What's the most dangerous section of the Henday?

2024.11.28 19:58 kpedey What's the most dangerous section of the Henday?

Feels like every year the south east section of the Henday has like a million people hit the ditch, but it's also the section I travel most, so maybe I'm biased. Wondering if anyone else has any feelings about which section seems most dangerous.
submitted by kpedey to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Odd_Let4237 Did this show ever have any Thanksgiving episodes?

I’m looking for a couple eps to watch today!
submitted by Odd_Let4237 to TwilightZone [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Worldly_Sun_5681 Social media verslaving als volwassene?

Ik ben de laatste jaren enorm verslaafd aan sociale media. Voornamelijk aan reddit. Ik lees hier enorm veel op waardoor ik op vrije dagen wel 3-4u schermtijd per dag heb. Ook op werkdagen loopt dit op tot 2u of meer in de avonden. Tegenwoordig heb ik hier ook last van op mijn werk, omdat ik sinds enkele weken een deel van de werkdag alleen zit. Ik heb oprecht het gevoel dat dit mijn leven begint te beheersen, wat ik absoluut niet wil. Ook het gebruik van instagram en facebook zou ik willen verminderen, maar niet verwijderen aangezien ik hier nog mensen op ken en soms zelf op actief ben.
Al mijn meldingen staan al uit, maar ook zonder die meldingen kan ik heel moeilijk van mijn smartphone blijven op vrije momenten.
Ik ben ook geen tiener meer, maar een prille dertiger. Helaas heb ik weinig sociale contacten en zijn deze niet makkelijk op te bouwen, waardoor ik vermoed dat ik 'onbewust' veel op sociale media zit om zo toch nog het gevoel van interactie te hebben of andere meningen te lezen.
Hoe geraak ik hier nu het beste vanaf? Gewoon cold turkey verwijderen? Reddit lezen kan ook zonder account.
Hoe pak ik dit het beste aan?
submitted by Worldly_Sun_5681 to Belgium4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 ArganProductions La Cabala

La Cabala submitted by ArganProductions to indiefilm [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 StefanLefter LIVE VIDEO A patra zi de proteste pro-europene în Piața Universității. Peste 1.500 de studenți și tineri sunt în stradă și scandează: „România e iubire, nu fascism și amăgire” / „Apa este H2O” / „Putin, jos labele de pe România”

LIVE VIDEO A patra zi de proteste pro-europene în Piața Universității. Peste 1.500 de studenți și tineri sunt în stradă și scandează: „România e iubire, nu fascism și amăgire” / „Apa este H2O” / „Putin, jos labele de pe România” submitted by StefanLefter to UniRO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Bitter_Struggle1941 Why I don't respect Helio gracie

Mother fuckers worship this man mother fuckers idolize this man but deep down it's more of a marketing fraud than legit technological advancement. several factors play into the Gracie's success including an oprtune time and borrowing from judo. Helio may have believed in racist beliefs and I'm supposed to fucking worship this fucking fucker ? BJJ has always been for the elites and upper class honestly a stained legacy enforced directly from Helio, it's glowing founder.
submitted by Bitter_Struggle1941 to bjj [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 degrareal A Wild Entei Appeared! - Pokémon: Master Quest Episode 49 Reaction

A Wild Entei Appeared! - Pokémon: Master Quest Episode 49 Reaction submitted by degrareal to Promote_Your_Channel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Thesixman6 1x playthrough

Hey guys,
I noticed that fanduel is having a 25% bonus bets on deposits but requires a 1x playthrough. Technically could you not deposit $2000 and get the $500 bonus credits. Bet the $2000 on a game that has highest odds of winning example; Celtics to win 1.02 odds and you would played through and met the requirement.
You basically earned free $500 bet credits
submitted by Thesixman6 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 cicadasinthewinter 21 Crosstrek Transmission Leak

I took my car into Jiffy Lube for an oil change and the tech said that I have a transmission leak, my wife said it smelled like it was burning oil a couple days back.
Now I’m at 123K miles and don’t know much, how much does it cost to get the leak repaired? It shifts perfect and other than the “ leak “ I don’t feel like anything is different from when I first got the vehicle new in 2020
submitted by cicadasinthewinter to subaru [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 AspieLP Daily Nia #266

Daily Nia #266 submitted by AspieLP to CultOfNia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 urinatingangels Woodrup Giro Touring

