
2024.11.28 21:22 CMDR_Pumpkin_Muffin Thunderclouds

Thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds thunderclouds
What? You expected anything else during a zomber event?
submitted by CMDR_Pumpkin_Muffin to WarthunderSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Supernatantem In-person TCG trading etiquette?

Hello! I bought my first few Pokémon cards packs - Surging Sparks - yesterday and I have a few duplicates. I'm not interested in playing, mostly just collecting - the store I bought them from let me know that there's a casual player meet up on Sundays at the shop. I was wondering if there was any general etiquette or unspoken rules when it comes to in-person meetups, trading cards etc I have anxiety and autism, so I honestly have no idea what to expect - I know it's a bit of a silly question but I like to prepare as much as I can for next situations.
I only really have commons to trade, I'm not sure if people would even be interested in those. And do people expect you to take sleeves when trading?
Thank you in advance for any insight y'all might have!
submitted by Supernatantem to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Joey_Logano Thankful for Jordi.

Thankful for Jordi. submitted by Joey_Logano to GoNets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Most_Brush_7622 Bench time

If you time out on the bench do you get fired or laid off? Are you eligible for rehire? Any severance?
submitted by Most_Brush_7622 to accenture [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Similar-Mango-7106 I need some advice please

I’ve put £500 in solano in August because I saw a rich guy on Snapchat saying do it. I put in 500 and now it’s on 716£. I don’t know anything about crypto tbh and I found this sub and thought this would be the best place to ask. I appreciate any info
Option 1- withdraw entire amount. Option 2 - withdraw initial investment and hold profit Option 3- just leave Option 4 - = your personal advice
submitted by Similar-Mango-7106 to solana [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Opalia- Grades thing since everyone’s doing it.

How good/shit are they?
submitted by Opalia- to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 silverwyrm Me and the squad

Me and the squad submitted by silverwyrm to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 liejus AIO over my bf 'joke' about burning off calories

I still keep getting flashbacks of my now ex boyfriend's joke and overthinking it anxiously
It happened awhile ago, so my memory might be a little shifted, by i'll try my best lol
So, one night we had pizza for dinner and the following morning decided to go on a run. When we just started running he said something along the lines of needing to burn the calories off. I got triggered since I was struggling with anorexia, body dysmorphia, and bad relationship with food for around 8-9 years. I told him i didnt like it. Especially, as similar situations like him negatively commenting on his body/eating happened before. I also would speak up then and tell him that i dont want to hear those things even if they are not directed at me.
He said that i will have to get over it sooner or later and basically grow a thicker skin. We kept going back and forth the whole run for like 40min lol i was furious. I felt so unseen and not valid. His other big point was that in this way im limiting his 'creative freedom' lol and told me that it's very important for him to freely express himself and be free to say anything and joke around. Right..i get it..but oh man can you hear what big part of my life these things are huh...
At the end we made up, but im still resentful
Was i overreacting?
submitted by liejus to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 8k47u Caleb Williams looking at the game clock with the game on the line

Caleb Williams looking at the game clock with the game on the line submitted by 8k47u to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 ResponsibleLiving775 immagino spesso di morire

Quasi ogni giorno immagino varie situazioni in cui muoio a causa di incidenti o perché vengono uccisa. Specialmente mi focalizzo sulle probabili reazioni dei miei amici o familiari, oppure mi domando chi verrebbe al mio funerale, quale sarebbe il suo comportamento ecc. Tutto il “film mentale” é così ricco di particolari che alle volte mi viene pure da piangere. A livello psicologico cosa significa? E soprattutto lo fate pure voi?
submitted by ResponsibleLiving775 to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Jikmlpo Evoluindo o peitoral…

Evoluindo o peitoral… submitted by Jikmlpo to Conquistas [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 InformationFirst5505 Arkadaşlar böyle bir yerde yaşıyorum sizce nasıl?

