instructions / youtube video on how to get to it, and a good internal diagram. The exploded parts diagrams on Appliancepartpros or similar sites are a little too exploded.
The washer model is GFW550SSN3WW (Costco model).
submitted by BasielBob to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Due-Education1619 Y’all are liars, it’s not real

How come I don’t get cool shit out of the vending machine, I either get chips or a smoke grenade in my face. :(
submitted by Due-Education1619 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 vwmpiree Kylie Jenner Not Invited to Timothee Chalamet’s Bob Dylan Red Carpet: ‘He Wants the Focus on Him’

Kylie Jenner Not Invited to Timothee Chalamet’s Bob Dylan Red Carpet: ‘He Wants the Focus on Him’ submitted by vwmpiree to TimotheeChalametSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Offres Space climber

Space climber submitted by Offres to marocctv [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 _NoSmoke_ Quais as chances de ser uma oferta legítima?

Quais as chances de ser uma oferta legítima? Recentemente me perguntei se poderia achar algum emprego informal como tradutor já que sei um pouco de inglês, aí hj apareceu essa mensagem no LinkedIn. Deve ser uma mensagem automática e ia dar uma olhada na vaga, mas achei estranho que ofereciam 10 dólares por hora, além do texto ser vago e repetir muito a palavra IA. No print n fala que é por hora, mas cliquei em candidatar pra ter mais informações e lá falava que era 10 dólares por hora.
submitted by _NoSmoke_ to golpe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 CascadiaRocks In case you are lost

In case you are lost submitted by CascadiaRocks to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 BigTunaTim LAFD engine finds some cross traffic

submitted by BigTunaTim to Firefighting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Qisgew Våldtäkt överklagande till hovrätten

I början av förra året blev jag våldtagen. Dagens efter polisanmälde jag allt.
Polisen höll våldtäktsmannen i fängelse fram till rättegångsdagen (4 månader efter). Åklagaren hade begärt att våldtäktsmannen skulle dömas. Domstolen beslutade att frikänna våldtäktsmannen, samt att ge honom ”skadestånd ” för att han satt i fängelse för 4 månader, och sen domen frikände honom.
Efter det, både åklagaren och jag överklagade domen till hovrätten.
Så fort våldtäktsmannen fick veta att vi överklagade, lämnade han Sverige och flyttade någonstans.
Efter mer än ett år efter överklagandet, fick jag ett brev för några dagar sedan från hovrätten. De vill göra en ”huvudförhandling” nästa år. Det är inte obligatoriskt för mig att närvara (men jag kan om jag vill), men det är obligatoriskt för våldtäktsmannen och för åklagaren att närvara vid rättegången.
Jag undrar, sedan han rymde från Sverige, vad kommer att hända nu? Om han inte dyker upp till rättegången, vad leder det till?
submitted by Qisgew to sweden [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 thesillygirl25 Offering 5-7 cards detailed reading for USD 3 (on discount) //Spreads (8-10 cards) for USD 5

Offering 5-7 cards detailed reading for USD 3 (on discount) //Spreads (8-10 cards) for USD 5 submitted by thesillygirl25 to TarotReading [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 theholographicatom The Machine Hearld vs The Arcane Herald

The Machine Hearld (old Viktor) vs The Arcane Herald (new character).
Why didn't Arcane take this direction? I feel it could have been a better story where you have Viktors tech/ideologies vs. Arcane/magic. I feel this story writes it's self. Theres so much they could have done here to not retconn The Machine Herald.
Different Viktor timelines, tech or arcane clone of Viktor creating an almost ying/yang between Machine/Arcane.
submitted by theholographicatom to viktormains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Offres Space climber

Space climber submitted by Offres to Gulf_News [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Unfair-Albatross4372 How to stop android auto from updating?

I built myself a head unit that runs Openauto Pro.
It has been working great while using android auto 12.5 however since a couple weeks I have been forced to update android auto again and again and this has stopped my headunit from projecting android auto, This is why I want to stick to android auto 12.5 for now but even with auto updates turned off, every time I try to connect my headunit android auto tells me to update or exit.
Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?
submitted by Unfair-Albatross4372 to AndroidAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 caLAX13 AJ Brown, Justin Jefferson or Keenan Allen (pick 2 to play) Thank You!

Appreciate it!🙏🏼
submitted by caLAX13 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Extension-Science242 Should I go on a date with him

So I 18F and this guy 21M met on hinge and have been talking for two weeks. So last night he asks if he can send a dick pic and I say yes. This leads to some sexting and I send a picture back. The thing is, we are supposed to go on a date tomorrow, and I think all he’s expecting is sex which I will not be doing. I think that’s really all he’s wanting out of this. Should I cancel?
submitted by Extension-Science242 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 vision2809 What the heck is wrong with gitae Kim face? The destroyed his character design.

submitted by vision2809 to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 According_Memory_171 Exactly like Mafia Wars Referral code
submitted by According_Memory_171 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Shloppu I’ve done it before but it’s updated. So I want to know everyone’s thoughts on my OCS (rank them from 1-whatever)

I’ve done it before but it’s updated. So I want to know everyone’s thoughts on my OCS (rank them from 1-whatever)
  1. Vermillion
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Percy
  4. Meena
  5. Celeste
  6. Doszul
  7. Sylver
submitted by Shloppu to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Different_Number_546 New dog owner

Hi there! This is my first winter as a dog owner (7 month old lab) And now that it’s dipping into the -20 range I’m wondering what your dog enrichment/walking routine is like. We usually do 40 min walk in the morning, and/or the dog park. Now that it’s cold I’ve been doing multiple 15/20 minute walks a day, but I can tell she’s restless.
Would love some tips! Thanks
submitted by Different_Number_546 to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 SexyGothAlisha_ 18F Because I concentrated on one person, I lost all of my friends, and I also lost that individual [CHAT].

I have struggled to make friends throughout my life, and I am currently attempting to understand why things have been so difficult for me. I'm in therapy for depression and am making a lot of effort.
A little about myself: I work a dull office job, but I also enjoy writing and painting. I spend most of my time reading because I'm a huge bookworm.
I had a group of ten friends when I was in college, and I loved them more than anything else. My family and I are not close, so they were everything to me. One by one, they paired off or grew apart or had fights until it was only me and this girl. After we graduated we were incredibly close, talked every day did everything together. She had other friends but would never invite me to hang out with them. And then she got a boyfriend and fully ghosted me. Four years of friendship evaporated in a matter of weeks. Its been 8 months now and I'm all by myself all of the time, I work from home so i only leave my house to go to therapy. Its pretty bad.
I realise that I don't sound like I'm super fun to talk to rn, but i promise I'll give it my best go If you would like to chat.
submitted by SexyGothAlisha_ to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 Dragon_Knight1999 I suggest you make the excuse (comment) you’re about to give….phenomenally good

submitted by Dragon_Knight1999 to blackadder [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 parapauraque Drilling control panel holes?

I’m planning to use a hole saw bit with a hand drill (no access to a drill press).
Would it be ok to clamp the mdf and lexan layers together (with scrap wood underneath) and drill the holes?
Or would it be better to drill the mdf and lexan separately?
submitted by parapauraque to cade [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:30 chonkycat8 murder mystery suggestions needed

Hey everybody! I've read a lot of christie (mainly poirot but marple and others too) and was looking for some change! If you could suggest amazing murder mysteries (preferably only as long as christie books, that is, not over 250 pages) by other authors, it'll be great!
submitted by chonkycat8 to agathachristie [link] [comments]