The Nut Farm (Buda, TX)

2024.11.28 18:49 COTTNYXC The Nut Farm (Buda, TX)

The Nut Farm (Buda, TX) submitted by COTTNYXC to iPhoneography [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 6996lolo6996 survey / encuesta

In your opinion, Lady Shani is it an old glory that is now in decline? / En tu opinión Lady Shani es una vieja gloria que ahora está decadente?
View Poll
submitted by 6996lolo6996 to luchalibre [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 No-Box-1528 Is it weird for women not to have social media?

I'm 24 and I don't have any social media and I generally don't care about their toxic environment, but otherwise I'm a very informed person and I'm constantly looking for information and I can talk about almost any topic since I'm still a virgin and I'm planning to try a cold approach. Will this be a serious red flag in dating women?
submitted by No-Box-1528 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 LongjumpingAnxiety61 Köreltilmiş Bir Gençlik.. eğitim, oyunlar ve kaybolan yıllar..

20 yaşındayım ve içimi kaplayan derin bir pişmanlık var.. eğitimimi aksattığım için kendimi bağışlamakta zorlanıyorum. Hayatımın 4+4+4 eğitim sürecinde, yalnızca ilk 4 yılında gerçekten çaba göstermiştim. İstekliydim, azimliydim, kararlıydım. Disiplinli bir çocuk olarak, sınıf arkadaşlarıma kıyasla belki daha zor kavrıyordum dersleri ama eve geldiğimde konuları öylesine derinlemesine çalışırdım ki, adeta siler süpürürdüm yalnız o da değil elime ne geçse okurdum aylaklık etmezdim evren, doğa, bilim ne geçerse elime O günlerde, öğrenmenin verdiği mutlulukla doluydum.
Sonra, nasıl oldu nasıl başladı bilmiyorum ama bilgisayar oyunları bağımlılığı girdi hayatıma. Zaman öyle hızla aktı ki bir gün baktım, o azimli ve kararlı çocuk gitmiş. Şimdi, dönüp geçmişe baktığımda bir yanım "Hala önünde bir yol var" dese de diğer yanım, Boğaziçi, Bilkent ya da ODTÜ gibi prestijli okullarda okuyamayacağımı bilmenin yüküyle eziliyor. Bu, içimde neredeyse bir kompleks haline geldi. Sanki bir "prestij" ya da "damga" takıntısına dönüşmüş. Adını koyamıyorum.. Belki bu bir hastalık, belki de kendimle ilgili derin bir hayal kırıklığı.
Her gün kendime "Geçmişe değil, geleceğe odaklanmalısın kendinle barışmalısın" diyorum. Ama bu düşünceyi gerçekten kabul etmekte zorlanıyorum. Sanki kendime ihanet etmişim gibi hissediyorum, o istekli çocuğu yarı yolda bırakmışım gibi... Pişmanlığım tarifsiz. Ama yine de, bu yükle yaşamaya devam ederken bir çıkış yolu bulmayı umuyorum. Çünkü bir yerlerde biliyorum ki bu hikayeyi yeniden yazmak hala mümkün.
Atladığım, hata yaptığım bazı yerler olabilir şimdiden özür dilerim kusura bakmayın arkadaşlar ve değinmediğim de oldukça fazla şey olabilir bahsettiğim o yıllara dair veya son yıllarda yaşadığım şeylere dair öyle kabaca yazdım.. bir iç dökme gibi diyebilirim kıpkırmızı oldu yüzüm yazarken (Sadece paylaşmak istedim, yazmak istedim şuan da oldukça utanıyorum..)
submitted by LongjumpingAnxiety61 to Psikoloji [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Dazzling_Aspect_4241 Elisabeth Moss

Elisabeth Moss submitted by Dazzling_Aspect_4241 to CelebsCleavages [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Zayderrrrr Who is worth zenkaiing?

Who is worth zenkaiing? submitted by Zayderrrrr to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Leafeyes Who could use this?