Arkadaşlar böyle bir yerde yaşıyorum sizce nasıl? İroni amacıyla bu postu açtım yani ciddiye almayın amk
submitted by InformationFirst5505 to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 PkmnTrainSlate Theory about the Arc Suits, What they really are, and what Volo's goal is (Spoilers for the Leon Arceus Chapter)

Here's a TLDR at the very start: The Arc Suits are created from the powers of each of Arceus' plates being bestowed onto a trainer and pokemon. Volo's goal is to get Arceus' powers away from its main body to weaken it so he can defeat it once and for all.
My theory is: these Arc Suits are powered specifically by Arceus' plates, and that's going to lead to Arceus being weakened enough for Volo to try and capture it.
The Arc Suits are type-based powers given to Sync Pairs by Arceus. As it stands, only 4 trainers have been blessed with them: Cynthia, Steven, Lance, and Leon. The types thus far: Ground, Steel, Dragon, and Fire. We also have Bug and Dark in the code still, meaning those types are guaranteed too.
Now, where else have we seen Arceus using its powers to bless certain beings with its own powers? That's right: In Legends Arceus, with the Noble Pokemon. There were 10 Nobles, all blessed by the powers of Arceus, all of them having a specific one of Arceus' plates.
The Nobles, when in a Frenzy, also had waves of pure energy around them, not too different from the Arc Suit 'Halos', being four large points going in diagonal directions and being in the shape of a circle, just like Arceus' own ring.
Volo is also shown to be trying to get as many people as possible to gain an Arc Suit, as shown by him actively encouraging Leon to get an Arc Suit, trying to "sell the idea" to Leon (befitting of a merchant/salesman).
Why would he want other people to be blessed by Arceus, if he instead wants Arceus? Well, to answer that, we need to look back in the history of the series, back to the Arceus and the Jewel of Life movie.
In the Jewel Of Life movie, Arceus bestows its plates onto humanity to help them prosper. But when the time comes to return them, the humans retaliated and tried to subdue Arceus, which was only possible because they attacked it while it had less plates. Arceus' plates are said to be a part of its own self, so when it gave up its plates it gave up part of itself, causing it to not be as strong as it usually is.
I believe that Volo is now trying to get Arceus to bestow as much of its power onto different sync pairs, give them the power of its plates, to weaken it whenever it does arrive on Pasio (which was stated to be happening sometime "soon") so that he can defeat it and subdue it like he attempted to do in Hisui.
submitted by PkmnTrainSlate to PokemonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 jcoddinc The 11-1 Detroit Lions

The 11-1 Detroit Lions submitted by jcoddinc to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 ChloeMandeville Great Scott Farms Pickles

Happy thanksgiving!
Does anyone know where I can get the giant pickles that Great Scott Farms had at their fall festival?? Do they produce them? Looked in the shop before leaving and they didn’t have the whole pickle, just spears/chips. I should’ve asked if they sell them 😭
submitted by ChloeMandeville to orlando [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 ElkAltruistic6044 Klaus grillt ist im Recht!

Klaus grillt ist im Recht! submitted by ElkAltruistic6044 to Staiy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 slash1492 Cutting board!

Cutting board! Juice groove and handles turned out pretty terribly because I had to clamp the jig together (was supposed to come with thumb screw knobs) and the router base plate ended up slipping off the board and digging deeper into the divot I was cutting out, but overall pretty happy with it. Was going off of these plans by the wood whisperer
submitted by slash1492 to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 ThickSwim5370 Credit cards on card- to- card basis

Guys pls suggest some cards that are issued on card to card basis. Cibil score is 750. The oldest active card is 2 years old. Credit limit is 110000. My AU card application was rejected 3 months ago. My Cibil score then was 710.
submitted by ThickSwim5370 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Double-Setting6551 Stupid union demands

Whoever is negotiating for the union is actually deluded 11% is more than fair over 4 years. The average inflation rate is somewhere between 2-3 percent a year, but no after initially asking for 22% and being turned down, you come out asking for 24% instead now. Even the mediator deemed the demands unreasonable to the point negotiations had to be paused. Shame on you greedy fucks!
submitted by Double-Setting6551 to CanadaPost [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Heiluja Lights wont turn on (anyone had this?)

This is the most consistently reocurrimg nightmare I have experienced. In it I’m in my own house at night trying to turn on the lights, but they dont work. I still get this feeling that the lights are on and that everything is pretty normal, but I cant see almost anything and I cant make it brighter no matter what.
submitted by Heiluja to Nightmares [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 CharmingWedding1943 I want Sienna and Vicky to make out in T4. There needs to be an exotic lezbo interaction happening in this series.

submitted by CharmingWedding1943 to terrifier [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Sea_Incident_853 WB regidrago 6143 2118 2554

submitted by Sea_Incident_853 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Greentag55 Gold Hunter announces dual listing on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

submitted by Greentag55 to FrankfurtStockExchang [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Conebito Clean room

Clean room submitted by Conebito to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:22 Medical_Mastodon_408 The Winrock Mall Pyramid before being torn down.

The Winrock Mall Pyramid before being torn down. submitted by Medical_Mastodon_408 to Albuquerque [link] [comments]