Cynthia Dwork最重要的成就应该就是提出Differential Privacy了。我想从DP的角度评价一下她的贡献。 本人在国内的一所国际学校就读三年,可以很负责任的告诉你 Cynthia是一个小众且好听的名字。重名率低是一个优势,音译过来翻译成辛西娅也很委婉动听。总而言之这个名字对于女生而言再适合不过了。 杜克大学计算机科学教授辛西娅・Rudin (Cynthia Rudin) 是 concept whitening 论文的联合著者,她此前就警告过相信黑盒解释技术的危险,并展示了这种方法可能会对神经网络提供错误的解释。 也许所有没有面对过编写国际化应用程序问题的中国人都会将 last name 翻译为姓,等同于 family name,而将 first name 翻译为名,等同于 given name,因为从小到大,所有英语老师都是这么教的。 辛西娅(Cynthia) 希腊神话中的辛西娅,实际上就是月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯。 阿耳忒弥斯是希腊奥林珀斯十二主神之一,罗马名字狄安娜(Diana),她是宙斯与黑暗女神勒托(Leto)所生,是阿波罗的孪生姐姐。阿耳忒弥斯与阿波罗一样,司掌光明,她所掌管的就是月亮。 维基解密最新曝光:希拉里团队负责人参与“邪教仪式”?为什么想要吃一个多小时(或更久)的披萨?什么披… “天才就是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水”有下半句话么?若有请给出确凿的证据相关问题爱迪生天才定义到底有没…
2024.11.28 17:33 Pepe_Silvia_9 Cynthia must be proud
submitted by Pepe_Silvia_9 to lebowski [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 S0pphire21 Need some tips/advice for a stray cat (male)
Hello to everyone here. I need some help quickly. To give you context, both of my parents left to buy some battery and before that my mother fed the stray cat and after that my parents left. And now I keep feeding the stray cat with food and water. I am thinking of calling a animal shelter but I have to wait until my parents come back to do that. But you may ask why I can't put it inside my apartment or keep it? Will you see I already have a cat (on the third slide and her name is Mochi) and she doesn't do well with other cats which is why I am having a hard time. I want the stray cat to be inside and warm but Mochi hates to be around with other cats. I am planning to call a animal shelter once my parents come back. I don't want to call the animal shelter without my parents knowledge so I am waiting for my parents to come back. And yes the stray cat is a male but I don't know how old it is or who it belongs to because the cat has a collar around the neck and is all alone plus I don't know if the stray cat has an owner cause of the collar of the neck but it is left alone in the cold here (it is not that cold but it is cool, this is Arlington, TX weather by the way). And now it is waiting at the doorsteps of my apartment outside. I need some advice.
submitted by S0pphire21 to CATHELP [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 Sirboomsalot_Y-Wing Recently got back into Sprocket after the recent updates. I give you the first prototype batch of the Type 26 “Grisha”, the first home-grown medium tank of the Wattari Armored Corps (part of a world building concept I’ve been working on)
submitted by Sirboomsalot_Y-Wing to SprocketTankDesign [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 M3mEMaChiN3 Pokémon Go Stopped Working
Game loads but all the terrain/Pokémon models are gone. Playing on an iPhone 11 Pro, tried reinstalling the app and restarting my phone. Any tips? submitted by M3mEMaChiN3 to pokemongo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 Collanfrick Does it even make sense
So, today I got to know I have discord meniscus felt good that atleast there is something rare about me but why are parents so angry like for no reason I mean I can't do anything about it. It's not something under my control even though I had it for more than 2 yrs by now
It ain't like I did it intentionally and my parents blame my exercising for it
( Boys, if any of you know some good exercise of upper body please 🥺 write some, I can't stay inactive right )
submitted by Collanfrick to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 SouthWave9 Teori konspirative pa baza, apo derdhje vaji e qellimshme?
submitted by SouthWave9 to albania [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 DDonnici A Cedae/Águas do Rio sempre faz essas manutenções na pior época possível pra isso
E no final das contas a população que paga o pato tendo que ficar caçando água nos mercados(pois já tem um monte em falta), e ainda um calor do caralho e não dá nem pra tomar um mísero banho
submitted by DDonnici to riodejaneiro [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 mentorperplexed Çocuk Yetiştirmek İçin En İyi Ülkeler
submitted by mentorperplexed to karekodhaber [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 EarthBeauty12 Revente d'une moto avec petits éclats esthétiques, votre expérience en revente moto ?