Woodrup Giro Touring This build has been a few years in the making. In its final form it’ll have fenders and brifters.
submitted by urinatingangels to Vintage_bicycles [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 HeadZooplanktonblame Is there a bolt type product version but for mobile apps?

submitted by HeadZooplanktonblame to boltnewbuilders [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 METALLIFE0917 'Game-Changing' New Treatment for Asthma Is First in 50 Years

submitted by METALLIFE0917 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 dizzybird99 Giving away thanksgiving meals

Just bid 12np and a seasonal item 😎
submitted by dizzybird99 to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 TermApprehensive6340 My recent elf haul

My recent elf haul In love and obsessed with elf omg
submitted by TermApprehensive6340 to indianbeautyhauls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 SpicyRapidity Talk to an AI Friend Anytime!

Check out Hottalks! It’s a platform where you can chat with an AI girlfriend who is always ready to listen and talk. If you want a friend to share your thoughts with or just have fun conversations, this AI is there for you. Enjoy a new way to connect and have fun!
submitted by SpicyRapidity to OnlineDatingApps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Swibbz Man takes his dog to the vet...

A man took his dog to the vet thinking he might be dead. The vet said it would be $90 for the basic exam. Vet said he couldn't figure out if the dog was dead. So he sent in three cats to circle around the dog. He then determined the dog was dead. He said it will cost an extra 100 dollars. The man said why? 90 dollars for the basic exam, 100 extra for the cat scan
submitted by Swibbz to dadjokes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Jpoolman25 [discussion] When you felt like life is screwed what made you repair ?

I’m just at an age where I feel extremely behind and I know I’m behind but the worst feeling ever is that I’m not doing anything about. I seem to hold on the past and can’t forgive myself. But I don’t understand why do I keep living in the past and creating this self victimization mind. I blame myself and I bring myself down. I tend to compare and saying things like I’m not smart strong capable enough. I’m not made for this. I don’t think I’ll ever taste success.
All my life I just had 3-5 goals that I set 6 years ago. I wanted to get a set career, learn driving, finish college, have some friends but as I observe my life. I have not accomplish 1 thing. Only few weeks left til a new year begins. How do I even begin to take actions. How do I stop living in fear and social anxiety. My family says you have become very slow weak and unmotivated. And I say yea is true. Sighs.
submitted by Jpoolman25 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 annabelle199 What is your take on sclerosing pneumocytoma and neuroendocrine hyperplasia?

Should a 7 mm lung tumor staining for sclerosing pneumocytoma and neuroendocrine hyperplasia be treated with surgery?
submitted by annabelle199 to pathology [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 AbuAhmad123 How to uninstall?

I am on the laptop at the moment. It won't allow me to install. When I did it just installed again. Im beginning the think that this game is a virus
submitted by AbuAhmad123 to Evony_TKR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Fine_Box_3367 Am I truly trans if I'm just scared of going bald? Am I faking it?

Sometimes I wonder if I'm truly trans or not. Because one day I want to be a girl and other times I want to remain a male.
I've dressed fem plenty of times, but I wonder if it's a fetish because I mainly dress like a femboy to "do my thing". I've never gone outside as feminine because I would not pass, nor would I feel safe being out anyway.
I tried explaining to my father about my gender struggles and went off on me, telling me instantly that I'm mentally ill and that if I go on hormones I'm evicted.
I want to fucking cry right now.
submitted by Fine_Box_3367 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Lonely-Hair-1152 Knock knock….

Knock knock…. Heard a “knock” on the door… opened to this delightful dude at the front door!
submitted by Lonely-Hair-1152 to australianwildlife [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Erriest Nice pickup

Nice pickup submitted by Erriest to AirMax1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 nicolaj1994 Archon / Oracle players, am i the only one who has had a massive increase of cheaters since they merged ranked and normal?

Since they removed ranked, i went from seeing a cheater once every 15-20 match to once every 3-4 match. Am i the only one this unlucky in this bracket?
Here are the 3/9 of the games i've played today
submitted by nicolaj1994 to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:58 Boring_Coast178 Australia bans social media for under 16’s

Sam has spoken a lot about his relationship with Twitter and I imagine many of us agree. I would like him to have Jonathon Haidt on to discuss this.
This plan isn’t perfect but something has to be done. In my opinion.
What does everything think?

submitted by Boring_Coast178 to samharris [link] [comments]