Who could use this? Just beginning to dip my toes into RTA. Any def hungry units that could use this?
submitted by Leafeyes to EpicSeven [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Nohan07 « L’anthropophagie est une manière de justifier la colonisation »

« L’anthropophagie est une manière de justifier la colonisation » submitted by Nohan07 to Nouvellecaledonie [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 DigAcceptable9425 Desktop / Android: Delete account

I accidentally hit "sign in with google" and now I can't get a password sent to me. I appear to have been given two user names, but I can't delete either account (this one, and StrangeLeadership445)
How do I get the password email so that I can get my info off this website???
submitted by DigAcceptable9425 to bugs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 mc4557anime Italio Albanian catholic church

Anyone apart of the italio Albanian catholic church? What is it like? What language they use during divine liturgy? Are they're serten churches that are latinized?
submitted by mc4557anime to EasternCatholic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Inevitable_Prize6230 Google pixel buds pro

Looking for a good rep to purchase google pixel buds pro
submitted by Inevitable_Prize6230 to DhGateReps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 backcountryfilmmaker Crossing the 30 million (streams) mark in one year! Some thoughts below

submitted by backcountryfilmmaker to musicmarketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 TacticusThrowaway “Ubara port” / 鵜原港 by 1041uuu/Yuuta Toyoi

“Ubara port” / 鵜原港 by 1041uuu/Yuuta Toyoi submitted by TacticusThrowaway to ImaginaryPathways [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Haykhovv What's the best video card the FX 8350 will support?

Please advice the best gpu for this old beast :D I plan to overclock it maximum.
For example, will 1080 ti will ok ?
submitted by Haykhovv to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 silkestar539 Trading rh dims for these pets (prices in caption)

Trading rh dims for these pets (prices in caption) Buying these pets
Brown bear~20k Meercat~ 50k Mouse~ 480k Shrew~ 30k
Value 1:20
submitted by silkestar539 to CrossTrading_inRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 FredFlintstone1985 Test

submitted by FredFlintstone1985 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Nemesauce Hayfield football coach denies recruiting accusations, claims team is being targeted

submitted by Nemesauce to nova [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Scotch_and_Tea Christmas body mists

Well, so much for staying strong during the Black Friday sale. I was curious to try the body mists, but was waiting to see if they'd release any of the Christmas scents, and boom, they've done it: Jingle Bells, Christmas Village, Christmas Magic, and Winter Splendor. I've smelled all of those as candles except for Christmas Magic, so I've narrowed my choice down to that one and Winter Splendor.
So which would get your vote? And are the body mists actually any good?
submitted by Scotch_and_Tea to goosecreekcandles [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 TightDiscount1658 Thoughts on the ending

Hello I just finished lou part 2 and i was wondering what people thought about the ending. It was perfectly crafted but a part of me wanted to see Ellie and Dina live happily ever after or something. I also wish that ellie had killed abby just because.
submitted by TightDiscount1658 to lastofuspart2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 SimpfrElizabetholsen Elizabeth Olsen

Elizabeth Olsen submitted by SimpfrElizabetholsen to ladiesofthemcu [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 DH8389 What's the difference in these tvs?

What's the difference in these tvs? I'm looking at the 2023 C3 and the 2024 C4 both at 77". The C4 is £800 less despite being the newer model. Can someone explain why? From what I'm seeing there isn't 'much' difference in them. This would be my first OLED tv so I'm wanting to make sure I get the best TV I can.
submitted by DH8389 to LGOLED [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Grasssface How to make kitchen look less like a laundry room?

Moving into this rental this month. I’m willing to change hardware since I can change it back when I move out, but I’m out of ideas to make this kitchen feel less like the laundry room (within reason).
submitted by Grasssface to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 jummygummy4720 Mortynight Run

Mortynight Run Okay when Morty says goodbye to “fart” in this episode, couldn’t the fart read Morty’s mind and know that he was going to kill him? So why did the fart agree to sing one more song and be killed? Genuinely curious about this one.
submitted by jummygummy4720 to rickandmorty [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 CelebrationOk8496 Thanksgiving Day Boots

Thanksgiving Day Boots Ariat Dixon Haircalf Leopard 🐆 Love them and perfect for a beautiful fall day.
submitted by CelebrationOk8496 to cowboyboots [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:49 Berzerkish Goku is now soaring through the streets of New York City in the 98th Macy's Parade
submitted by Berzerkish to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]