Je possède une Ninja 400, c'est ma première moto, achetée neuve en soldes (5000€ avec carte grise et gravage SRA).
J'aimerais la revendre pour m'acheter une ZX-4R pour ma passerelle. J'adore l'esthétique de la moto, le moteur, et surtout le fait qu'elle soit abordable tant au niveau de l'assurance qu'au niveau du prix, je vais l'acheter neuve. (Mon assurance me propose 80€ en tous risques contre 200€ pour la ZX6R)
Seulement j'aimerais revendre ma moto mais j'ai quelques éclats esthétiques dessus.
Je roule en région parisienne, et suite à un stationnement sur les quais j'ai retrouvé ma moto par terre après un rendez-vous. Rien de bien grave mais j'ai dû remplacer un morceau de carénage (là ou y'a le siège passager) car je suis psychorigide et ne supporte pas les rayures.
Mais le plus chiant c'est sur le bras oscillant ou proche de la vis ou je règle la tension j'ai un petit éclat ou la peinture est partie car ça a frotté sur les graviers je suppose.
J'ai mis un coup de vernis noir dessus mais disons que si on a le nez dessus ça se vois. Ma béquille est aussi un peu frottée sur le bout depuis je lui ai mis un chausson pour avoir une prise plus large au sol.
J'aimerais savoir si un défaut esthétique mineur risque de dévaluer ma moto ? Quelle est votre expérience à la revente ? Est-ce que je dois être honnête et dire que la moto est tombée ?
Est-ce que je dois vendre en concession (reprise) ou bien vendre sur Le Bon Coin ? Je regarde des tutos sur Internet mais je me dis que ça fais un peu peur de vendre sur Le Bon Coin de nos jours... J'aimerais en tirer 3000€ quand même.
submitted by EarthBeauty12 to Motardie [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 adamaroslin Drawing Home One.
submitted by adamaroslin to StarWarsShips [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 Specialist_Jaguar815 Greatest trio of episodes in this whole show
Am I the only one that just loves specifically these three episodes when rewatching? I mean season 3 itself is the best but these three episodes just capture the highlights of this show in a back to back manner.
Ofc they aren’t the best episodes out there, but I don’t really know a different couple of episodes that work as well together as these three do.
My fav moment from one of these episodes is in Safety Training when Mateo says the iconic “Don’t you hate Tuesdays?” line before getting squashed by a sign that Kelly hung up with duct tape 😭🙏
submitted by Specialist_Jaguar815 to superstore [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 MobileRaisin884 Cheaper Jellycats
In Selfridges they have a place called The Toy Project that are selling retired & gently used Jellycats. The lady working was the sweetest and explained to me proceeds go towards supporting children who need toys. I know Jellycats can be pricey and the prices they had were decent especially for having tags on the plushies just wanted to let you all know 🩷
submitted by MobileRaisin884 to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 AbilityTop5736 Reddit not allowing me to delete account. Won't send password email .
:(submitted by AbilityTop5736 to help [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 Zynyli Where to start? (Investing)
I am currently 18, about to turn 19 in the coming month. I am currently in University but everything is being paid grants, scholarships and rest by my parents. I currently live at home so that saves me some money. I currently have a decent amount of money saved in my bank account, just a little over 10k. I currently don't have a job, but am looking for one.
As I am now an adult, I've been meaning to start learning about investing and saving, to build up my savings for the future. The issue is, I don't know where to start. I want to invest my money into something risk-free for now but maybe when I'm more independently stable, I will invest in stock or something. I know a couple terms in the investment world, but all of the reading, researching and understanding what each type of investment is, is a tad overwhelming.
Could anyone recommend or give me some advice on where to start or what to read up about?
submitted by Zynyli to CanadaFinance [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 Justine-L Screenshot share menu at bottom of screen
Is there a way to reduce the amount of time the popup at the bottom of the screen when you take a screenshot is shown for? It's a nice feature to have to quick share, but it's on the screen for wayyy longer than it needs to be and I don't want to have to swipe it away to continue what I'm doing if I'm not planning to share the screenshot. submitted by Justine-L to pixel_phones [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 Top-Artichoke3155 selling 2 tickets to NYC ballet The Nutcracker show!
Selling 2 tickets to NYC Ballet The Nutcracker in New York City on Monday December 30, 2024
Location: David H. Koch Theater
Second Ring B, Row D Seat 27 Second Ring B, Row D Seat 25
ONLY accepting Zelle or PayPal. Selling at face value - DM me for price!
submitted by Top-Artichoke3155 to NYClist [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 epicurussy "Oh, hey, Deathstalker Rexxar. How'd you get down here?"
submitted by epicurussy to customhearthstone [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 Ok_Proposal_888 Insecure about relationship experience
I’m 28 and I’ve only been in 1-2 serious relationships. I can’t help but focus on the fact that the next person I meet is going to have tons more relationship experience than me and will judge me for not being mature enough to be in an adult relationship.
I dated my high school sweetheart from 2012-2017 in junior year of college. I dated someone else for about 6 months. The rest are all situationships. I’m confident in my ability to get a date, but I can’t make anything last despite working through my internal struggles in therapy
I don’t feel like I am in the normal range of relationships at my age and many will see it as a red flag. I keep hyperfocusing on it and imagining my next partner will have a history full of dudes who might be still thinking about her.
How can I stop this…therapy only does so much. I keep hurting myself over this perceived sexual competition to have as much experience as possible. I’m scared of turning 30 and the new expectations that brings. I’m scared of not being the entire package. I really need someone to talk to.
submitted by Ok_Proposal_888 to AskMenOver30 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 Nikitakun [28/M] - Yo, you very likely need to open this post
Well well well, what mood are you in today? Friend-making one? Hm, then are you possibly into silly chats that inadvertently segue into deepest philosophical talks? Possibly into watching horror or any sort of stuff together? Into buddying up and learning stuff together? You like porridge and existential crisis? Then probably you should consider sending me a DM telling me any random story about how things once went weird with you and what you learnt from that and we could go from there :) Or just say 'hi' (any 'hi'-derivative works as well)
submitted by Nikitakun to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 Traditional-Algae281 Separating two not bonded adult cats
My boyfriend (M23) is moving cross country to move in with me. He lives with his parents now in a house with two cats and two dogs (all females).
One of the cats he brought home from the street and is SUPER attached to him. Always is in his room. Follows him around the house. Sleeps with him every night. And loudly meows at him if he’s been gone for a couples days. She’s 4 now and does not take to any of the other animals. She’s mostly indifferent but fights with them more than she plays with them.
The dogs are bonded to each other and his mom and the other cat is bonded to the dad.
The issue come in when the cat bonded to the dad is very diligent about where all the animals is and gets upset when she can’t find them. She’s not bonded to the other cat but likes to keep things in order.
we can’t take both cats since we’re moving to a one bedroom and my boyfriend’s cat spends 90% of her time hiding from the other animals. There wouldn’t be enough space for them to be apart and they’d fight. It would also mean removing the other cat from her bonded human (his dad). And my boyfriend’s cat would be very upset without him.
We are looking for tips on how to move my boyfriend’s cat away in a month with only minimally upsetting the cat who likes to keep order.
Any suggestions are appreciated, Thanks
submitted by Traditional-Algae281 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 Super_General4579 PvP Question
So which class is better to bomb on Necromancer or Nightblade and please add a description why. I already have a warden for pvp so not my first build just wondering and I know you will die a lot of times before getting the bomb off. Thank you in advance.
submitted by Super_General4579 to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 CherryTea05 Calling all Kinnies!
Who is your main Danganronpa kin and why? I'll start first: I kin Mikan. I've found I relate to her on many levels such as the fear of being hated and constant apologizing for things that aren't even her fault. Add on being bullied though, not as severe, as hers, which gave me more than one insecurity about myself- she's pretty damn relatable to me. (Theres way more to it honestly) 💜
Remember to please be nice to everyone! Just because someone may kin say..Junko. it doesn't inherently mean they are an evil person. I have seen people get hate for kinning certain characters and it's honestly so dumb. Remember, this is just for fun, so remember to keep it respectful! 🩷🩷🩷 (I am so happy to have a community now that I can talk to about Danganronpa stuff. This is honestly so fun)
submitted by CherryTea05 to danganronpa [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 ziklol Mega altaria 972001325129
submitted by ziklol to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:33 k009034 Foggy Night On The River
submitted by k009034 to water_photos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:33 Fatdabb Do I get overtime tomorrow?
So I’m a permanent warehouse employee. Been in the union for a year. Have benefits all of that. Anyways I’ve been driving the past month as a seasonal driver , would I still get my holiday pay or would I be treated as a seasonal?
submitted by Fatdabb to UPSers [link] [comments]